March 8th 2020:

At a ballroom:

(Lindsay & Tyler were both on a date for 5 hours. Tyler was wearing a white tuxedo with a black bow-tie & a white cape with it. & Lindsay was wearing long pink sleeveless evening dress. They were the only ones in the ballroom, & the lights were off as well.)

"Hey Linds, how was the date?" Tyler asked

"It was beautiful." Lindsay giggled

"I agree. I have a present to show you from outside." Tyler said

"What is it?" Lindsay asked

(Then Tyler showed Lindsay from outside, & there were so many fireworks from outside.)

"Oh my gosh It's so beautiful!" Lindsay squealed

"I'm glad you've liked it." Tyler chuckled

"Thanks." Lindsay whispered & giggled as they both share a passionate hug together

10 minutes later..

(They both pulled away, & the fireworks were still going.)

"Hey Linds. What do you want to do now?" Tyler asked

"Want to slow dance with me?" Lindsay asked

"Of course Lindsay." Tyler replied

(Then Tyler puts his arms around her waist, & Lindsay wraps her arms around his neck. Then they began to slow dance while the fireworks were going.)

"This is amazing Tyler." Lindsay giggled

"I agree." Tyler replied

(Then Tyler spins Lindsay around & puts her back to face him.)

"Since we love to slow dance, can I sing a song for you?" Lindsay asked

"Sure Linds, go ahead." Tyler replied

(Then Lindsay clears her throat, then she began to sing a song about their relationship together. Tyler was amazed about her singing.)

1 minute later..

(Lindsay was still singing, they were still slow dancing together, the fireworks were still going, until Tyler has an idea.)

"Hey Linds, would you mind if we sing together?" Tyler asked

"Of course Tyler. I love you in all my heart." Lindsay replied

(Then they both began to sing their song together while they were slow dancing together. Tyler also has a nice singing voice as well.)

After they finished singing:

"Wow Tyler.. You sang really good." Lindsay said

"Thanks Linds. I was wondering if we like to make our album in the future?" Tyler asked

"Of course my love." Lindsay whispered

"Thanks. How's your tour?" Tyler asked

"I've paused it for 7 months so I can stay with you forever & ever." Lindsay explained

"Really? That's cool." Tyler said

"I know right?" Lindsay replied

(Then Tyler spins her around again, then he puts her back around him.)

"This is so wonderful Tyler." Lindsay whispered

"I agree Linds." Tyler replied

(Then Tyler puts Lindsay back to face him.)

"Do you still love the fireworks?" Tyler asked

Lindsay looks at the fireworks, they were still going, then she smiles at him, & says "I love it. This is like the best dance I've ever had with you."

"I'm glad you've asked." Tyler chuckled

(Then Lindsay tilts her head on Tyler's chest & closes her eyes while Tyler wraps his arms around her.)

"You still look beautiful tonight Lindsay." Tyler said

(Lindsay didn't reply as she giggled & snuggles comfortably on his chest. & Tyler puts his cape around her comfortably.)

5 minutes later..

(They were still slow dancing, the fireworks were still going, & Lindsay tilts her head up & looks at Tyler adorably.)

"I love you Linds." Tyler said

"I love you too Tyler." Lindsay whispered

(Then they kissed passionately on the lips for 5 minutes, while they were kissing, Lindsay had some silent tears coming out of her cheek.)

They both stopped kissing, & Tyler says "Do you love this slow dance?" He asked

(Lindsay nodded her head silently.)

"Me too Linds."

(Then Tyler tilts her over as they finished their slow dance together. Then they've began to embrace each other passionately.)

"That was the best dance I've ever had with you." Lindsay said in a cracked voice & in tears

"I know Lindsay. This night has got to be one of our best nights ever." Tyler chuckled as he wipes her tears away

"Same here. I love you Tyler. & I will never leave you, or do anything bad to you. You'll always be my beautiful & handsome husband." Lindsay whispered

"I love you too Lindsay. & I agree about what you've said." Tyler whispered

(Then Tyler puts his cape around Lindsay they've kissed passionately on the lips again for 10 minutes, after they've stopped kissing, they've hugged passionately together & closed both of their eyes. Then one firework launched a heart in the sky. From their most romantic slow dance ever.)

The end! Like & review!