A Certain Sister's Adventure

by RgpO_32

Chapter 1: New Opportunities: New_Game

Disclaimer, I do not own 'A certain' series and its characters.

The world doesn't stop if you fall, it will continue until everything stops minding its own business, and so the society follows that exact same rule, but he didn't followed that rule.

When someone is in front of great danger they will be most likely to flee, he was someone deemed as the weakest by the world, but he was brave enough to stay there and face it clenching his fists to the strongest and defeat him.

He destroyed expectations as if they were illusions and gave them hope, he gave them a life to live.

And this was the start of their life.

Part 1

August 23.

A girl was looking up to a boy, he was asleep, as if nothing ever happened. She did not understand why he opted to save them.

A low meow could be heard besides her, the cat was hungry apparently. No surprise as it was almost 2am.

The girl had some bandages over her body and a military goggles on her forehead, she was Misaka 10032, the serial number 10032 of the Misaka Network and one of the clones of Misaka Mikoto, the number three level 5 of Academy city and the most powerful electro master. Misaka 10032 was a clone created to help the strongest to achieve level 6.

Or so it was until the boy in front of her, warped in bandages, stopped that.

"(It's time to go, Misaka thinks.)"

Something grabbed her hand, it was the boy's deed, he was still asleep though, even his hand was cold to the touch and wrapped in bandages, it felt nice and warm.

"(Is the savior truly asleep? Misaka murmurs.)" She grabbed his hand and started evaluating his vitals, like the brain waves and heart rate. [1]

He was at 7Hz, meaning, he was asleep nearly awake, after some seconds, it raised up to 8.3Hz, she continued evaluating, strange enough his brainwaves and heart rate increased more.

"M-M-Misaka-san!?" Said Kamijou Touma fully awake. "W-What are you doing? This Kamijou-san didn't do anything to earn this! I-I didn't raised a flag, didn't I? Didn't I!?"

"Misaka do not understand what you are implying but you were the first one to grab Misaka, says Misaka, says Misaka as a matter of fact."

"N-no way! Am I that desperate to move my hand to a girl's chest while I'm asleep? I refuse to acknowledge that!"

"What are you trying to say? Misaka does not understand, maybe he's sick after all, Misaka sighs. All you did was grab Misaka's hand, Misaka explains. It was Misaka who brought your hand to this position in order to read your brainwaves, Misaka adds tilting her head. Is there another meaning to this?"

"Dammit… What Misfortune!" Shouted Kamijou. "Ouch!"

"Maybe he's sick after all, Misaka says expressing worry. Are you ok? Asks Misaka."

"I forgot I shouldn't move, nothing important to worry about."

Misaka poked his side and Kamijou expressed some pain.

"Some bandages moved on savior's torso, Misaka concludes. That will aggravate your physical trauma and you will experience pain if you don't accommodate them. Do you want Misaka help you? Misaka asks nicely."

"Not thanks I can manage myself…"

"No, Misaka insist, you will get worse and your doctor right now is not in the hospital."

"F-Fine, do as you wish." Touma sighed.

Misaka 10032 started to redo Touma's bandages.

"Well, at least we managed to return home after all." Touma said after some time in silence.

"About that, replies Misaka." Misaka said while taking off Touma's bandages. "Misaka doesn't have a world or home as same as you, says Misaka honestly, the experiment is ending due to your actions."

"That's good to hear."

"But there is a problem with Misaka's body as a fact that it was rapidity grown for the sake of the experiment, our bodies will age rather quickly, and so, they will need to be adjusted to live a normal life."

Given the theory, that was true and false at the same time, being a clone does not means that you will have a shorter life, but the circumstances of the creation of the sisters, made this a possibility because of the alterations of the hormones in the first place, and those weren't stabilized up to date.


"Are you listening? Misaka asks while glaring at you."

"Yes, just thinking that it's just unfair."

"What do you mean? Misaka asks."

"It's nothing, but can the sisters be healed with this 'adjustment'?"

"Yes, given the time and resources it can be done, Misaka answers."

