Lightning Flashes - Chapter Two

"So hey, I was thinking," Rick starts before she's able to do more than say hello, his voice coming fast and eager over her phone speaker. "We'll come pick you up after your shift and get some food, then we'll introduce Alexis to the park?"

The file in her hand lands on her desk with a soft thud. "You haven't taken her to the park yet? Rick, that's so sad."

"I-well, I wanted to make sure she had had all of her shots before I took her out for long stretches of time. I've been reading up; do you know how filthy a public park can be? How many people and germs go through there daily? Especially in this city? It would be crazy to take a baby out in that!"

Kate smothers a laugh. Her friend has embraced fatherhood wholeheartedly in the last few weeks, making up for his lack of preparation before Alexis was born by diving into researching. His new knowledge of germs is just one subject in a long line of things he has shared (and overshared) since the night his ex-girlfriend had dropped her baby off on his doorstep and passed him the proverbial parenting baton. And right along with him, Kate has learned more about diapers, formula, and replacing regular bottles with more lifelike nipples to get babies to latch on than she'd ever expected or wanted to know.

But it's nice, too. In a weird kind of way. She hates seeing her friend off-balance, especially given how steady he usually is, how steady he's always been for her. Watching Rick grow more comfortable as a father, seeing his panic start to fade with each day that Alexis is with him, it's something special. Comforting in its own way. Even if she does end up on the receiving end of his random parenting factoids more often than not.

And then there's Alexis. Beautiful Alexis with her sweet little cheeks and bright, knowing eyes. She's blossoming as well, interacting more with each passing day as she settles into life with Rick.

"Kate?" he prompts, jostling her from her musings.

"Hmm?" she clears her throat. "Sorry, multitasking. We caught another case this morning; I can't promise that I'll be able to get out of here at the end of my shift, as much as I want to."

"Well, I guess that's a good reason for a raincheck," Rick teases.

She chuckles. "Yeah, doing my job is a pretty good excuse. Besides, it'll get dark pretty soon after my shift, you know. If not before my shift even ends."

She can picture his mouth opening and closing, can see the (adorable) befuddled furrow of his brow. "Right. Right," he murmurs. "Sorry, I didn't think about that."

Her lips lift. "Don't be sorry. You're a little nocturnal right now; I don't blame you for thinking it's a perfectly reasonable thing to be out and about after dark."

"Don't remind me," he groans. "She was up every two or three hours last night. I can't really remember which; it's all starting to run together at this point."

"Poor thing."

"Her or me?"

"Mmm, which do you think?"

"I'll pretend that was concern for my well-being, too, thanks."

She laughs, shaking her head. "Even more reason for you to stay in tonight." She checks her watch. "Why don't I call you later and let you know how things are looking. If I can make it over early enough, I'll bring food to you."

She can practically hear him relax and makes a mental note to check in on him after work anyway, even if she can't make it to his place tonight. No matter how well he's dealing with the changes, his life has been turned upside down and that's hard.

"Thanks, Kate. That would be really good."

Yeah, she's definitely sending him dinner tonight, whether she joins him or not. Take one thing off his plate.

"Kay," she agrees, glancing around the room. "Listen, Rick, I have to go. I'll call you later."

"Okay, good luck on your case. Tell me all about it later, especially if it's gruesome."

Her eyes roll on their own accord. He sounds like a mad man when he talks like that. "I'll see what I can do to entertain you."

"You're the best," he says, cheerful as ever in spite of his sleep deprivation. Clearly just the possibility of adult interaction is enough to lift his spirits.

"Goodbye, Castle."

She hangs up, reaching for the case file again. Well, if she wants to be able to have dinner with Castle and Alexis, she needs to get to work.

"So," Esposito drawls, striding over to her desk. He's been at the precinct since the beginning of last summer and, even though she'd enjoyed working alone for years, they've found an easy rhythm to working together in the year and a half since he'd started. He thinks he's so sly and funny, though. At the beginning it had driven her crazy, but she's gotten used to the cocky upturn of his lips and knows that's just how he is.

