Chapter 2: The Mysterious Alien & Luna Shirogane

"W-What… is this… am I… dreaming?"

The first thing Geo realized when she came to, was that the girl found herself floating inside what seemed to be a dark void. Or what she supposed felt to that effect. Looking around to the best of her abilities, she racked her brain, trying her best to remember what happened. It wasn't long before her eyes widened, as memories from last night started flooding in.

"That's right…" She murmured, "I remember seeing a… bright light, before… collapsing to the ground."

"...Xis… y. . . um! Re… he. . . . meda… key… NOW!"

"Huh?" Her thoughts were cut off by a flash of blinding light. Making Geo wince momentarily until it died down, the sudden dark void shifted to Geo now floating in deep space. Surprising her, but that itself was nothing to the sight before her. Floating far across from her still body was a bunch of strange beings that Geo had never seen before in her life. Rather, she was positive no human had ever witnessed such a thing for as long as mankind has been around.

"Are those… Aliens…?" It was hard to tell as most of them were shrouded in darkness. The teen straining her eyes just to see a faint outline of their shapes and figure.

One of them, however, was different; floating before all the other silhouettes. Though it's back was turned, from what Geo could see, it had a wild beastly appearance to it. Noted by the spiky appearance. It was bright neon green in color, and had dark blue and white armor, as best as she could put it. She didn't know what they were.

Judging from the way they were positioned, Geo came to the conclusion that this had to be some kind of memories of some sort. "Are they his?" She whispered, eyeing the blue and green alien before her. She jumped when she heard the being start to… well, she assumed it was chuckling.

"...rry… b..t- . . ., can... I?"

After a brief moment of silence between the two sides. The green alien shot off, darting into the far distance like a laser were multiple voices screamed, barking over one another along the lines of 'After him' or 'Don't let him escape'. That was the last bit of memory Geo was able to see before a white flash covered her field of vision.


Geo winced visibly, her eyes were bombarded to the harshly lights hanging above in the room she was now residing in. A hand slowly rubbing her eyes, giving it time to adjust while taking in her new surroundings.

"Now where am I?" She muttered.

"Geo! Oh thank goodness, you're alright!"

Geo was brought of her thoughts by a relief filled voice. Turning her head, she was greeted to her mother staring down at her, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.

"Mom?" She tried to sit up, only to nearly lose her balance when her mother pulled her into a sudden embrace, "What are you- what happened?!"

"Oh, I was worried sick," Cried the mother, ignoring her daughter in favor of holding her close "When I got a call earlier saying that you were found unconscious. I immediately came straight here."

"Where am I?" Geo pressed, desperately trying to get some answers from her still distraught mother.

Calming down, Hope pulled away from her daughter. "You're inside the infirmary room, within the Satella Police Station." She answered, surprising the young teenager. "I had gotten a call from them a while back, apparently there had been a huge flash of light. One of the detectives had found you unconscious near the source of where it occurred."

Satella Police; Geo remembered studying about them. If she remembered right, they were a well-known police force that specialized in dealing with/deleting EM Viruses, while still watching over the city like regular officers. She shook her head softly, to think that she would end up getting picked up by them of all people. Just what the heck happened while she was- wait…

"How long was I out?!" She asked, almost sounding like a demand. Though Hope didn't seem to mind the sudden outburst.

"As far as I'm aware, roughly a couple of hours; two at best, I believe?"

"Two hours?!" She brought a hand to her head, a flood of pain crashing down on her. The sudden action worrying the single mother. Making her put a hand on her shoulder

"Sweetie, are you feeling alright?!"

Geo waved it off, feeling the pain start to subside, "I-I'm fine, it was… just a small headache." She tried to assure, but the frown present on her mother's face told Geo that she wasn't buying it one bit. Fortunately, before the mature brunette could ask any questions. A voice interrupted their conversations.

"Well, it seems that you're awake now."

Both ladies turned their attention to the new party entering the room. The person was an average height man with a slight hunch, who looked to be about in his mid to late 30s. Fair skin with dark hair spiked out at the back; he also had wildly fuzzy eyebrows that seem to give him a permanent scowl on his face. He wore a simple long sleeve button t-shirt, a long orange tie that was tucked into his dark brown pants, and black shoes. To finish his appearance, he had on a green trenchcoat, a dark blue Satella police issued Transer.

