For those of you who have been reading my story 'When Harry Met Kori' I said in the author's notes at the beginning of chapter 2 that I had an idea for a story that involved Harry and Raven. This is the first chapter of that story. I figured that you all deserved a treat for having stuck with me this long.

Vegas Surprises

Harry had a splitting headache as he was waking up. He couldn't remember what he did after Remus bought him his first truly alcoholic drink. He thought he had glimpses of people using magic without regards to others, a purple haired girl, and Elvis.

As he lay there trying to remember he got a whiff of a strange scent. It smelled of plums and books, both new and old.

He also started to to realize that there was someone lying next to him. He cracked open one of his eyes and turned his head towards the presence that was in the bed with him.

What he saw surprised him. It was a girl about his age. She had gray skin, purple hair, and a red diamond on her forehead.

He lay there just staring at her. He did this for so long that he almost didn't notice when she started to stir.

Raven had been having a good time here in Vegas. Her friends had convinced her to come because Vegas was hosting its Annual 'Magic User's Convention'.

It was a place that all Magic User's could come to, no matter if they were good, evil, or neutral. The reason for this was that the convention was neutral ground. All anyone usually did there was show off any new Magic they've found, learned, or created.

The last thing she remembers was trying an alcoholic drink called a 'Bloody Mary' at Zatanna's encouragement. After that all she remembers is a boy with green eyes and Elvis.

As she lay there she felt a presence in the bed with her. She also caught a whiff of wood and fresh parchment. It reminded her of her time with the Monk's of Azarath.

Eventually she decided that she needed to see who was lying next to her and figure out what happened.

Harry watched as the girl opened her eyes. When she did he saw that her eyes were a purple that he felt he could get lost in forever.

When Raven opened her eyes the first thing she saw were eyes as green as the deepest forest she had ever seen.

Both teens lay there staring into each others eyes.

Eventually Harry cleared his throat, "Excuse me, but do you know why we are in the same bed?"

"No. All I remember is having my first 'Bloody Mary', I think your eyes, and Elvis," she told him as she sat up straight.

In that instant they both realized that they were naked, because as Raven sat up the blanket fell revealing her bare chest.

This caused both of them to blush, with Harry quickly turning his head and Raven to cover her chest with her arms.

Raven then heard a giggling in her head.

"Okay what have all of you done?" she asked of the separate emotions inside of her.

A sultery version of her voice replied, "Just look at your finger and then at his."

Raven did as the voice said and saw that both of them were wearing wedding rings. She quickly had to surpress her fear at what this most likely ment.

Harry after a few seconds cleared his throat, "Are you covered up yet?"

Raven quickly grabbed the blanket and pulled it up to cover her chest, "Yes and could you do me a favor?"

"Sure, if it's within reason," Harry replied as he turned to look at her again.

"What's your name and could you look at your hands?" Raven asked him while trying to cover her nakedness with the blanket.

"I'm Harry James Potter," Harry told her as he took a look at his hands. That was when he saw the ring on his finger that indicated he was married. He then quickly looked at the same finger on Ravens hand and saw that she had a ring on her finger as well.

"It's nice to meet you Harry. My name is Rachel Roth, also known as Raven. I can see from the look on your face that you just saw the ring on your finger just like me," Raven said with a sigh.

"Do you know how we can find out if these rings mean what I think they mean?" Harry asked her with a little dread in his voice.

"Yeah, I came to Vegas with a friend to attend this years annual 'Magic Users' convention. She might know what happened. What about you?" Raven replied.

"I came here with my honorary uncle to morn the loss of my Godfather. I'm hoping he might have some answers," Harry told her.

Raven nodded then said, "Do you mind closing your eyes while I gather my clothes and head to the bathroom to get dressed?"

"Not at all," Harry said as he closed his eyes and turned his head towards the wall.

Raven then let the blanket drop and quickly got off the bed. She then grabbed all of her clothes and went into the bathroom. Just before she closed the door she said, "Harry, you might want to get dressed as well."

When Harry heard the bathroom door close he opened his eyes before getting off the bed. He then searched the room for his clothes. After he managed to find them all, with a few in unusual places, he got dressed.

"Harry are you decent?" Raven called through the bathroom door.

"Yeah," Harry yelled back.

When Raven came out of the bathroom Harry's jaw about hit the floor as he stared at her outfit.

She was wearing a dark purple leotard cut above her hips, purple boots, a purple cape with a hood, and a belt made of disks with red jewels in the center of each one.

At the same time Raven got a good look at what Harry was wearing making her raise an eyebrow.

Harry had on blue jeans, green sneakers, and a t-shirt that said 'I went to Las Vegas and all I got was this lousy shirt'.

"Nice shirt," Raven said trying to keep from smiling.

"I think my 'Uncle' got this for me," Harry told her while using air quotes.

Raven was about to say something more when they heard yelling coming from the direction of the front room.

They quickly head in that direction and then went towards the front door of the room following the sounds of the yelling voices.

"Harry, you open the door and I'll guard you just in case anyone attacks," Raven told him as a black energy covered her hands.

Harry was surprised when he saw that, but did as she said. He held up his hand and slowly lowered his fingers one by one counting down until he opened the door.

When he did they were both surprised by who was on the other side.

Standing in front of their door arguing were a middle-aged man and a woman in her early twenties.

The man was wearing a rumpled shirt and jeans with very scuffed shoes.

The woman wore a tuxedo top with a white bowtie, a top hat, and no pants revealing that she had a leotard under her outfit.

Both Harry and Raven said at the same time, "Remus/Zatanna!"

They then looked at each other and pointed at the person they didn't know, "You know him/her."

At that same moment the two arguing in front of the door turned.

"See I knew he was here. My nose has never failed me when I was trying to find someone," Remus said with a smirk.

"Yeah, and I see that the person I was looking for is here as well. I've never failed to find someone by tracking their magical signiture," Zatanna said with an equal smirk.

It was Raven who then got everyone's attention, "Okay, before anything else happens why don't you two come in and then we can figure out what is going on."

Both Remus and Zatanna nodded before they walked into the room.

"Alright, what happened to us last night?" Harry asked as both he and Raven held up their hands showing off the rings they were wearing.

Zatanna and Remus looked at each other before Zatanna motioned for Remus to go first.

A/N: I'm leaving it there for now. What happened when they both got drunk will be revealed in the next chapter.