A girl with yellow hair was running through the streets. Four demons were chasing after her. The girl was keeping a good distance from them. They couldn't gain on her no matter how much they tried. And, unfortunately for them, they only had dull batons on them for weapons. They couldn't use them unless they were closer. Throwing them wouldn't help them at all.

Why were they chasing her? She was breaking the rules. Preaching a... religion? She didn't think it was a religion, but that was what her ideas were labeled as. All she was doing was trying to convince demons violence wasn't right and they should live in harmony and be happy.

The organization labeled her a deranged maniac. That was why she was being hunted down. She had been yelling those beliefs at a crowd when guards found her. That was when the chase happened.

The girl made a wrong turn and ended up in a dead end. She was trapped. The demons had her cornered.

"What should we do with her?" One asked.

"I think we should just kill her. Why bother taking her to prison? Let's hang her." Another said.

"Ooh. That sounds fun."

The girl was pressed against the wall. They were slowly growing closer.

"Why is it so bad? Am I really that big of a threat?" The girl questioned, "What will my ideas do to oppose the organization?"

"I dunno. We just take orders from the boss. We don't always learn the details, but I'm sure there's a very good reason." One of them stated.

"No one has joined me. I don't see the problem."

"Well, they do."

Two of the demons attacked her. They beat her mercilessly with their batons. It took only a few blows before the girl crumpled to the ground. Another few and she was unconscious. The demons continued to beat her up.

Suddenly, two figures jumped down from the wall. They held knives.

"Look who it is." One demon mocked, "Why do you care about this girl?"

"Our reasons are none of your concern. Now, back away or we'll attack." One of the hooded figures growled.

"Why you-"

As one demon prepared to charge, the one beside them grabbed them. They shook their head and whispered something to them. After a little exchange, the four demons retreated.

"Good riddance!"

The two hooded figures removed their hoods. They were the same two Ako had met when she first ran away.

"Y'know, I still don't get why you wanted her. This lunatic isn't gonna be that useful if you ask me."

"Come on, Misaki. I know what I'm doing. She'll be very useful to us."

"I better see that happen then." Misaki growled, "The demons you choose to rescue don't tend to actually be useful, Kaoru. If she isn't, you are never choosing again."

"I promise this time it'll be different." Kaoru said as she smiled.

Misaki sighed, "Fine. You carry her."

Kaoru nodded and picked up the unconscious girl. The two of them then flew back on top of the wall.

"Why she didn't do that is beyond me." Misaki commented.

"No one has ever seen her fly." Kaoru replied, "Perhaps she can't?"

"Her wings seem fine to me, but if what you say is true, maybe she really can't fly." Misaki shrugged, "Anyway, let's go before anyone spots us."

They jumped down and started walking. Misaki kept glancing around, making sure they weren't being followed.

"Misaki? Do you ever feel like sometimes they leave without putting up a fight when they should?" Kaoru asked, "I mean, if she's that much of a threat, wouldn't they have tried to get her from us?"

"Maybe they didn't give a damn. Just had to cause it was ordered. They can lie and say she got away." Misaki replied, "I don't think all the guards they have stationed enjoy their jobs."

"I guess you have a point." Kaoru said.

They soon made it to their base. Kaoru took the girl and laid her on the couch. Her wounds needed to be treated. Misaki went and grabbed the supplies they would need.

They worked together to wrap up the wounds that had started to bleed. Once done, the girl was moved to a spare room. They locked the door for safety measures. They didn't want her to wander around.

It took two hours before the girl woke up. Misaki heard her moving around. She opened the door and walked in. The girl smiled at her.

"Hello. I'm Kokoro. I'm guessing you saved me from them?" The girl asked.

"Yes." Misaki replied.

"What's your name?" Kokoro asked.

Misaki sighed, "I'm not sure I can trust you yet."

"What can I do with just your name?" Kokoro questioned in confusion.

"Oh. She's awake." Kaoru entered the room.

"Hi! I'm Kokoro!"

"You wanted to save her, so you can do the talking." Misaki stepped back.

Kaoru rolled her eyes at Misaki and walked over to Kokoro. Kokoro didn't seem suspicious at all. She seemed to already trust the two of them.

"So... can I know your names?" Kokoro asked again.

"Answer some questions and we'll consider it." Kaoru said. Until they knew more about Kokoro and her ideas, they couldn't fully trust her.

"Okay." Kokoro agreed.

Kaoru glanced back at Misaki for a second, "What exactly are you trying to do?"

"Well... I just wanna make demons happier. Is that wrong? I think everyone should be happy!" Kokoro smiled.

Kaoru and Misaki exchanged glances, "That's all?"

Kokoro tilted her head and gave them a confused look, "What more is there to it?"

"Aren't you like asking them join a group or anything?" Misaki questioned.

Kokoro shook her head, "No. I have my two friends helping me. That's all. We don't need anyone else in our group. Well, unless you'd like to join."

Kaoru and Misaki stared at each other, their expressions one of confusion. They had just been invited to join a group. A group that neither understood at all.

"Why are you asking us to join?" Misaki questioned.

"You seem nice."

"Is that all?" Misaki raised an eyebrow at her.

Kokoro nodded, "I'd like to be your friend."

"You know nothing about us. How do you know we aren't still an enemy?" Misaki asked as she eyed Kokoro warily.

She couldn't help but wonder if the organization did know something more about her than they were sharing. Maybe Kokoro was dangerous? They'd have to proceed with a lot of caution until they could figure that out.

"You would've killed me or turned me in if you were." Kokoro replied.

