Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Naruto


The Fourth Great Shinobi War had changed the world completely. The constantly quarreling five great shinobi villages had joined hands and come through terrible battles together, becoming brothers in arms. Even after the Great War, they had worked together to overcome the difficulties that arose to shake the world. Many lives had been sacrificed in the war, and those who survived lived with great sadness, but the things gained were also great.

Orochimaru had gained his freedom. He had returned to conducting his genetic experiments. Although seemingly passive, Konoha still didn't trust him and kept a close watch on him, constantly keeping watch outside his hideout.

Despite the strict watch, Orochimaru was allowed to move freely as the shinobi that watched over him were ordered not to make any form of contact with him until he made a move against Konoha. He was even allowed to move freely in and out of the village.

It was obvious why he had not been arrested after the war and allowed to continue working.

The Great War had shown the world that they were not alone in the universe. Kaguya had not been human. She was part of a powerful clan that didn't originate from their world.

Orochimaru knew that the only reason the Seventh Lord Hokage had not come for him was his usefulness as a potential ally in future battles. He was okay with that agreement, because he too, like the world, had changed.

In the past, he wanted to become the wind and turn the windmill himself. But now, he knew the pleasure of waiting around for someone else's wind. One that is predictable. However, that didn't mean he couldn't create a wind to watch turn the windmill.

Mitsuki's wind was clear. It was the path which he himself had deserted in search of power and unlimited Jutsu.

Naruto's wind was more ambiguous. But no less intriguing. It was going to be an experiment Orochimaru would keep a close eye on. He wanted to see how the Seventh and Sasuke reacted to his experiment's presence.

A cocktail of emotional pain. Orochimaru thought with a smile as he walked through the halls of his secret underground base. Hundreds of miles away, a Shadow Clone was working in his central lab, keeping Kinoe occupied.

If the Seventh found out about this place, he'd be put in jail, or executed. While a powerful future ally against the Otsutsuki, he could only fly so close to the sun before being burned.

However, for now, he was safe and free to continue his work.

Orochimaru stopped outside the only room in the base and knocked on the heavy metal door. A metallic echo filled the long hallway as he waited for the door to open.

A moment later, on the other side of the door, he could hear the sounds of multiple being undone. Then the door swung open, and Orochimaru was face-to-face with himself.

Years ago, he had decided to take advantage of his Curse Mark's and give himself the perfect cover in case any of his more "daring" experiments were discovered.

An evil clone.

A second Orochimaru who had been revived by zealous fanatics of his work. It was one of his most brilliant ideas.

"Hello," He greeted. "How is he today?"

"He's ready to wake up," his doppelganger said, stepping aside.

Orochimaru stepped into the lab. In the middle of the room, two large tubes filled with a thick blue liquid kept two bodies suspended behind the glass.

One, a white and black-haired young boy, not even in his teens. The other, a blonde teen who was not yet an adult.

He walked up to the tube containing the experiment. "Hello, Naruto," He said, placing his hand on the glass.

Inside, the white and black-haired boy didn't so much as twitch. He just floated in place, completely unaware of the world around him.

Behind the boy, Orochimaru could see the blonde hair of the clone he had been keeping alive. He walked around to the tube, and his hand lashed out. A white snake shot from his sleeve, shattering the glass and digging its fangs into the clone's throat.

In a puff of smoke, the clone was gone. In the other tube, black eyes opened.

The liquid drained out of the tubes down through the grated floor underneath them.

In the other tube, black eyes opened.

"Ah, you're awake," Orochimaru said, circling back to the first tube. "It's good to meet this you again, Naruto."

"You!" Naruto shouted. He lunged out of the tube he was in, a Rasengan swirling in his palm.

Orochimaru batted the attack away, stepping aside as Naruto stumbled before falling.

"Where's Sasuke?" Naruto demanded, rising to his feet.

Orochimaru smiled. "Sasuke's back in Konoha." He admitted freely, relishing in Naruto's shocked look. He laughed. "Kukuku, don't be so surprised, Naruto-kun. A lot has changed since our fight at the Tenchi Bridge.