"So?" she asks. She can already guess where this is going. It's not the first time he's come over to her desk with this look on his face. It's not even the first time it has been about Castle, though he doesn't know that.

"Boyfriend?" he asks.

Beckett rolls her eyes. "What've you got for me Esposito?"

"Questions. That's what I've got."

She snorts. "Yeah, me too. Like what happened to our victim."

Esposito chuckles. "Yeah, there's that. But I'm also interested in the phone call you were just having. It looked like you were enjoying it."

"And I don't care. Financials, Espo. Get them for me. I want to get the guy who did this sooner rather than later."

"Why? You got a date?"

She sighs, rubbing her hands over her face. "I miss Ryan." At least when the newest member of their team is here, Esposito has someone to distract him and she's able to do her job without playing twenty questions. With Kevin Ryan on loan back to Narcotics for the time being, all her fellow detective's teasing is reflected right back at her.

"Yeah, me too," Esposito agrees. "But you're changing the subject again, Beckett."

She points to his desk. "Go away. Get me financials."

Her fellow detective grins, tapping the chair opposite her desk. "Alright, if we're not in a sharing mood."

"I'm never in a sharing mood," she retorts, opening the case file and looking over the first witness statement on record. "Case, Detective Esposito. Work the case you're being paid to investigate, not my life."

He grins over his shoulder, already halfway to his desk. Beckett shakes her head. As bothersome as he is, she likes the guy. He's a good cop and he knows his stuff, he's just also a massive gossip. She's been careful to keep her private life separate from her precinct life, which only adds jet fuel to Esposito's curiosity whenever the two start to mix. But she won't cave; the last thing she needs, and the last thing Rick needs is to put his life under the microscope this early in the game. It'll be hard for him to navigate the press and publicity as it is, he doesn't need to be under scrutiny when he's around her as well.

Besides, it's kind of fun to have a secret that doesn't involve the case she won't allow herself to look at anymore, the case her captain, her therapist, and her friend convinced her to put away last year. Driving Esposito insane is just a secondary bonus.

Now she just needs to decide what to get for dinner and hope she's able to make it out of the precinct in time to eat it with Rick and Alexis (well, just Rick, really, but Alexis isn't exactly intrusive).

At ten til eight, she gives in and calls Rosetti's, directing them toward Rick's apartment with an order full of his favorites. A text to Castle follows the order, apologizing for not being able to make it to eat with him.

"But food is on its way," she adds. "Get some rest after you eat. I'll check on you in the morning."

Rick's response is a predictable joke and she rolls her eyes, putting her phone aside and going back to work.

She leaves the precinct almost two hours later, after the watch commander on duty kicks them out to make room for the next shift. There are about eight missed texts from Castle – more jokes, a couple thanking her for dinner, one or two inviting her over anyway – and she finds herself steering toward the loft instead of her own place. On the way up in the elevator, she makes a deal with herself that she'll only stay for a little while then she'll head home and get some rest.

Rick greets her at the door with the baby in his arms, waving one of Alexis's little hands. She laughs at the baby's unimpressed face, waving back.

"Everyone's a critic," she quips, brushing her fingers over the baby's forehead. "Was the food okay?"

Rick chuckles, moving aside to allow her to step past him and come inside. "Yeah, everything was delicious. Saved you some if you want."

Her stomach growls, tattling on her even as she's about to deny that she's hungry. Castle grins, smug in his validation. "Come eat," he insists, moving into the kitchen. "How's the case going?"

She exhales, shaking her head. "We're nowhere," she says, nudging him away from the counter and the containers of excess food he's left for her. She can get her own meal; he needs to go sit down and see if he can lull Alexis to sleep.

"Nowhere?" Rick repeats, moving to the oven to preheat it so she doesn't have to use the microwave. He steps back over to her, leaning against the counter. "Well, tell me about it."

She shakes her head, exhaling. "Don't worry about it. I've got Espo looking at possible connections between the victim and organized crime."

"Organized crime?" Rick looks intrigued, which is the polar opposite of what she'd intended.

