A/N: I'm glad that you all are liking the story! Updates may be a bit slow as I'm still healing from my hospital stay and I'm restricted on how much I'm allowed to type a day… Here is the next chapter! Don't forget that the chapter may have a prompt used from the AYCEtDIC on HPFCF! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf or Harry Potter!

Word Count: 2,125 Words

332. (phrase) Who needs enemies with friends like you?


Melissa McCall looked at Noah and Remus with narrowed eyes. She had seen the look on Scott's face when they followed him into the house and knew that something had happened. She sat down and looked at the two men who were sitting on either side of her son. "Noah, Remus, what is going on?"

Noah sighed and rubbed a hand down his face. "Melissa, I need for you to listen to what Remus and I have to say with an open mind. After we say what we need to we'll show you proof so that you don't think that we're crazy. About a week or two ago you'll remember that I was searching for a body in the woods. I ended up calling in Remus, Harry, Sirius, and Severus thirty-six hours after I started investigating the murder because there were signs pointing to something happening that my department wasn't and still isn't equipped to handle."

Melissa frowned. "What kind of crime wouldn't your department be able to handle, Noah?"

Noah sighed and shook his head. "There is another world that runs inside of our own world, Melissa. That world deals with the supernatural and other things because mundane law enforcement officers aren't equipped to be able to hand imprisoning a supernaturally inclined person. There are several supernatural people that live in our world and can blend in without sticking out like a sore thumb. I told you the day after I started investigating the crime that I found Stiles in the preserve and that even though I didn't see him that I was pretty sure Scott had been in the preserve too."

Melissa nodded. "You did and when I asked Scott, he promised me that he hadn't been in the preserve. Are you telling me that he lied to me, Noah?"

Remus leaned forward and looked Melissa straight in the eyes. "Your son not only lied to you, Mrs. McCall, but he pressured Stiles into not telling you after he told Stiles that he had been bit by something and that the bite healed by the next morning. It didn't take Stiles a day to figure out that Scott had been bitten by an Alpha werewolf and when he told your son what he suspected Scott ignored him completely."

He took in a deep breath and let it out. "Since then Scott has nearly hurt Stiles several times and even tried to kill him on two separate occasions. We warned Scott weeks ago that if he didn't get himself under control we would have to step in and if that happened he wouldn't like the consequences of his actions. He injured Stiles earlier this evening and if we hadn't been close by and heard what was going on he would have killed Stiles. I'm all out of chances, Mrs. McCall, and since your son doesn't want to do what is right he'll be forced to by the law. There is no way that Harry or me are going to let Scott get away with what he did to Stiles tonight. There will be charges pressed against him. He's had time to learn control, but he chose to blow off all the training sessions we have set up in favor of his girlfriend who comes from a family of Hunters and whose family is actually the reason for the Hale family fire."

Noah stiffened and looked at Scott with cold eyes before he turned to look at Melissa once more. "When Scott was informed that Kate Argent was the one who set the fire that killed most of the Hale family his response was well then they must have done something to deserve it. There were young children that died in that fire and they were human. Kate Argent doesn't care who she kills as long as she gets to kill someone and her father and sister-in-law are the same exact way. As of tomorrow, Kate, Gerard, and Victoria Argent will all be arrested for various fires and other offenses. There is a reason that Chris Argent has been tailing Stiles lately and that is because he is protecting my son even though he doesn't need to."

Scott looked at Noah in shock. "I need to let Allison know! I can't believe that you're going to arrest her mother, aunt, and grandfather, Sheriff Stiliniski!"

Noah turned his head sharply and glared at Scott with hard eyes. "You won't be telling Miss Argent anything, Scott, and Remus will spell you to make sure that you can't. Victoria, Gerard, and Kate all deserve what is about to happen to them and you won't be giving them any warning about what is about to befall them."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he looked back at Melissa with a frown on his face. "I understand why you have been working so many hours, Melissa, but you should have allowed Rafe to help you like he offered. You and I both know that he has cleaned up his act in the last eight years because if he hadn't he wouldn't have been promoted as much as he has been. If you're not going to let him help you financially then you need to let him have Scott on certain weekends. He calls me to get updates on his son because you refuse to tell him anything even though the judge had ruled five years ago that Rafe was to get time with Scott once a month during the school year and then six weeks during the summer. He's getting tired of your excuses and he's about to file a report with the courts, Melissa, and I'll have to back him up because as an officer of the law I can't lie to a judge or his lawyer. You need to let go of the grudge you have about him cheating on you because it's over and done with and has been for years."

Melissa pursed her lips and nodded curtly. "I understand, Noah, and I'll contact him tomorrow. Now, what exactly has Scott done that nearly resulted in Stiles being killed?"

