Chapter Fourteen: Change for the Better

A great celebration was held in Sunrise City, and Rosiepuff formally introduced some of the trolls who helped her and how they knew her. She also visited the local doctor to get her hands bandaged. After resting for a day, the Troll Tree residents returned home. Captain Zephyr was still in town, and had even found Guy Diamond's body. Kessie thanked the warriors for their service, and she ensured their journey home included plenty of provisions and a gift for each fighter. Kessie would be taking control of Sunrise City as its new protector. For once, she looked sure of herself.

Upon returning home, a formal funeral was held for Guy Diamond. The entire village came to honor the warrior who defended their home for so long. After the funeral, Peppy cleaned off his sword. Part of him didn't want to use the blade anymore, since it was used to kill one of his students. But Guy Diamond always did believe that the weapon did not define the warrior. Peppy managed to cleanse the blade of the blood, but he couldn't get the glitter off. No matter how hard he scrubbed, the glitter residue wouldn't come off. Then, he realized it wasn't residue. The blade of his sword now sparkled as Guy Diamond's skin once did.

"Very well, Guy Diamond." Peppy chuckled softly.

Meanwhile, Branch approached Poppy as she practiced her water- and fire-bending in the training hall.

"Hey. You okay?" Branch asked.

"A long time ago, I prepared myself for the possibility that one of my friends would die in battle." Poppy said. "I'll go through the phases of grief, and will fight with Guy Diamond in my memory."

"I'll be right here for you, just like the others." Branch assured.

"I know." Poppy paused in her practice and walked up to Branch. She hugged him. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

"Now?" Branch asked. "Right after a funeral?"

"If anything, the funeral has been a wake-up call." Poppy said. "I want to talk about this before I lose the opportunity to do something I want to do."

"Like what?"

"Like fall in love. Date a cute guy and get married and have a family and all that."

"Oh yeah?"

"Branch, I started dating you because it was the first rebellious thing I ever did. For the first time, I did something against my father's wishes. Then, I started seeing myself in you. I saw someone who could understand me the way others couldn't. We're a lot alike, yet just different enough to balance each other out. I don't know if we'll work out, but I want to try and make us work."

Branch smiled broadly. "Okay. How should we proceed?"

Poppy stepped back and held out her hand. "Hi. I'm Poppy. You're cute. Want to go out sometime?"

Branch laughed and shook Poppy's hand. "Hi. I'm Branch. You're cute, too. I'd love to go out sometime."

Two weeks later, Rosiepuff removed the bandages around her hands for the last time. She flexed her stiff fingers while Dr. Plum inspected the scars.

"Well, these are by far the prettiest scars I've seen." Dr. Plum said. "Those cannonballs must've had some interesting designs. I only see this kind of intricate linework in fine paintings."

"I'm so glad my scars fascinate you." Rosiepuff said sarcastically. "But nothing feels right."

"That's because several layers of skin on your fingers and hands have essentially been burned right off." Dr. plum explained. "You'll get used to it."

"Suppose I'll have to." Rosiepuff said. "Thank you."

"Thanks, Doc." Branch said as Symphony escorted the doctor from the house. "Can you still cook with your hands like that, Grandma?"

"I might slow a bit while I get used to it, but Biggie and Fuzzbert have been a great help." Rosiepuff assured.

"We'll help too!" Symphony offered.

"Absolutely." Branch nodded.

"Thank you. But, right now, we have bigger cakes to frost." Rosiepuff led them upstairs to her room. She opened her closet and dug around for a minute before pulling out a large chest. She parked it in front of the family shrine and unlocked the box. She opened it, and Branch and symphony peered inside to find a range of artefacts, from clothes to weapons to books. On top was a framed picture of a large family. Rosiepuff sat cross-legged at the front of the crowd, younger and dressed in an elegant red kimono.

"Is that…?" Branch breathed.

"Our family." Rosiepuff placed the picture on the family shrine. Her eyes shined with tears.

"Are you okay?" Symphony asked.

"Yep." Rosiepuff said with a sincere smile. "This is all that remains of my family history. If you want to learn about the Golden Rose Clan, let's start here." She picked up a large book and sat down on the floor. Branch joined her, and Symphony perched on Rosiepuff's shoulder. The book had a worn leather cover, and pages that were frayed and yellowed at the edges. It must've been older than Rosiepuff's grandfather.

"Is this our entire history?" Branch gawked.

"Since the very first four benders who created the Golden Rose Clan." Rosiepuff confirmed. "We'll get to them later. We're starting here, with my Grandpa Thorn and Grandpa Firenze."

Branch scooted closer. He glanced to his grandmother's face. For once, she looked genuinely happy to be talking about her family. It relieved him, and he settled down to hear the history of the Golden Rose Clan.

