Chapter 30

Crisis on Naboo


Jedi Temple, War Room

Ahsoka and Anakin were standing with the Council in one of the briefing rooms to discuss the Chancellor's security during the Festival of Light on Naboo as Windu brought up a hologram off the stage where Palpatine would be. "As you can see, we've mapped the Chancellor's route to and from the festival stage. We know where he'll be at every moment from the time we land on Naboo." he explained, as a yellow line connected from the landing pad and the stage.

Across the holotable the Kel Dor jedi Master wasn't convinced all was safe "What security measures are in place?" Plo asked him before Windu pressed a button and the hologram changed into one of Theed on it's side.

"The Naboo Royal Guard will have armed sentries at all entry points on the palace. And the stage itself will be sealed off by a ray-shield for the duration of the event." Windu replied a few red dots appeared on the palace."I see nothing here to worry about." Anakin said.

"With complacency comes vulnerability. Yes. It is what we do not see, that concerns me. A long time to plan his attack, Count Dooku has." Yoda said

"Yes. We thought we'd have an advantage with Obi-Wan on the inside, but we've had no communication from him in days." Windu said.

"Obi-Wan will do his part. Let's make sure we do ours." Anakin, reminded before leaving as they all, gave him a concerned look none more than Ahsoka.

A few moments later she exited behind him "Master, are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine snips, the sooner we have this plot foiled the sooner I can punch Obi-Wan for making me worry this much." Anakin grumbled.

Ahsoka only rolled her eyes before they turned dark "Do you think Leo found out, turned him into his new Master?" Ahsoka said venomously on the end.

Her master halted and said nothing, Ahsoka caught up with him "Master?" She asked.

"... We can't think like that." He said not telling her the truth "We need to put faith in Obi-Wan, just as he put faith in us." Anakin said back to her "My faith in Master Kenobi is beyond reproach its my fear of what Leo will do." She replied.



Far away from the Jedi stronghold in the Capital, a warehouse on the edge of Theed was finishing up it's daily routine when it's workers were attacked by Count Dooku's strike team. Moralo Eval and two other hunters killed the dock hands in a matter of seconds before opening the doors for the rest of the team to enter, followed closely by Leo and Count Dooku.

"This is it my friends, the day of reckoning for the Republic." Count Dooku said to the assembled "I have it from a very reliable source that everything will happen exactly as we planned. Execute your roles as instructed and you will all be immortalized in history." Count Dooku said looking around from the entire table all the way to Rako Hardeen while Leo stood behind his Sith Master looking at his in disguise 'dead' Master, Obi-Wan.

Leo glared at Kenobi who didn't break eye contact with the Count "Not to mention enough credits that you will never have to work again, I will let Cad Bane take it from here."

Bane was standing across from the Sith chewing on a toothpick before getting his que, he tossed the toothpick away and glared at everyone "Listen up, I'm only saying it once, each device tells you your positions and essential details about the plot." The duros instructed throwing a series of devices on the table, one for each member of the team.

"Arean;'t you going to tell us how all the pieces fit together?" Hardeen/Obi-Wan asked Bane, the lead hunter pointed to the tentacled alien "Derrow here is going to breach the shield."

"Moralo Eval is the getaway driver." Bane said, pointing to the strategist.

"Three of you will act as guards for the chancellor." Bane said pointing to the other three hunters including Embo, Skell and the tall acrobat "And you Hardeen are the sniper." Bane said pulling out a case from his side and shoving it to Hardeen "That's all you need to know, once we have the Chancellor the devices will lead you to the rendezvous point, any questions." Bane added.

Leo watched Bane throw out a holographic shadow disguise matrix disk "Now everyone stand back, this will get us inside the inner circle." A Series of holograms in the shape of blue armored Senate Commandos appeared in front of each Hunter, "Step inside the shadow, the hologram shadow and you will revive your new identity." They did as he said each of them looking at their new holographic forms.

