Easter Hunt

Judy POV

Happy Easter everyone and I hope you had great one even when times I tough. I hope this brings light and joy into this dark time.

Easter has always been my favorite holiday. It's the same for Jude along with most rabbits and hares. For Easter has the Easter Bunny who's this large bunny who hides eggs with candy inside for kits. He's like Santa Claws for he knows about good and bad kits as well. The Easter Bunny hides them for both predators and preys. Which is filled with chocolate or candy. Which all majorly of kits love. For most kits do love their sweets and our friend Lucky loves them the most. If she could she would only eat sweets. If I could choose food I could always eat no matter what is my mother chili and for Jude, it would be grilled cheese. For Nick, it would be blueberries for sure. Knowing that Katheryn would have a hard time deciding. For she may be picky but routine very important to her. Catherynne would choose spaghetti and that's a great choice. For there are so many sauces out there along with bugballs and veggies. So Catherynne would have many choices.

Currently were sitting outside and in Jude and I front yard. Today is a beautiful day and perfect for being outside. It's a warm day and clear sky. There's no chance of rain today so that's good news for us. It has rained in the past and the egg hunt has been postponed but never canceled. Even when hard times happened the egg hunt went on. For we all came together as a community to make it happen. That's so wonderful that it happens. Also we're sitting in a circle.

"Oh, I can't wait for the Easter egg hunt!" Lucky said excitingly

Lucky would jump to the roof if she could with her excitement. Having a hard time sitting still and knowing ADHD has a play in that. Jude and I understand for we have siblings who have ADHD. But we can't know how it feels. With her energy, she'll get a lot of eggs and there's a lot of them. It makes sense for the eggs are cheap and easy to storage. They keep track of them and don't mind if a few go missing. For some kits keep them and they remember where they hide them. They have workers to keep things in order. For fights have happened but nothing that too serious. Just arguments between kits. There have been a few injuries and once again nothing that's serious. Sometimes we kits can get reckless and have to much fun.

"It's going to be a lot of fun," Katheryn said

"They truly are and I'm going enjoy as long as I can," Skye said

It's Nick, Catherynne, Katheryn, Ienzo, Skye, Foxy, and Lucky who's joining us today. Finnick scoring in Zootopia for he knows he has no chance in Bunnyburrow. I'm surprised that Foxy came along for she's the same age as us but she's older mental wise. So she's growing up faster than us. But we're still good friends with each other. Jude and I know that's going to happen to us. For everyone grows up but not all keep a kit at heart. For we're all kits deep inside no matter how old we get. Evie off on special egg hunt with her brother and other military kits. Manfredi is with his family for he has a big one. So his holidays are always with his family. We know that he enjoys it. Gabriel is enjoying Easter with his family.

"Of course for egg hunts are always fun," Jude said

"I agree," I say

"It's fun for we get lots of sweets!" Lucky said excitingly excitingly

"I like the designs of the eggs most," Nick said

"Me too," Skye said

Of course, the artist would say that and there are some nicely decorated eggs. For they're not always plain colors. Jude and I have found artistic eggs. I think the most artistic egg was one that was decorated with swirls and it looked so cool. Jude told me about this egg with colorful dots.

"I like yellow or flower eggs," Katheryn said, "oh yes Disney too."

"For me, it's colorful eggs," Catherynne said, "and Disney for me too."

Katheryn's favorite color is yellow and she loves flowers. So much that she doesn't let Nick help take care of her flowers since he has a black thumb. Katheryn never forgot about the daisy and either has Nick. Because of so he sticks to gardening by art. That's the only way that he can make flowers and plants grow. Jude and I, can grow flowers and plants because we know how to. Jude and I learned how as soon as we could walk and speak. That's how early we learn that we can have to be farmers and florists. Farming is growing crops or orchards. Jude and I family grow carrots but we do have other vegetables. Along with blueberries that Nick loves so much. We like to get apples from the Underwood family farm. They're Yarkand hares and they have great orchard farm. Their apples great and popular with many. Catherynne loves a lot of colors and both are huge Disney lovers. I can say the same for Jude and me along with Nick and Skye. I'm sure our friends are the same way.