Remus' eyes flashed in anger. "He attacked Stiles tonight because Stiles forced him off the field after he lost control of himself. He thinks that Stiles is jealous that he's first string in lacrosse and because Scott has a girlfriend and Stiles doesn't. I don't know how in the hell Scott came to that conclusion and I don't care because it couldn't be the furthest thing from the truth. Hell, anyone with eyes could see that Stiles has a thing for Derek Hale regardless how much he plays up that he has a crush on Lydia Martin." He looked at Scott with bright gold eyes. "Who needs enemies with friends like you?"

Melissa snorted and shook her head as she looked at her son with a raised eyebrow. "I told you a long time ago, Scott, that Stiles didn't really have a crush on Lydia no matter how much he may act like he does. I practically helped Noah raise Stiles after Claudia died so I know my second son and I know when he is faking something. I'm not going to stop Noah, Remus, or Harry from doing what they have to, to make sure that not only Stiles is safe, but everyone is safe. You have to follow the law and when you break it you have to face the consequences. Maybe I should have been harder on you than I have been, but I was trying to make up for the fact that I wouldn't let your father near you."

She sighed and closed her eyes for a few seconds and then opened them up. "It is time to learn that not everything is going to go your way. I should have stepped in sooner when I realized that you always thought your way was the best but I thought you grew out of that. You hurt the one person who has always been by your side just because you didn't want to listen to him. I have no doubt that you knew Stiles was right in what he was doing and telling you, Scott. It is time that you grow up, son, because if you don't you are going to turn into a criminal and I won't let that happen."

Scott looked at his mother with his mouth dropped open. "You can't mean that, mom! I didn't do anything wrong! All of this is Stiles fault and I shouldn't be punished for what he has caused. If he had just let me go when I told him to and backed off me like I told him to he wouldn't have gotten hurt!"

Melissa glared at her son. "I do most certainly mean it, Scott. I don't know where you got this sense of superiority that you seem to have but it's time to learn that you are NOT always right. Stiles apparently knows a lot more about the supernatural than you do so I don't understand why you wouldn't listen to him or to Remus, Harry, Severus, Sirius, and Noah." She turned to look at Noah with sadness in her eyes. "Noah, I'm sorry that Stiles was hurt by Scott."

Noah shook his head. "You are not to blame for what Scott has done to Stiles, Melissa. Scott is the one who is to blame and he'll answer for what he has done. We will make sure that he doesn't hurt anyone else. Unfortunately, the consequences for his actions are going to be felt because he was warned more than once, and this is the third time that I know of that he attacked Stiles. He will not be able to talk his way out of trouble this time."

Remus stood up. "We will leave you with Scott now, Mrs. McCall, but if you need us give Noah a call and we'll be right here." He pulled out his wand and quickly cast three different spells on Scott before the teenaged werewolf could react. "I have just spelled Scott to secrecy regarding Gerard, Kate, and Victoria Argent. One of the spells was a type of reflector spell which means should he try to hurt anyone else that it will be himself he ends up hurting. The last spell is a spell that pretty much has put him on house arrest until Harry deals with him tomorrow at some point."

Melissa sighed in relief at that and stood up. "Thank you, Remus, and I've told you repeated to call me Melissa. I will be having a long talk with Scott before I send him to bed."

Noah stood up and hugged Melissa. "I will call you tomorrow to check on you, Melissa, but if you need me before then don't hesitate to call me."

Melissa smiled and hugged Noah back and then walked Remus and Noah to the door. Once she saw and heard them drive away she shut and locked the front door before he walked back to where Scott was still seated at the kitchen table. "You will go take a shower and then come back down here. We have a long night ahead of us Scott and it is time for you to learn some hard truths because you have just landed yourself into some very hot water and nobody is going to save you from it. It is time for you to be the adult you constantly tell me you are when I try to put my foot down and make you listen to me. This time you WILL listen to what I have to say and you WILL answer any and all questions I put forth to you because if you don't you won't like just how much trouble you end up in from me."

Scott swallowed hard and nodded. He stood up and went to do what he was told because he knew if he didn't that his mom would do what she just warned him about. He couldn't believe that all this was happening especially since it was Stiles fault and not his. He didn't understand why people couldn't see that everything that happened was because of Stiles and not him. He didn't know that he was going to regret blaming everything on Stiles but he was about to find out just how much he fucked up and in the most painful way as possible. If only he had known just what the relationship between Chris Argent, Noah Stiliniski, and Stiles was he would have saved himself some of the trouble that was coming his way. Then again he should have known better than to fuck with an Argent or someone close to them.

A/N 2: A/N 2: *snickers* I hope you all liked this chapter... Click the comment and/or favorite button and let me know what you think! Next up... Scott learns just how much he messed up but still blames everything on Stiles...