

If you've got a zest for something, you put your whole heart and soul into it.

Bokuto (Haikyu)

She really enjoyed watching the way he would spike the ball down the straight line completely blowing past the blockers. The way he pouted and got all mopey when he didn't get his way was a little endearing quality of his that she tended to secretly enjoy. She could tell he had a real zest for volleyball, he just didn't seem himself unless he was on the court or practicing.

"Bokuto-kun good luck!" Kagome cheered from the bleachers as she watched him warm up.

An arm fell around her shoulders and she turned her head slightly to see her teams captain.

"Hello Kuroo-kun."

"You shouldn't be cheering on the competition Kagome-chan'" he pulled her into him and his gaze wandered down to smirk at Bokuto.

Her elbow found its way to his ribs in a light hit, but it succeeded in shocking him enough to let her go and she turned and frowned at him.

"You are trying to psych him out when he's not even against you yet."

"It's all part of my charm, come now Kagome-chan it is part of your duties as manager to help your team warm up for their match." He turned to leave and she turned back giving her full attention to Bokuto.

She could tell he was moping without even seeing his face. She looked to Akaashi and saw his obvious hint for her to cheer him up, so she brought her hands to cup around her mouth and took a deep breath.

"I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN BOKUTO-KUN!" His head whipped around and his eyes found her in the stands. She lowered her hands and gave him a breathtaking smile.