"Mhmm," she hums, scooping from another take out box.

"Well, what makes you think organized crime?"

She glances over her shoulder, shaking her head at him. "Rick, I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because I know you," she says. "You'll either use it in a book, which will get me in trouble for discussing an active case-"

"Well, it won't be active by the time the book comes out," he offers, quirking a grin.

"Or you'll try to meddle. And I do not want you finding one of your 'guys' and putting feelers out. The last thing we need is Ricky Castle poking around and letting someone know we're onto them."

Not to mention, she can't have him putting himself in danger with Alexis at home; he can't be taking stupid risks like he has in the past for the sake of "research."

Her friend gasps. "I would nev-okay, I probably would. You're totally right."

"Uh huh. And that is why I'm leaving this discussion at that." She taps his nose with her final word. "Go sit down, Rick. Try to get her to sleep."

He snorts. "Are say that like I haven't been doing exactly that for the last hour. We have had a bottle and a bath and about three hundred laps around the downstairs, and she's still happily wide awake."

Kate clucks her tongue. "Poor baby," she offers, reaching out to touch the baby's hand, stroking her little fingers. "Did your dad mix sugar in your bottle accidentally?"

"Hey now." He grins, swaying with the baby. "Maybe she was waiting up to see you."

"Me?" she asks, leaving her plate on the counter and stepping into their space. "Were you waiting for me or is Daddy being ridiculous again?"

Rick passes Alexis over – his part in the hand off is easy and natural while her breath catches and her heart stutters as she fumbles to make sure Alexis is secure. Alexis sighs, sinking deeper into her arms, so trusting. Kate exhales, trying to slow her breathing and keep from tensing up. She's still getting the hang of this; each time she holds Alexis, it gets a little easier, but she still worries about dropping her or hurting her or holding her wrong.

"I'll heat this up for you," he says, reaching around her to finish serving up the leftovers.

"I-Rick, I can do that," she protests.

"Yeah, but you're holding the baby now." He grins, taking the plate to the oven and slipping it onto the rack.

"You were holding her a minute ago," she mutters, pulling Alexis closer anyway. She could probably do it herself, but then again, he's figured out the one-armed cradle already and she hasn't, so maybe he has a point about that.

"And she actually looks like she might be falling asleep with you," he adds. "So, please – god, please – keep doing what you're doing and let me handle the food."

She sighs, nodding. "Fine, but I'm also going to try doing what I'm doing from the couch. I was on my feet most of the day."

Thankfully, Alexis doesn't seem bothered by her change in position. Save for a tiny sigh, the girl doesn't fuss at all. Kate exhales, too, resting her elbow on a throw pillow for extra stability and offering the baby a smile.

"I heard you had a busy day today. I'd be exhausted if I were you, Alexis."

Alexis blinks up at Kate, yawning once before her eyelids slip shut.

"Yeah, you can tell us all about it later. When it's daylight, okay? Not in the middle of the night; Daddy needs to sleep. Just like I do," she adds, letting her head drop back. her eyes close on their own accord, lulled by Alexis's gentle, even breathing and the baby's warm weight in her arms.

"Kate." Soft fingers touch her cheek, pulling her from the gentle drift of her slumber.

"Mmm?" she manages, lifting an eyelid to find Rick smiling at her from his spot perched on the coffee table.

"Hey sleepy, food's ready."

She shifts, sitting up straighter when her arms drop to her lap unencumbered. "Shi-wh-where's-what happened?"

"Easy, easy. She's okay. She's asleep," Rick promises, resting steadying hands on her knees. "I took her upstairs; she's in her crib now."

"Oh," she exhales. "Sorry. I thought I'd dropped her."

"Don't be sorry. And I can also assure you, there's no chance of that happening; I thought you were gonna fight me when I first tried to take her from you."

Her cheeks heat. "I-well, can you blame me? I don't want hurt her!"

Her friend's smile grows tender. "I know, Kate. I know."

He moves to sit beside her, looping an arm around her shoulders and drawing her into a loose embrace.

"Smooth," she laughs, leaning on his shoulder.