And lastly, on his head was an… antenna?

Geo squinted her eyes in disbelief "W-Wha…?"

The man paid the expression no heed as he approached the bedridden girl. "How are you feeling, any nausea or injuries?" He asked, his tone while polite, was all business. Catching the young lady off guard before she recovered with a nod.

"Uh, y-yes I'm fine." She cast a quick side glance at her mother, hoping she wouldn't say anything. But fortunately, she seemed as though she had no intention of speaking out. She turned her attention back to the older man. "Um, and you are?"

"I'm Detective Bob Copper, member of the Satella Police." He introduced, "I was the one who had found you near the sight of the disturbance. I'd like to ask you some questions."

Geo looked at her mother, who offered a soft smile in return. Figuring that there was no real harm in the matter she nodded. "Uh, sure."

"We detected some strange reading around the area where that bright flash of light had occurred." The detective began, "Since you happened to be at the sight during that time. Did you by chance see anything strange or out of the ordinary?"

'You mean aside from that very same strange light that almost killed me?' She retorted mentally, before shaking her head. As much as she wanted to give that answer, she stopped herself. What exactly WAS that she saw earlier? Was it real, just her mind playing tricks on her when it came to those two EM waves clashing with each other? It had certainly felt real when she felt the impact of the pillar of light. And the fact that she woke up in a new place only solidified that those events happened.

"Well?" Copper's voice snapped her out of her musings. "Did you notice anything out of the ordinary?"

"...No. I didn't." She said finally after a moment of silence. "I was just out there star gazing when I had apparently blacked out. Next thing I know, I'm waking up here."

She figured it was best to keep what she saw to herself. If only for her sake of mind and peace, she just had the gut feeling that claiming she saw something earlier, would just bring her more trouble than she'd actually want in her life.

Besides, how bad could a little white lie hurt?

Copper looked at the teenager before him for a few long seconds, his face indiscernible of any readable emotions. The very sight actually unnerved Geo for a moment. As she did her best not to squirm or cower under the scrutinizing gaze.

"Alright then," Spoke Copper after what felt like forever, "I suppose I shouldn't rely too much on you. Seeing as how everything happened in a blink of an eye. To be honest, we're not fully quite sure what that sudden appearance of EM waves is either." He finished, running a hand through his hair.

Geo quietly let out a sigh of breath she wasn't even aware she had been holding.

"And are you sure that you're okay? No illness of any kind." Seeing the girl shake her head, he sighed once more. "Very well, I see no other reason to keep you all here then. You can go."

Hope smiled, standing before giving the detective a polite bow. "Thank you for everything, detective."

The older man merely waved it off with a shrug, "Think nothing of it, but I want you to inform me the moment you see any form of suspicious activities going on around here. Just a hunch that something will be happening soon enough around these areas."

The mother and daughter nodded, giving the man another bow.


"Soo... you gonna tell me what REALLY happened out at the Vista Point?"

Geo blinked, looking up to her grinning mother. The two of them were alone in Hope's car, driving back to their home when the mother hit her daughter with that unexpected question.

"Excuse me," The teen spoke up after regaining herself, "I-I… I don't understand what you're…"

Hope giggled, "Oh please honey," She stopped at a red light, staring forward ahead out at the night street, "I'm your mother, I know you well enough to know when you're telling the truth. And when you're purposely keeping something to yourself. Sixteen years later, and that's still one trait you have not broken."

Geo opened her mouth to retort, but quickly realized she had a point. Hope's giggle turned into soft laughter at the light blush dusting her daughter's cheeks, "It's okay, I understand that you didn't want to talk to the detective on the matter. Whatever happened must be bothering you to a point that you want to keep it to yourself."

She placed a comforting hand on Geo's shoulder, "I'll listen, but only when you're ready to talk about it. Okay?"

Geo remained quiet, before looking up gratefully at her mother, "Thanks, mom."

Hope smiled and nodded, "Right then," She started driving off as the light shifted to green, "Right then, how about we eat out tonight? With everything that happened tonight, I didn't have a chance to cook anything."