"I like them all for they have candy," Lucky said

"Of course you'll say that," Foxy said

"Reminds me of our younger sibling who loves anything sugar," Jude said

What Lucky said is totally her for she doesn't care about what the egg looks like but what's inside. Lucky loves anything sweet even if was carrot flavored hard candy. In which exist and it shouldn't for carrot flavored be only baked good like a cookie or cake. For cake carrot is good but carrot flavored candy is bad. Carrot ice cream is alright and carrot cookies are great.

"Yes, she does," I say

"Well, you can have my carrot flavored candy," Catherynne said

"Hurrah more candy for me," Lucky said excitingly

Everyone believes that rabbits and hares love anything carrots. Since many rabbits are carrot farmers that must be true. In a matter of fact, it's not. Catherynne surprises the majority of mammals when she states she hates carrots. Mammals believe in stereotypes and that's bad. For many stereotypes are bad for they hurt innocent mammals. Like foxes are hurt because many believe that they're shifty and untrustworthy. In a matter of fact, it's not true. For anyone can be shifty and untrustworthy. Remembering that Jude and I grandfather used to believe that foxes came from the devil because they're red. Katheryn was the one to tell him off. Never going to forget the surprised look on his face when she did. He got what he deserved.

"Which would be gone before you know it," Katheryn said

"Then I'll just get more," Lucky said happily

"Well, that's true," Skye said

There's no way to crush Lucky when it comes to candy. For she's right about that she can always get more. Nick thinks the same with blueberries and Katheryn with guacamole and red velvet. Knowing she loves guacamole so much and can have it with almost everything. I would believe she'll enjoy guacamole ice cream. Jude and I do love guacamole as well but not as much as well Katheryn does.

"I'm going to have the most candy," Lucky said excitingly

"Maybe but the most eggs for I will," Nick said playfully

"Only if you somehow can beat Foxy and chances of you doing so is low." Ienzo said, "But I could do it."

Sometimes I forget that Ienzo is a quiet kit and speaks little. Those I always know that he has a book on paw for he's a huge bookworm. Knowing he's going to read more books than Jude and I can ever read. Nick was rising and now has fallen. Of course, his feelings weren't really hurt. Foxy really smart and she would put a plan into action to get the most eggs. For Jude and I, we make sure we leave eggs for our younger siblings. Katheryn told us that Kaia did the same thing for her. For that's what good older siblings do.

"He got you there," Katheryn said

"Nice one Ienzo," Jude said

"Thank you," Ienzo said

"That he did and got to watch yourself Ienzo," Nick said playfully

"Well of course and I'm ready for you," Ienzo said

We laugh at that and that's Nick alright. He always makes sure he's on top. Of course the majority of the time it backfires on him but he never gives up. It's always great to see how he playfully gets someone back. Nick never sets out to hurt someone. For he doesn't want to be a bully. Those sometimes we hurt others without meaning too. We can all be a bully in points of our lives. Some like bullying do they keep on doing it. Or that's all they think it's normal for that's how they lived. Gideon bullies because he likes it. Jude and I know that he gets a sense of power doing so. Because of that, he won't stop any time soon. Jude and I can handle him. We'll defend the ones who he bullies and we stand up for ourselves. Even

when it can be hard to stand up for ourselves.

"Can we go yet? " Lucky asked

"No, they're still counting the eggs for this hunt." Jude said, "We're noon and still have a bit of time to spare."

"We do and it won't take us long to get to the park." I say "So have patience."

"That's overrated and you know it," Lucky said

I know what's Lucky talking about for I don't have the best patience at times. Jude must have gotten all the patience between us. Lucky has barely any patience. Knowing that ADHD has a part of it. She hates being kept still and she loves being on the move.

"You'll learn the importance of patience," Foxy said

"I know that already." Skye said

"Maybe but I don't care at the moment," Lucky said

"Yep, that's you alright," Catherynne said

We all laugh and Lucky has a big smile on her face. Foxy shakes her head and knows there's no reasoning with her in a matter like that. But that just Lucky and she's great for who she is. Like like for Jude and I. Along with our non bigot family and friends. Jude and I still have family members who are bigoted against foxes even those they know how foxes truly are. For they chose to believe in lies. Never giving our fox friends a chance. They hate that foxes are allowed to be part of the Easter egg hunt. Even with other preys and predators. They believe it should be only for rabbits and hares. Even those the Easter Bunny wants Easter for everyone. Everyone deserves to decorate and find Easter eggs.

