Far above in the inky blackness of space a lone ship drifted through the cosmos with no apparent destination set in mind. However within the confines of the vessel a gathering, the likes of which none could imagine, was taking place. Elder Hunters of all the Clans from the Yautja and Hish homeworlds had gathered aboard this neutral ground in order to discuss a revelation brought to the attention of a young Clan Leader.

All the Clans sat as equals below their respective Council of Ancients. They were the Dark Blade Clan, the Karepta Clan, the Kuk Clan, and above them all sat the two Kings.

Once all were in order T'a'tuolth and Van-To'tea bid the Clan Leader to present the news to them. Stepping forward, Daun'dcheaad lowered himself onto a knee before all as he spoke.

/My Elders and Kings, the planet of the Humans has given birth to something new that may one day come to rival even our own might.\

There was much outcry at this statement. What was this? Surely there was not anything there that could challenge them. Both Kings silenced their peoples and bid the Hunter speak.

/I present the Huntress who brought this to my attention.\

Turning to the door as it opened a small, lithe shape entered the assembly area.

/Why is a child-maker present?\

An Elder growled as the female stiffened, clenching her fist before she could do anything rash with her spear.

/Silence Uya-Zu! There is no call for such language, especially in front of Na'ytaan. She is an honored huntress of the Kuk Clan and has earned the title twenty times over by slaying two of the hard meat Queens before her first heat. So if you wish to entice her wrath, by all means just let the rest of us watch as she hands your head to the Kings.\

The Elder slammed his fist down as he glared across the room at the one who had spoken.


The Elders eased back at the sharp tone of King T'a'tuolth.

/I wish to hear of this encounter and whether or not this will have any affect on our collective future.\

King Van-To'tea nodded in agreement.

/That is what I say. Let the Huntress speak!\

The air was filled with soft growling as the female lowered herself to both knees before placing her head against the cool metal floor.

/My Elders and Kings, I shall tell all to you as it occurred.\

The air was hot and full of moisture as she trekked through the swampy marshlands. So unlike the grasslands she had stalked in her youth but welcome to her all the same.

She had just finished combing through the brackish water in pursuit of armored water beasts and had attained a handsome skull and skin as her prize when she heard it. Native music. And where there was music, there was prey. Human prey. Trilling happily at her unexpected good fortune she deftly made her way through the treetops, unaware of the eyes also following her as she went.

She eased back as she came upon the camp and bent low to the limb she was on. Securing her catch to herself she did a cursory glance over the site and growled in disappointment. This was nothing but a group of juveniles in rut. She made to turn back and return to her ship when something caught her eye or more accurately ear.

Settling back onto the branch she looked closer at the camp. Music was indeed blaring out into the nightscape as were the cries of passion but they sounded ... off... as though recorded. She dropped off her branch and cloaked herself as she walked among the tents. She could see heat signatures within but they weren't alive. Clicking curiously she opened one and saw an oblong block that was giving off the heat she saw, in addition she saw a small circle that was echoing the sounds she heard.

Her mind was whirling as she tensed and expanded her senses. There was no other threat nearby so this fake campsite wasn't meant as a trap to her. Then what was this for?

As silently as she entered, she left and and examined the perimeter. She spotted a native transport and approached close enough to listen to the male as he spoke, her mask translating his tongue for her.

/Nothing here, just a bunch of drunken kids, I'm on my way back.\

She rumbled in thought before something else caught her attention. Quick as a whip she vanished into the trees, leaving a confused male as he turned around.

She settled into a perch and waited.

The transport soon drove off and the land became silent, except for the noise from the fake camp.

She waited there patiently for one planet hour when the first moved.

Out of the bushes came a whole pack of Humans, ones that were armed and clearly trained as Hunters.

She purred as she eyed eight or ten promising trophies, the Hunt had just become more interesting. Giving a silent prayer to the Huntress and her Ancestors she checked her Honor gauntlet before pursuing her prey.

Then things became very strange.

She counted the Human pack at first numbering three hundred. One hour into her stalking it became a hundred and fifty. She dismissed that at first, believing they were circling whatever it was they were hunting.

Then came the screams.

Her head whipped to the sound and watched a body drop without its skull. She cursed silently as below the marshes erupted with weapon fire.

She gritted her teeth and hissed when one made contact with the outside of her left thigh. Hissing, she tried to leap to another branch but skidded sloppily and crashed into a lower branch.

Looking down she saw the reason for her sloppy landing; the broken remains of a dart in her thigh glared back at her. Fighting to keep her breathing slow so she could escape, she turned and leapt again.

Her landing however had not gone unnoticed from below. The song of hundreds of darts flew near her perch, many finding purchase in her neck and back as she tried to keep her breathing slow.

She dove into a river and kept absoluetly still as more darts whizzed past her. She could not wait to kill these Humans and claim their skulls as her own.

