Natsu and Jude Heartfilia was left alone in the room. The atmosphere was thick and heavy. "I know that your ears have reached the news of a banished prince roaming around the country," Natsu stood up as he went towards the window. "I'm afraid you haven't notice, but the two companions I have with me are descended from the two of the Knights of Fiore the Scarlet's, and Fullbuster,"

Jude's mind went blank. Did he heard it right? "Do-do you mean to say that your highness is gathering the descendants of the legendary Knights?"

Natsu nodded. "I know you that you do not trust me, nor do I trust you too," he looked at him in the eyes, "but I want Lucy to join us we know you have been preparing her for this,"

Jude's mouth went dry. He was not hearing it wrong. The rightful heir of the throne is standing just in front of him. He knew, he knew about the dispersion of the Knights years ago and he knew that the rightful heir to the throne will be the only one to have the desire to find them and bring them back together. He kneeled before Natsu. "Your highness, we allow Lucy to go with you, but first, we must test you"

"Test?" Natsu asked in wonder.


The clashing of swords was getting louder. Lucy kept running toward the end of the hallway. As she ran outside Erza, Gray and Loke stopped and stared at her confused.

"Lucy!" cried Erza, running toward her.

"You're here" she gasped but her eyes shifted to Loke, "You!" she yelled as she pulled out the sword that was strapped on her hips. She pointed the tip of the blade to Loke.

"Hime, what-what's with you?" Loke asked, his voice shaky. He looked at the ground, his sword was a few feet away. It was knocked out of his hand when Gray saw he was distracted as he saw Lucy running towards them.

"Pick up your sword," she said fiercely as she lowered down her sword and positioned herself. Loke slowly picked up his sword while staring at Lucy. Before he could even position himself, Lucy thrusted her sword, but he was quick enough to block it. He jumped backwards to avoid another blow.

"Your skills are getting rusty," smirked Lucy. Loke knew how skilled Lucy was, her footwork, her stance and her grip are outstanding. He knew that one wrong move and he'll either lose his life or his limb. He laughed.

Lucy once again engaged, she ran toward him and swung her sword but Loke managed to evade it. "Stop running!" Lucy yelled out of desperation. Loke understood what she meant. He lowered his sword and kneeled on the ground. "Stop trying to make things easier for me!" Lucy yelled. She grabs Loke's collar and points her sword on his forehead.

"Hime, if there is one thing, I would give up my life for, that is in order protect you," he whispered.

Lucy's eyes were full of tears. She released her sword then quickly punched Loke's cheek. "Stop sacrificing yourself just for me!" she shouted, "I do not want your life! Why would I even want your life! That is yours and I have no right to even take it away from you!"

Loke looked at her. He was lying on the ground as Lucy was crying on top of him. "Hime," he whispered.

Lucy grab the hilt of her sword and stabbed it on the ground just a few inches beside Loke's right ear. Gray and Erza were confused as they saw them fighting and Lucy crying.

"You could have told me!" she sobbed her head resting at the hilt of her sword that was stabbed on the ground. "I could have understood you, your actions and everything you did,"

Loke was silent. He could not look at her. He can't bear seeing her cry. It was heartbreaking for him. Loke watched Lucy grow up, he saw her struggle, her pain, her aches but never did she complained nor cried in front of him.

"I would have not resented you nor labeled you as a traitor," she continued, "you should have told me,"

Loke tapped her head.

Lucy felt his hands tapping her head. She knew those hands. It was the hands of the person who watched her train and continually smiled and said "you've done well hime" It was the hand that taps her head whenever she was hurt and in pain and will say "You are strong Hime". The hand felt so familiar to her. She misunderstood Loke, she called him a traitor and condescended him. She continually cried quietly as she reminisced how Loke had helped her grow up into the woman she is now.


At the mansion, Jude presented the test to Natsu. He laid three large parchments on the floor "Here are three copies of the entire map of Fiore, only one of it is real. According to the ancient books, a person who truly desires to unite the Knights must be so familiar with the map of the Kingdom. His eyes are keen, sharper-"

"than the eagles'" Natsu continued the line. It was one of the verses in the ancient books that describes the King who united the Knights of Fiore. Jude already knew that this was the man they were waiting for.

Natsu traced his fingers on the three parchment. He smelled it and stared at each of them. "This is easy," he said. Jude's eyes grew large. Natsu once again walked around each of the papers. He smiled. "This is the real one," he pointed the one at the middle.

"May I hear your explanation your highness?"

"The two felt newly printed parchment papers, the one in the middle was smooth and thin suggesting it has been frequently used. The two on the side smelled like the newspaper of Fiore, it has that same distinct smell as if it was recently purchased. The one at the middle smelled rusty and dusty." Natsu stopped and stared at Jude Heartfilia, "but there is this one thing that distinguishes the one in the middle from the rest." He pointed the railway in between Clover City, and Magnolia. "The three stop overs are wrong in the two, from Magnolia to Clover should be Onibus, Kunugi and Oshibana, only the one in the middle has the correct sequence of the three stopovers."

Natsu was confident, during their travel after his nausea and vomiting was cured, he studied every available map they have. He stared and memorized every possible location. He also observed the three stop overs they went to.

"Impressive," Jude Heartfilia replied, he saw that Natsu did not only considered the map but even the smell and the type of paper used. Natsu exceeded his expectations.

"Can I go and see Lucy now?" he asked.

"No need to your highness, I'll be the one calling her, excuse me" Jude Heartfilia bowed his head and left the room. Natsu slumped on the couch. He looked at the maps once again, if he did not look at the map intently, he would not have noticed the correctness of the one in the middle.

"So, am I a chosen king?" He whispered under his breath.

After Lucy has calmed down, Loke and the others escorted her back to the mansion.

"There you are!" Lucy's father came running towards them. "Come quickly, his highness is waiting," Lucy knew right away that Natsu was inside their mansion. Her heart leaped with joy. As they entered the meeting room, she saw the familiar pink hair.

Natsu smiled at her as if saying "we have come to save you,"

Lucy bowed. "We-welcome your highness,"

Natsu chuckled. He was quite amused of her politeness. It was so unlike her.

"Are you two already acquainted?" asked Jude Heartfilia.

"Yes, we got acquainted at Hargeon, before that man took her," he replied while pointing to Loke who was still kneeling.

"This is good! Layla! This is good!" yelled Jude gleefully. Layla was clapping too. Lucy looked entirely confused.

"What is happening?" she asked, "what is there to celebrate about?"

"Lucy," Layla whispered, "I think it is time we tell you the truth,"