I give birth to yet another wondrous pokemon amourshipping and insectivoreshipping one shot. This is a little interpretation of that moment in Snowbelle City after Ash lost the first time. I do not own pokemon, or the song and lyrics that I use today. Now let's get to it!!!

It was a crisp, wintery day in Snowbelle City. The sun was shining over the winter snow covered trees as small flying types nestled with one another to keep warm. However, in a lone spot deep in the forest, a young man was sitting on a log, contemplating over the last couple of days. This young man was none other than Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town, and at the moment, he was suffering a really bad funk.

It all started when he and his friends met up with an old friend: Sawyer, who already had eight badges while Ash still had seven. Sawyer challenged him to a match and when it came down to Greninja and Sceptile, the final evolved grass type got the decisive win. Sawyer and Sceptile celebrated while Ash made sure Greninja was ok.

Then, came Ash's gym battle against Wulfric, the Snowbelle City gym leader. Although he got the first win by defeating Abomasnow, Avalugg wiped the floor with his team, especially Greninja. When Ash felt like Greninja would turn things around with their special battle bond, a hefty gyro ball delivered the knockout blow, for both of them. Greninja was physically hurt while Ash was mentally hurt, feeling like he disappointed Sawyer, and especially Serena.

That evening, while Greninja was recovering from its injuries, Ash left to go on a "walk." However, he just wanted some alone time so he could sit and think, trying to get it together.

Then, came a couple minutes ago when Serena went into the forest and found him. She tried to help him feel better, which led to him shouting at her in anger! Frustrated that this was not going well, she threw a couple of snowballs while shouting,"You're not acting like the Ash I know"!!


Serena was hit with a lot of emotions during his rant, but only three were easily identifiable: hurt, sadness, and heartbroken. She looked at Ash with a hurt expression, saying,"If that's what you want, then fine!! I'll get out of your life if that's what you really want! You won't have to see me ever again," before running off while trying to hold back her tears.

Ash seemed to realize what he did, but before he could react, Serena was already gone. He sat back down, saying quietly,"What have I done"?

Meanwhile, Serena kept running, the tears that she had pent up falling faster than a rushing waterfall. She kept thinking How could he say those things?! I love him with all my heart and try to help him get back in the game and this is how he repays me?! She stopped by a small ledge that gave a beautiful view of the forest. She tore off the ribbon that she wore on her outfit and threw it, the wind carrying it far away. She then sat by the edge and broke down, displaying the hurt and anger she felt from Ash's harsh rant.

Back at the pokemon center, Ash's team was training as Greninja snuck out to find Ash. Clemont and Bonnie were awaiting for their friends' safe return as Bonnie commented,"Now Serena is gone too."

Suddenly, Pikachu seemed to notice something flying in the wind as he jumped and grabbed it. It sniffed it, easily recognizing what it was as it went to show it to the Lumious City siblings.

They gasped in shock as Clemont says,"It's Serena's ribbon"!! Bonnie added,"What was it doing in the wind? What if Serena's hurt"?! All the pokemon took note of this as Pikachu motioned Clemont to call out his pokemon.

Luxray, Bunnelby, and Chespin appeared from their pokeballs as Pikachu informed them of the situation. Clemont got their bags as everyone headed out to find Ash and Serena, unaware that a blizzard was coming.

Meanwhile, Ash was running through the forest with determination, looking for Serena. When she disappeared, Ash realized that she was right: this wasn't who he was or how he would act, especially towards his friends. So, he was self-motivated and determined to make things right, the first thing being was apologizing to Serena.

The snow started to fall, becoming heavy every couple of minutes. Greninja, who was in the trees also contemplating his thoughts, was jumping branch to branch in search of Ash.

Meanwhile, Serena was trying to find her way back to the pokemon center, but the snow was making it hard to see. She was freezing and if she doesn't find shelter soon, she was going to freeze to death. With quick thinking, she called out her Braixen, who was concerned for the well-being of her trainer. She was able to say while shivering,"Braixen, c-c-can you try and f-f-find some sort of sh-sh-shelter"? Her fire type partner nodded and went to search for a cave or something. Serena held a cold hand close to her chest as small tears were emitted, freezing into ice as the blizzard persisted.