The others listened intently knowing when it came down to their big score, teamwork would be essential then they could kill each other afterwards "When you leave here you'll have no communication, with the rest of the team alright then get yo your positions."

The hunters all walked away from the briefing taking their supplies and gear with them, "Well handled, I should have put you in charge long ago a word of advice Bane." Dooku said.

"Keep on eye on Hardeen, there's something about him I don't trust." Dooku said looking at 'Rako' while he walked away "Don't worry I'm keeping an eye on all of them." Bane said walking after the others leaving the two Sith alone.

Leo waited for them to be well out of ear shot before he looked to Count Dooku, "Why not just tell Bane what I told you Master?"

"That Hardeen is actually Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise?" Count Dooku repeated "We should kill him now, no?" Leo asked the Count.

The Sith Lord shook his head disapprovingly "His death would send a powerful tremor through the force, alerting the Jedi of his missions failure, a Sith must always be not one but three steps ahead of his enemy." Leo looked to the Count's wisdom "If that is the case, when the time comes my lord allow me to kill Kenobi."

"Hmm?" Count Dooku gave the apprentice his full attention "If you seek to kill him, why did you not do so when you first rescued him?"

"I was deceived like the rest of us my lord, but when I saw him spare Eval's life I knew only a Jedi could be so merciful and Eval deserves none." Leo replied.

The Count wasn't happy with that answer "You dodge the question?"

"You are my Master now, your will is my compass." Leo said bowing, the Count gave him a curious look still "Then you will have your heading, soon."

The following morning at the Chancellor's landing zone, Anakin landed the shuttle and two shock troopers exited first, followed by Palpatine, Amedda, Master Windu and finally Anakin and Ahsoka. The group walked up to the Queen of Naboo Sio Bibble, Bail Organa Padme and two Senate commandos.

"Greetings, your majesty." Palpatine greeted the Queen as the two bowed their heads respectfully and smiled. Wearing a bright purple gown and silver crescent shaped headdress Senator Amidalla approached him "Welcome home, Chancellor. I'm thankful to the Jedi for bringing you here safely." Padme greeted him with a smile.

"Yes, Senator. It is good to be back. Although I think the amount of security that has accompanied me is overkill." The Chancellor replied disheartened and a tad annoyed.

Windu however was more than insistent "With all due respect, Chancellor, where your safety is concerned, there is no such thing as overkill." Windu told the executive. "So you keep insisting, Master Jedi, but i've grown tired of discussing it." he sighed at Windu before they started walking towards the palace as Padme greeted her secret husband and his apprentice.

"Anakin, Ahsoka, welcome to the Festival." she said warmly seeing Anakin had broken out of his melancholy from earlier. Ahsoka was in a cheerful mood as well the warm climate of Theed giving everyone a sense of calm I've never seen the Festival of Light. Sounds like a big event." Ahsoka said with a smile as she looked at her surroundings while they walked towards the palace.

"They're expecting a large crowd, which means it will be difficult for Dooku to attack during the ceremony. That leaves the palace as the best opportunity for an ambush." Anakin reminded her being every mindful of his surroundings as a Jedi Knight should be.

This mindfulness brought a new sense to Padme, fear "Are you that certain an attack is imminent?" Padme asked him.

"I'm afraid so which is why i'm making Ahsoka your personal bodyguard." he replied. "At your service, My Lady." Ahsoka said with a smile up to.

They both knew she could take care of herself, but she appreciated the protectiveness of her nonetheless. "If there's trouble, Ahsoka will get you, the Queen, and the rest of your staff to safety." Anakin said.

"What about you?" his wife asked. "Hopefully, i'll be where I always am." he replied with a smirk. "He means saving the day." Ahsoka laughed at Padme with a smirk. "Of course he does." the Senator replied, mirroring her smirk. High on one of Theeds many terraced buildings the probe droid Oculus was spying on them before sleenking back across the rooftops.