"Water is a flexible element, Poppy." Rosiepuff instructed from the sidelines. "It can take many forms, so you must be flexible, too."

"Got it!" Poppy called as she practiced her water-bending. Branch helped, sparring with her with his fire-bending. The rest of the warriors were in awe, cheering Poppy on. Peppy and Rosiepuff stood together on the other side of the sparring field, giving notes.

"I appreciate you agreeing to train Poppy with her new bending abilities." Peppy said.

"Well, she's going to need someone with experience." Rosiepuff shrugged. "You can take care of the fire-bending lessons."

"Not a problem." Peppy said. "Though I do know other benders who can help, and I'm quite certain you can give her guidance in all forms of bending. How are your hands healing?"

"Fine. Just getting used to the scars." Rosiepuff flexed her fingers, tracing the grooves in her palm. "Quite a shot."

"I think most credit goes to Artemis's use of the Nymph's Amulet." Peppy said. "Quite a powerful relic."


"Never did find it. Suppose it must be buried with Artemis at the bottom of Sunrise City harbor."

"Oh well."

Peppy raised an eyebrow at her. "Rosiepuff, where's the amulet?"

Rosiepuff grinned. "Safe."

"That's not a good enough answer." Peppy said.

"I simply retrieved what Artemis stole from the ruins of my home." Rosiepuff shrugged. "I had always thought it was amongst the things Kai recovered after the fire. Imagine how peeved I was when I found Artemis had it."

"That is an incredible artifact, Rosiepuff."

"And it's now safe with another Golden Rose."

"Is that the safest place for it?"

"The amulet has been in my family since its creation. What family do you think the Nymph Queen came from?"

Peppy stared at her. "But the Nymph Queen...wasn't…she was just a legend."

"Branch and I may fade into legend someday." Rosiepuff pointed out.

Peppy shook his head to refocus. "So is the amulet at least safe?"

"It's with the Golden Rose Clan once more." Rosiepuff said. "Safe and sound where no one else will find it." She smiled at him. "You trust me, right?"

Peppy finally resigned. "Yes, I trust you."

After training, Rosiepuff invited everyone down to the restaurant to relax. Everyone chatted and laughed, finally feeling back to normal. It would take some time for things to fully settle down. At least they were on the right track.

Branch walked alongside his grandmother. He glanced to her, analyzing. She was back in her dress and knit shawl, but she had the kung fu robes tucked away for the right times. She held herself higher, more confidently.

Branch smiled and hugged her. Rosiepuff laughed. "What's this for?"

"Just happy." Branch shrugged.

"You know, you're an awesome water-bender." Symphony said.

"I'll say!" Branch said excitedly. "I thought you were some little old lady who needed protection; but you're so cool!"

"I've always been cool." Rosiepuff shrugged with a playful grin.

"Agreed!" Cooper, Suki, and Smidge said simultaneously.

"Is it safe to assume you'll be able to protect your home until we arrive to help?" Poppy asked.

"Of course." Rosiepuff nodded. "And, anytime you all need to leave the valley, I can protect it."

"I pity the poor blokes who go up against you." Symphony giggled.


They all paused and looked ahead to see a group of bandits. The same ones who attacked the day Rosiepuff accidentally revealed her powers.

"What do you want?" Smidge growled.

"We're here for her!" The lead bandit pointed at Rosiepuff. "You think you can make fools out of us and get away with it?"

"You don't need my help to look foolish." Rosiepuff droned.

"Well I bet you can't do it again!" The lead bandit challenged. "Come on! Take us on yourself! Unless you're too scared!" His cronies laughed mockingly.

"Shall we pummel them for you?" Branch asked his grandmother.

"Nope." Rosiepuff stretched her arms. "I could use a little more exercise today." She casually walked towards the bandits, who readied their weapons for a fight.

The warriors of the Troll Tree did not worry at all. They watched, amusedly, as the fight lasted for about thirty seconds. The bandits scurried away bruised, disheveled, and sopping wet. Rosiepuff walked back to her family with nary a hair out of place.

"Coolest grandma ever!" Branch and Symphony practically squealed like children.

The lead bandit turned and shouted, "You haven't seen the last of us!"

Rosiepuff didn't even turn around as she created icicles in midair and shot them at the bandit. The ice impaled the wall behind him, and one icicle narrowly missed his groin area.

The bandit chuckled nervously. "You've seen the last of us."

A/N: This one had been on the backburner for a while, but I'm glad I decided to polish it off and finish it! And if you're hoping for Kung Fu Troll 3, have no fear! I am in the outlining process for the story now! And if you weren't hoping for that, too bad because that's what I'm working on. LOL.

So long, folks!