The struggle for power was all that kept the Saiya-jin race alive. Some people called them monkeys but, in reality, brutes was a far better definition of them. The blood lust started from King Vegeta himself and stemmed all the way down to the lowest class soldier. They were a warrior race and one that showed no mercy.

Prince Vegeta was often thought of as the best prospect that the Saiya-jin race had ever seen. It wasn't uncommon for lower class and occasionally even elites to simply just admire him as he trained in the Saiya-jin royal palace. There was something about the child that yearned to be the best, which yearned to be the most powerful. It was a very dangerous tool indeed, especially when mixed with the fact that he had been blessed with an awful amount of natural talent.

The Prince differed in a very big way to he other Saiya-jin though. Whereas they trained in order to serve both Frieza and their King, he trained for a very different reason. It was no secret that strength was everything in the Universe - this was why Frieza controlled so much territory. The image of the icy tyrant always stayed with the Prince as he threw his fists into the air and continued to practise his punching techniques. The rest of the Saiya-jin trained for survival, but the Prince trained in the hope of one-day fulfilling the legend.

"You come from the strongest blood line in the history of our Planet," proclaimed King Vegeta as the Prince drifted away into a daydream of the tales his Father used to preach to him. "If anyone will do IT, you're the one! You have a lot to live up to!"

IT. Two letters. Yet, they meant so much to the Prince as he clenched his fist and threw another kick in the direction of his Saibaman sparring partner. The sweat poured from his forehead and he began to up the tempo of the match. The green insect like Saibaman stopped dead in his tracks as he watched the young Prince charge up a ball of yellow Ki on the palm of his hand. Vegeta cracked a smirk as he bounced the energy playfully on the tip of his finger. Finally, his face hardened.

"One day this will be Frieza standing in front of me!" he muttered to himself.

It shot across the floor of the hall and exploded with a flash. The Saibaman lay on the floor desperately trying to regain his feet. It was to no prevail though as he finally gave in and slumped to the floor. It was a hard life being one of the Prince's sparring partners.

The Prince picked up his towel and smiled with emotion. Each day of training made him stronger and the day upon which he'd finally claim his destiny beckoned.

"Prince Vegeta," exclaimed one of the palace's many messengers and errand runners. "Lord Frieza has requested that you attend a special counselling on his ship tomorrow at noon."

The Prince winced slightly. A meeting with Frieza himself? Usually, this only happened when there was something big in the pipeline. He remembered the last time he'd been requested to attend a council Frieza had assigned him to clear a Planet with a lot of strong fighters upon it. Perhaps he'd been given another mission?

"A meeting with Frieza?" he repeated. "Right. Prepare my ship and inform my Father that I shall be leaving the palace tomorrow."

The commoner nodded.


The Prince couldn't sleep at all that night. He lay there, tossing from side to side in a desperate attempt to close his eyes triumphantly. Excitement had over come him. Of course he'd never let on to Frieza that he was so interested in taking another mission - that is of course if a mission was the reason for this meeting.

He gazed out of his window towards the stars. One day he'd rule them all.

*** Zarbon and Dodoria roamed about Frieza's mothership aimlessly. It had been a quiet few weeks for the elites since they'd been assigned to conquer the Planet Konack. Zarbon liked it that way though. Despite the fact that was a great fighter, Zarbon always thought of himself more as a lover than a fighter. Fighting was just something he did in order to survive - he didn't have the same emotion and passion for battle that the Saiya-jin did.

They strolled around the corridors whilst Dodoria continued to hum to the obvious discontent of his green haired partner.

"Do you want to stop doing that now, Dodoria?" chirped Zarbon as he fired a look of anger towards the bloated pink creature.

"I'm bored in case you didn't notice, Zarbon," snapped back Dodoria. The two often disagreed over matters; just because they fought together didn't mean they had to like each other.

"Well, it looks as if Business is about to pick up," chirped Zarbon as he gazed on at the space pod that had just entered the mothership's loading bay. "That's Prince Vegeta you know. Apparently Frieza has summoned him to discuss something of importance."