Far off in the outskirts of Theed, Leo was pacing back and forth when his wrist communicator beeps with the report "The Chancellor has arrived." Leo said while Count Dooku meditated behind him.

"As we knew he would, I sense you are troubled my apprentice?" Count Dooku whispered, eyes shut tight "It's nothing Master." Leo dismissed walking over to a crate and leaning on its arms crossed.

"A lie, come sit when was your last meditation?" Count Dooku asked him "It's been some time, my last one sent me a vision of something, people in a place I'd never seen before?" Leo said sitting down across from him.

The Count opened his eyes with intrigue "A vision from the force is a gift and a curse, but most of all they are mysteries that must be unraveled for our advantage let us try." The Count somberly said "The festival will take place at night, we have some time before then so let us try and solve this mystery, together."

Leo was taken back at the Count's interest and sincerity "Tell me of what you saw?"

"They were more like spirits, Master not without form but yet to be formed and they were planning something, fighting someone Republic or the Separaitst I'm not sure?" Leo replied.

"Interesting, have you reflected on the Sith Code, through Power I gain Victory."

"What does this have to do with my vision?" Leo asked him "You have achieved power, power enough to summon the force in ways a Jedi never could, you must now seek that power again to be victorious over this vision." The Count replied.

Leo nodded "I will reflect on your wisdom my lord, but shouldn't we be getting the Rogue Shadow ready to retrieve the team and the Chancellor?"

"Did you not do as I instructed and hide the listening device in Kenobi's sniper rifle case?" Dooku asked him "Of course my lord?" Leo asked him as Count Dooku rose up from the floor.

"Then we shall listen and wait, I suspect that Kenobi will try to undermine Bane's team in any way he can and while the Jedi security forces are busy saving the day, we shall prepare." Leo started to follow him "So Eval's Box, the Bounty Hunters all of it was a ruse?"

The Count chuckled walking over to the Rogue Shadow which was parked among the other dock ships "In part, I suspected the Jedi would be aware of our plan in some way, but I never had I predicted Kenobi of all people would go to such lengths…. nor you betraying him, tell me again why you've chosen your loyalty to me." The Count asked in front of the ship the ramp lowered.

"As I said the Jedi teachings can only take me so far my lord, I require someone who wasn't afraid to walk in the dark places of the galaxy." Leo explained "So you wish to wonder in darkness?" The Count asked him, Leo could see it was a double sided question and hesitated before the ramp fully lowered.

He gave the Sith Lord a staunch glare "I want to master it like you have, like the Sith Lords who came before."

"Perhaps you will one day, for now, to the task at hand." The Count said walking up the ship. Leo followed him and took his place in the pilot chair "Proxy activated the cloaking system." Leo ordered the holographic protocol droid in the navigator's chair while Count Dooku sat in the copilot seat as the ship turned invisible to everybody above them and the Republic sensors watching every inch of the planet. "Fly low, to the bottom of the cliff side, there is a secret entrance leading into the Palaces plasma generator, it's behind the waterfall."

Leo flew the ship around the city and through the waterfall into and underground cavern hidden from everyone "How do you know about this place?" Leo asked him.

"Long ago, a close friend of mine died here on Naboo, a former student of mine no less." Count Dooku said as Leo landed the ship and without knowing it he blurted out "Qui-Gon Jinn?"

Count Dooku tensed up his head snapping "How did you know that name?"

"There isn't a jedi alive who doesn't know the first Jedi to be slain by a Sith in nearly two centuries?" Leo answered "Hmmm, I suppose to deactivate the ship and leave it to the droid when we depart the Ceremony will be starting soon."

Later that evening, Obi-Wan had snuck into the tower overlooking the Ceremony stage, in one hand he held the sniper rifle case and holding the comlinks "Master Windu, do you read me?" Obi-Wan asked him.

"Obi-Wan your alive, we had almost lost hope?" Windu said smiling after finishing up a conversation with the security detail. "It's good to hear from you my friend, I couldn't risk contacting you until now."