"Can we go now?" Lucky asked

A few minutes have passed and we have been hanging around. Just talking about random things like always do. Lucky gets up from the ground and some grass has stuck on her. For someone recently mowed the grass. Which always smells nice after they do. Knowing to Lucky a lifetime has passed for her.

"No!" I say

Lucky sits back down with a cute pout on her face. Jude and I used to do that when we were younger. Hoping that we would get to our parents or older siblings. Of course, it never worked. Now our younger siblings do it for us to see if they can get us. Jude and I show they don't. Those we will always love each other.

"Fine and what's your guy's favorite Easter candy? Lucky said, "Obviously mines everything."

"Don't you already know that?" Foxy asked

"Of course but I love talking about candy!" Lucky said excitingly

That's Lucky alright and we all laugh. Lucky does know our favorite candies and its fun to talk about. For tastes can change as you grow and get older. Those currently it's the same for Jude and I. It would be the same for our friends. Yep Lucky loves all candy and that's not going to change.

"Chocolate eggs," Skye said

"Jellybeans!" Katheryn and Catherynne said excitingly

"Especially sour ones," Katheryn said

That's Katheryn and Catherynne alright. Sometimes they act like their twins for they are alike in many ways. Hence why they get each other so well and have a best friend relationship. They paw five each other and we laugh. Both of them love jellybeans so much. So they have to stock up jellybeans for they only appear around Easter. Knowing that both of their parents do that for them. Katheryn loves sour candy a lot and everyone gets by surprised by that. For they think since she Autistic she would hate sour things and that's far from the truth. For she loves sour candy so much and just like how much Lucky loves sweets.

"I love chocolate bunnies," Ienzo said

"It's the same for me," Jude said

"Marshmallow eggs," I say

"Yuck for me," Katheryn said

"Yes for me," Catherynne said

We all have different tastes for sure. Knowing that Katheryn doesn't like marshmallows but Catherynne does. So they're alike but different as well. There's a lot in Marshmallow eggs makes sense why she doesn't like it. I get my love for that from Jude and my mother. For she loves them so much and our dad loved chocolate. Seeing that Nick and Foxy has a sly smile on their faces.

"Meeps," Foxy said

"Meeps!" Nick said

"No way for me!" Katheryn said

"I agree with you," Catherynne said

"Meeps are yummy," Skye said

"Nah just pure sugar," Ienzo said

"Also they're fun to do art with." Nick said

"Yes that's true." Skye said

"Ienzo speaks the truth!" Katheryn said happily "Oh Skye you're right and I only love Meeps that way."

"I agree with you again." Catherynne said

"That makes them great!" Lucky said excitingly

We all laugh as hard as we can. Meeps are favorite among many and one of the most popular Easter candy. Jude and I enjoy it and so do many family members. So popular it will branch out to other holidays like Halloween and Christmas. For in the past Meeps only came around Easter. So Peep lovers had to stock up on them. Yes mammals have made art with just Meeps and they hold a contest very Easter. Which always a joy to see such talent with food art. Jude and I always look forward to seeing them. Knowing that Skye and Nick are the same and now Katheryn and Catherynne too. Seeing that the three them high paw each other. We're having so much fun and can't wait for more fun.

"Alright now we can get going," Jude said

"Finally!" Lucky said excitingly

Of course Lucky the first one to get up and would start walking if she wanted to. But she wouldn't be rude to us. So we all get up and take out our Easter baskets. Jude's basket is red and mines purple. Foxy just a wood basket. Nick and Skye's are artistically decorated for Easter. Ienzo's basket is blue with music notes. Catherynne basket is Disney and Katheryn has a flower basket.

"So how many eggs are there?" Lucky asked excitingly

"Too many to keep track of," I say

"So you'll get a lot of candy," Jude said

"That's a very true statement but they always know the eggs the Easter Bunny left," Catherynne said

The Easter Bunny is a lot like Santa Claws. Having magical abilities as he does. The Easter Bunny has great speed and so fast you blink and miss the Easter Bunny. Also has great insight so the Easter Bunny knows where to hide the eggs. Also has artistic skill to paint eggs. Many have shown what the Easter Bunny looks like. So have Nick and Skye and both versions are great. Maybe someday we will see the Easter Bunny.

