This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Word Count: 1644
Title: Decree For Fair Dragon Treatment
Quidditch League:
[Team]: Pride Of Portree
[Position] Captain
[Theme]: Procrastination Thread
[Prompts]: [Setting] Malfoy Manor
Assignment 7: Sociology: Collective Behavior: Task #3 - Craze: Write about a group gathering for an intense topic/event.
UBC: Chinese Fireball [Familiar] (Small, but fast. Equip Effect: Dodge 5 dmg if you submit your fic within the first 5 days.) - Price: 1,500 words, Dragons
Charlie Weasley insists on explaining to the committee of dangerous creatures why the treatment of the dragon escaped from Gringotts bank is atrocious and how they should have handled things upon finding the injured creature.
"What possible reason is there for us meeting here?" Charlie said, looking around the large room in the Malfoy Manor that was set up for the meeting for mistreatment of Dragons.
"Malfoy wanted to show off I suppose," Harry shrugged. Charlie laughed, although this was something he was serious about, it didn't help getting fired up before the Gringotts staff and Ministry Officials arrived.
"Weasley, Potter," they heard Malfoy speak from behind them, and they looked around. He was dressed up formally in mint coloured robes, that seemed to bring out the silver in his grey eyes. His blond hair was slick back as usual, and Charlie felt his heart start to race. Charlie was aware that both himself and Harry had feelings for Malfoy, despite the sarcasm he greeted them with.
"Well then, if you would like to go over the presentation, I have a whiteboard set up in the boardroom, just beyond those doors," he pointed to the large gold double doors that they were standing not too far away from in the long corridor.
"Thank you," Charlie said.
When the two former Gryffindors closed the golden doors behind them, making sure that they were closed, Charlie sighed. "Does he know how gorgeous he is?"
Harry laughed. "I know, Char," he said. "When he smirks like that, damn."
"No wonder you had tension at school," Charlie laughed, leaning in to give his boyfriend a quick kiss.
Harry rolled his eyes at Charlie. "So, shall we go through this?" he nodded towards the whiteboard.
Charlie's eyes kept finding the hourglass on the table quite fascinating as he watched the time pass before the meeting would begin. Everything needed to be perfect.
The Head of Magical Creatures department was the first one to join Charlie and Harry, followed by the other Ministry officials, including the Minister herself. Hermione Granger had a love of fairness towards Magical Creatures, so she would be a good witness in this case against Gringotts.
The Goblins were sitting there with sour expressions, and Bill Weasley, Charlie's older brother was there as well. It felt strange, and Charlie was sure Bill was just a cursebreaker and had nothing to do with the mistreatment of the Dragon that was found broken out from Gringotts.
"So, ladies and gentlemen," Charlie spoke, he watched as a Malfoy house-elf popped up and added refreshments to the table quietly, not saying a word but bowing to Malfoy before disappearing again. "As Harry informed me of the hideous mistreatment of the Dragon kept within the Gringotts bank, I am attempting to submit this," he held up a piece of parchment. "An act towards the humane treatment of dragons."
"That's hardly relevant anymore," Griphook sneered. "The Dragon escaped, with him," he jerked his head towards Harry annoyed.
"With all due respect, Griphook," Malfoy's voice spoke from the back of the room. The entire table turned their eyes to Malfoy, as well as Charlie staring with curiosity. "Does that mean that by that logic all Death Eaters should be released from Azkaban?"
There was a sharp intake of horrified breaths at this. The war hadn't been past long enough for the horror to not be fresh in their minds. "Malfoy, I fail to see the comparison," Griphook said, with a slightly less snide expression. It doesn't do well to insult the host of the meeting, they all realised that. It was one of the reasons Charlie had been slightly anxious to have this take place in the Malfoy Manor, but it was the best they could do on short notice. The fumigation of the Ministries Cornish Pixies had caused a lot of departments to close down while it was taken care off.
"Well, you say you are no longer keeping a dragon, which means that you claim this mistreatment is in the past? By that logic you attempt to excuse yourselves, although the truth is there is no proof of the statement," Malfoy said logically. Hermione took a sharp intake of breath, and Charlie knew that none of them were expecting Malfoy to stand up for them.
"Since when are you an activist?" Harry said. Charlie sighed. He knew his boyfriend couldn't help but be sceptical.
"Potter, why do you want to be the centre of everything?" Malfoy said, not bothering to justify the question with a response. Everyone knew that Malfoy was also one of the Orders' spies by now, it had come out after the death of Severus Snape that Malfoy had chosen to become a spy as well, in an attempt to save his parents, and his mother had gotten hidden away before the final war broke out.
