Me: Hello there my dinos, CarnotaurusMan back at it with another rewrite this time for Vengeance Strike! Like the new title? I know I do, and I bet Alice does to! XD

Anyways, I'm really excited to tackle this story now. I felt like the previous version was really rushed and didn't have that well of a storyline. Plus, this'll let me put in a new element to the timeline which I'll talk about at the end of this chapter. Now it's time for a DK character to say the disclaimer! Let's give a warm round of applause for out lengthy boy, Zander! (applause and whistling; Zander walks up to me)

Zander: Really? Lengthy boy?

Me: What?

Zander: That sounds so wrong.

Me: Hey! I'm not the one with my mind in the gutter. (Zander turns red of embarrassment)

Zander: (sighs) Alright. CarnotaurusMan has no rights in owning me or anyone. Thank goodness for that!

Me: Oh, come on! I'm not that bad of a boss, I'm at least better than Dr. Z!

Dr. Z: I heard that!

In the living room of Zeta Point, Ursula was pacing the room all riled up. It had been a couple of weeks since the incident with her and Zander, her brother was dating the enemy behind everyone's back. She couldn't believe her own brother was betraying the entire team.

Ed was in the room with Ursula, worried about his sister's health. "Ursula," he spoke, "Maybe you should calm down." Ursula snaps her head towards her other brother and shoots a nasty glare. "Give me one good reason to calm down!" She hissed.

"Well, I mean, Zander is just trying to find love. There's nothing wrong with that," says Ed, cowering from Ursula.

"Says you, I know for a fact that Zander is now a traitor! The only reason you're not mad at him is because he bought you that lousy cheeseburger after everything."

Ed sighs happily, "It was the best cheeseburger I've ever had." Unfortunately, this earns him a slap on the backside of his head. As he rubs the spot he got smacked on, he asks his sister, "Well, then why haven't you gone to Dr. Z and tell him?"

Ursula stops pacing, her mood begins to soften a little. "It's complicated," She said. Even after everything that happened a week prior Ursula was worried for her brother, but she's just too stubborn to admit that she does still care. "Look, we can tell Dr. Z everything later. Right now we have to put our heads together and find a way to get our Zander back."

"Last time I checked, putting your heads together usually ends in disaster."

The two siblings turn their heads towards the doorway. There stood the second leading scientist of the Alpha Gang, Seth. He tells the duo, "I couldn't help but listen to your plans to get revenge on Zander, after all he is dating someone on the enemy team."

Ursula and Ed were in shock. "H-Ho...How did you find out?" wonders Ed.

Seth rolled his eyes, "Oh please, don't think your dinosaur battle was unnoticed."

Cuts to a flashback. Seth is seen hovering in his signature jet, the hatch opens and he uses a pair of binoculars. Through the binoculars Seth could see the Alpha Gang and D-Team dinosaurs duking it out, and he saw Zander teaming up with the D-Team. "Hmm," he said, lowering his binoculars.

The flashback ends.

Ursula couldn't believe Seth had spied on them. She marches up to the man, grabs him by the jacket and growls, "You better keep your mouth shut about this, because this does not concern you!"

Unfazed, Seth pushes Ursula off of him. "If you would let me finish? I'm not here to rat anyone out, instead I'm here to help." The duo were clearly confused. Seth continues to explain, "I have an idea as to help you get back at Zander and help us get back the doctor's dinosaur cards."

Ed asks, "How are we supposed to do that?"

"Simple. After doing some research, it turns out the city you were in is the location of the enemies base of operations and Zander's new girlfriend is the leading scientist there. We can easily have the cards teleported to Zeta Point with her help."

Ursula and Ed were quite skeptical about the plan. "How in the world is blonde supposed to help us?! She won't give us those cards willingly." said Ursula.

Seth flashes a sly smile, "Oh, trust me Ursula. She will give us the cards willingly." Ursula tilts her head in confusion, Ed was more nervous with what Seth had in store.

At the D-Lab, Reese was deep in her work when her phone began ringing. She answers the call and puts it on speaker. "This is Reese." She answers.

"Good afternoon, my darling angel."

Reese easily recognized the caller, it was her new boyfriend Zander. She immediately began to blush and forms a smile, "Hey Zander, how are you?"

"Oh, you know, living life at home while missing being beside the most beautiful woman in the world," replies Zander. He gets a chuckle out of Reese.

"Somedays, you wish life to be good." The scientist said, flipping a piece of paper over and continuing to write. "Right?" Zander says, "Anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to go and get some ice cream together."

Reese answers, "Ice cream actually does sound good. How's about after when I'm done with work, we can go?"

"That sounds good to me, darling." said Zander, "Well I'd love to talk some more, but unfortunately I have to finish my work as well."

Reese playfully shook her head. "And you're wasting time by talking to me? Wow, talk about lazy!" She laughs.

"I believe the terminology is 'break time'."

"Whatever. Well, I have to let you go so we can both get work done."

"Very well. Have a good day, Reese."

"You too, bye." Reese hangs up her phone and continues to do her work. She was really glad to have someone like Zander as her lover, he always knew how to make her smile. Everytime Reese thinks of him, she always smiles brightly.