"You had me at candy," Lucky said excitingly

"Of course they did." Katheryn said, "I can't wait to see flower eggs."

"Can't wait to be Foxy," Ienzo said

"That won't happen for Foxy the greatest," Lucky said

Lucky and Foxy high paw each other. Lucky and Foxy do have a best friend type of friendship. It's the same for her with Evie and Manfredi. We all have best friends and for me, it's Jude and Nick. For Nick its Katheryn, Finnick, Skye, and I. For Katheryn, it's Nick, Catherynne, and Ienzo. It's the same for Ienzo and Katheryn. Jude's best friends with Evie, Gabriel, and I. I'm sure that the three of them are having lots of fun. Walking around Bunnyburrow and there are flowers everywhere. Many are out on a beautiful day and enjoying their Easter. Just like we're going to enjoy ours.

"I see the park!" Lucky said excitingly

Lucky jumps into the air as she points to the park. It's a large park to and at the beginning of the park is this sweet playground. Jude and I play on it all the time. Our friends enjoy the park as well and we enjoy sweet parks in Zootopia. Then the rest of the park is this wonderful nature wonderland. Where you can have picnics and parties. So Jude and I spend a lot of time there as well. Seeing that we're going to be one of the first here. Those it doesn't matter who's first for everyone gets a fair chance. There are police officers around making sure everything goes well. The sheriff is in charge and his name is Danny Redstone and he's a Red wolf. A few years older than my parents and he's been on the force for so long. It's why he was voted sheriff. He's a friendly and good mammal. I want to be a police officer just like he is and sheriff Redstone doesn't think I'm crazy. So I'm glad that a police officer believes in me.

"I'm so excited. Skye said

"I'm going to win," Foxy said

"Not if I do," Ienzo said

"I'm just going to focus on all the candy I'll get," Lucky said happily

Of course, they would start a contest. Of course, they're not going to so into it. For they're just doing it for fun. Ienzo and Foxy have that look in their eyes. The rest of us are going to have fun and just get eggs. Knowing that they're going to beat us. Can't wait to see who's going to win between the two of them. Jude looks over at me and gives me a sly smile. Well, Jude and I are going to have more fun with each other.

"Well good luck to the both of you." Katheryn said, "I'm rooting for Ienzo."

"I'm rooting for Foxy!" Lucky

"I would go with Ienzo as well." Skye said, "Violinist will stick together."

"Thank you, Katheryn and Skye," Ienzo said

"I'm neutral." Nick said

"We're the same," Jude and I say

"I'm with them." Catherynne said

"Of course I know I have your support Lucky," Foxy said

We all laugh and this going to be so much fun. Seeing that Skye and Katheryn smile. I wish I could have great skill in music them and like our older sister Gayle. She's a talented pianist and we love hearing her play. A few minutes later a lot of kits come along and is see a few family members. I wave to them and they wave back. We got bags so we can keep our eggs without overflowing our baskets. There's an adults that will keep a look out for their kits. They can't help unless their kit needs it. There's sensory egg hunts for those who need it. For everyone deserves to have fun with egg hunts.

"Alright the Easter Rabbit hid a lot of eggs this year and its your job to find them all. Remember no fighting for there's eggs for everyone. There will be no stealing or hiding eggs that already hidden. If you break the rules to many times you loose all your eggs." Danny said "Remember there's this grand Easter egg spot that the Easter Rabbit hides every year. A lucky kit can have treasure load of eggs. Now the Easter Egg Hunt of 2014 will begin on the count of three."

There's plentiful of officers and adults to keep things in order. For there's some kits that will cause some trouble. But nothing that to serious that kits have be taken away. From what Jude and I heard. For kits can be arrested for I learned that from sheriff Redstone. Everyone knows about the grand spot were a bunch of eggs are. The Easter rabbit chances it every year. The lucky kit who finds it would have a lot of eggs to their collection. Seeing that Ienzo and Foxy smile at each other. Of course, Lucky has the biggest smile on her face. She's imagining all that candy. Everyone gets ready to start running and no one should crash into each other. Danny counts down and we all take off once the time is ready.