"Oh, I'll do even better," he says, crowding into her space and reaching past her, bringing her plate back from the end table.

He offers her an unrepentant smirk, even as she gives him a light (completely unconvincing) shove.

"Dating scene a little slow lately, Castle? This how you get your thrills now?"

"This has always been how I get my thrills, Beckett," he says without missing a beat. She laughs. He's always been a shameless flirt, and she gives as much as she gets, but she can't help but wonder how much truth there could be to his words when his fingers brush her arm as he settles. "Now, eat up."

"You're just going to sit here and watch me?" she asks, lifting an eyebrow.

"Mmm, yep."

"Creepy." She takes a bite of her food, focusing on that instead of the warmth and security of his arm around her.

She can tell the moment he dozes off on her. His fingers relax against her sleeve and his breathing grows slow and even. A glance over her shoulder confirms her suspicions; he's passed out, head back on the couch, face slack, the exhaustion she'd seen in the lines on his cheeks gone for the moment.

"Rick," she murmurs, putting her plate aside and turning to face him. Her fingers slip down his cheek, moving along his jaw to stroke his ear. "Go to bed, Rick. You need to sleep while the baby's sleeping."

He hums, nodding. He makes no move to comply, though, leading her to believe his agreement is more reflexive than true acquiescence.

Beckett sighs, pinching his earlobe quickly. Rick jolts, his body tensing, ready to flee.

"Hey, hey. It's just me," she soothes.


"She's fine," Kate insists. "Still sleeping. You need to sleep, too."

He exhales, sinking back into the leather. "Was sleeping," he grumbles. "You woke me up."

"Oh, you poor thing," she drawls, rolling her eyes as he heaves himself up from the couch. "Go to bed."

"Tuck me in?" he asks, swerving away from the pillow she swings at him.

"Go. I'll clean up out here and then I'll head home."

Her friend nods, hiding a yawn in his arm. "Okay. Thanks."

"You're welcome. Be asleep when I bring the monitor in to you."

"Aye aye."

Kate smiles, keeping her eyes on him until he disappears through the doorway to his bedroom.

She hears the first whine come through the baby monitor as she finishes taking care of the garbage and bites her lip. It's possible Alexis won't wake up, that she's just dreaming, that she–

The baby's quiet whine becomes a full-blown cry a moment later, spurring Kate into action. She jogs up the stairs and ducks into the nursery, finding herself grateful for the soft glow of the nightlight, because things have been rearranged since she was last here.

"You're okay," she offers, rubbing Alexis's belly with a gentle hand. "What's wrong, Alexis?"

The girl's face scrunches a little more, the precursor to another loud cry. Kate reaches into the crib again, slipping cautious hands underneath the baby and drawing her up against her shoulder.

"Shh, shh, you're okay," she coos, swaying. "I'm sure your daddy changed you when he brought you up. Are you hungry again?"

To her surprise, Alexis's indignation quiets as she holds her close. "Were you just lonely?" Kate asks against the girl's hair. "It's still new being in your room instead of Daddy's, isn't it?"

Little fingers flex against her shirt, gripping the fabric a second later.

"You're okay, though. Your room is so nice and safe. I see your bed and your fun fish mobile, and your teddy bear and oh, your monkey, too," Kate murmurs, naming nearly everything her eyes stumble over. "What's your monkey's name, Alexis? Is it Ralphie?" she asks, wincing at herself.

Kate scoops the monkey from the foot of the crib, tapping Alexis's cheek with one of the toy's paws. "What should we call him, hmm? What about Monkey Bunkey? Hey, that's cute. Alexis, Monkey Bunkey's here to talk to you," she singsongs, making the monkey kiss Alexis's cheek.

Oh, she's so glad Rick is in bed; there's no way she'll be able to live this down if he hears her gushing like this over a stuffed animal.

"Monkey Bunkey's here to keep you company. And Daddy's right down the stairs. Nothing to worry about, baby."

Careful not to block Alexis's face, she tucks the monkey into her chest beside the girl.