As she does her work, the screen of the giant monitor turns static. This catches her attention, Reese gets up out of her chair and proceeds to the monitor. "Oh dear, this can't be good." said the blonde scientist.

That's when the screen displays a pulsating purple light. Reese backs off slightly, she has never seen the screen act up like this before. "What is up with…" Reese stops mid sentence.

Something was wrong with her.

Her head began to spin, her knees grew weak, as if something was trying to take hold of her body. "What' me?!" She hissed in pain, covering her temples with her hand. Reese tries her best to fight back and maintain control, she stumbles around as she continues to fight for her mind.

A voice comes from the monitor, "Do not fight it Reese, embrace it."

Reese then stood still for a moment. She takes her hands off her temples and stands tall with her eyes closed. She opens her eyes. But they weren't her normal purple eyes, Reese's eyes were now red.

She was now being controlled. With a monotone expression, she utters, "I have no thoughts, I am yours to control."

The screen changes once more. This time, it displays Seth with a satisfying smile. "Good." He says, "You now work for the Alpha Gang."

"I work for the Alpha Gang." repeats the brainwashed scientist.

"Correct. Now for your first assignment, you are to gather the dinosaur cards on that counter and bring them back to Zeta Point." Seth continues, "Just step on the teleporter when you're ready."

Reese nods, "I will obey your every command." She makes her way to the counter with the dinosaur cards that the D-Team have managed to score, she grabs every single card before making her way to the teleporter. Standing in the middle of the platform, bright lights filled the room and teleported Reese to the island of the Alpha Gang.

However, a pair of dinosaur cards float to the floor.

Ursula and Ed watch as Seth uses the computer. Then, a bright light appears in the middle of the room and then disappears to reveal brainwashed Reese with the dinosaur cards. "Voila, here she is," says Seth, "All of the dinosaur cards and our newest member."

As he takes the cards from the scientist, Ursula observes the enemy. She waves her hand in front of Reese and gets no reaction. "How were you able to control her so easily?" She asks Seth.

"Oh, let's just say I dabble in the dark arts every now and then when I'm not busy." He answered.

Ed was the only one who was caught off guard. "Wait! You study dark magic?" He asks.

Seth tells him, "That's not important right now," he hands the cards to the duo and gives them his instructions, "Start running the cards through the Alpha Controller, I have to do some more work on our new recruit." The siblings gaze at Reese.

"Like what?" asked Ursula, "She's already brainwashed."

"I'm aware. But, I do have one more thing to do with her." Seth explains, "Now please, get these dinosaurs to the controller." He points away with his left arm. Ursula just rolls her eyes as she and Ed exit the room.

Seth looks around to make sure he was all alone. He walks up to Reese. A smirk slowly creeped up onto his face. "I must say, Zander has some nice taste in women."

Seth walks around Reese while running his hand all over her. He lowers his hand towards her butt and gives it a squeeze. He whispers into Reese's ear, "You are going to be mine and mine alone, no one will ever take you away from me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand." Reese replied.

"Good. As for your next assignment, you are going to kiss me."

"Yes, I will kiss you." Reese leans in and begins to make out with Seth.

Out in the hall, Spiny was roaming the hall when he looks into the room. He stops dead in his tracks, he was shocked in awe as he saw Seth have his way with the blonde scientist. "Rawr (Oh no)!" He said, running off, "Raaawr (I gotta get help)." Spiny runs off to go grab something.

Spiny enters Zander's room. Jumping onto the bed, he grabs the Alpha Scanner off the nightstand and makes his way back to Seth and Reese.

"Raaawr raawr (Hopefully they'll help, they have to)." Spiny said with the scanner in his mouth.

Back at the D-Lab, everyone was in full search mode to find Reese and the missing dinosaur cards. Zoe was trying to call her sister but she couldn't get an answer, Rex was at the computer to get a pinpoint on the cards but wasn't getting anywhere.

Max and Dr. Taylor enter the room.

"Any luck, you guys?" asked Zoe.

Max shakes his head, "No."

"We checked all over, Reese is nowhere to be seen or any of the cards." Dr. Taylor reports.

Zoe was getting really distraught. Rex looks at Zoe and sees how badly his girlfriend was stressing out. He gets up from the computer and gives her a hug from behind. "Zoe, it's going to be alright." He assured, "We'll find Reese soon enough." Zoe was silent for a while, she then placed her hands over Rex's arms. "I'm just really worried," said Zoe, "Reese is the only sister I have, I don't know what I would do if she was hurt or...gone."

"I know, but don't let your negative thoughts get to you. We still have time to find her." Rex said.

Zoe lets out a small sigh, "Okay."

"Hey guys, check this out!"

Rex and Zoe stopped what they were doing and rushed over to Max and his dad. "What is it?" asks Zoe.

"We found a couple of dinosaur cards!" Rex and Zoe were in shock as Dr. Taylor showed them the dinosaur cards; Daspletosaurus, the green crest Saurolophus, and the move card Fire Bomb. "Okay, so we found a couple of the missing cards." Rex said, "But we still have no idea where the remaining cards are or where Reese went off to."