"What exactly does your group do?" Kaoru asked.

"Well... we try and help demons. We wanna make them happy." Kokoro said.

"Let us think about this offer. Do you want something to eat or drink?" Misaki said.

"Sure." Kokoro smiled.

Misaki and Kaoru left the room. They locked the door just to be safe.

"So... what do you think about her?" Kaoru asked.

"She's not what I was expecting. I've never seen a demon so... happy before." Misaki replied, "I'm honestly wondering if there's something we don't know that the organization might."

"Well, should we accept her offer or should we deny it?" Kaoru asked, "I won't lie and say I'm not curious about her group."

"I think we should accept and scout it out. I doubt they'll be able to stop us if we leave at any point." Misaki said, "Now, what should we make?"

"I couldn't gather much, but I did manage to get some carrots and apples." Kaoru replied.

Misaki sighed, "Sometimes I regret our decisions... it would be nice if we could shop instead of this."

"Yeah. But, nothing we can do about that." Kaoru shrugged, "I'll go wash and cut them up."

"Okay. I guess I'll go boil some water then." Misaki replied.


Soon enough, it was all done. They returned to Kokoro and gave her a plate and some water. They decided to eat with her. They still didn't trust her completely.

"So... have you decided yet? Will you tell me your names?" Kokoro asked almost immediately.

Kaoru and Misaki exchanged glances again. Did they trust her enough?

"I guess we can." Misaki eventually said, "I'm Misaki and this is Kaoru."

"It's nice to meet you." Kokoro smiled, "So, will you join me and my friends?"

"I guess we can try. No guarantee we'll stay permanently, though." Misaki said.

"Awesome!" Kokoro was beaming with excitement, "I can't wait for you to meet my friends!"

"Hey, um... I have a question." Kaoru said, "There's been rumors that you can't fly. Is there any truth to that?"

Kokoro went silent, which greatly surprised and shocked the two demons. They assumed this was sensitive topic.

"Well... I'm not a demon." Kokoro said after minutes of silence, "I'm... human."

"Human? But... but I thought they were all exterminated by the organization years ago." Misaki said.

"They were. It's just me. The two friends I told you about... they're the reason I wasn't killed." Kokoro explained, "They found me alone and took me in. They even found a family willing to raise me. These wings are fake as are my horns."

"Don't you wish to become a demon? Your friends should be able to change you." Kaoru asked.

"Kaoru, the organization doesn't accept halfs anymore. Don't you remember?" Misaki said, "It wouldn't change anything. Actually, changing her would make it easier for them to target her."

"Oh... I forgot. It's so rare to find half demons that it wasn't on my mind." Kaoru said.

"I was told there was a way I could become fully demon, but... they didn't know what it was." Kokoro said.

Misaki sighed, "That method involves killing you and then forcing demonic energy through your body and hoping it possesses you enough to force you back to life. It's not even a guaranteed change. You may not get taken over by the energy and just be dead."

"I see... so, it's safest I just remain human." Kokoro sighed.

"It would seem so. Though, your scent is demonic. How did you manage that?" Kaoru questioned.

"My adoptive family found a formula that can do that." Kokoro explained, "I just have to rub it over me every few days to keep my scent."

"That's impressive. Though, I do have a question." Misaki said, "Why do you risk imprisonment? If they capture you, no doubt they'll find out you're human in minutes. It's extremely risky, so why do you do it?"

"I want to spread happiness. I don't care. I'll risk it." Kokoro replied.

"You're either really brave or really stupid."

"So, when am I allowed to leave?"


The next night, they left to go find this group Kokoro talked about. Kokoro was leading the way. Misaki kept questioning if she was sure she knew where she was going. If she wasn't a demon, she didn't have the ability to smell out demons from her group.

Kokoro kept insisting she was fine. She was adamant that she knew where she was going. Neither Misaki nor Kaoru really believed her. They had brought her to an unfamiliar area. How could she find her way?

"Almost there. Just past that mountain is our hideout." Kokoro stated as she pointed to a mountain in the distance.

"How did you manage to get here? I'm impressed you found it." Kaoru asked.

"The sun and moon guide me. I know where to go by their location." Kokoro explained.

"Never thought a mortal could adapt to a demon realm." Misaki mumbled.

Kokoro smiled. She continued to lead them toward the mountain. It was still a good while away. They had to walk even more. Since Kokoro couldn't fly, they had no choice. It was frustrating.

Eventually, they arrived. Kokoro entered a hut. Misaki and Kaoru hesitantly followed her inside. There were two demons inside. It appeared they were playing a game of sorts on the floor.

"Kokoro! Jeez, you worried us when you didn't come back. What gives?" One of the demons demanded in a worried tone.

"Well..." Kokoro didn't want to talk about it.

"She nearly got killed by some guards. We saved her." Misaki stated.

"You seem familiar."

"Dangerous Duo? I guess that would be why we are familiar." Kaoru said.

"Wait. You guys..." The two demons stared at them in shock, and a little bit of fear too.

"It's okay. They were really nice to me." Kokoro stated.

"Why did you bring them here, Kokoro?"

"They're gonna join our group!" Kokoro beamed.


"It's not permanent. We may leave." Misaki stated, "But, we won't hurt you unless you do wrong."

"May we have your names? I'm Kaoru and this is Misaki." Kaoru said.

"I-I'm Hagumi and this is Kanon." One of the demons stammered.

"Well... nice to meet you?" Misaki offered.

"This is really awkward..." Kanon whispered.

"I know! Let me show you where you guys can stay!" Kokoro said.

"Very well."