Title: Anniversary

author: Cindy Ryan

notes and summary: See part one


It was nearly midnight before Lucy was finally home. The hospital had insisted on running a cat scan and observing for a concussion. When she'd passed the last test, the last observation Lucy had been released. Tim had returned to his station briefly to check on things and was there when Lucy was being handed discharge paperwork and medication. Lucy was also given a pair of crutches since even when wrapped her ankle couldn't support any weight. The doctor had scheduled surgery for her the next day. Because of that he'd wanted to keep her overnight. Stating it'd be less of a hassle for Lucy to go home only to return in such a short time. Lucy had insisted and the doctor had relented.

The quake had registered a seven on the Richter scale. Fortuneteller Los Angeles hadn't been the epicenter that had been south of the city. Still it'd been a strong enough earthquake to cause damage and Lucy could see it as they drove home. Power was out in most places, palm trees had fallen, buildings had windows blown out.

When they arrived home their townhouse had no power. Tim parked as close as he could to their front door and helped Lucy out of the truck. Even on crutches Lucy was still able to find their stash of candles and flashlights. Within minutes their home flickered with warm comforting candle light. Lucy knew with the power out there might not be hot water but at this point a cold one would be welcome. She picked up a flashlight and headed to the bathroom.

"I'm going to take a shower."Lucy told Tim.

"Will you be alright on your own?"Tim asked.

"I'll manage."Lucy replied then hobbled to the bathroom.

Once the door was closed Lucy sank back against it. She rested the crutches against the wall behind the door. Lucy set the flashlight on the counter. The beam created crazy shadows in the small room. For a moment Lucy felt the walls closing in on her. Since the kidnapping she'd had episodes of claustrophobia. Taking a deep breath Lucy pushed through the fear and the room returned to it's feeling of normalcy. She quickly stripped off her clothes and stepped into the shower.

Lucy had been so fortunate to find that sewer grate today. She knew if she'd had to wait for rescue buried under the rubble it would've been torture. Lucy was beyond grateful that she hadn't had to go through that. She'd healed as much as she could from the kidnapping but that scenario would've set her back and Lucy wasn't sure if she'd have been able to heal again.

Half an hour later Lucy and Tim were in bed. The candles and flashlights were off. Tim had showered as well and changed clothes. Lucy was so tired she was nearly asleep as soon as she lay against the sheets. Tim pulled her into his arms and kissed her. This kiss was soft and tender.

"Think you took ten years off my life today, boot."Tim chided gently.

Lucy could hear the fear behind the teasing and snuggled back against him.

"Fate doesn't want me to forget this day."Lucy said a hint of bitterness in her voice.

"When I saw what was left of that building..."Tim trailed off his voice catching. "I knew you'd hold on until we found you but as we continued to search...today scared the hell out of me, Lucy. I knew what you were going through and I couldn't get to you; couldn't comfort you."

"You found me; just like always."Lucy replied softly. "I love you."

"Love you too, Lucy."Tim said huskily.

Lucy felt him tighten his embrace and she rested her head on his chest. Within minutes she was asleep.