All the while, Chomp and the others were chilling out as their friends tried to solve the mystery. That's when Spiny appears on the big monitor. "Rawr (Hello)?" said the water dinosaur, "Raawr (Can anyone hear me)?" The D-Team dinosaurs gather at the computer.

"Roar (Spiny)?" Paris said.

"Rawr (Paris), rawr (Ace), raaawr (I'm so glad to see you again)."

Chomp was baffled at the fact an Alpha Gang dinosaur was glad to see his friends. "Yap (Um), yap yap yap yap (why is Spiny acting all nice to us)?" He asked Ace. The Carnotaurus replies, "Grrrroooowwl (Because he fought by our side against Terry and Tank when the Alpha Gang attacked us)."

"Yap (Oh), Yap (okay)."

"Rawr (Guys), raaawr (Listen to me). Raaaawwr (Something bad has happened and I need your help)," says Spiny, "Raaaaawr (It's about Reese)." The D-Team dinosaur jumped back. "Roar (Wait)! Rooooar (You know where Reese is)?" asked Paris.

Spiny nods, "Rarw (I do). Raaawwr (But there's a problem)." Spiny takes the Alpha Scanner and holds it outside of the room where Seth was having some fun. "Raawwr (Look at this)!"

"You know, I've never seen any scientists as beautiful as you before in my life." Seth said in the background. Reese responds monotonically, "Thank you." Spiny cringes at what he's watching.

Chomp, Ace, and Paris were horrified that the Alpha Gang kidnapped Reese. "Yap...yap (" Chomp gasps. The three dinosaurs look to each other, they start calling out to the others. "Yap yap (Hey, guys)!"

"Growl grrrowl (Look, we found Reese)!"

"Roar roar roar (Look, look, look)!"

The D-Team runs over to their dinosaurs. "Guys, what's the matter?" Max asks. Everyone looks at the screen and sees what was going on. They all watch as Seth leads Reese off. "Let's go somewhere more private. I could use a new partner, if you know what I mean?" said Seth.

"I will obey." Reese responds.

Spiny flips the Alpha Scanner over and says, "Raaawr raaaawr (I'll try and follow them, but I have to put the scanner back) Raawr (Spiny out)." The call ends.

The guys were left speechless while Zoe on the other hand was down right furious. "That creep has my sister hostage and is being a total pervert!" Zoe roars.

"Which means that the Alpha Gang has the dinosaur cards. Now we know where we need to go!" Max says, "To the Alpha Gang's base!" He runs over to the teleporter with Chomp, Rex, Ace, Zoe, and Paris. "Alright, let's go save Reese and get back those dinosaurs." The D-Team was just about ready to set off…

"Hold on a minute there, kids!"

The D-Team sees Dr. Taylor running up to the platform. "I'm not letting you kids go alone on that island after what happened last time." He says, "I'm going with you as well!"

"But dad, you don't have a dinosaur."

"Aha! That's what you think." Dr. Taylor pulls out the Daspletosaurus and Saurolophus cards, "But as a matter of fact, I have two dinosaurs." Max couldn't argue with that, but then he asks his dad, "But, will you still be able to teleport without a dinoholder?"

"I don't see why not?"

"All the other times you couldn't teleport without a dinosaur and a dinoholder, and we don't have any spare dinoholders."

"Oh come on son, it's not rocket science. You just have to...well actually, I guess it is slightly rocket science. I bet Reese would know better about this than me."

"WILL YOU TWO STOP TALKING AND HURRY UP ALREADY?!" Max and Dr. Taylor jump at Zoe's sudden outburst. Rex steps back as Zoe begins to cool down.

"You better?" he asked.

"For now," replied Zoe. She turns to Max, "Max, just let Dr. Taylor come with us. We're going to need all the help we can get." Max nods in agreement. "Alright, let's see if Dr. Taylor will teleport this time." Rex says as he pushes the button on his dinoholder to teleport. Max and Zoe do the same thing. Bright light surrounds everyone as the teleporter transports the team. "We're coming Reese!" said Zoe.

Off the D-Team went, to save Reese and get back the stolen dinosaur cards.

Zander: You're really gonna do this to me, aren't you?

Me: Unfortunately, yes. Now as for those who've been around long enough, you'll notice the changes. I got rid of having Dr. Z know the truth early on, I have plans for that in the near future. ;)

But the prominent thing I'll change in this story is Reese and Seth's interactions. Allow me to explain. Before I wrote this chapter I was looking though artwork by my dear friend Alice (Go check her out. Seriously! She's amazing! ^^) when I notice some artwork of Reese and Seth. In her description for that art she said 'they have the best interactions in CarnotaurusMan's stories' and then I though, 'Hey! What if I made Seth have a crush on Reese, hence giving him a purpose to go after her and Zander so much in my later stories?' and that's what I've done.

Zander: And I hate you for doing that.

Me: Not my fault I wanted to add something spicy to the timeline, it's either now or never man! Anyways, stick around to see what happen when Zander finds out and what Seth plans to do with Reese. Until then, CarnotaurusMan out! :)

Zander: Someone, stop him please?! TTnTT