Welcome back. So this is the chapter in which we finally get to meet this fanfic's version of Zelda. Sorry this chapter took so long, finals are coming up.

Chapter 4: Settling in (for now)

Link and Aveil were now at the entrance to the throne room. Link was always puzzled as to why one would have to go through a balcony just to get the throne room, but the view was nice either way.

"The delegates have arrived, your majesty." Impa announced as she, Link and Aveil walked through the doors.

Link then saw the Queen herself, Yennefer Harkinian Hyrule the II. Queen Yennefere had this glowing look to her, having a regal face, long blond hair, and was in pretty good shape for a woman in her 40s, was extremely beautiful, and wore a more simple gown that might consfuse her for a noble woman, but the crown on her head was enough to ease that confusion.

Queen yennefer Link a warm smile. "It's great to see you again Link." Queen Yennefer said with an elegant voice. "When your father Gabriel sent me a letter explaining your predicament, I was more than happy to allow you to stay here for a while."

Just then, Link's stomach chose to rumble.

Queen Yennefer took notice and immediately got up. "Why don't we discuss the rest of this over lunch." Queen Yennefer then cleared her throat. "Guards! Escort Prince Link and his guard Aveil over at the dinning hall while I'll go get Princess Zelda. I can tell Prince Link is very excite to see her again." Link blushes hard at the idea of seeing Zelda again.

"Yes you majesty." Said the guards.

Queen Yennefer then looked at Impa. "Come with me Impa. I can tell Zelda is doing one of her unique activities again."

"Now your majesty, there's nothing wrong with what Zelda does in her spare time!" Impa said as the two walked out of the throne room. "I used to do it too when I was her age."

"Yeah but that's your culture. It makes sense." Said Queen Yennefer.


Link and Aveil were now sitting at the dining table, eating only the most luxurious meals fit for a prince and his companion.

"This pasta is amazing." Link complimented the chef nearby.

"Only the best for Hyrule's visitor." Said the chef as he left for the kitchen.

"Hi Link." Said a feminine voice as Link tuned his head to see it was none other than Princess Zelda.

"Zelda!" Shrieked Link as he ran up to hug her. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too!" Said Zelda hugging link back. "How long has it been. 2, 3 months?"

"Try 6 months of not seeing Hyrule's Princess." Link said as he released Zelda from the hug and looked up at her.

Link had known Princess Zelda for quite a long time. She had visited him in Gerudo town and vice versa for years. Which was probably the reason why he developed a crush on her.

(Once again I will not go into depth of what she looks like. If y'all played Twilight Princess, than you know what the Princess Zelda of this story looks like.)

"Well I'm very happy to have you staying here for a while Link." Said Zelda. Link blushed when he heard her say that. "Would you like to escort me to the garden, Link?"

"Of course." Link replied as Held his arm out for Zelda to take.

After the two left for the garden, Queen Yennefer And Impa immediately Sat down at the table.

"Are you going to tell him, Impa?" Asked Queen Yennefer, catching Aveil's attention.

"Tell him what?" Aveil asked curiously.

Impa looked at Aveil with a confusion. "You don't know do you."

"Know what?" Asked Aveil.

All Impa Could do was sigh. "I'll tell you and Link later. Once you two settled in."

(Meanwhile at the garden)

Link and Zelda decided to spend some time catching up while skipping stones at the garden.

"So then, Riju and I got in trouble." Link told Zelda his story of how he ended up at Hyrule castle. "After that, my dad knew the Yiga clan would be out to get me, so he sent me here for protection until he located Yiga master Master Kogha and defeats him."

"Sounds like quite the interesting tale, Link." Zelda said to him. "I can't say I'm surprised though. I used to do a lot of crazy stuff too when I was a kid. I'm just glad your safe."

"Come to think of it, I've noticed a lot of strange things happen." Said Link, sitting down on one of the benches. "Buleria once said how Yiga attacks were becoming more frequent. As if their planning something." Zelda immediately grew stiff. "But hey, it's probably nothing. Atleast I hope it's nothing.

"Why don't we talk about this some other time, Link." Pleaded Zelda, as she took a seat next to Link. "Any other time."

"Of course" said Link. "So excite, Zelda? By the end of this month, you'll be crowned Hyrule's new queen."

"I'm a bit nervous, Link." admitted Zelda. "I've only ever known what being a princess is like. I don't know if I'm up to the task of ruling the kingdom."

"I'm sure you'll do a great job." said Link, giving her a childish grin. "But I must wonder, what will happen to Queen Yennefer after she abdicates the throne?"

"My mom said that she wanted to move with my father to Ordon village once I took the throne, but after he passed 10 years okay, she couldn't go back without him." Said Zelda. "So she'll be heading towards Hentano village."

"Ordon Village... that sounds familiar." Said Link rubbing his chin. "Have I been there before?"

Zelda immediately got stiff again. "Um... why don't We change the subject. How's school?"

"Oh it's good." Said Link.

Link spent the rest of the day talking with Zelda until the sun went down. When they were done, Link hugged Zelda Goodnight as Impa escorted him to his chambers.

"I hope you like your new chambers." Said Impa as they walked over to their destination. "It'll be your home away from home."

"I hope so." Said Link.

When they arrived, Impa opened the door to allow Link in. When link Wales inside the room, he saw it was neatly decorated and had two beds. One for him, and one for presumably Aveil, as he saw her sitting one of the before.

"My prince, you've arrived." Said Aveil as she got up.

Impa got in the room and closed the door, making sure to lock it.

"Link, Aveil, please sit down." Ordered Impa. The two followed her command. "Listen up you two, Hyrule is in danger."

"How? What's going on?" Asked Aveil.

"Allow me to explain." Said Impa. "My spies tell me that the yiga are planning to take over the kingdom. They've already started. First was arbiter's grounds, which link had already Freed form the Yiga clan." Link then made a proud smile. "Next To fall under the yiga was the Goron temple, and finally the Zora's crystal cave. Link I know this is too much for you, but the queen asks you to go and save Hyrule."

"Wait, i was sent here for my own protection, why thrust me into danger?" Asked a confused Link.

"Hyrule castle is not safe." Said Impa. "The Yiga have spies that I'm not even aware of. They're everywhere."

"Impa no offense, but why not send a more competent Knight on this mission." Asked Aveil.

"Link, hold up your left hand." Impa told Link. Link did as Told and Impa took a look at his palm. It had three triangles with the right one glowing. "You are the bearer of the TriForce of courage. You are the hero chosen by the goddesses, destined to save all of Hyrule. Please link, you have to believe me."

Link thought about it long and hard. Hyrule needed a hero, and if the goddesses chose him, then he had to accept.

"When do we leave?" Asked Link.

"Tomorrow you'll be heading to Kakariko Village." explained Impa. "You'll meet my sister Purah there. She'll tell you what to do." Impa then bent down and gave Link a picture of Purah and her. "Here so you'll recognize her." Impa then ruffled Link's hair. "Just rest now, Link. You'll need it."

Impa then left Link's chambers.

Link quickly changed into his pijamas and started to get comfortable in his bed, but worry still struck him.

"Aveil." Link called out for his body guard.

"Yes, my prince." Said Aveil.

"Um... could you maybe share the bed with me." Asked Link. "I'm kinda scared."

"Don't worry my prince," Aveil said as she slipped under the covers and wrapped Link in her arms. "I won't let anything bad happen to you."

Link got comfortable in Aveil's arms and slept, for tomorrow was going to be an eventful day.

That's all for this chapter. Don't worry chapter 5 will be longer. But don't expect it until maybe around June because I've got finals to deal with. But please leave a review. This is Issac Flores signing out.