I think this is my favorite one of all of the ones I've written. Therefore it seemed only right to save it for last. So, last but certainly not least is: Henry!

1. He was never more terrified than when he and Maddie got pregnant. They had been dating for a few years, but hadn't discussed marriage at that point, let alone kids. He was barely out of childhood himself. He had no idea what it took to be a parent. He didn't think either of them were ready. And he really didn't want to screw his kid up.

2. When Maddie was pregnant, he really hoped it was a girl. He told everyone he'd be happy either way as long as it was healthy, but only because that's what you're supposed to do. He imagined spoiling his daughter immensely, being wrapped around her tiny finger, threatening her prom date, giving her away at her wedding. He tried hard not to show his disappointment when Shawn turned out to be a boy. He didn't love his son any less than he would have loved his daughter, but he'd had to let go of the entire life he'd planned out.

3. He has an irrational fear of killing spiders. He has no problem with the spiders themselves, but the act of having to kill one terrifies him. It probably stems from when he was a kid, specifically from the time he accidentally put his hand on a somewhat large spider. In addition to biting him, which sucked in and of itself, he could feel it scuttling around under his hand, desperate to escape. Remembering the feeling of it still made his hair stand on end. Thankfully Maddie was a pacifist who believed in rescuing any insects found inside the house and releasing them outside.

4. When he joined the police force, he set aside money and made plans for his funeral. He still has all the paperwork stored in his lockbox under his bed, even though he's retired now. Obviously, he never wanted to die on the job, but he did want to make sure his family would be okay in case it happened. He wouldn't have been about to bear it if he died and left his family with that kind of financial burden.

5. The night he arrested Shawn for grand theft auto and had to leave his son sitting in a holding cell for the night, he went home to an empty house and cried. He asked whatever God there was for clarity and guidance. He asked how he his life had gotten to that point. He asked how to fix things. He never got an answer.

6. He always knew Shawn was a good man. He never truly had any doubts. Concerns, yes, and he suspected he always would, but never doubts, But when Juliet told him how, when he had been shot by Jerry Carp, Shawn first refused to leave his side and then refused to stop investigating, he knew for sure that Shawn was a better man than him. He knew there was nothing on the Earth that would stop his son from protecting the people he loved. He'd never been prouder of his son.

7. The first time he shot a gun, he cried. It was on a hunting trip with his dad, when he was just 10. His dad had handed him a rifle and was instructing him on how to use it. They hadn't even been shooting at anything. But when he pulled the trigger, he burst into tears. Part of it was from pain, as it felt like his shoulder had been dislocated from the recoil. But he just also didn't want to shoot anything that was innocent. He and his dad only went on fishing trips after that.

8. He regrets being so tough on Shawn. He hadn't meant to push him too hard. He'd wanted to push just hard enough. He knew his son was extremely bright, probably bright enough to get into that fancy Meitner school, or whatever it was called. The problem was that Shawn never applied himself and was content with simply coasting through life. He wanted to teach his son focus and discipline. He wanted to make sure his son had something to fall back on, just in case everything else went wrong. He never meant to alienate him.

9. For a while he let Shawn win their Christmas tradition/challenge. It was in the hopes that it could help start repairing their relationship. But then Shawn kept winning even when he was trying his hardest to throw him off. It's maddening, and he's thinking of giving up completely within the next few years.

10. When Shawn was born, his first thought wasn't something like "That's my son," and "He's so tiny." He never told anyone what he thought when they handed him that baby swaddled in blankets, because he knew they would surely hit him. His first thought when he saw Shawn was, "He looks like a potato."