This story takes place right after season 1 when the purple smoke enters Storybrooke. The story centers around Emma and Hook and their journey to Storybrooke. The Captain Hook you will see in this story is still filled with hatred for Rumplestiltskin and his only goal is to get his revenge. The story will start out kind of dark, but will get lighter as Hook and Emma begin to know each other. Some parts might be triggering for some people, seeing that Emma is one girl aboard a ship full of pirates. There will however be no rape or disturbing violence in this story. In my opinion Hook is only "evil" because of his thirst for revenge and what he will do to get his revenge.

I apologies for any grammar mistakes in this story, as my native language isn't English. I'll do my best to try and get rid of any mistake I make. This is my first Fanfiction ever, so reviews are more than welcome. I hope you enjoy reading this story.

As the smoke clears Emma opens her eyes. 'What the hell was that?', Emma looks around. She looks at Henry and sees the terrified look in his eyes. 'Mom? What was that?', stammered Henry. 'I don't know, kid. But I'm gonna find out'. Emma turns to take a step towards the door when all of the sudden everything around her is spinning and her world turns black.

When Emma opens her eyes she's staring right at an apple tree. Her head is still spinning and in order to regain some balance, she reaches up to grab one of the branches from the tree.

'This is all your fault', hisses an angry voice. Emma looks behind her and her mouth drops open in shock. 'Rrr-egina, is that you? Are you kidding me? What are you wearing? Bit early for Halloween, isn't it?' Regina was standing in a big black ball gown that showed quit a bit of cleavage. Oh how Regina had missed her clothes from the Enchanted Forest. After all these years she finally felt like the Evil Queen again. Full of power, magic running through her veins. But not just magic, also anger. Anger for a very specific person that happened to be standing right in front of her.

'Don't even start!', Regina yelled. Emma has never seen so much anger in someones eyes. Even her worst foster parents didn't look at her with this much hatred. 'You RUINED my life, this was supposed to be my happy ending. Everything I did, EVERYTHING I achieved, undone by an idiot from Boston'. With every word Regina says, she takes one step closer to Emma until they're almost face to face. Emma is not one to back down though and with a very strong, unwavering voice says: 'Quit the bullshit, Regina. What was the purple smoke and how did I get here? I still feel dizzy from whatever stunt you pulled'. Regina grins at Emma.

'Isn't it obvious dear? Magic.' Emma looks at Regina stunned. 'Magic is the answer for everything. And guess what I'm going to do with mine?'. Regina pulls a piece of paper from behind her back. The paper is rolled up in her hand. 'This is how I'm going to get it all. Now that you ruined my plans'.

'What is that, an apple pie recipe? Thank you, but I'm not hungry'. Emma smugly looks at Regina but is shocked when all of the sudden she's lifted high up in the air, unable to breath. She feels her throat closing up and her legs bunging in the air. Yet Regina is not holding her physically. Magic. 'R-eggin-a wha-t-youd-oing?' Emma tries to say while gasping for breath.

'Creating my happy ending. You see with this spell I'll no longer have to share Henry with you. I no longer have to look upon your face knowing that you broke my curse and took everything that mattered to me.' Regina laughs with the most evil laugh Emma has ever heard. 'Don't worry dear, I won't kill you. Can't have Henry thinking I killed his mother. This spell will banish you to the place where you were born. I'll tell Henry there's no way for you to be here. That you belong somewhere else. He'll be heart broken, I'm sure. But he'll move past it. After all... I'm his real mother'. Regina lets go of Emma's throat, yet Emma is still floating in the air. Now gasping for breath Emma is scared. Not for herself but for Henry. She has to be there for him, she will not abandon him again. 'Dream all you want Regina, but Henry is my son. Always has been, always will be. I love him more than anything and I'll never stop fighting for him.' Emma voice started out strong but she ends up screaming full of anger. Regina doesn't seem to be fazed by Emma's hatred though and decides to push her buttons even further.

'Too bad you never even had the chance to really meet your parents, right Swan? Sure you spend some time with Mary Margaret but that's hardly the same. And now, you guys will never be a family.'

'Regina stop it, now!' Or I'll make sure you'll regret it', Emma says strongly.

'Don't worry, I'm sure Snow White and Prince Charming won't mind missing you for a bit longer. After all, they've already abandoned you for 28 years.' Emma puts on a brave face to show Regina that she can't get to her. When in all honesty, Regina's words were cutting deep.

Regina rolls out the piece of paper in her hand and is once again choking Emma. Regina smiles in victory. 'I'm finally gonna get it all, my happy ending'.

'Lee-t-me-g-o', Emma tries to say. Emma struggles against the invisible hand that's holding her up in the air. Before she knows it the world starts spinning again. She swears she can hear Regina's voice whispering goodbye. Then everything turns black.