Geo winced, "Sorry." She muttered, making Hope laugh.

"Hey, no apologizing, after all, this gives me the excuse of not wanting to make anything. I deserve a bit of a break every once in a while." She said, winking playfully. Geo chuckling softly at the answer.

"Alright then."

With that, the two Stelar women drove off. Looking to have a pleasant Mother/Daughter evening with one another. Not realizing that the peaceful days that would revolve around this city would soon be numbered.


"Geo, sweetie?"


"Hope giggled softly at the mop of brown hair slowly poking its way out of the covers of her daughter's bed. The owner of said messy hair, looking like a cute little gremlin with all that drowsiness all over her face. It was actually pretty amusing to the single mother.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm heading out to work today, so if you're planning on heading out. Make sure to lock up properly." Hope said, looking down at her daughter.

"Right, got it," Geo said, rather absentmindedly thanks to the exhaustion.

"Also, please make sure to go to the hospital, like I asked."

There was a brief touch of silence before a sigh could be heard coming from Geo's lips. "Alright," She uttered, bringing a smile to the mother's face.

"Good, I'll be heading out now. Be safe and I'll see you later." With that, Hope made her way out. Leaving Geo to shuffle in her sheets for a bit before sitting up. Letting out a huge yawn in the process. Glancing at the time, she noticed it read: 7:46 am.

"I think I can sleep for another hour or so." Geo murmured, leaning her head back down into her pillow.


"Or… maybe not…" Hearing the incessant doorbell buzzing grow louder. Geo growled, ripping the covers off her body and trudging down the stairs. Whoever was ringing her front door like this, better have a good explanation for the teen.

Otherwise, they'll learn really quickly why Geo Stelar was NOT a morning person.


"Prez, are you sure this Geo guy's even home?"

Standing in front of the Stelar were three students from Hoshigami High. The same trio mentioned from the previous as a matter of fact. Standing at the front was the blonde girl, who turned her attention to her huge friend/lackey upon hearing his question.

"Of course he is," She grinned, her tone matter-of-factly. She brushed some strands her out of her face, "If he's anything like I heard about the teachers, then he's probably in his room sleeping."

"I heard that despite him maintaining a satisfactory average, he has been rather adamant about not coming to school." The short stack boy noted, fixing his glasses frames. "What makes you think he'll be willing to come with us now?"

"Simple Zack," The girl eyed her short friend with a grin, "He hasn't had to deal with me up until now." Her ears perking up at the sounds of footsteps approaching, "Ah, that must be him coming. Look presentable you two!"

At their leader's order, the two fixed themselves as best as they could. Waiting patiently as the footstep grew closer to the door. As the lock to the entrance could be heard coming undone with a 'click' and the door opening up slowly. Luna had a big smile, ready to greet whoever it was at the door with a pleasant introduction on her part.

She was not prepared for what followed next.


Luna blinked, her demeanor overall startled by the sharp harsh tone taken with her. So much, it actually caused the girl to step back unconsciously, getting a better look at the girl who answered the door. Luna could see that it was a brunette with long disheveled hair, wearing indecent (in her opinion) pajamas; which consisted of a small shirt hanging off one of her shoulders, and a pair of panties. She gulped at the glare that was being leveled at her by the girl, the bags under her eyes a clear indicator that she had likely woken this woman up from slumber.

Oops. . .

"Well," Luna and her cronies jumped at the tired but notably irritated tone in her voice. "You got something to tell me?"

No turning back now.

"Ah um, y-yes," Luna stammered, before quickly clearing her throat behind her fist. "Is this by chance the Stelar Residence?" She asked courteously

"Yeah?" The girl responded curtly, "Who's asking?"

"I'm Luna Shirogane, attendant and Student Council President of Hoshigami High." She introduced with a smile, puffing her chest out with some pride, "With me are my associates, Bud Bison," She gestured to the large rotund boy, "And Zack Temple." She then motioned to the short bespectacled boy. "Is Geo Stelar home by a chance? I have a matter I wish to discuss."

"Oh?" Luna watched as the girl lean against the door, crossing her legs, "And may I ask why?"

