
Myrcella's eyes fluttered open only to be greeted with a blinding sun that in tern caused her to revoke the action. The smell of an almost burned firewood flared her nostrils and in her frenzy state she didn't understand how she could feel such a heat in the middle of winter if the fire was already non existent. Young woman curled deeper under the furs and her head hit the source of the heat.

Under the furs? Since when….

When her eyes flickered open for the second time and the waves of sleep rapidly left her mind she came face to…a strong looking bare shoulder and her hand on an equally strong-looking chest.

Fist she wanted to scream as her heart started racing in her chest that in turn made her breathing uneven, fast…..last she closed her eyes on a boat as she was being shipped to Dorne for an impending marriage to a Trystane Martell as a political alliance her family calculated. Waking up like this…moving was an option but she didn't want to the man her body seemed to be glued to to wake up just yet. Assessing the situation was incredibly difficult, their position was the main distraction, his scent was the second. He smelled of wet wood and leather and it drove her to urges she was not accustomed to feeling.

Their legs were hooked together, his hand covering hers on his chest. But it was obvious that he wasn't forcing her, more even his grip was somewhat protective. His head was facing the door making it impossible for her to see his face for the time being if she didn't want to risk waking him yet, until she could understand what was going on. They were covered with furs and although she was sure she's never seen the chamber they were in before, it ignited the strangest feeling inside her…like a long lost home. Not that I've ever been to this home.

While Myrcella tore her head up to scout around with her eyes her long hair must have cascaded on the man's neck and she suddenly felt his stirring as his head slowly turned her way and she sucked in a breath.

She was in bed with Robb Stark. They were both in a VERY compromising position. And he was waking up…

A\N Hello everyone and Welcome! The newest try at a Robb\Myrcella pairing and a little fantasy of a world that Could have been if…

There's a little magic in the story (but since we got characters like Milisande and Magge the Frog it all is well possible), the POV will probably change from Myrcella to Robb and back with occasional interlude here and there.

I don't own anything but the plot and some minor OC's.

Hope you like the Prologue small as it is. Leave me a line or two, I really want to know if you like how it starts.

