Easter SonAmy

Sonic the blue hedgehog was heading his way to Amy Rose's house, running across the hills.

"Hmmm I wonder what Amy is doing" Sonic thought as he was approaching her house. He knocked on the door and waited while tapping his foot. Seconds later, a cheerful pink hedgehog opened the door seeing him.

"Oh hi Sonikku" Amy said and kissed his cheek.
"Hehehe Ames. What did you call me here for? Is it something you wanna tell me?" Sonic asked.
"Come on in. I'll show you" Amy takes Sonic's hand; leading him to the kitchen. There was several painted eggs in orders of different countries from USA, Russia, Japan, Germany, France etc.

"Huh, So you painted some eggs huh?" Sonic asked Amy.
"Yes, since easter is coming. I wonder if you wanna join me in painting the remaining eggs" Amy said. Sonic couldn't help but agree with Amy, since his arch nemesis Dr. Robotnik aka Eggman was not around today.

"Alright then. This makes me wanna make fun of Dr. Egghead" Sonic snickered and sits down on a stool to join the painting of the eggs. Amy picked up one egg and painted it blue and pink; then added some hearts on it in red paint.

Sonic on the other hand was painting one egg in red and black, then added some yellow, beige and brown.

"Look Amy. I painted Eggman" Sonic showed Amy the egg.
"Hi hi hi hi very funny Sonikku" Amy giggled at this.
"I know Eggman hates being insulted but I can't resist" Sonic said; he then noticed Amy's egg.

"So that's supposed to represent our love for each other?"ยจ

"Egg-sactly Sonic" Amy joked with an egg-pun.
"Hehehehe Good one Amy" Sonic chuckled at her joke. They continued with painting eggs, when each where done they let them dry before putting them into basket with some chocolate bunnies in them.

"Whew, that was not so bad Amy" Sonic said.
"Of course my darling Sonic" Amy nodded. She then hands Sonic a chocolate rabbit to eat on.

"Thanks" Sonic unwraps it and took an bite out of it.

"Yum...Where did you get those? They are so yummy" Sonic said.
"Sally sent them to me. She knew we'd be happy" Amy said.
"How kind of our chipmunk friend. I hope she's happy with easter as well" Sonic said.
"You know her well Sonic. She's one of my closest friends" Amy smiled sweetly.

She then unwraps her own chocolate rabbit and ate it as well.

"Mmmmm groovy" Amy licked her lips after eating it.
"Not as groovy as you my sweet Rose" Sonic held her close.

"I love you so much Sonic the Hedgehog" Amy said, holding him by the neck.
"I love you too Amy Rose" Sonic said and they shared a kiss together.
They soon pulled apart looking into each other's eyes.

"Happy easter Amy" Sonic said.
"Happy easter to you too" Amy said.

"Oh wait Amy, I got to deliever one of the baskets to a certain someone" Sonic said.
"What could that be?" Amy wondered handing a basket to him.
"Wait and see Ames" Sonic winks and zooms off with the basket.


Later, Sonic arrived at a distant area where a certain obese scientist and inventor lived at; Eggman's own hideout.

He placed it in front of Eggman's door. He pressed the door bell and ran off, but not before writing a note on the basket.

He then hides behind a rock as Eggman arrives at the door, looking around suspiciously until looking down. He picks up the note and reads it.

"Happy Easter Dr. Eggman. From Sonic T. Hedgehog" Eggman read it and then looks at the basket. He gives a sigh and reluctantly accepts the gift and takes it into his base.

"Hmmm. How bad can it be getting a gift from my blue enemy?" Eggman said to himself quietly. He was still unaware that Sonic was nearby until he zooms off into the distance.


Sonic arrived back at Amy's house.

"So how did it go Sonic?" Amy asked.
"Well even my number one enemy needs easter joy" Sonic said. Amy knew who he meant.
"So you gave it to Dr. Eggman right?" Amy asked slyly.

"Uh yes. Somewhere below his craziness he must have a soft spot. But now lets go and spread easter joy to the rest of our friends shall we?" Sonic changed the subject to Amy, which she of course agreed on.

"Sure thing Sonic. Let go" Amy carried some baskets with Sonic, heading out to give gifts to their friends.