Something that came to me while watching comic dubs. Hope you enjoy!
Darkness and Light, Into the Chaos!
Weiss' POV
I was just out doing some shopping in Atlas with everyone. We needed some ingredients for dinner, and had split up to cover more ground. I think that's why he approached me then. "Weiss!" I heard the angry voice of my father from behind me. Whipping around, I reached instinctively for Myrtenaster instinctively only for my hand to grab air. Crap!
"What do you want?" I hissed, putting on a brave face. I had to stall. Damn it, why did I decide to go alone? Any of the others would have come. Tara is always a willing companion.
"You should know. We're going home, now." Father hissed, approaching me with hand outstretched. I backed away. I was scared. I couldn't go back to that place. I couldn't be alone again. I squeezed my eyes shut, ready to run.
Various sounds of weapons being drawn and loaded filled my ears. As I opened my eyes, I saw an array of weapons, from blades to giant hammers, so different in their design but still so familiar that it could only belong to my friends. "Mister Schnee, so surprised to see you here." Allie hissed, her Sekiryuki pressed against his throat. "I would have thought grocery shopping was in your hired help's wheelhouse, but I guess I was wrong."
"I don't think that's what it was, boss." Tara informed, pumping Silico Shot and taking aim at Father's chest. "I think he's here to take Weiss when she already said she wasn't coming."
"All of you back away. This has nothing to do with you." he snapped, glaring despite the sweat on his brow. "This is family business."
"Well then it does involve us." Ruby snarked, stepping in front of me with Crescent Rose pointed at his head. "After all, we are her family. Isn't that right, bestie?" she asked in her usual sweet tone.
The fact she could ask that while pointing a high-power rifle at Jaques Schnee's head should have unnerved me, but I just smiled and said, "Right."
"I think it's time you left." Yang hissed, blood-red eyes glaring at him as she cocked Ember Cecilia. Everyone backed off enough to let Father flee, but close enough to where if he didn't he'd be set upon by a dozen angry and ARMED hunters. My father may be many things, but a complete idiot was not one of them as he straightened out his suit jacket and walked away with all the dignity he could.
"Thanks guys, really." I sighed in relief.
"No problem, Weiss." Blake replied with a smile, sheathing Gambol Shroud. "After all, family looks out for each other."
I smiled as everyone else sheathed or otherwise dismissed their weapons. That's right, Jaques Schnee may be my father, but these insane people around me were my family.
"Come on, let's go home already!" Nora suggested loudly, causing everyone to laugh and agree.
And done! I enjoyed that. Just the thought of Teams ANTI, RWBY, and JNPR drawing their weapons to defend one of their own is so appealing, especially considering the aggressor. So what did you guys think? Good? Bad? Not enough? Leave a review and I'll see you all next time!