Then the waters silenced before turning dark red with blood, followed by the bodies of her unknowing prey.

Feeling the need for breath become too great she surfaced and heaved herself ashore as the soft patter of rain began to fall upon her.

She turned and watched as one of the armored water beasts she had earlier stalked come closer and snap at one of the still live Humans and drag them off into the deeper water.

She watched as others came for the dead and dying as the rain continued to fall. One came close to her but stayed just out of her reach, others joined it in waiting. She felt her eyes close as the darts took hold, then black.

She awoke to find herself in another part of the marsh under the roots of a tree with a piece of meat beside her.

Growling at her ineptness she weakly reached out for the food. It took several tries before her hand worked well enough to grip the meat and bring it to her face.

Biting off healthy chunks of meat she eased herself back and heard something chittering above her.

It took two moon rises but eventually she had regained her strength and could move on her own well enough to return to her ship. Throughout it all she had been provided with a piece of meat for the day and had relied upon the river for drink.

Then she heard the soft rumbling chitter and turned. There standing before her was a bipedal animal with a gleaming intelligence in her eyes. Na'ytaan knew immediately that she was in the presence of one who had saved her.

The creature turned and gave a chirp.

The Huntress' head turned softly as she rose from her kneeling position and followed. This creature had a voice like their own and if taught could speak it.

Following the blue-striped creature she became aware of more as her mind cleared itself of the induced haze.

Her equipment wasn't working and there was more than one of the blue-stripe.

Others appeared from all around her. She wouldn't have been surprised if others were still around her but hidden to strike if needed.

They led her to a sheltered clearing where she saw Young hide behind their Elders and nests guarded by ferocious looking pairs.

As they approached the base of a large tree the blue-stripe broke away and walked up to a pair of large black creatures.

She slowly eased herself down and watched the interaction as her guide appeared to be explaining to the larger black one.

Briefly she wondered if this was what it was like for her people when they first developed.

The larger black one easily prowled up to her.

She blinked twice as the scent of a male entered her nose, along with what she would associate with an Alpha creature.

Thinking better of it, she took off her mask and set it down in front of him as he bent closer and smelled her scent.


The rough human speech took her back slightly but she understood then that this was another Hunter. The Humans had obviously been after this one but he was clearly the better.

She had dared to violate the territory of a Hunter who was clearly her better in skill.

Bowing her head lower than his she chanced the old dialects.

/I am a Huntress of the Kuk Clan.\

There were growls and the black female made to move but was halted by a hiss from the male.

/I do not know this pack.\

Breathing quietly in relief she realized the old dialects were not only understandable but eerily similair.

/I meant no disrespect or to steal any of your kill, I was hunting the Humans as they are worthy opponents.\

Growling the black Alpha gave a sharp barking sound to the assembled and they dispersed.

/Leave our territory and live. I will permit your hunts on the outer rim however.\

Looking up Na'ytaan had a daring idea.

/If I may. Can I return to teach you and yours my kind's skill in the hunt?\

The other black female gave a hiss again.

/Who are you to think we may be swayed by your offers?\

The male silenced her again.

/IF we allow you to, what do you have to gain?\

Na'ytaan didn't even hesitate in her reply.

/Prey. You seem to attract Hunters from among the Humans. For us there is no finer sport.\

The black male seemed to be thinking it over in his mind as his void colored eyes tightened in thought.

Then without preamble he set his massive claws over her hands.

/We shall see Huntress.\

The blue-stripe and black female took either side of the pair as they continued to stare deep into the others eyes.

Both females lunged forward and stabbed their talons through both their Alpha's and Na'ytaan's hands.

She fought to keep herself silent, sensing this to be a sort of rite.

/It is done.\

The male rumbled as he stood up. Na'ytaan did as well not wanting to be seen as weak amongst the male's people.

/Find us Huntress when you are ready so the Kritomoloch may learn these ways of yours.\

Na'ytaan jerked as her equipment suddenly flared to life she turned around and was met with an empty clearing.

This Hunt had indeed exceeded her expectations, she clenched her wounded hands into fists and lifted them up with a bellowing roar.

Listening to the echo as it carried she returned to her ship and sent a message to her Clan leader of the development.

The Kings sat back as they both mulled over the possible ramifications of the Huntress' story. An entirely new breed of Hunter had evolved on
Earth and when compared to Humans, their potential was incredible.

Imagine the possibilities if this species were left to grow as they had? At long last, their thirst for a race of true equals could in fact be realized.

Both Kings shared a look then nodded as they turned to the assembly of Elders and Leaders and spoke as one.

/Let it be known we are not the only Hunters on this world. Should they one day rise to be as we are, let us welcome them to the Hunts. The Huntress has certainly provided us with a unique opportunity. We would all be wise to take heed of it.\