A/N: This story will be a Derek/Stiles and Peter/Harry Potter story… If you don't like slash don't read… There may be Scott, Deaton, and select Argent bashing so once again if you don't like don't read! There may be select Weasley and Dumbledore bashing so once more if you don't like don't read! This story will be AU… It starts during the first season of Teen Wolf but after the Harry Potter series… Sirius, Remus, Tonks, and Snape are all alive in story…

You may see prompts used throughout the story and if you do, they are from the Are You Crazy Enough To Do It Challenge (AYCETDIC) on Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges Forum (HPFCF)! The prompt you see listed in this chapter is actually the title of this story! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf or Harry Potter!

Word Count: 2,017 Words

21. (Book title) Between Two Worlds


Stiles Stilinski jumped back when his best friend took another swipe at him with his clawed hand. He wanted to believe that Scott knew what he was doing when he decided to play the Lacrosse game, but now he had proof that he hadn't. He wished that he was anywhere but where he currently was. He pressed the button he had in his pocket repeatedly hoping that it alerted his secret weapon before it was too late. He jumped over a bench in the locker room and glared at Scott McCall. "Scott! You need to snap out of it! Come on, buddy, you can tame your wolf."

Scott growled and lunged at Stiles again. He roared when he felt a claw or two skate across the other boy's side. "You're not keeping me from, Alison!"

Stiles yelled in pain and scooted back out of Scott's range. His side was burning like hell as he shouted, "Why is it always Alison with you, Scott? I'm your best friend yet I don't matter to you! I told you that you shouldn't play tonight because your control was still shaky at best. I told you that you'd end up hurting someone. Why in the hell do you NEVER listen to what I have to say?"

Scott growled. "Because you're jealous that I have a girlfriend while you are still pining after Lydia Martin who doesn't even know you're alive!"

Stiles scowled. "You say you are my best friend, but you can't even tell when I'm putting on a mask. Your girlfriend's family is going to kill you and you won't have anyone to blame but your damn self, Scott! Snap the fuck out of it!"

Scott lunged and slammed Stiles against the lockers behind him. "You don't know what you are talking about, Stiles! Alison isn't like them and she never will be."

Stiles snorted but before he could respond a voice from behind Scott snarled, "Step the hell away from my nephew and let him go before I rip your arms off and shove them up your arse. I swear to Merlin if you've hurt him, I'll make you wish that you were never born."

Stiles' head snapped up and he sighed out in relief at the sight that met his eyes. His uncle Remus Lupin and Sirius Black stood in the doorway of the locker room. He wasn't surprised at all when Sirius transformed into his animagus form and ran over to him while Remus headed straight for Scott. "Remus!"

Remus shot a look at Stiles and smiled grimly. "Harry is trying to keep your dad from coming in here, Stiles, so you may want to go out and reassure him that you're in one piece. He heard McCall's roar from across half the field before Harry flung a silencing spell at the locker room."

Stiles swore but didn't move. "He's pinning me to the lockers, Remus, and my back and side are on fire."

Remus growled and hurried across the locker room. He yanked Scott away from Stiles and pinned the younger boy to the wall with one hand on his chest. He turned his head and looked at Stiles. "Get outside and stay there no matter what, Stiles. Padfoot, keep Stiles and Noah outside and make sure to keep anyone else from entering the locker room. I need to have a little chat with McCall here. Also, see to Stiles' wounds and take pictures of them."

Padfoot barked and grabbed Stiles by his shirt with his teeth and pulled him out of the locker room. He may be in his animagus form, but he needed to get Stiles away from the boy who had injured him. He needed to be able to check and see just how badly the teen had been injured by his supposed best friend.

Stiles groaned in annoyance. "Padfoot, if you rip my shirt, I'll have you neutered!"

Padfoot woofed as he continued to pull Stiles out of the locker room gently. He wanted nothing more than he to go back and bite Scott McCall in the arse for daring to attack Stiles. Once he had Stiles outside, he changed back to his normal appearance and gently wrapped an arm around Stiles' shoulders. "Come along, Stiles. I need to let your dad know what's going on. Also, if I'm not mistaken, I saw Derek Hale right before Remus and I entered the locker room. I'd rather Remus deal with McCall than Hale deal with him."

Stiles swore. "Derek will kill Scott given the chance, Sirius. I don't know why, but Derek seems to be protective of me the few times I've interacted with him."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "He's protective of you because you smell like you belong to a pack, Stiles. There is no way in hell that any werewolf is going to want to see someone else's packmate injured unless they are currently fighting another pack. Werewolves are pack creatures and if they can help someone else in another pack they will. Besides, if I'm right and I think I am then Hale probably feels a pull towards you. You need to remember, Stiles, that you have magic even if it isn't like the magic Remus, Teddy, Snape, Harry, and I have. Hale more than likely is able to tell that and it makes him want to protect you because you could possibly end up being a powerful ally for him and his pack if he ever ends up in one."