"Where are you?" Windu asked him, Obi-wan opened the case and started to assemble the sniper rifle from a blaster pistol, with a scope, extended barrel and stock "I'm in the tower overlooking the ceremony with the a sniper rifle to shoot the Chancellor, don't worry it's only stun blasts I'll be able to be your eye in the sky."

Down beneath the river running across Theed, Dooku and Leo were listening in on their conversation "And your padawan, what of Rock?" Windu asked him.

Leo's face was like stone while they listened "With the Count, they'll be with the getaway ship."

"Did he recognize you?" Windu asked "He knows, but my cover is secure when I spoke with him, the Count suspects nothing."

"How far gone is he?" Windu asked Obi-Wan, down in the hidden entrance Leo looked at Count Dooku "Far, he almost killed Anakin and Ahsoka, it's worse than I thought it may be… it may be too late for us to save him." Leo gapped hearing it, he gritted his teeth and squeezed his knuckles so tight they popped, "Leo always had problems, but I thought I could change him but if the plot here fails he may not want to come back to the Jedi."

Windu listened and so did the two Sith, "If the time comes are you prepared to do what you must?" Windu asked him.

Leo and Count Dooku waited while Obi-Wan looked within himself "I am."

The padawans eyes closed shut, watery eyed he couldn't hide his emotions and found compassion in the most unlikely place, Count Dooku had put his hand on Leo's shoulder "Harness this pain my friend, channel it for the battle to come." The Count said while Leo opened both eyes full of unforgiving fury "Yes, my Master."

When Naboo's sun set, the Jedi stood near the seats as the Chancellor and the others were escorted out to the stage by Ahsoka. The crowd clapped as they walked out and sat down. "The stage is set to activate the ray-shield." Anakin told the security guard over his com.

"Copy that, General Skywalker." One of the Commandos replied before the ray-shield surrounded the large area they were on. Chancellor Palpatine stood up and walked towards the podium to begin his speech. "It is an honour to be here for this momentous occasion, the pride I feel for this planet cannot be put into words. Eight-hundred and forty-seven years ago Naboo joined the Republic and tonight we celebrate that union." he announced with a smile as everyone clapped for the Supreme Chancellor.

After the clapping was done, Palpatine continued. "Take a moment to look around this glorious city of yours. It wasn't long ago this was all plasma mines. Naboo has indeed come a long way. But as we chart a bold course for the future, let us never forget our past." he said as fireworks appeared in the sky and clapping was heard again, the royal seal of Naboo's government soared around in a glorious spectacle of patriotism, while Kenobi watched from the tower.

Outside the palace, Obi-Wan spied the bounty hunter Derrow by the generator, "Windu one of the Bounty Hunters is about to destroy the Shield Generator."

"Skywalker, the shield generator." Windu yelled as they noticed an alien coming through the shield and grabbing the power source. The Knight wasn't quick enough and the shield came down before the box exploded. The crowd gasped and started to run while Windu and two commandos checked the Chancellor who had been knocked out by the blast. "You two, take the Chancellor to that speeder and get him out of here!" Windu ordered them as he pointed to the speeder behind him with two bounty hunters in disguise.

"This way, your majesty, hurry!" Ahsoka urged the Queen, senators, Bibble and Typho while pointing to the way they had come from half an hour ago before the group ran.

Anakin attacked Derrow who fought ferociously even against Anakin, using his blasters to try and shoot him, Obi-Wan spied the fight from the tower and saw Anakin slice the blasters before Derrow through himself at Anakin with his tentacles electrocuting him before Obi-Wan shot his jet pack forcing the hunter into the air screaming before it exploded. On the other side of the arena the hunters were switching out the Chancellor with another one when Obi-Wan noticed.

"Windu, the Bounty Hunters are taking the Chancellor to that speeder?" Obi-Wan told him, Anakin had come to from his battle "Get up Skywalker the Chancellor needs us."