"Recently, I had come to discover that my class roster had an extra student that had been absent since the beginning of the school year, that student being Geo, boy I'm talking about." Luna began, "I looked into him some more and found out he hasn't attended school for quite some time, since 3rd Grade actually."

"Really now?" Luna could've sworn she heard some amusement laced in the girl's voice but dismissed it altogether, "And by chance, what does this have to do with you being here?"

"I'll be honest, I'm not the type of girl who likes to leave things half done or incomplete; that goes for anything and everything," Luna stated, bringing a hand to her chest, "Even though the teacher had said that it was fine. I decided to take it upon myself to look into the matter and see that this student would start attending school once again-"

Luna was cut off by the sound of the laughter and was surprised to see the girl laughing so abruptly. An action neither she nor her subordinates expected to see with the brunette. Geo, realizing she was gaining looks from them, immediately pulled herself together. Though she wiped a tear of mirth from the corner of her eye.

"Sorry, sorry it's just… *Snrk* so funny on how you brazenly came to my house and expected things to go your way," She brought a hand to her mouth to stifle more giggles. "I couldn't help but laugh."

To say Luna was taken aback was an understatement, "E-Excuse me?"

Geo folded her arms and glanced away, "Lemme break this down for you," She stared directly back at Luna, "I know exactly what you're trying to do and to be frank, it's kinda sad."

"S-Sad?!" Luna parroted in disbelief, "What do you-"

"'Hate leaving things incomplete' 'Taking it upon yourself'? Please" The brunette let out a derisive snort, "All of that is just an excuse of what you're really trying to do. And that's using this whole situation to your advantage in hopes of gaining favor amongst your peers and faculty. After all,"

Geo placed her arms behind her back and leaned against the door, "There are many talks about the 'Ghost of Hoshigami Academy' and how this one student still attends despite not being present. Imagine what that would do to one's reputation if the Student Council President herself managed to get the one student that not even teachers themselves, could get to come to school."

Seeing the girl begin to fume in outrage, Geo had a small grin on her face, "That's a lovely shade of red you have there Shirogane. I don't know why you're getting mad all of a sudden, I only spoke the truth."

If there was ever a time Luna felt angry, insulted… everything and anything she could think of; it was right here and now with this disrespectful woman before her. Never before had she dealt with someone who spoke so rudely to her, making such outrageous claims as well.

Nevermind the fact that she chose to ignore the small part of her mind that conceded that most, if not all, of what the girl had said was true.

She tried to speak, opening and closing her mouth repeated to say something back to the ill-mannered teen, but found herself unable to say anything. She wasn't giving much of a choice to respond regardless as the slovenly dressed girl interrupted her once more.

"I just wanna ask one question; what were you planning to do in case this all went south for you?"

"Huh?" And just like that, Luna's anger was immediately quelled. Taken aback for the second time this morning by the girl's unexpected question. "Uh, wh-what…?"

"What was your contingency plan in case this little talk of yours failed?" Geo repeated, looking down at the lock of hair she had been playing with between her thumb & fingers, "You can't tell me you expected things to run smoothly, by uttering a few persuasive words and have them follow you blindly. If the student you were after hasn't bothered with attending classes for over 8 years. What made you think they would suddenly change their minds, just because you asked them to?"

"I-I… well…"

"Were you planning on forcing them if they didn't comply?" She then gestured to Bud with her hand, "I see you have a set of muscles with you, so I can safely assume that you had intended on having him be your enforcer. By letting him strongarm or intimidate your target into coming along, just in case your little sweet-talking didn't work out for you."

Bud and Zack, who had been quiet and tense during this entire exchange, turned their heads away from Geo's gaze. Having the sense to look a little ashamed from the accusations laid upon them, Bud more so than Zack as the girl before him had hit the nail on the head. Luna requested to rely on his brute force in the event that the guy they would be dealing with turned out to be stubborn. An action that, in hindsight, probably didn't seem like the best idea now that he thought about it. A dry amused "Hmph" left Geo as she looked at guilt-ridden boys.

"The fact that neither one of them are coming to your defense, speaks volumes Shirogane." An abrupt yawn cut off Geo's little tirade, as she brought a hand to her mouth. "If we're done here, I believe it's high time you took your leave, I would like to go back to bed at some point."