Naruto created another Rasengan and took a step towards the Snake-Sannin. It was abundantly clear without the Kyuubi's aid he couldn't defeat the Sannin, but he had to try. I have to rescue Sasuke! He thought and moved to thrust his arm forward.

Orochimaru didn't even try to dodge. Naruto should have landed a killing blow. Instead, his Rasengan dissipated, and his arm fell loosely to his side.

"Wh...what did you do to me?" He asked, staring at the reflection of his face in the tube behind Orochimaru.

The face staring back at him wasn't his own. The boy he was looking at had white hair and onyx eyes, under which were long, pronounced tear-troughs. He reached up, touching his face. He looked younger too—like an Academy student instead of a seventeen-year-old.

"You don't like your new body?" Orochimaru asked.

Naruto ignored the Snake-Sannin. Something that should have been a death sentence, but things were wrong. Orochimaru seemed different. No, he was different. The man he had fought at Tenchi Bridge was gone, replaced by someone else. Just like me. Naruto thought as he pinched and pulled at the skin on his face. It was darker than it used to be.

Why had Orochimaru done this? What was his plan?

"You're no doubt wondering why? Why did I do this?" Orochimaru said as if he was part Yamanaka, and could read Naruto's mind. "It's an experiment. To see how the world reacts to your presence."

"My presence?"

Orochimaru nodded. "You see, it's been years. Over a decade and a half since our last fight."

"No," Naruto shook his head. "That's not possible."

He couldn't have missed that much. All his friends, they'd be adults now. He'd be left behind, alone, again. "You're lying." He said, scowling at the Snake-Sannin.

"I'm not." Orochimaru smiled. "Don't worry; I'll get you caught up on everything that has happened before the Konoha shinobi arrive. It's quite the tale I must say. I do believe you will be quite happy with the outcome, Naruto-kun."


The woods were thick. Ivy twined around fat trunks, down to the roots of mossy trees, erasing the border between tree and earth. This particular tree that stretched its branches to the heavens, seeking the light of the sun, was hundreds of years old. But beyond it were young buds not yet grown.

Someone was looking down on it all. The left eye that barely peeked out from the hair hanging across his face was the Rinnegan. At first glance, the right looks like a normal eye, but it housed the Sharingan, the Kekkai Genkai of the Uchiha Clan.

From the top of the massive tree, Sasuke looked out at the view in all directions. He had made it through the Fourth Great Shinobi War and come back a shinobi of Konoha once more. However, rather than staying in the village, he had set out on a journey.

He had been traveling for over a decade now, and he had seen things he probably wouldn't have noticed when he was steeped in darkness. There had also been times when he looked back gently on the past he had left behind. There were moments when he remembered what was always waiting for him in Konoha. His friends, a wife...a daughter.

In the past, Sasuke had endured the pain and suffering of having his family and clan taken from him with the powerful medicine of revenge. But in the depth of that darkness, he had become confused about what path to do down. He had lost sight of what was important. It had taken a very long time to be able to understand and accept that, but Sasuke truly felt it now.

He felt the changes in the world as well. The five Kage had moved to make major wars disappear, and maintain peace and order. Once, the power of the shinobi was used to protect their own countries, and to invade and attack other nations. Now, it was being made use of to power equipment that did not require chakra to instantly transmit information, to maintain medical facilities, to actively communicate with other nations, and to enhance distribution systems, among other things. The world was stepping into a new age of growth.

Which was exactly why he could not overlook one particular issue.

Otsutsuki Kaguya.

The woman who had taken in her mouth the Fruit of the Divine Tree—said to be forbidden—gained chakra, and brought calm to the turbulent world. But she had been consumed by the immense power, and after a time when she ran wild, her own children, Hamura and Hagaromo, had sealed her away.

That very Kaguya had come to the world, and Sasuke had, along with his comrades in Team 7 and Uchiha Obito, sealed her away once more. Once the threat that had rocked the world passed, people rejoiced, but something about it bothered Sasuke.