Both Anakin and Windu raced up to the speeder attaching Embo and the Chancellor, the sight of two Jedi, Embo surrendered immediately "Are you alright your excellency?" Anakin asked as the Chancellor got up and suddenly punched him to reveal he was actually one of the bounty hunters, who Anakin quickly dispatched her. Behind them Bane had thrown the real Chancellor into the getaway speeder driven by Moralo Eval before the Jedi could apprehend them.

Eval flew away passing by the tower Obi-Wan was in, not even stopping to pick him up.

"Bane's got the chancellor, I'm going after them!" Obi-Wan shouted, running out of the tower and down to one of the public speeders before taking off after Bane, Eval and the kidnapped Chancellor.

Back at the Palace, Leo looked out behind the waterfall, the bright moonlight watching Bane's speeder fly away followed by Obi-Wan's. He watched it with nothing but absolute spite at his Masters words, the betrayal, "And now, we wait."

"Wait for what?" Leo asked.

"For the Jedi to save the day, and send away their security forces." Count Dooku told him.

Safely away, Eval pulled up the speeder outside the city to an abandoned factory on the cliff side of the jungle. Bane and Eval got out "Move it old man." Bane said, throwing the Chancellor into the dirt. "My plan worked excellently, wouldn't you agree Bane."

"Shut up." Bane snapped "Where's Dooku?" Eval asked, seeing no ship.

Eval barked at him "How dare you disrespect Moralo Eval!"

"I don't like this?" Bane said when 'Rako Hardeen' came up from behind in his own speeder "You left me behind again!" Rako snapped at him.

"Consider it payback for the Hutts." Cad snarled, picking up the Chancellor "Hnnn Dooku's a no show." Bane said.

Bane and Eval shared glances "What do we do now?"

"We ransom the Chancellor ourselves, if Dooku won't pay someone will." Bane said when 'Rako' drew his own blaster "I don't think so, the Chancellor's coming with me."

Bane drew his blaster and Rako shot first, disarming him, Eval sprung against Rako grabbing his arm to get the blaster out of his hand. In a sudden rush Bane tackled Rako Hardeen after he punched Eval away, the two through firsts and kicked before Bane broke away and kicked up his rocket boots shooting at Hardeen from the air. Rako dodged left and right, before leaping onto Bane's boots pulling him back down to earth.

In the distance, Anakin and Windu were almost there "Obi-Wan needs help!" Anakin shouted when Obi-Wan through Bane across the ground and picked up the blaster pointing it at Eval when the two Jedi arrived.

"You set us up!" Eval shouted as Anakin grabbed him "Well done Obi-Wan." Mace told the disused Jedi.

"Obi-wan!?" Bane shouted as two Senate Commandos rushed forward and grabbed him "I should have known it was you, I smelled something funny!' Bane roared in anger.

Obi-Wan smirked with Rako's face "Well you were no splendid company either." Obi-Wan replied "Company, I'll show you company after I fill you full of laser bolts you-" the guards took him away before he could speak another word.

Anakin handed off Eval to the Senate Commandos and helped up the Chancellor who was safe.

Far away in the Palace's hidden cave, Leo was in the Rogue Shadow cockpit listening into the Republic communication with Count Dooku, Proxy and Turok "The Chancellor is secure, I repeat the Chancellor is secure."

"All according to plan." Count Dooku said as Leo continued to listen "Understood Masters, the Queen and Senators are secure as well." Leo heard Ahsoka's voice through the easevedroping radio waves. "Rest apprentice. you will need your strength for tomorrow." Count Dooku said getting up and walking out of the cockpit.

"Good job Ahsoka, will have the Chancellor back to the palace soon.

