Hey guys! I'm back! I wrote this before I signed back in and saw that I had other stories to edit and update. I don't own Fairy Tail. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1

Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Wendy, and Charle are walking back to the inn Fairy Tail is staying at after dinner when they see Yukino standing in front of their inn.

"Uh, hello?" Lucy calls out.

"Lucy-sama." Yukino greets "My name is Yukino Aguria, it's a pleasure to meet you in person. I was wondering if I could talk to you".

"Of course, please come in so we can talk comfortably."

Lucy then ushers everyone inside. She makes sure that Yukino gets one of the two chairs in their room before taking the other herself. Natsu and Wendy stand behind her, Natsu on her left and Wendy on her right, while Happy and Charle stand on the table on the same side as their respective dragon slayer. The group sits in uncomfortable silence until it's broken by Happy.

"Hey, are you hungry? Want a fish?" he asks.

"That is is not the issue here," Charle sighs exasperatedly.

Yukino looks down, bracing herself for what she is about to do.

"The truth is I have a favor to ask of you, Lucy-sama."

"Of me?" Lucy questions in shock.

"Yes. After I was beaten by Kagura, Master Jiemma assembled the guild and brought me before him. He humiliated me the forced me to remove my guild mark."

"What the hell!" Natsu interjects, "Kagura is crazy strong. There's no shame in losing to a wizard of her skill level. That'd be like kicking Lucy out for losing to Mira or Erza". He rants, "A guild is supposed to be like a family. Every member should be cared about". He turns and heads for the door, "I'm gonna give the Jiemma guy a piece of my mind. Come on, Happy." Happy salutes saying, "Aye sir!" before activating his Aera magic and flying to Natsu's side. "Wait," Lucy grabs Natsu's arm, "I understand your anger. I feel the same, but if you go after Master Jiemma now, there's a good chance of our team being disqualified from the Grand Magic Games. I have an idea of how to get back at Sabertooth, but first, we should let Yukino finish what she was saying". Lucy turns back to Yukino, "Sorry about him, I think it's because he's the fire dragon slayer, but he's really hot-headed."

"It's ok, Sting-sama's the same way," Yukino says, causing the two girls and Wendy to start giggling. Natsu sulks in the corner. Lucy wipes a tear from her eye before asking, "So what did you want to ask me?" Yukino sobers immediately. "I realize how brazen-faced this will sound but," she leans forward and places her two Zodiac keys, Pisces and Libra, on the table, "Take these. The Key of the Two Fish and the Key of the Balance. I would like you to have them, Lucy-sama".

"Huh?!" Lucy exclaims in surprise. "No way, I can't accept them."

"After watching your fight with Flare on day one, I made up my mind to give you these keys once the tournament was over."

"But the tournament ain't over," Natsu interjects.

Yukino looks down, "For me, it is."

"Ah, right," Natsu scratches the back of his head in embarrassment, "I forgot, sorry."

Yukino smiles softly, "It's ok. I also wanted to warn you that Minerva-sama might be taking my place on Sabertooth's team, meaning it'll consist of the five powerful members who changed the guild".

"Do you mean…?" Happy asks, flashing back to when Max told them about Sabertooth.

"You weren't one of those five?" Charle asked, surprised.

"I was still a newcomer. I was simply asked to fill in for Minerva-sama who was busy on a job," Yukino begins to tear up, "I always admired Sabertooth, and I was so happy when they let me join," she chokes out as tears start to fall, "but now I can never go back!" the dam breaks and she begins to wail. Lucy rushes out of her chair and kneels beside Yukino. She wraps her arms around Yukino, bringing her head to her chest. Lucy strokes Yukino's hair comfortingly.

Lucy leans forward, "Yukino, celestial magic is based on bonds and trust. You truly care for your spirits I can't take these two from you".

"But you're a stronger wizard than I am. They'd be happier with you".

"Yukino, you know that's not true. Not only are you plenty strong yourself, but your spirits would be heartbroken if you left them".


Lucy grabs the two Zodiac keys and presses them to Yukino's chest.

"I want you to keep these. You are stronger than you think you are, Yukino".

"Lucy-sama!" Yukino cries, burying her face in Lucy's chest.

"Shhh, that's it, there you go, let it all out, I'm here."

Once Yukino calms down, Lucy looks at her seriously, "Now that you've gotten that out of your system, I'm going to tell you my plan for revenge." She looks Yukino dead in the eyes and says, "I want you to join Fairy Tail."