Through Black Zetsu's secret maneuvring to bring her back, Kaguya had linked the people she cast Infinite Tsukuyomi on to the roots of the Divine Tree, transforming them over many years into her personal soldiers. The end result was the army of White Zetsu.

Formerly known as the Rabbit Goddess, Kaguya changed somehow after she had freed the world from conflict, so the people connected to the Divine Tree also came after the peace she about. Why, in a world where fighting was supposed to have needed, was there a need to use Infinite Tsukuyomi on people and turn them into soldiers? To play cruelly with those who had power, to control human beings with fear; a number of reasons came to mind, but Sasuke could see no clear answer.

He was chasing after traces Kaguya left behind to clear away his doubts, but his opponent was the progenitor of chakra. Sasuke might have had the Rinnegan, but picking up her trail was no easy feat.

"Mm?" Sensing an aura, he looked toward the southwest. When he squinted, he could see something flying in his direction. At first glance, it was a small bird flapping its wings, but circulating in that bird was not blood, but ink ext brought to life by chakra.

Sasuke quickly pulled out a scroll, and the bird flew towards it as if called. The figure of the bird disappeared, and in its place, text spread out on the open scroll.

He turned his gaze to the words on the page, thinking it was one of the missives with a lead on Kaguya, but his brow furrowed at the content. "This..."

It was a message from the current Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. Apparently, Orochimaru had contacted the team watching him. There had been a number of reports from his spies that another Orochimaru had been experimenting in one of his old hideouts.

The Snake-Sannin believed that one of his former followers had used the Evil Releasing Method on someone with a Curse Mark and brought another Orochimaru to life.

"We don't need another one."

At the top of the tree he had climbed to check his direction, Sasuke looked around once more. Several clouds of white smoke puffed up into the air beyond the forest he was perched in. Not from fires, though. It was steam. He was close to Yugakure, a village where hot springs well up out of the earth, often used as a hot-spring resort. It was in the Land of Steam, which was not far from the Land of Lighting, and ships always departed from there to the Land of Water.

Sasuke summoned a bird of his own. A larger than average hawk that flew in circles above his head, waiting patiently for him to write his reply.

"Deliver this to Naruto," He tied his missive the summoning animal.


Until around the time the sun was setting, Sasuke charged forward silently, without resting, racing across the ocean. As he moved across the water, leaving small ripples in his wake, Sasuke thought about the situation.

He was close to Orochimaru's base in the Land of Water. He wanted to be there before nightfall and look for any signs that the hideout was being used.

Abruptly, a small island came into his field of view.

There wasn't a single light in the small port on the shore. Although the sun was setting, it was too early for everyone to have gone to sleep. And he had also just heard about a potential Orochimaru operating in the area.

Sasuke closed his eyes for a moment and focused his chakra in his right eye. When he opened his eyelids, the eye was dyed red, three tomoe marks visible in it.

He looked at the village. There were indeed people inside the houses. But all of them were still as if they were holding their breath. Almost as though they were afraid of something.

His curiously piqued, Sasuke sped up towards the village.

"So you show yourself! You traitorous Uchiha!" Someone leaped out with a great deal of force from beneath the waves.

Sasuke looked up to find a disfigured man covered in seals, with horns on his head and spike coming out of his elbow.

A Cursed Seal. Sasuke jumped backward and lightly dodged. But in the spot where he landed, he felt chakra behind him.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" a deep-inhuman voice growled, and an enormous dragon made of water rose out of the ocean and flew at him.

Sasuke wove signs, took a breath, and brought a finger to his mouth. Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!

Fire Style was the specialty of the Uchihas. The flames he released enveloped the water dragon, evaporating the beast instantly.

"What? Fire Style can beat water Style?!" his opponent shouted, upon seeing his technique disappear without ever touching Sasuke.

Sasuke didn't have a chance to even ask what was going on. The unhinged experiment charged at him.

"Hah!" He pushed out a hard breath and took his sword in hand.


Sasuke easily cut the hand of his opponent. With incredible speed, he then sliced both his Achilles tendons, before setting the tip of his sword against the man's windpipe. Sasuke pressed the blade against his throat as if to make him keenly away of the cold sensation of the sword.