Meanwhile, Ash too was looking for shelter when he spotted a cave that seemed empty. Before he could go inside it, he heard footsteps as a shadowy figure came towards him. It turned out to be Braixen, who spotted the cave as well from a distance.

He went towards the firefox while saying,"Braixen! I'm so glad I found you! I need to find Serena. Do you know where she is"?

Braixen motioned him to follow her as Ash trekked on, hoping to find her in time. Once they both arrived to the spot, they were in for a horrific sight. Serena was lying in the snow...motionless.

Ash cried out,"Serena!! Are you ok? Answer me," as he picked her up, seeing her limp, frozen body. Her breathing was shallow and her heartbeat was slow, but luckily, she was still alive...but not for long if he didn't act now!

Ash picked the frozen girl up bridal style while saying to Braixen,"Let's get to that cave and fast!! Then, we can focus on warming her up," with Braixen nodding in agreement as they dashed through the snow once more.

Once they were inside, Braixen started a fire as Ash wrapped Serena in a blanket and another jacket to try and get Serena warm. He also placed a heated compress on her forehead, hoping that it could aid her as much as the fire would. He kept rubbing her shoulder while saying,"You'll be ok. I'm here Serena."

Her heartbeat was returning to normal and she was beginning to feel less cold, but her breathing was still shallow and she wouldn't wake up. Both Ash and Braixen were really worried for Serena, hoping she would recover soon.

Ash sat up, saying,"I'm really sorry Serena. I should've never said those things, especially towards you. I was so upset over the loss and all you tried to do was help. I shouldn't have snapped at you the way I did. When you wake up, which I hope is soon, I hope you can forgive me." A faint voice caught him, saying,"I'm sure she will Ash."

He looked around, asking,"Who said that"? The voice responded with,"Sitting across from you Ash," making him look up and see Braixen smile. It first startled him as she crossed her arms, saying,"What? You've never seen or heard telepathy before? Have you learned nothing from Dahara City"? Her voice was like a mixture of his and Serena's, while at the same time, pertaining to a unique tone of voice.

Ash shrugged before saying,"Sorry, but I just can't stop worrying for Serena. Seeing her unconscious and laying out alone on the snow...I felt, and still feel like, it's all my fault. If I haven't snapped at her..." making him frown in sorrow.

Braixen got up, sitting next to him and saying,"I feel you Ash. You care about her a lot and I can tell you straight up that she cares a lot about you." Ash then says with sadness,"But when I got mad at her, I could see it...she wasn't just upset and angry...she was heartbroken. She probably hates me now and will want to stay away from me when she wakes up. Why did I have to act up towards her"?

Ember looked at her recovering trainer before looking back at him while saying,"Anger and frustration can make us do a lot of irrational things. Sometimes, things that we come to regret deeply. Let me ask you something. Have you ever snapped at your pokemon before, albeit the situation that caused it"? As he nodded, she then asked,"Do your pokemon still love you"?

Ash nodded at that question as well, with Braixen saying,"Even when you were angry towards your pokemon, the bond you share with each other allows you to be able to overlook that and remain friends with each other. It works the same way with humans. Even after a bad fight, no matter how hurt someone may initially be, with a little time, you'll be able to forgive one another and remain friends till the end."

That seemed to make him feel better as they looked at Serena, who's breathing has started to become a little less shallow. Braixen then says,"You know what might help? Sing to her."

Ash blushed a minute, saying,"Uh...I don't really sing Braixen. Even if I did, my singing voice isn't that great." Braixen smirked, saying,"It's worth a shot anyways. I'll even sing with you if it makes you feel any better about doing it." Before he knew it, Greninja arrived at the cave, making Ash smile and relieved that Greninja was ok.

The ninja pokemon looked at them and then Serena, as if to ask,"What happened"? Ash answered,"Serena was found out in the snow alone. So, we brought her in here to warm her up, hoping she can recover." Greninja understood as he knelt towards Serena, making sure she wouldn't freeze any longer.

Braixen then says,"So, you still want to sing to her"? Before he could answer that question, Greninja rose his hand up, as if he wanted to sing in his place. Ash seemed to catch his drift as he says,"You'll sing Greninja? Sure, if that's ok with Braixen." The firefox blushed for a minute before saying,"Well...sure...but you man the music Ash and when she wakes up, you say that this was your idea." Now, Ash had the chance to blush as he says,"Fine."