Leo turned off the communications while upstairs in the Royal throne room, surrounded by nearly half the Royal Guard of Naboo and a full squad of Senate Commandos was Ahsoka, Padme, the Queen and the other delegates who Ahsoka was in charge of protecting. "Thank heavens the Chancellor is safe." The Charrgan Vice Chancellor Amedda said as the guards opened the security doors for the guests and delegates to leave.

"All thanks to the efforts of the Jedi, no doubt." Naboo's Queen said "Here, here." Amedda stomped his staff in praise to Ahsoka and her brethren. Senator Organa stepped forward "Now that the danger has passed, I suggest we all retire for the evening." Organa suggested "I think that's a fine idea Bail." Padme said before they walked out of the throne room.

Ahsoka escorted them out, each saying their farewells and retiring for the evening, the Naboo delegation with their own guards, Amedda and his Senate Commando's while Padme had her own personal jedi guard.

"So Ahsoka, what did you think of your first Festival of Light?" Padme asked.

The Padawan smirked "It was… exciting, to say the least." Ahsoka said shrugging "It usually isn't this much, but when Jedi are involved it always is." Padme jokes.

They arrived at Padme's room that had two guards already waiting, "It certainly is Senator, sleep well my lady I'll be outside if you need anything."

"With everything that happened I'll sleep forever." Padme said opening the door "You should get some rest to Ahsoka."

Ahsoka gave a confident smirk "I'm stronger than I look, Senator."

The older woman gave a warm smile back "Of that I have no doubt."

After the door shut, Ahsoka noticed one of the tapestries at the end of the hall billow from a gust of wind, but inside? Glaring at it she looked to the two guards "Stay here."

"Yes ma'am." They replied after she went to go investigate, Ahsoka walked up slowly to the tapestry still waving back and at the end of the hall, around the corner she could spy an open window. Ahsoka walked up to the windowsill open to the cool night air suspicious to why it was even open. Looking into the force with her jedi training she tried to see as to why it was open if there was any danger, if the Bounty Hunters and Dooku had one last trick but she felt nothing but the calm night air kissing her cheeks.

She promptly closed the window and locked it, unaware that outside crouched on the ledge besides the window was Leo, watching her shadow on the windowsill with yearning eyes.


The next morning the Jedi, Amedda and Palpatine were in a Republic camp where an Acclamator-class assault ship landed and met up with the Naboo group at one of the Republic bases outside the city. "Once again, you have all distinguished yourselves in the eyes of the Republic, and the people of Naboo are in your debt." Padme said graciously to the Jedi.

"It's all part of the job, My Lady." Anakin said, sharing a smile with his wife before the group started to walk.

"I'm not sure I agree with your orders to send the rest of the security detail back to Coruscant." Windu said to Palpatine. "Now that the threat is passed, I think Anakin is all the security I need." the Chancellor replied giving the young knight his full attention, unaware of the danger they were really in.

Later that evening, Anakin was escorting Palpatine in the palace hallways, the bright moonlight coming in through the windows on the multi marble colored floors and ceilings.

"We will leave as soon as Queen Neeyutnee's banquet is over." Palpatine stated. "I also want to say goodbye to Senator Amidala, she has been a very gracious host." The Chancellor said calmly.

"Padme didn't mention a banquet to me." Anakin replied confused "Perhaps she meant it as a surprise." Palpatine suggested gleefully.

"I must say, the lengths the Jedi will go to is nothing short of incredible." Palpatine commented with a smile. "I assume the brilliant plan to disguise Obi-Wan Kenobi was yours." He asked the Knight.

"Really? Interesting." Palpatine said. "I was under the impression the Jedi always worked as a team."

But before Anakin could respond back, the doors opened revealing Count Dooku sitting in the far end of the table, the only man sitting "Welcome." He greeted with a smirk. Then the door closed behind the three as two Magnaguards with electric staff surrounded them.

"My gracious, it's a trap." Palpatine said in shock.

"Chancellor, stay back!" Anakin warned as he pushed the Chancellor away.

"You just don't know when to quit do you, Dooku?!" Anakin growled drawing his lightaber.