"We'll see you later!" Nick said

"Of course," I say

We're all going to go in our own ways and may see each other a few times. Just focusing on getting eggs and having a blast with that. Seeing Jude and our friends head in their own ways. So I do I and I grab my first egg which is this plain pink egg. I place that in my basket and grab another egg that's close by.

"Alright this going to be a lot of fun." I say

I have been gathering eggs left and right because of so I'm getting a good amount of eggs. Some get to them before me and I let younger kits have some before me. For I don't need so many eggs to have fun. I have seen my friends having lots of fun and Jude as well. From what I looked he gotten more eggs this year. For us it switches every year for last year I got the most eggs. There's only been one time that we tie and that was lucky chance.

"You're really getting at this year." I say happily

I'm glad that Jude having so much fun and I'm having so much fun as well. Grabbing another egg from a tree branch. This one another flower one and Katheryn would enjoy this flower. I only saw her once so far. Seeing that Catherynne over to my far right and getting another flower egg. Her basket in front of her so I can't tell how many eggs she has. Brought her bag for the hunt and her favorite kind of bag.

"Gideon." I say quietly

"I got another one." Travis said

"Nice sight and I didn't see that one." Gideon said

Seeing that Gideon is also here and with his best friend Travis. In the past he caused a bit of trouble but not so much that he wouldn't be able to do the egg hunt. So he enjoys it and wouldn't risk not able to do it. So I guess he's not all bad but he's still a bully. Grabbing another egg hidden in bush and both walk pass me. Gideon stops and has mean look in his eyes.

"You got a get out bullying today and tomorrow you're not." Gideon said

Gideon and Travis walk away after that and I can hear them grabbing eggs that they see. I'm surprised that Gideon did that for he always has something mean to say to Jude and I. Shaking my head and refocusing and head back egg hunting. Finding this neat star purple egg and place it in my basket. Walking around some more and getting eggs that I see and leaving some for us.

Walking around and focus on getting a green egg with white dots. I crash into another kit as I do and see he was grabbing the same egg. Both us fall to the ground and we're not hurt. Picking up my fallen eggs and see that he's doing the same. Both of us get up a few moments later. Looking to see he's a Yarkand hare and he's an Underwood for sure. Those I haven't seen him around. I see that he's tall with a slender built. Just like most rabbits and hares have for we're so active. His fur is sandy brown with grayish-black stripes and having white ventral pelage. So he looks an Underwood's in Bunnyburrow.

"I'm sorry about that," I say "You're an Underwood aren't you? I'm a Hopps and Judy Hopps or Judith Laverne Hopps to be exact."

"Nah it was my fault and yes I am. You know your hare and rabbit families. I do know about your family and you have the best farm from what I heard. My name is Demetrius Oak Underwood." Demetrius said, "I live in Meadowlands and I know you know that's in Zootopia."

"Thank you and you have the best orchards." I say "We love your apples and cider."

That would explain why I never saw him before. Never knew that Underwood's had a farm in Zootopia and we don't. Those our crops do get deliver to Zootopia and we make good money because of so. Makes sense why in Meadowlands for that would be great place to have orchard farm. I know their apples and cider would be the same.

"Why thank you Judy," Demetrius said, "Anyway this egg is yours for you touch it first."

"That would be fair." I say

I take the egg that now fallen to the ground and play it in my basket. Seeing that Demetrius has low amount eggs so far and he must be hunting with younger family members. For he would be the same age as me. Either a younger or older by few months or days. So he's a great older brother, uncle, and cousin. I can tell that he's kind and friendly. So he would make a great friend.

"Uncle Demetrius!"

"Yes it would and I would love to stay and chat but I have egg hunt to go on with my younger niece. She's beating me by a lot." Demetrius said, "So I'll see you later Judy. I hope to meet Jude and your other friends."

"I see that she's great finder." I say "You do know your Hopps and I'll see you later. I hope that's soon."

Yep he's a great older family member and reminds me of Jude and I. He's kind, friendly, and charming as well. I know I'm smiling right now. Seeing that Demetrius has a smile on his face and he's enjoying it. He heads over to his niece and I look to see Daisy and she's an Underwood I know. For she's good friends with some my younger siblings. Daisy points to an egg out of her reach and Demetrius helps her get it. I smile and move on to get some more eggs. I find another plan blue egg near a tree.