Stiles nodded. "I like Derek, Sirius, and I feel terrible that I let Scott talk me into doing what I did which ended up in Derek getting arrested. I'm just glad that Harry is working the case with dad because he knows that Derek is innocent even if he can't publicly announce it just yet. Fuck my side and back hurt!"

Sirius' eyes hardened as he led Stiles over to where he could see Noah Stilinski, Harry, and Derek standing. "I bet it is, but we'll get you fixed up soon. I'll have Harry send a message to Snape letting him know that we need his expertise. I'm not so sure that he'll be able to prevent you scarring though."

Stiles sighed and fidgeted. "I don't care if I scar, Sirius. I'm just finished trying to help Scott. This is the second time he's done this, and I've had it with him thinking it is alright to hurt me just because he doesn't want to learn control. He claims that he hates being a werewolf, but yet he has no problem using the wolfy powers he got for Lacrosse or to get himself a girlfriend."

Harry who heard what Stiles had just said looked up and narrowed his eyes when he saw blood seeping through Stiles shirt. "McCall won't like the results of his little tantrum tonight, Stiles. This time I won't let you talk me out of making him reap what consequences he has sowed. Merlin, how deep did he claw you? I've already sent a patronus to Severus, so he should be here soon. I had a feeling we would need him for one reason or another."

Sirius nodded curtly and hissed, "When Remus and I got into the locker room McCall had Stiles pinned to the lockers behind him. He accused Stiles of being jealous that he had a girlfriend and he didn't."

Derek snorted and scowled even as his eyes flashed blue. "McCall doesn't know how to use his sense of smell properly. I've tried to teach him, but he refuses to learn anything from me."

Harry snorted and shook his head. "He's going to learn that his actions have consequences. You've tried your best, Derek, but now it's time for me to step in and deal with him. Noah, I'll be talking to Melissa McCall and pulling McCall out of school for the next two weeks. I'm going to teach him a lesson that he needs to learn before he ends up hurting or worse killing someone. Derek, tomorrow we need to go and see your uncle because I'm pretty sure he's the Alpha that bit McCall. I'm also damn sure that he didn't realize just who he was killing when he killed her. If what I suspect is true then Peter Hale has been at the hunters' mercy since Laura took you and ran, Derek."

Derek sucked in a breath as he considered what Harry just said. He couldn't fault Harry's way of thinking because he had wondered time and again if Peter was safe like his sister claimed. He nodded once and then reached out and grabbed a hold of one of Stiles' arms, so that he could drain some of the pain he felt from Stiles. "Just let me know when you want to go. Will the guy you sent a message to be here soon?"

Harry smiled knowingly but before he could say anything a pop sounded and Severus Snape said, "Potter, what do you need me for?"

Harry motioned at Stiles who was now leaning up against Derek. "I need for you to check Stiles here over, Severus. McCall lost his temper and attacked Stiles from what we heard. He's bleeding quite a bit."

Severus stalked over to Stiles side and quickly put up an illusion that would make it seem like they were all just standing around talking and then quickly shot a diagnostic scan at Stiles. He stiffened as he read the results and then quickly pulled out his potions case. He opened his potions case and pulled out a blood replenishing potion, a Skele-gro, a level ten pain reliever potion, a bruise balm salve, and finally he pulled at the camera he had in another pocket. He was thankful that Harry had thought to ask him to bring one with him in case they needed evidence of an injury. He uncorked the potions and then handed them to Stiles before he vanished Stiles shirt. He waved his wand over the long gash on Stiles' right side making sure to get any and all debris out of the gash. He then cleaned it before he silently healed it. "Take those potions, Mr. Stilinski. They are blood replenishing, Skele-gro, and a level ten pain reliever. You can have your father apply this bruise balm salve on your back when you get home. You have two broken ribs, one cracked rib, bruising on your back, and of course the gash on your right side which I have healed. I'll drop by some scar removal tomorrow which should help at the very least lessen the scarring if it doesn't remover the scar completely. You need to go home and rest for the rest of this evening."

Stiles groaned but did as he was told and drank the potions down. He was relieved when Sirius handed him a bottle of water so that he could rinse the taste out of his mouth. "Harry, can you apparate me home? I don't think I'll be able to handle the car ride."

Harry nodded. "Derek, if you want to come with us I'll talk to you some more about what I suspect and why I suspect it. Noah, will you stay here with Severus and Sirius to reign Remus in if he needs it? With it being this close to the full moon I'm not sure he won't try to tear McCall apart."

Noah nodded and squeezed his son's shoulder gently. "Listen to Harry and Derek, son. I'll be home as soon as I can."

Stiles nodded and then grabbed onto the hand that Harry was holding out to him. He didn't get to blink more than twice before he was home and pushed towards his couch. He sat down and sighed as his eyes closed. He had a lot on his mind, but right then he just wanted nothing more than to feel safe which he did as soon as Derek sat beside him. He could tell that it was Derek because of the way the couch shifted slightly once he sat down.

A/N 2: *grins* And there is the first chapter... I hope you all liked it... Click the button and let me know what you think! Next up: Remus has some words with and for Scott... Derek and Harry talk...