Getting the founding for the sake of 9969 sisters is a tough job, especially if it's part of the dark side world and academy city, no one can just move a lot of money on it without being detected or start rumors

"How much time?" Touma asked.

"We don't have enough information to answer that question, Misaka apologizes. Misaka has finished with the bandages savior."

"Thanks, but could you not call me 'savior' is a little weird and I'm no savior."

"But the savior is the savior, Misaka tilt's her head. Isn't that right?"

"Kamijou Touma, Ka-mi-jou To-u-ma, that's my name, not savior."

"Understood Ka-mi-jou To-u-ma! Misaka says repeating Ka-mi-jou's full name."

"…" Kamijou sighs. "Anyway, good to see you're good even with that hormone regulation thing."

"We all are thanks for you, even Onee-san is grateful for your deed. Misaka answers."

"She? Nah, never, she's going to chase me around the next time I see her." Touma negated.

A cat meow after that said.

"Now that I remember, you never said its name." Touma said grabbing the cat.

"It's called 'dog'. Misaka answers."



"Are you serious?"

"Yes Misaka is."

"You will need to change it later, it's a weird name for a cat… and sorry for that book of raising cats due to the events I lost it, probably burnt it too. (And that's going to affect my wallet a little bit)" He murmured the last part.

Little did he know that his wallet got destroyed by an explosion too.

"There's no problem about that, Misaka understands, going to another topic, how did you, Kamijou-san, managed to 'hit' Accelerator? Misaka questions. That's impossible given his ability."

"What was his ability?" Touma questioned as he wasn't briefed about Accelerator's ability for starters, it just seemed like telekinesis.

"Vector Manipulation, Misaka answers as fact, it lets the user freely manipulate vectors all around him, vectors are something that have a magnitude and a direction and that's literally anything."

"You didn't needed to explain that, I remember what the vectors are, I'm not stupid."

"Sorry, Misaka apologizes, Onee-san said that you was."

"Why it doesn't surprise me…" Touma sighed, again.

"Going back to the topic, how did you achieved that deed?"

Touma raised his right hand.

"I can't fully explain what's going up with my hand but I can somewhat negate the supernatural and my luck too."

"Misaka does not believe it, there's no such ability recorded on Academy's City record bank and things such as 'luck' does not too"

"I'm labeled as a level 0 thanks for that and luck does exist, trust me."

"Level 0? Asks Misaka in amusement and confusion. That's impossible, Accelerator can reflect any kind of vector known to date and you punch him without any kind of backlash, says Misaka demanding a response."

"W-Well, I'm labeled as a level 0 but I do have an ability and it cannot be detected by the machinery of the curriculum program apparently."

That was true but for this case it was special, even for level 0's they did indeed have an AIM field, even the rare gemstones have one, instead he did not have that, he was a true zero, the weakest of all.

"It makes no sense, Misaka says in disbelieve. Misaka needs further proof and data to confirm that, maybe checking your student information."

"Want to confirm it?" Touma pointed to his hand. "Try to make some sparks or current flow and touch my hand."

"There's about a 30% chance of you getting knocked out, it is not recommended. Misaka analyses."

"Make it 100% but I trust on you." He grabbed her hand. "Try to make some sparks now."

1…2…3 seconds passed, nothing happened, the Misaka Network was silent as if everything shut down. She tried to make some electricity … nothing happened either.

"See what I meant that it somewhat denies all kind of ESPERS powers?" Touma said taking back his hand, making her connection with the Network come back and her electricity too.

"Why are you red?" Touma questioned.

"… Misaka does not know… Misaka answers feeling a little dizzy…"

This reaction was caused by the blast of information from the network that she received.

"You should go now." Touma said. "You're in a bad state too, don't push yourself."

"Y-Yes, unfortunately, it seems that you need to rest and so Misaka too, don't worry, we will see each other soon, announces Misaka."

"I see." Said Kamijou while closing his eyes. "Take care…"

There was much to come that he will remember that day as being nothing special, but she will, a promise to live, a promise to choose her destiny.

The story is not over yet it was the start.

In the darkness two souls move on their respective paths.

And so, Touma smiled as he dreamed of the time to see her smile with others and live a normal live.