"Wow you're so fast."

"Be careful young one."

"I totally I am and I will officer." Lucky said

I see Brandon and he's a nice rabbit. Seeing that he some eggs in basket. Looking to see that Lucky well being Lucky. Seeing that she has a lot of eggs and is running as fast as she can. An officer watching and doing her job. I don't know her name at the top of my head but she's a mother for sure. For that's the tone Jude and I mom has. Lucky can go so fast and hurt herself by accident. Those noting that to serious and happens a lot. Seeing Lucky quickly grabs another egg and I find a blue one with white flowers.

"Hi and bye!" Lucky said quickly

Lucky takes off and does dodge a large root. I see the female police shake her head but has her smile on her face. So I head another way and walk for a bit. Finding another egg and its a plain pink egg. Placing in my basket and its getting full. My bag is almost full too and knowing the egg hunt coming to end soon. So I look for more eggs and finding a few hidden ones.

"Alright times up." I say

The Easter egg hunt sound goes off and everyone knows to go back to the playground. I have discovered a good amount of eggs. So I'm going to enjoy some good candy. I wave over at Skye and she heads over to me. So we'll walk together and it won't take long.

"Nice collection of eggs." Skye said

"Same for you." I say

Seeing that Skye has a ball full of them and more in her basket. I believe she has few more than me. But that's alright for I have a lot of fun. Knowing that she did as well. So we talk about our egg hunt and how much fun we had. A few minutes later we join Jude and our friends.

"I got so much candy!" Lucky said happily

"Well not as much as me." Foxy said

"I would say the same." Ienzo said

Looking over at Lucky and see she already gotten some her eggs open. Surprisingly she still has all her candy. Littering is law and you do pay a fine if you litter. First time is small and it just gets bigger each time you do. As for kits we have do community service to learn a lesson and pay if we don't learn. We're serious about keeping our home and world clean. Ienzo and Foxy gives each other playful stares.

"Well I found a blueberry one." Nick said

"Lots of flowers for me." Katheryn said

"I found ones that drawn my attention." Skye said

"Same for me." Jude said

"Mom going to mad at you." I say

"Yes I was having to much fun."

Looking over at Jude and he's a mess. Luckily he's wearing old clothes or mom would have riot. He's going to need a bath and change of clothes. For his so dirty and his clothes are mess. It recently rained but nothing that would make him messy unless he wanted to be. So he has to explain to mom and that will be some story.

"I would do that in normal clothes." Katheryn said

"I couldn't do it that much." Catherynne said

Katheryn does loves to be one if nature and getting dirty. Those if she's wearing special clothes she doesn't for Katheryn doesn't want them to get messy for they're special. Seeing that there's a little dirty and grass. So she was having like Jude was. Catherynne does a little bit for she does like to garden but Katheryn loves it.

"I grabbed eggs I saw them and left some for others." I say

"Same for me twin sis." Jude said

"Of course we can the same mind wave." I say

Knowing that everyone coming back and that will take a few minutes. Then Danny going to say who found he special egg spot. I wonder who found this year for it switches every year. For it's in a new place each year. I don't know when it started happening but it did happen one and hasn't stopped yet.

I hope it last for years for its fun trying to find them. Seeing that Ienzo, Foxy, and Jude are counting their eggs. So I sit next to Jude and count as well.

"I found sixty-six." Jude said

"I found fifty-three." I say

"Next year my year." I say said

"We have to wait and see." Jude said

Both of laugh hard and Jude won another. I placed my candy in my bag as I counted my eggs. Jude did as well for that's how you do it best. Knowing that's what Lucky did as well for she wanted to see the candy she got. Foxy and Ienzo are focused on counting theirs and will get their candy after their down. Katheryn taking pictures and knowing she has been doing that all day. Going to have grand photo-book this year.

"Seventy-five for me." Ienzo said

"Eighty for me." Foxy said

"Way to go I knew you could do it." Lucky said

"A hundred and twenty." Katheryn said

"Hun?" Foxy asked

Everyone is surprised by Katheryn answer and she has a smile on her face. Looking back at her and her bag full of candy and she second bag as well. There's a bunch of eggs around her and many of them are flowers, yellow, and Disney. Since she's sitting by others I figured that the eggs got grouped together.