Harry rolled his eyes blatantly at their host. "I found the Dragon."
"Gentlemen, please," Charlie said firmly, it was clear the audience had become interested in the exchange. Charlie's eyes flickered out of the window of the Manor, watching the slight drizzle of rain falling down outside. "After we discuss this, and I present the photographs, I want a couple of us to go and check on the Dragon." He reached into a briefcase, and took out magical moving photographs of the injuries of the dragon that was being kept at the reserve.
"Are those Muggle photographs?" Malfoy said, there was a strange tone to his voice that Charlie didn't recognize. Charlie shook his head, but he realised why Malfoy had asked. The dragon was so injured he had hardly moved at all when the photographs of his injuries had been taken, so it simply looked like still, sad photographs of a mistreated animal.
It was clear the pictures spoke volumes, the department of Mistreatment of Magical Creatures was already convinced, using his wand to pull the parchment towards him with the conditions for the new proposal. After adding his signature to the bottom, he passed the parchment to Hermione who was sitting on his left. She scanned the document as well before signing her own name on it. These Gringotts Goblins were expected to make amends by a large donation of Galleons to the Dragon sanctuary in Romania.
Malfoy cleared his throat at the back of the room. Harry shot a glare at him, but Malfoy ignored it. "I have the floo set up to take us through to the sanctuary," Malfoy said.
"Thank you," Charlie said, his voice held a hint of surprise. Why was Malfoy being so nice to them?
Malfoy just shrugged, and Harry stared at him.
"Well then," Hermione said. "I think we all have heard enough, I for one, want to see how he is recovering."
"Me too," Malfoy said, surprising them again.
Many of the people left after that, while Hermione, Draco, Charlie and Harry all went towards the Floo. They were serious about checking that the creature was okay after all the trauma it had gone through.
"When did you find him?" Malfoy asked Charlie. "It couldn't have been right away."
"No, it was more than a few months after the end of the war when we found him," Charlie said, and proceeded to explain after the start of his relationship with Harry how the two of them had attempted to find the dragon, and finally came across him somewhere in Wales.
Charlie grinned at Malfoy before moving to take a handful of Floo powder from the man. He was holding out a small glass bowl of powder. He needed to make everything fancy, didn't he?
Once Charlie and the rest exited the Floo, Charlie waited for Harry to come out last. He knew Harry, and he had never been the most graceful upon exit, and today was no different. Harry stumbled, and almost fell, Charlie caught him by the arm and yanked him up. Hermione and Malfoy descended into two very different types of laughter.
"Oh shut it," Harry said once he was steady on his feet. Charlie could have sworn the look on Malfoy's face wasn't quite scorn, more like teasing.
"Make me," he replied.
"Oh come on, boys," Charlie said to the two of them, and the graze broke off between them. Charlie led them to the enclosure where the injured dragon was that Harry and the gang had escaped from Gringotts after being caught in the Lestrange vaults.
"He still looks terrible," Hermione said sadly. Charlie nodded.
"They take years to heal, and even if the marks are gone, some serious damage has been done to his temperament." Charlie sighed as the dragon reared half afraid upon seeing people around him.
"Monsters," Malfoy said bitterly, making them glance curiously at him. "What?"
"You have a heart," Harry grinned cheekily.
"Of course I do, Potter," Malfoy tried to sneer, but his voice was softer than they had ever heard it before.
"Well then, I think I will go and look over there," Hermione said, pointing at a far enclosure holding a Romanian Horntail, and Charlie knew why. This was a time when Malfoy and Harry could move past what was between them. They had both grown so much, after all.
Charlie didn't move off far, but he tried to make it seem like he was out of earshot.
"So, you and Weasley, huh?" Malfoy said.
"We are dating, yes," Harry said, and with a strange pause, he added. "We are actually looking for someone else as well."
"What?" Malfoy asked, puzzled by the forthcoming.
"Oh come on, surely you know you're gorgeous," Harry finally admitted. Charlie struggled not to laugh, pretending he couldn't hear them, it wouldn't do to laugh, would it?
"You mean you're not monogamous?" Draco asked suddenly, and the change in his behaviour was so sudden it didn't seem normal.
"No, poly," Harry grinned. "So, Draco…"
"Harry," Draco said, testing the first name slowly.
"Shall the three of us have a drink later?" Harry asked.
"I can be persuaded into it." Draco smirked.