Even if the world doesn't allow it.

Part 2

Academy City is a very famous place known all around the world as the capital of science and technologically advanced 20 a 30 years in the future regarding at the 'outer' world, and as you can guess, in every city are certain attractions or you can say myths and urban legends. It's said that in district 7 you could encounter the windowless building or hear a shout of 'such misfortune' if you are lucky (je) as a matter of example.

One of the peculiar scenes that you can encounter is a spiky haired Kamijou Touma aka The savior, warped up in bandages and running away from the day to day thugs, the teleporting demon called Shirai Kuroko (Onee-san san said to NEVER and EVER try to interact to her.) trying to 'kill' him for unknown reasons or any kind of people from a guy with blue hair shouting… things that would risk anyone sanity if listen to, an brown hair girl with psychopath tendencies generating green beams of electrons, or as a matter of fact, all of above at once at the day that he was discarded from the hospital after the events of yesterday, and that raises the question of 'how is this guy even moving in the first place?'. The answer, truly unknown even if 9969 + 2 brains are trying to found any logic behind this event. One could say 'GUTS!', other could say 'Because idiots never rest', and so on.

A cry of 'SUCH MISFORTUNE!' could be seen outside of a certain hospital on a window of the waiting room 2 of the Clinical Research Area in which a frog faced doctor aka Heaven Canceller was with a nurse and 4 identical girls were reading a magazine, specifically the fortune section of it. They were the 'sisters' or clones of the level 5 number 3 of Academy City aka Misaka Mikoto.

"That was Kamijou, was he?" Asked a frog faced doctor.

"Apparently yes he was, Misaka 10032 answers putting down the magazine."

"I don't want him to be hospitalized for second time in less than 24 hours." Commented a Nurse while sighing. "Poor soul."

"Misaka agrees with the statement from the unknown nurse, says Misaka 19090 giving a pity look to the unfortunate of the savior."

"Talking about the magazine 10032, how about giving him a good luck charm that the magazine informs us, says Misaka 13577 ignoring the contradiction that Misaka just commit."

"That's a good idea 13577 if it wasn't for his ability being able to negate super natural abilities and god blessings such as 'fortune' as an hypothesis by the whole network after researching about that statement last night, explains Misaka 10039 giving a small sigh and a pity look in her eyes."

A small beep sound was heard in the waiting room and a sign of 'Next' illuminated, then another girl identical to the 4 girls came to the room, her serial number was 10932.

"That was awful, says Misaka 10932 giving a sigh. Such Misfortune."

"Why are you saying that 10932, says Misaka 10032. And why are you coping Kamijou's aka the savior catchphrase?"

"Misaka won't say anything about what's going to happen inside the room, Misaka 10932 says giving a cold-ice glare to her fortunate sisters and denning access to Misaka's memory in the network. Such Misfortune, Misaka says while giving her back to the others sisters and proceeding to leave the room. Misaka's will be waiting in the safe house N°3 with the other 5 units, even if Misaka doesn't want to do anything."

"Doctor, what's happening to her?" Asked the Nurse giving a concern look.

"I don't know, I'm not allowed to go inside that room, after all its him the one that propose this, so, I'm just verifying that he isn't doing anything to my patients." Answered Heaven Canceller. "10032-san, it's your turn to go inside, remember to disconnect to the Misaka Network before entering and to leave your cat here, the doctor does not like cats at all and they to him neither."

After entering the room for her examination after reclaiming about 'dog' (je), she could say that it wasn't impressive, but the only thing that stood weird was a laptop waiting inside and a dog with a backpack.

(Even if it's weird, the dog is cute, Misaka thinks as she grins to herself.)

"Welcome Miss.10032, I'm Kihara Noukan, and I'm the one that's going to examine you." Said the dog with a robotic voice. "Before you say anything, the code is ZXC741ASD852QWE963 and the answer is 'Key 3 back board second row'."

"T-that's correct, says Misaka trying to process the information of a talking dog that its part of the experiment and Misaka's examiner."

