Chapter 10
(Three weeks later)
Harry was walking down the hallway at the school heading towards the lunch room where Edward was waiting for him, as he walked he thought about all the rumors he had heard today about Edward's old girlfriend coming back to Forks. He knew all about Bella and what she had done Edward had told him everything over the past three weeks and he knew that Bella was his singer but she had tried to make him choose between her and his family. Edward had told her they were done and she had left Forks in a huff, but now she was coming back and he could guess why.
As Harry walked into the lunch room and sat down next to Edward he noticed that his mate was tenser than a bow string "Edward are you worried about Bella coming back?"
Edward caressed his mates face as he spoke "I am worried about it but only because I know her enough to know she will hurt you. If she does I won't let her get away with it, no one else will hurt you if I can stop it."
Harry smiled and kissed Edward "As long as I have you nothing she does can hurt me."
"And I won't leave you. She will be here in a few minutes from what I understand she also knows where we live and will try and come there." Edward no sooner said this than a young woman with mahogany curls and plain brown eyes appeared in the doorway.
When she saw Edward she walked straight over to him but when she saw Harry sitting next to him she said "That is my seat, please move." She tried to use a sweet innocent voice but it came out more snooty than she realized but Harry had gotten very sarcastic when people demanded things of him and said in a imitation of her tone of voice "I don't see your name on the seat so how could it be yours. Besides if Edward wants me to move all he has to do is ask."
Bella was stunned this boy was talking to her like this and Edward was doing nothing about it he was just trying to hid a smile but before she could say anything the boy spoke again "What's the matter cat got your tongue?"
This time Edward busted up laughing as he looked at Harry and said "When did you get a sarcastic bone love, did you spend to much time around Snape?"
Harry got a look of mock Horror as he turned to Edward who he could tell was enjoying the show "Oh don't even say such things, he would sooner eat his own chemistry ingredient's than teach me sarcasm, besides his was more snark than anything."
Bella finally spoke "Edward, are you going to let him speak to me like this I am your girlfriend!" She said it loud enough so that the whole lunchroom heard and it had gone silent.
Edward stopped laughing and stood slowly as he turned to face the girl then he looked down at his mates face and saw the fear he was trying to hide. He gave a small smile to Harry as he caressed his cheek with his knuckles before looking at Bella with a look of pure loathing as he spoke you could hear the anger in his voice "You have not been my girlfriend for over eight months. When we last spoke you told me to choose between you and my family I chose my family. I told you then we were done and you left Forks. Last month I started dating Harry and I can tell you now that he would never do what you did and is ten times the person you will ever be. So stay away from me and my family Isabella as we are done."
He held a hand to out to Harry who smiled and took it then followed by Jasper and Alice they left the lunchroom together and for the rest of the day ignored all Bella's attempts to get them to talk to her. Finally school let out and they were all in Edward Volvo and heading home before Bella even made it out of the school parking lot.
Once they got home Edward was shocked to hear Carlisle was home already "Harry, Carlisle is home and I think he has something to tell us. We should get inside."
Harry looked a little afraid but he hid it and followed his mate into the house hoping he was not going to be sent away. Once they were seated on the loveseat Edward asked "Carlisle what is going on you have been hiding your thoughts from me for weeks now?"
"Over the last few weeks I have been working on something that I hope will be well received the only people who are out of the loop are you and Harry because I knew you would not be able to resist telling him." Carlisle then turned to Harry as he continued "I think you are still afraid of being sent away and this is what I hope will stop that thought from ever rising again. I know you have never truly had family that has stuck by you or have lived long enough to. But I promise you we are not going anywhere. And this," he held up piece of paper "Is our way of saying we want you here for good. You do not have to sign them if you do not wish to but the intent behind them stays the same." He then passed the papers to Harry who started to read what it said.
Harry's head snapped up when he finished his eyes wide in surprise "You want to adopt me? You truly want me to stay?"
"All of us do Harry, you have brought some much needed light to this house even I have felt that happiness that you have given everyone here. It makes it a place that I like being in." Jasper said
Then Rosalie chimed in "If anyone deserves a family and happiness it is you Harry and we want to be the ones to give it to you."
"I know you will bring a lot of happiness and much more to our family. I definitely want you here your already my little brother." Alice chirped bouncing in her seat.
The rest of them all said the same and Harry smiled and looked at Edward who said "I love you Harry and I just want you to be happy."
Harry smiled even wider and he took the pen of the table and signed his new name on the piece of paper the Esme and Carlisle had already signed. Harry James Potter-Cullen and then he rushed up to Carlisle and hugged him tightly whispering "Thank you." Carlisle just held his new son and smiled as he looked at Edward he mouthed "Thank you father." Now their family was complete was all Carlisle could think.
(At Lu push)
Bell stormed from her truck as Jacob came out to great her but before he could get a word in edge wise she yelled "Edward is with another male, a human one at that and he said that his family have excepted him too."
"What, what is this boy's name." Jacob asked as his cousin Sirius stood in the door way listening while shaking his head.
"I don't know all I know is he had messy black hair that looks like it has never been brushed and emerald green eyes that would put the stone themselves to shame. And he had this freaky scar on his forehead."
Sirius was now in front of Bella as he demanded "Was the scar shaped like a lightning bolt. I need to know."
Bella nodded still looking pissed off that Edward had chosen to be with another guy.
"Get out of here Isabella I need to talk to Jacob alone." Sirius growled sounding a lot like his animagius form. Bella squeaked and dashed back to her car thinking that Sirius Black terrified her for some reason.
"Jacob you will not harm the boy or the Vampires he is with do you understand me." Sirius looked dead serious as he looked at Jacob.
"Why they will turn him do you not care about his life Sirius?" Jacob asked shocked at what Sirius said
"Jacob I need to see if this boy is who I think he is. If it is then he is the one I meant to help. I can tell you more later but if it is him I will be staying there as well and I will fight you if I have to so don't make me have to for you will lose." Sirius shifted into a big black dog and took off towards the Cullen home hoping that it was his godson that was there and that he would explain why he was staying with the Cullen clan.