Snapping out of her shock and realizing her opportunity was beginning to slip away, she reached out to the girl once more. "W-Wait a minute!" She exclaimed, which earned herself a disgruntled expression from the brunette. Ignore it Shirogane, "Even so, I still would like to speak with Geo myself regarding the matter."

Even if the girl saw through her plans (as annoying and unfair that it was) if she could at least convince the boy himself. Then she wouldn't have to deal with this insufferable woman's opinion of her any longer. She blinked when she heard the girl beginning to laugh suddenly. "Something you find amusing?" She couldn't help by ask.

"I'm laughing because you're wasting your time." She said, looking at the group, "You're not gonna get anywhere no matter how hard you try."

"Oh yeah?" Luna was REALLY starting to get annoyed with this woman, "And what makes you so sure that Geo won't speak with me?"

"Because I'M Geo Stelar; the student you're looking for!"

. . . What?

Luna's brown eyes nearly popped out of her skull, while harboring the most hilarious look Geo had ever seen. Accompanied the two boy's jaws nearly dislocating from shock

"Y-You're not a guy?" The big boy, Bud if she recalled right, stammered, absolutely dumbfounded by the revelation. Poor guy.

"Nope, I'm a bonafide girl last time I checked," Geo smirked, folding her arms under her breasts. "Is that a problem?"

Bud jumped, "N-No sir, I mean Ma'am, I-I mean…"

"You're a WOMAN!?" Luna exclaimed, finally regaining her voice as she pointed an accusatory finger at the brunette. "I wasn't informed of this!"

"Really, you didn't know?" Geo tilted her head lazily to the side, her expression saying 'Are you kidding me?' "I find that a bit funny, seeing as all the teachers knew about my gender. You never thought to inquire about it?"

Zack paled, and nearly squeaked in fear at the evil eye he saw the Prez giving him. The small could only gulp, oh boy, he was gonna get an earful from her later today.

"No… I apparently, didn't." Luna forced out through gritted teeth, a sense of humiliation washing over her. Turning on her heel, she faced away from Geo, staring down at the path, "Bud, Zack, we're leaving."

Both boys were stunned at the sudden order but quickly nodded and complied. Knowing that their president was agitated, and the last thing they wanted was to upset her even more. Making their way past the blonde and onto the main street, Luna watched them leave, then glanced back at Geo.

"Stelar, don't think we're done here! I WILL be back." And with that, Luna walked off, leaving Geo to give a small wave.

"And I'll be waiting…" She said with a bit of dry tone as she shut the door. Letting out a deep sigh as she leaned and slid her back down against the surface.

"That was draining…" She groaned to herself softly, bringing her knees to her chest and burying her face into her arms. "I really hope I don't have to deal with her again."

"Heh, gotta admit, that was a real intense and hilarious exchange you had with that girl. I'm impressed."

Geo's head snapped up in alarm, whipping it around frantically, desperately searching for the source for the disembodied voice. "Wh-Who's there?!" She demanded.

"Up here."

Hesitantly looking up, Geo came face to face with a large beastly looking creature that seemed to have a neon green glowing body, with blue chest-like armor and shoulder pads. While the head resembled that of a dog… wolf… whatever it was, it didn't matter. The mysterious being floated down, leaning its head towards the dumbfounded teen as it said one word.


Geo naturally, did the one thing any normal person would do in this situation.

She screamed.

-To be continued-

And with this, chapter two is finally finished, FINALLY! Ugh, this really should not have taken as long as it did, but I'm glad I was finally able to get this out.

Regardless, in this chapter, we're finally introduce to Luna and her squad and we get to see a little bit of Omega-Xis himself. What did y'all think of Geo's little exchange with Luna? Liked it, hate it? Think she could've gone about it another way? Leave me your thoughts and opinions in the reviews. I know a whole lot didn't really happen in this chapter, but I'm still setting the premise with everyone. But I promise, things will start to pick up real soon.


If you liked this chapter, then please be kind enough to leave a Fave, Follow, and/or Review. And be sure to check out my page for more of my content and give it some support in any way you can. Until then…

See you next time. ^_^