"Fighting off the entire Jedi security force would have been difficult." Dooku stated as he stood up with his lightsaber drawn "But now that they are gone, defeating you alone will be an easy task."

Anakin activated their lightsabers to fight the two Magnaguards and took them down quickly.

"Chancellor, get out of here!"Anakin ordered.

"Good idea." Palpatine said back but when he rushed to the door, it opened to reveal Leo "Leo!" Anakin yelled seeing him, Leo gave Anakin a wink out of Dooku's view.

Leo held the lightsaber up to the Chancellors neck "Traitor?" Anakin snapped at him playing along with the rouse as two Magna guards came in and grabbed the chancellor.

"Unhand me!" Palpatine demanded.

Anakin began to fight Dooku, who blocked his attacks and then pushed him into the wall hardily. Leo and the Chancellor watched Anakin and Dooku cross swords, Dooku threw chairs and dinner material at him, but he quickly slashed them away with Anakin's help as Palpatine watched. One of the forks pierced Anakin's metal arm before he ripped it out while Leo stood guard over the Chancellor. "Leo help me." Anakin ordered him.

But Leo only glared at him, "Apprentice, remove the Chancellor before this gets too messy." The Count said before Leo walked out with the Magna guards pulling the Chancellor away "A-Anakin, help me!" The Chancellor squealed while the two swordsmen continued fighting the count until they were in the hallway, where Obi-wan, still disguised as Rako, came running down the hallway "Anakin!"

Obi-Wan held his his coms "This is Kenobi, Count Dooku has the Chancellor, fifth level all available forces get here now!"

Anakin and the Count continued their duel, Skywalker swinging with all his might, both hands on his lightsaber while the Count favored his one handed grip like a fencer against a samurai, all the way up to the stairs. Anakin forced the Count to fall down on the stairs making him block his lightsaber with his and Anakin grabbed a hold of the Count's neck choking him. He had him now "Not easy enough Count, you see Leo here was a spy for us the whole time." Anakin said, choking the life out of him, Leo watched not paying attention at all to Palpatine's malicious smile

"You failed Count." Anakin said while he suffocated the old man "H-have I-?" The Count said when Anakin saw a flash of red go across his forearm in a split second Anakin's mechanical arm had been severed with one fell strike from the hand of Leo Rock, Sith Apprentice.

The Count fired Force lightning at the two Jedi, which made Anakin being pushed away and fell to the ground in pain, Count Dooku tore Anakin's severed cybernetic hand off his neck "Well done apprentice, now let us end this."

"Leo… no your a Jedi…" Anakin gasped as Leo held up his hand with Count Dooku, "Not anymore." Master and apprentice unleashed a storm of force lighting onto Anakin electrocuting him to his core. Anakin thrashed in unbelievable agony yelling so loud it woke up everyone in the palace who wasn't awake, including Padme and Ahsoka.

Running around the corner, Obi-Wan arrived with his lightsaber in hand witnessing the torture to one student by another "LEO!" Obi-Wan shouted.

Count Dooku and Leo stopped their attack "Another time, we have what we came for, take care of this." The Count ordered Leo while he and the Magana guards took the Chancellor out onto the balcony only. Leo saw Kenobi "Are you prepared to do what's necessary, Master?" Leo shouted quoting him after his eavesdropping "Leo listen to me, I didn't know you were listening."

"All this time I thought you trusted me, but turns out I can only trust myself." Leo snapped holding up both hands summoned the force within him, his hair started to whip back and forth the floors shook like Leo's rage "No, no thats not true you can trust us."

Anakin had recovered from the lighting attack still smoking "Don't waste your breath Obi-Wan, he's- a traitor and he'll die a traitor." Anakin snapped reaching for his lightsaber, "YAAAHHH!" Leo shoved both his hands forward blasting Anakin off the floor into Obi-Wan shattering all the windows inside the hallway cracking the floor, ceiling and columns almost collapsing it on top of Anakin and Obi-Wan who were sent to the entire other side of the hallway.