"Importance? What use can that spoiled brat be? He has no real strength. He's just like the rest of his stupid race of primates. They all claim to be superb warriors and tell you of how they get stronger with each battle. The bottom line is that they don't live to see many battles because they are so inferior to begin with!"

Zarbon laughed. Dodoria was nothing more than a blithering idiot himself. Yet, Zarbon shared in his hatred for the Saiya-jin. They were just too arrogant for his liking.

"They may be inferior, but the Prince is a one off. By the time he matures he will become a powerful fighter! Sometimes I wish we could just go down there and wipe them all out! Prince Vegeta has the potential to become stronger than you or I. His energy is astounding for a boy of his age. You're blind if you fail to see this!"

Dodoria shook his head.

"Stronger than me? I don't think so, Zarbon!" chuckled Dodoria heartily. "What next? I suppose he's going to be stronger than Lord Frieza too, eh? He's just like the rest of them. Arrogant and weak!"

There was no point arguing with him. Zarbon wasn't all that bothered anyway. He realised how strong Vegeta could become and how he had to keep a close eye on him. If Dodoria was prepared to ignore the evidence - it was on his own head.

Suddenly, the corridors opened to Dodoria's startle. The small frame of the young Prince marched down the hallway in the direction of Frieza's grand chamber. Dodoria looked on as Vegeta wore a look of solid ice.

"Out of my way!" commanded the youngster as he shoved past the pink creature with force.

Dodoria hated being told what to do by anyone other than Frieza. He especially hated Saiya-jins thinking they had any short of authority over him.

"You little."

"Now, now, Dodoria," calmed Zarbon as he placed his hand in front of Dodoria's chest. "I don't want you to injure the little monkey before his big meeting. Tell me your Royal Highness, what's it like to be heir to throne for a race that should be swinging from trees?"

Vegeta stopped. He hated it when his heritage was mocked. He grimaced and yet knew there was no way he'd be able to defeat Zarbon or Dodoria yet. It was the same old story. Still, even if he wasn't strong enough, he still had a sharper tongue.

"You don't know what you're talking about, you clown! One day I'll make you eat your words. It might be sooner rather than later as well!" announced the Prince angrily, as he didn't bother to turn and fully acknowledge the comments.

Zarbon laughed off the idle threats of the Prince. However, one day he knew that Vegeta would be in a position to say things like that and actually be able to back it up.


"Ahh, Vegeta, how nice of you stop by," cackled Frieza as the young Saiya- jin entered the grand chamber. The white doors shut behind him, tramping him in a room with the single most destructive force the Universe had ever seen.

"I was instructed to come here because you have something to say to me, Frieza," began Vegeta. "What do you want with me?"

Vegeta was too young to address the tyrant formally. Instead, he treated him just as he would his father - with a bit of respect but nothing too spectacular.

"We'll get to that, Vegeta," announced Frieza. He hid his face from the Saiya-jin mostly out of arrogance but also because of the fact he hated to be around the Saiya-jin race. Their smell made him feel sick. "I want you to look out at all these Planets and stars for a moment. Every Planet that you see falls under my rule. The Empire is stronger than it has ever been before, Vegeta. We had a bit of trouble with rebellions from the Planet Konack but the elites soon sorted that out. There is no challenge to my power anymore. No threats. I live in a perfect world."

"You sound as if you don't want it that way, Lord Frieza!" exclaimed Vegeta as he struggled to understand where Frieza was going with this topic.

"Far from it, Vegeta. Everything is just as I always wanted it to be. That is until around 3 days ago," said Frieza as he finally span around in his chair and stood up to face Vegeta. "My father had recently acquired a new Planet to live on. The Planet Namek. However, after around a month of living there and leaving the Empire solely under my control - my contact with him has been severed. I want you to travel to Namek and find out what has happened and report back to me with your findings."

Vegeta gazed at Frieza not quite knowing what to say. This wasn't your run of the mill Planet conquering. This directly involved Frieza's family - why hadn't this job been given to his elites?

"But, if I may ask, why me? Why have I been chosen?"

Frieza turned to space once more.