"There we go; we'll just cuddle for a little bit, you, me and Monkey Bunkey, and it'll all be okay. And you'll be able to sleep, Daddy will sleep, and I'll go home and sleep, too."

She sways on her feet, not trusting herself to sit in the rocking chair by the window. Instead she stays by the crib, occasionally pressing her nose to Alexis's hair and breathing in the sweet smell of baby shampoo.

Alexis falls asleep again not too long after Kate starts to hum a tune to a song she can't quite remember, and she sleeps on despite Kate's fumbled attempt at getting her back in the crib smoothly. Monkey Bunkey gets settled back in his spot as well before Kate drifts a knuckle over the baby's cheek.

"Night, sweet girl," she whispers. "Monkey Bunkey's got you and Daddy's not far away at all."

She tiptoes out of the nursery and into the hallway, blinking at the light coming from downstairs. She takes it slow on the stairs, making sure she's quiet and careful. Once she's back on the bottom floor, she kills most of the lights – leaving one on for when Rick needs to run upstairs later.

She swipes her phone and the baby monitor from the coffee table, padding into Rick's room. Kate smiles; either he'd left the light on for her or he'd fallen asleep before turning it off. As exhausted as he is, she's reasonably sure it was the latter as she sets the monitor down and reaches for the switch on the lamp on his nightstand.

"Monkey Bunkey, huh?" he rasps, catching her by surprise.

"Shu-wait, how did you hear that?"

"Went to the kitchen for water, heard you naming him." He grins.

"Shut up."

"No, no, I think it's cute," he says, blinking. "She okay?"

"Yeah, didn't even need to be changed. I just…"


Beckett shrugs. "Obviously, I don't know much, but I think she was just lonely, maybe even a little scared, and wanted to make sure someone was still there."

Rick sits up on his elbows, frowning. "You think she's scared?"

"I-" she struggles. "I don't know. You just moved her up there a few days ago, right? She's probably still getting used to the room after having you snoring from three feet away for a month."

Castle chuckles, but his frown doesn't entirely disappear.

"Hey," Kate touches his chest, keeping him in place just in case he's about to bolt upstairs and bring the baby back down with him. "She's okay. She needs to get used to her room eventually."

"Yeah, yeah she does." He drops back. "Maybe that's why she woke up so often last night."

Kate slips her hand over his t-shirt, soothing him too. "Maybe. But she'll be okay, Rick. Just give it time. That's what the book said, right?"

He nods. "I just hate the idea of her being scared. She shouldn't be scared here at home."

"Maybe she's not. Maybe she's just lonely and used to the company. Before you know it, she'll be happily kicking you out of her room."

She pats his chest when he concedes that. "Now go back to sleep, I'm going to go home."

Rick yawns, pointing to the other side of the bed. She glances over to find the shirt and boxers she frequently steals when she stays over waiting for her in a neatly folded stack.

"Crash here tonight," he says. "I'm sure we'll be up early anyway. You won't have to worry about waking me when you leave for work."

She shouldn't, but she nods anyway. "Yeah, okay. Let me just…" She points toward the bathroom, getting to her feet and grabbing the clothes from "her" side of the bed.

Rick smiles, a bit dopey with drowsiness. "'Kay."

She emerges from the bathroom with a freshly washed face and clean teeth, her clothes from the day in hand. Draping them over the back of the chair on her side, Kate moves to the bed and checks the alarm on her phone. Satisfied that it'll wake her in time to run by her place in the morning, she slips under the covers beside her friend.

He's on his side facing her this time, but he doesn't react to her joining him and getting settled. Reaching out to brush his arm, she hopes he's not feigning sleep this time. He needs to rest.

"Night, Rick," she whispers.

She gets no response, not even his typical reply of "until tomorrow," but his lips lift at her touch. It's enough to put a smile on her face as she joins him in slumber.

Surprise! This story got the most amazing response as a oneshot that it made me truly think what could be next, how could these people grow together in this universe. So I've outlined more chapters to tell their story. I hope you enjoy the continuation as much as you enjoyed the first chapter. Thank you for reading!