"You traitor! I'll kill you for betraying Orochimaru!"

Not responding to that, Sasuke said, "You're proof I'm in the right place."

Sasuke's words didn't seem to make it into the man's ears; he kept muttering that he would kill the Uchiha traitor.

Sasuke moved the blade of his sword the tiniest bit away from the man's throat. His Sharingan spun, and the Curse Seal faded as his opponent was trapped in his genjutsu.

He picked the man up and slung him over his shoulder, walking toward the port town.

"This looks like it's going to be a hassle," Sasuke murmured as he moved through the town.

It wasn't hard to find Orochimaru's old hideout. In fact, it was too easy.

Sasuke frowned and dropped the man he had fought in front of the double doors leading down into the ground. They were covered in dirt and rust, and they were wide open.

He walked down the steps into the dark, following the tunnel that wound like a snake. Something he was sure Orochimaru did intentionally. At the "tail" ending of the tunnel, there was another door, and again, it was wide open.

A soft light illuminated the hall.

Sasuke stepped into the room. The first thing he saw was the large tube containing a white and black-haired boy.

He looks familiar. Sasuke thought, moving to the compute in front of the tube. It was state of the art. If there was a second Orochimaru, he was caught up with the time.

The computer screen was on. There was no password, Sasuke didn't even have to try and search for the files on the boy. They were pulled up for him to see.

"Project Chimera." Sasuke read the name of the file. "Chimera...I've heard that before."

The Chimera Technique. A kinjutsu that was developed by Hiruko, a missing-nin of Konohagakure, in order to compensate for his lack of natural special abilities. Meant to combine separate living bodies of organisms into one combined organism bearing the original characteristics of the organisms, and therefore create a synthetic body.

After seeing Kakashi bearing the Sharingan, Hiruko had used the technique to integrate the bodies of others with his own, allowing him to obtain any Kekkei Genkai they possessed, as well as other unique physical traits and absorb their chakra.

Sasuke wasn't surprised to see that Orochimaru had been studying the technique. The Sannin had always been obsessed with Kekkai Genkai and creating the perfect body.

He couldn't find mention of what techniques the boy had been given, but he did find the donors that supplied the DNA to create him.

Senju Tsunade. The Senju part was no surprise; Sasuke had seen first hand how powerful Hashirama Senju was during the Fourth Shinobi War.

Jiraiya. That was slightly shocking. Still, it was Orochimaru, and using his teammate's DNA to create a child without their consent sounded like something he would do.

Unlike natural children, there was a third donor of DNA.

Sasuke stared at the name.

Itachi Uchiha.

Another Naruto story!

I've been watching the Boruto Anime because I'm caught up with the Manga. I'm not going to say it's better or worse than Naruto, that's up to you to decide. What I will say is that it's definitely different. You can tell this new Generation has been raised in peace. True peace, not just time between wars like Naruto grew up in.

The Time Travel Arc is what pushed me to actually start writing this story. I decided to send Naruto forward in time as there aren't a lot of Fanfics with that premise.

And I figured Orochimaru was the best way to make that happen, him being an insane genius and all.

As for Naruto having the Chimera Technique and multiple Kekkai Genkai, I know it's overdone, but with all the power-ups during and after the Fourth Shinobi War, as well as the power the Otsutsuki clan has, I figured it fit.

Naruto is going to have the Sharingan without the Chimera Technique, thanks to Itachi's DNA. It's my favorite Dojutsu. I like it even more than the Rinnegan.

Here's the list of Kekkai Genkai the Chimera Technique gives Naruto:

Shikotsumyaku- Kimimaru

Explosion Release- Deidra

Jūgo's Clan's Kekkei Genkai- Juugo

Wood Release- Hashirama

The only two Kekkai Genkai set in stone are Explosion Release and Shikotsumyaku. I'm open to suggestions, so leave a Review with what Kekkai Genkai you'd like to see.

Pairing is undecided as it won't happen for awhile. Leave a Review with suggestions!

Thanks for reading! And stay safe!