"Don't give a though to that, I was asked as a punishment by someone because of the unconscious electromagnetic field that you girls produce. Between good and bad, that's good, but with like and dislike, I should say dislike, and such as that boy of early, such misfortune indeed, and if you cooperate, we should end this quick."

"Alright, but Misaka has a question, asks Misaka waiting for approval." Noukan give her a nod as a signal to continue. "Why are you examining the Misaka's individually?"

"Two reasons, the first, and as I said as my punishment, and the second of individual differences such as weight, height, level and so on. Any more questions? That's good, so let's get started."

The examination was pretty normal if it wasn't that a dog was taking notes with a robotic arm expanded from its backpack. After 10 minutes, the test was over.

"That's all for now, thanks for the cooperation. But before you go, we've got a mission for you and your sisters."

"The experiment was cancelled, there's no need to the sisters to aid on it, Misaka answers."

"Take it as… an employment… yes, an employment of sorts, besides it's from the higher ups, the chief being precise." Noukan said. "Do you know what a gemstone is?"

"Yes, its basic knowledge to the Testament referred as Abilities inmates of an individual, such as Attack Crash, the Level 5 number 7, answers Misaka remembering the data from the Testament."

"Your definition is accepted."

A line of thought came to her mind.

"Excuse Misaka, but what's Kamijou Touma ability? Misaka asks."

Noukan reminded in silence looking to the window.

"I'm not allowed to say much…" Noukan started. "I know that you girls need answers, being thrown to the world like that… between good and bad, that's bad for some people and like and dislike, I dislike it." It turned to see her to the face again. "Imagine Breaker, there's no more I can say about that topic, sorry."

The mood darkened a bit. 'Imagine Breaker' a new term, Kamijou's bizarre ability… the sisters will have a task in hand to search about it.

"Going to another plain of conversation." Noukan said gaining her attention again. "There's another thing you need to know, some of the sisters will be accommodated in other institutions all around the world, and you with the serial number 10032 will be given an opinion in this decision, such as staying, going outside, and some privileges such as going to school if you want."

"So, that's why 10033 up to 10100 were giving me some death quotes minutes ago by the Misaka Network? Asks Misaka thinking of a perfect revenge on them. But Misaka have another question, what is the cause of the exception to this unit?"

"You were deemed to be destroyed by Accelerator yesterday, but it didn't happened because of Kamijou Touma, the numbers previous of 10032 are no longer operating, meaning you're the youngest one, and the chairman in personal want to apologies with the whole network by giving a gift, a choice for your own path."

"Misaka does not know how to make a decision, Misaka says."

"I believe so, but you already learnt that." Noukan said. "Yesterday you accepted to help Kamijou, an intenference in the original plan, not to get him away that was your first decision that you and all of the sisters ever made." Noukan extended a robotic arm as if giving her a hand. "So what do you say 10032-san? I'll give you some time for you to think about it."

Making a decision is somewhat difficult and troublesome that means that you only need to choose one of the alternatives or take the deal or no, and for Misaka 10032 it was the first time to make a decision on her own without the assist of the network, because it was 'her' the only one that will be affected in the end. She could go outside to explore the world and get the revenge on her follow sister, maybe even getting to experience live. But there's also the fact that here in Academy City the live was also good even outside the experiments, there was the variable of the school and that will help her to make acquaintances with more ease, maybe even friends, also there were other people that she know, like her Onee-san and Kamijou Touma…

"Time's up 10032-san, what's your answer?" Asked Noukan.

Her choice was crystal clear.

"Misaka wish to stay."

"Understood miss 10032." Said Noukan while giving her a format paper. "Welcome to Academy City."

This was the beginning.

Hey, RgpO here!

Good to be back again!

This was the first chapter of this series (again) after 1 year after leaving it as stand by, the reason of that was procrastination, school work, health and after school activities such as German classes. It literally robbed me a lot of my time and energy to thing and to write something and I bet that this year is going to be similar as it's my final year at school (And I really need to get in the top 1, not the top 3 like last year), but I will try my best for sure, even if they are online due to the global situation right now.

Anyway, that out of the way, I'll try to upload when I can more frequent now.

Anyway, see you next time.

('Misaka' word count: 90)