He pulled out a small MP3 player and looked through a selection of songs. Braixen found one that was perfect as Ash selected it, with music beginning to play. Greninja knew that he could use this as an opportunity to apologize to Ash for disappointing him and for the disappearance.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Perfect For Me by Justin Timberlake ft Anna Kendrick~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Greninja: Mmm. Mmm, mmm. I know your favorite song, I hear it everyday. Whoever made your smile made it to get in my way. And every time you laugh, you make a little sound. It's just the hardest thing to love you, but not know how.

So, I spent all my nights in the dark and afraid. 'Cause I've tried to forget you, but these things just don't go away.

Greninja and Braixen: I hate that you're perfect, perfect for me. If I didn't know better, then I would believe. We were made for each other, but I'd know the truth. You're no good for me, I'm no good for you. And I hate that you're perfect, you're perfect for me. I hate that you're perfect, you're perfect for me.

As they sang, Ash kept a close eye on Serena while listening to the song. He could really feel all the emotional distress everyone's been having today. For Greninja, it was with the partnership between them and their mysterious power. Then came the relationship between him and Serena. He could only imagine that in place of Greninja and Braixen was him and Serena, singing the song while slow dancing.

Imaginary Ash and Serena: What good are words when they always just get in our way? And it hurts the most just to know that you don't feel the same, the same. So sometimes, I get down on my knees and I pray things will change. But life is what happens when things they don't work out our way, our way.

Ash: So, I spent all my nights in the dark and afraid, mmm. 'Cause I've tried to forget you, but these things just don't go away, away.

All ( Greninja, Braixen, Ash ): I hate that you're perfect, perfect for me. If I didn't know better, then I would believe. We were made for each other, but I'd know the truth. You're no good for me, I'm no good for you. And I hate that you're perfect, you're perfect for me ( Ash: Yeah, yeah, yeah ) I hate that you're perfect, you're perfect for me.

Everyone, with the exception of Serena, were silent for a minute before they all gathered in a group hug. What alerted them to separate was the sound of someone stirring. They all looked and saw that Serena was finally waking up as they watched in anticipation. Serena slowly opened her eyes as her vision went from blurry to clear, adjusting to the surroundings.

Ash had the biggest smile, saying,"I'm so glad that you're ok Serena. I thought I'd lose you to the cold." Braixen and Greninja nodded in agreement as Serena slowly sat up, saying,"What happened? Where are we"? Ash responded with,"We found you passed out in the blizzard, suffering from hypothermia most likely. Braixen and I brought you in here and did our best to warm you up. Then, Greninja came and watched over you while we...well...sang to you," which made him blush and show a sheepish smile.

Serena shared a small smile, asking,"You went out to save me? But...I thought...well," before Ash intervened, saying,"I wasn't in the right state of mind when I said those things. You were only trying to help and...you did. What you said made me snap out of it. I'm really sorry Serena. I should've never gotten so angry at you. Please forgive me."

Serena then sat up, giving the compress to Braixen, and looked at Ash before doing something that changed the phase of time. She brought Ash close to her and...kissed him, leaving a jaw dropped Braixen and a shocked Greninja watching. Once they separated, Serena blushed while saying,"I forgive you Ash." That left Ash with a proud smile as he and Serena hugged each other tight.

Mimicking their trainers, Greninja hugged Braixen before they both locked lips as well, blushing while doing so.

Ash then broke the hug, saying,"There's one more special someone I need to apologize to," before facing Greninja.

He then says,"Greninja, I'm sorry about what happened. I was so focused on winning that battle and catching up with Sawyer, that I lost focus on what was really important: us growing strong together. So, let's start over from square one...together." Both him and Greninja shook hands, signifying the promise between them.

Once the snow finally settled down and Serena was able to walk, they all left the cave and started to head back. They were lucky enough to meet up with Clemont, Bonnie, and all of Ash's pokemon.

The Lumious siblings were relieved that everyone was alright as Pikachu was relieved that Ash was ok.

Bonnie then went up to Serena while saying,"Pikachu found this blowing in the wind," before giving her the ribbon.

Serena held the ribbon in her hand for a minute before tying it in its original place. With everyone reunited, they all headed back to the pokemon center for a good night sleep, ready to face future adventures together.