With the distance between them, Leo retreated after the Count when Windu and reinforcements arrived helping Anakin and Obi-Wan to his feet "Are you all right?"He asked.

"Come on!" Anakin stated getting up and chasing after the two even one hand down.

The three Jedi headed to the entrance where Count Dooku was taking the Chancellor on board the Rogue Shadow as Leo came out. He ran up the ramp "Turok get us out of here!" Leo yelled up, when the three Jedi came out, Turok fired up the engines.

"We're on our- way?" Turok said as the ship didn't move, but shivered furiously. The three Jedi Masters were using the force to hold the ship in its place. The loading ramp staggered making Dooku, Palpatine and Leo lose their footing. The Count and the Chancellor fell off the top grabbing the edge while Leo held onto the support beams when Dooku lost his grip "Master!" Leo dropped to his belly grabbing Count Dooku's hand saving him from certain death.

"Skywalker, get the Chancellor!" Windu ordered, Anakins topped his grip on the ship and jumped up to the ramp pulling the Chancellor he gave one look to Leo who was still struggling to pull up the Count, putting his anger aside Anakin leapt off the ship down onto the balancing with the Chancellor as Leo pulled up the Count who dusted himself off.

The two Sith glared at the Jedi and none more so than Obi-Wan Kenobi "Well done, Master Kenobi."Count Dooku commented. "You are a worthy adversary, I cannot say the same for your former apprentice, but your current… a shame the Jedi did not see his potential!" Count Dooku took Leo by the shoulder. The Jedi and Chancellor glared at him as the doors closed and the Rogue Shadow took off.

While the ship shrunk away in the distance Padme and Ahsoka along with a few Naboo Guards showed up from the entrance.

"Chancellor, are you all right?" Padme asked, Anakin was beside him holding his severed arm. "Yes, thanks again to the heroics of the Jedi." Palpatine replied. "That's the second time today." He said almost unfazed by the entire ordeal

"We specialize in heroics, Chancellor." 'Rako' admitted,

"As long as I live, no harm will ever come to you, Your Excellency."Anakin stated.

"Well, here's to your long and prosperous life Anakin." Palpatine admitted with a smile. "One shudders to think where the galaxy would be without the Jedi." He said walking away back into the palace.

The Jedi and Senator lingered a bit to see how Anakin was doing "Master… I think you dropped something?" Ahsoka said holding up his severed arm, he took it from her "I thought you said we could trust him?" Anakin snarled at Obi-Wan.

"Trust who?" Ahsoka asked the older Jedi.

None of them answered at first, it was a long silent "Masters, trust who?"

"Leo." Obi-Wan broke the silence "What!?" Ahsoka gasped "He saw through my disguise, I thought I could save him and bring him back before he was too far gone. I was wrong." Obi-Wan walked over to the balcony and leaned on the ledge head bowed "The only one who can save Leo now, is himself."

"He's beyond saving the Master." Anakin said, still holding his hand, "He's a Sith and we need to start treating him like one, Leo, the Council and your plan almost cost the Chancellor his life." Anakin snapped. Ahsoka, still confused, looked to Padme, then Anakin "What plan?" Before Anakin could answer Obi-Wan grabbed him by his good arm "To stop Dooku's plot, Leo and Dooku used the Bounty Hunters as a ploy the whole time." Obi-Wan said keeping the secret of Leo's true mission or lack of now still a secret.

Anakin pulled away "A failed one." Anakin hissed storming off back into the palace with Padme and Ahsoka, leaving Windu and Obi-Wan alone.

"It was a gambit risking the Chancellor's life, but now Leo has the Count's absolute trust." Obi-Wan said while still wearing Rako Hardeen's face "And after all this, you still trust him?" Windu asked him.

Kenobi gave his old friend an uncertain look "I don't know anymore all I have is faith."