Hope everyone is keeping safe with all this going on.

With the new normal we're all experiencing, I got the idea for this short. What would life be like in a world where Rangeman doesn't exist?

Disclaimer: The Plum universe belongs to JE. Mistakes are mine.

A throbbing headache and not so distant asshole leaning on the horn yanked out of a dreamless sleep. My eyes didn't have time to adjust before they were greeted by the angry Midday sun. Quickly sitting up didn't necessarily alleviate the pain, but it did give me a good sense of place.

Why was I out COLD in the middle of the day and in a very questionable Trenton back alley?

I was on my feet and on a high alert before my heart finished its next beat. My adrenaline and concentration intensified the pounding in my skull. Massaging my temples helped, but only briefly.

What is this? Why? How?

The crunch of footsteps, the rustle of clothing behind me and the sound of a vaguely familiar voice heightened my awareness. Automatically my hand reached for my gun, only to be welcomed by emptiness.

What the hell?!

My heart rate quickened and my throat dried as I spun around to face my reality.

I let out a soft sigh of relief upon seeing Mooner stumbling my way. He's not necessarily a friendly, but Babe has vouched for his 'harmless' nature time and time again. To be honest, I'll take what I can get under these extreme circumstances.

Mooner's eyes bugged out at the sight of me. "Whoah, man!" He shouted as he stumbled backwards in a frightened frenzy.

I started even long after the sight of his stoned self was long gone from my vantage point deep in the alley. The man did not recognize me AT ALL. It would worry me a lot more had he not been high as a kite. Recognition issues are no strangers for Mooner.

Taking a moment to compose myself, I used my time efficiently. With my back against the brick wall, I searched the pockets of my cargos. After several seconds, I came up empty-handed.

No weapons.

No phone.

No watch.

No tracker.

No money.


As hard as I tried I could not mentally retrace my day. Something very strange, shit, very bad, has happened to me.

With caution, I ambled out of the alley. It took my senses a few minutes to realize I was deep in the Burg. Under this emergency, I'm not sure if that's necessarily a good thing.

"Best to get walking, Ranger." I murmured to myself as I headed East.

On my walk, I noticed the day seemed sunnier than usual. Last I remember, it was dark clouds and incessant rain.

After several minutes of walking, I came to a fork in the road. I could either head towards the Bonds office in search of Babe or I could continue my trek through the Burg.


Option Number One offered a secure helpline. If Babe wasn't in the office, I'm sure Connie could help me locate her. The downside, it's still a bit of a walk. Under normal circumstances the extra exercise would not deter me, but given the pounding in my head I'm not up for a long walk.

Option Number Two offered more uncertainty. If Babe wasn't at her parents' home, my only go-tos would be her mother or grandmother. The latter would definitely help, but at the cost of a good groping. The former… ermm… would rather me burn in hell. Yet, this would be a way shorter walk.


Decisions, decisions….

After weighing the pros and cons of my two alternatives, I opted for Option Number One. Better safe than sorry.


I walked close to 10 minutes before the Tasty Pastry came into view. Here I am trying to find Babe in this mess and instead I come across her favorite place in the Burg. Ironic much?

A small chuckle escaped at the absurdity of it all. And as I shook my head slightly to allow the moment to pass, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up on end as my whole body hummed with electricity. My mouth went dry as I willed my mind to focus. There's only one person that causes that reaction in me. Having such a strong reaction only means one thing: she's close.


I walked with renewed purpose as I scanned my surroundings. She's gotta be close. I can feel her.

Just when I was about to round the corner I heard her rich, infectious laugh. My head snapped up and just as she exited the Tasty grin spread without warning as my feet automatically crossed the street, taking me to her.

"Babe!" I've only been this relieved to see her beautiful face and wild curls before. But that time we were both cold and soaking wet thanks to the Delaware.

Unfazed, Babe continued on her way. Before I could catch up to her, her friend Mary Lou joined her side. With their arms intertwined, they moved towards a car parked on the street.

"Babe!" I yelled again, struggling to keep up. Man, whatever happened to me really did do a number on me if I can't even keep up with her long strides.

"Stephanie!" This time she stopped in her tracks, a puzzled look on her face. Thanks to the distraction I was able to speed my steps and finally catch her. "I'm so happy I found you!" On instinct, I leaned in and planted a jubilant kiss on her tempting lips. "It's been a weird day." I explained once our lips parted.

"I'm sorry…" She said as she pulled back, extricating herself from my hold in the process. "I think you're confusing me, Sir."

Sir? "Oh, Babe." I grinned, laughing at her attempt to humor me.

"I'm not sure who you're looking for, but I'm not your Babe." She said matter of fact.

"Babe, it's me." I waved a hand across myself in hopes to break the sudden amnesia spell. "Ranger." Even the mention of my street name did nothing. "You know me, come on. Rangeman?"

"Rangema-huh?" She seemed genuinely confused. "I'm sorry you're having a weird day, but I don't know you." Stephanie gave me an apologetic smile.

"Honey, let's go." Mary Lou tugged, using their laced arms as leverage, to get her to follow.

I watched stupefied as the two reached the car, a red Miata, and angled inside.

What the hell is going on?