"I got hundred twenty eggs," Katheryn said "so what do I win?'

That's a lot of eggs that she found and that's the most she ever gotten. For our friends told us about their past egg hunts. Katheryn always gathers what she loves most and is nice to leave eggs for others. Everyone surprised that she found so many.

"You have earned my everlasting friendship." Ienzo said

"Hey I already have that," Katheryn said "You own me sour candy!"

Ienzo sees Katheryn getting up and he takes off. Katheryn takes right behind him. Of course, we know that they're messing with each other. Watching them chase each other and avoiding others. Both them have smiles and are laughing. So that makes us smile.

"Congrats on another successful egg hunt. You have found all eggs of 2014 and I hope you all have the fun time and gathered a lot of eggs. For we saw everyone having fun and only a little trouble this year. I'm proud that someone stood up and another helped another." Danny said

Knowing that has to be Gideon and that's why he was acting weird. Looking over at him and by the look on his face looks to be the truth. So I wonder who stood up to him and who helped another. Whoever stood up to him brave mammal and whoever helped is a kind mammal. Gideon loses his confident when someone stands up to him so he stops and does it another time. Maybe someday someone can stop him for good. But I don't that for he won't change for the better. Not because he's a fox but for he likes being a bully from what Jude and I see.

"We're about to find out who found it." Jude said

"I didn't that's for sure." Lucky said

"There's always next time." Skye said

"She's right and I'll be the one." Nick said

"I highly doubt that." I say

"Well I'll find it first." Jude said

"I'll figure it out.' Foxy said

"Not if I do." Catherynne said

We all laugh hard and its so nice. Everyone talking about it for I can hear it due to my great hearing and so does Jude. Those we don't listen in for that's really rude. It's nice to know that our friends enjoyed the egg hunt. Someday we're going to in Zootopia and that's going to be lots of fun.

"This year the special spot was found by two young kits," Danny said, "Katheryn and Marie found it together. This year was sixty eggs and they divided together. Showing that kindest and teamwork is the way to go. For together they found the secret spot."

So it was Katheryn who helped another and Gideon wouldn't have bullied Marie. For she's too young and is Autistic. So he does have morals about who are bully victims so that's good news at least. So we don't know who stood up too him. Marie is six and would be what they called low functioning. Also nonverbal and she's a gray wolf. I have seen her around and know she loves playing finding games. Also she's really good at them. She doesn't like getting dirty and that would explain why Katheryn was. Marie clapping and reacting so I can tell she's so happy. Marie has headphones but she does understand what Danny said. Many believe she's stupid but she's not for she thinks in her own way and there's nothing wrong with that. Looking over at Katheryn and she still having fun with Ienzo and he's having fun as well.

"Well its easy to tell how she won." Foxy said "I'm proud of her."

"Me too." Nick said

"Same for me." Catherynne said

"Yes it is," I say

Thirty eggs would add a lot to her collection. Knowing she would share half them and if was uneven she would given Marie more.. For Katheryn doesn't like odd numbers. Marie now waves over to Katheryn and she waves back with a smile on her face. I'm glad that Marie found another and someone who understands her. This years egg hunt was lot of fun and I'm glad that Jude and I got to enjoy with our friends.

Author note, I hope enjoyed this story and I enjoyed writing it. I don't find it hard to imagine that Easter would be among favorite for rabbits and hares. Also I can see Bunnyburrow having this huge egg hunt for kits to enjoy. I love jellybeans and sour candy. Obviously Meeps are Peeps. As you saw I don't like eating Peeps but I like seeing the artwork people do for Easter. Demetrius is special character and he'll appear again. I see mammals caring much more about their planet then we are so they always clean up after themselves. Hence why we didn't see litter in Zootopia. I'm the one who's nice and left eggs behind for others to enjoy. I love my Winnie Pooh eggs that I had since I was a little kid. Enjoying yellow, flower, and Disney eggs of course. For I'm huge Disney fan. Kuddos to those to figure out the Easter egg conversion between Foxy, Ienzo, and Katheryn. So I hope you're all doing well and until next readers.