"They lack your passion for battle. There was a time when my elites were fresh and showed a certain degree of pride. Now, they do not. They don't have to. They are considerably stronger than any of my other fighters apart from yourself and your father. Complete this mission and prove your worth!"

Vegeta knelt down and nodded his head slowly.

"It shall be done!"

He turned and walked through the door of the chamber confidently. There was now a bit of a swagger in his walk. He thrived on the extra responsibility.


Zarbon entered the grand chamber at the request of Lord Frieza. Just as Vegeta did not know exactly what Frieza had planned for him, he strolled in with an air of uncertainty clouding him.

"My Lord, you have summoned me."

"Yes, Zarbon," started up Frieza once more. "I called you here to take on a small mission that should not prove too difficult. It is one you will enjoy as well!"

Frieza laughed a little. It wasn't really unusual but it unnerved Zarbon at the same time.

"What is it, my Lord?"

"You are to travel to the Planet Namek alone, Zarbon. Upon reaching the Planet, you will find a young Saiya-jin Prince by the name of Vegeta. I want him dead!" beamed Frieza with a look of callousness about him.

"Dead?" exclaimed a dumbfounded Zarbon.

"Yes. Dead. I hope you're not questioning my judgement, Zarbon!" sounded off Frieza with a bite in his tongue now. "I have reason to believe he is treasonous. See to it that this little ape is put to sleep permanently!"

Zarbon nodded. He was still taken back by all of it. Frieza would never reveal why he wanted the young Prince dead exactly, but it did arouse the curiosity of Zarbon. He nodded finally and left the room. Frieza stood alone.


The villain waltzed around the grand chamber with his arms behind his back. His demonic eyes lit up the room as they glowed with evil Ki. Once more he faced the black abyss that greeted him as he gazed out of the ship's biggest window.

"That young Saiya-jin is becoming too strong. His power level is at 17,000 already and he's nowhere near fully-grown. I'd exterminate the whole lot of them if it weren't for the fact that I could really do with the extra man power in my ranks. No matter. This is the only one that stand a chance of fulfilling...that...myth. Super Saiya-jin? They don't exist."

For one so powerful he was far from convincing. Still, the problem would be dealt with and the promising youngster would be killed. Frieza really didn't need to do it - the Prince could be finished off at anytime by one of his elites and it would remain this way for quite some time. Indeed, Vegeta had a lot of growing up to do before he posed any real threat to Frieza's elites. Yet, more out of boredom and the constant nagging of THAT legend looming over him, Frieza decided now was as good a time as ever.

"Super Saiya-jin? Pfft!" he shook as he took his place on his throne once more.


The Planet Earth was one of the Planets in the Northern galaxy that hadn't been conquered by Frieza's Empire yet. The job was in the pipeline though and sooner or later, Earth would fall too. Upon the Planet Earth lay another Saiya-jin.

"Goku, can't we take.a.break from this?" asked an exhausted bald fellow as he continued to block a series of punches and kicks.

"Just another five minutes!" replied Goku as he upped the intensity level slightly catching Kuririn off guard with a nicely timed roundhouse kick to the back of the head.

Kuririn lay on the floor trying to get up. Goku laughed playfully as he stared down at his best friend.

"I hope I didn't hurt you there!" he chuckled.

Kuririn let out a series of groans and mumbles as Goku continued to chuckle.

"You're getting strong, Goku. You're a certainty to win the Budokai this year. Well, that is, if I don't enter!" laughed Kuririn as he teased Goku.

The two best friends smiled at each other and then leapt into another bout of laughter.

"We'll just see about that, Kuririn!"

Goku and Kuririn were still only young. They had the rest of their lives in front of them just as Prince Vegeta did. Yet, they didn't fully understand the role they were to play and the way they'd shape such important events in the future.

Ignorance is bliss as they say. The ignorance held by the Saiya-jin on Earth was about to be shattered in just a few short years. Prince Vegeta's was set to be shattered within a matter of days. Maybe Vegeta was right after all, just maybe he wasn't blinded by his own desire to become stronger - just maybe.strength was and is everything.