Hello Everyone! Welcome Back!

So, this will be a Naruto/Yu-Gi-Oh! GX! Crossover with slight crossovers from the other Yu-Gi-Oh! Series like 5Ds, Zexal, and Arc-V.

Now, this is also a NarutoxHarem fic and this is the list so far.

Confirmed: Mana (Dark Magician Girl), Serenity Wheeler, Akiza Izinski (5Ds)

Eventually: Yubel, Fem. Jaden, Alexis Rhodes, Jasmine, Mindy, Ms. Fonda Fontaine, Blair Flannigan (Older), Ishizu Ishtar, Ruin (Duel Spirit), Fem. Aster Phoenix, Fem. Jesse Anderson, Mai Valentine, Cathy Katherine (Zexal), Rio Kastle (Zexal), Tania (GX), Sherry LeBlanc (5Ds), Masumi

Maybe: Camula (GX), Yasmin (Duel Spirit, GX), Burstinatrix (Duel Spirit), Chocolate Magician Girl (Duel Spirit), Lemon Magician Girl (Duel Spirit), Apple Magician Girl (Duel Spirit)

Not happening: Tea Gardner

Summary: Naruto Crawford Tenjou, the adopted son of Maximillion Pegasus, and given the name "Tenjou" by his father with the belief that no matter where he goes, his family will always watch him from the heavens. One day, Pegasus decided to show Naruto part of his job as a card maker and designer and takes Naruto with him to some old ruins. However, something amazing happens when Naruto comes into contact with some crystals that will forever change the dueling monsters and the world. Now, with the very cards he created, Naruto seeks to reclaim that which was stolen and released to the world before they cause untold amounts of damage and chaos.

"There's not a day that passes by." Normal speech

'The pain has not amassed inside.' Normal thought

"It's breaking me down, to the ground." Duel Monster Spirits/Dark Spirits Normal Speech

'It's like I crashed and died.' Duel Monster Spirits/Evil Spirits Normal thought

"It's hard to leave your past behind." Past speech

"Especially when you're last in line." Duel Monster Spirit/Evil Spirits Past speech

The lines above are from the song, "Through It All" by the group called, "From Ashes to New." If you haven't heard of them and you like rock music, check them out if you want.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Series. Those are owned by Masashi Kishimoto, Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and many more.

Ch.1 The Change to Duel Monsters and Arrival of the Galaxy-Eyes!

Duel Monsters. A card game that was created by famous card designer and creator of Duel Monsters, Pegasus Crawford A.K.A. Maximillion Pegasus. Duel Monsters became famous worldwide and has reached a point where it is now used to settle discussions, debates, and where people can now choose to become famous pro-duelists as jobs. Everyone enjoyed Duel Monsters, thinking it was a simple game and that no harm could come from it.

However, to those whose lives connected with Duel Monsters on deeper levels, they knew the truth. Duel Monsters can cause real harm to people and can even cause a person to lose their soul. These duelists these types of duels a name that was discovered from the ruins in Ancient Egypt.

These duels were called Shadow Games.

It was written in Ancient Egypt that the Shadow Games would one day destroy the world. Some wished for this to come to pass and willingly sided with the Evil Spirits who wanted to destroy the world and it almost came to pass.

However, it was thanks to the interference of a select group of duelists who fought against the darkness that the world was saved. Since then, they've lived their lives in peace with their loved ones, believing that the darkness had finally been defeated.

But now, there is a new evil that wishes to destroy the world and it will be up to a new generation of duelists to stand up and defend the world. They will band together as a team to face the new evil with the help of one young man who brings a new addition to the Duel Monsters world.

~Domino City~

In a black limo that was heading towards the Kaiba dome where duelists go to join Duel Academy that Seto Kaiba created to expand the number of great duelists. Inside the limo, were a boy and a girl who were currently riding in silence as they made their way to the Kaiba dome. The girl looked to be no older than sixteen. She had long brown hair that went to her waist, green eyes with marks at the corners of her eyes, and soft, tanned skin. She was wearing a tight, pink t-shirt that hugged her D-cup breasts and showed off her midriff, hip-hugger jeans with a white belt that shows her round, toned ass and wide hips and a pair of white sneakers. She also wore a matching silver bracelet and necklace that both contained a galaxy-styled charm. (Regular Duel Disk)

The other passenger was a boy that also looked to be no older than sixteen and currently had his eyes closed and his arms crossed. He had spiky blonde hair with red highlights that he had tied in a long ponytail that reached his lower back. He also had three whisker marks on both of his cheeks and a necklace that was partially hidden by the blue scarf he had wrapped around his neck. He also wore a white t-shirt underneath a navy-blue vest with a high-collar, grey trench coat with metal studs and flared out at the end with a symbol of a pegasus on one sleeve and. He also wore a pair of black jeans with a leather belt that held two duel boxes behind his right hip while his jeans were tucked into a pair of steel-toed, black combat boots. (Look up "Corcoran XCS2525 10 inch Steel Toe Combat Field Boot | American Made Steel Toe Paratrooper Boots" for the boots, Vergil's vest from Devil May Cry, for the trench coat, think Kaiba's coat but is completely grey. For his hair, think a blonde Jiraiya, but with a Johhny Test color scheme where it's red along the edges and tips, making it look like fire.)

However, something to note for both of them was the duel disks they each had on their left arms. The girl had a standard duel disk that resembled an arm blade with five monster spots, a card slot under each monster spot, a deck holder, a graveyard, and a life point counter. The only difference with her duel disk was that instead of a white body, red graveyard, and blue monster slots, they were grey, pink and white respectively. However, instead of the standard duel disk, his duel disk was sleek and slim with a white body and grey lines and a seemingly grey jewel. It almost looked like a regular deck holder without a slot for the graveyard or extra deck but it was actually cutting edge.

The boy was currently enjoying the silence while the girl looked out the window with a wide smile of excitement. However, when the girl turned to say something to the boy, she noticed a blinking light coming from a control panel. The girl then tapped the boy on the shoulder to get his attention which came in the form of the boy opening his eyes and looking at the girl with his shining, cerulean-blue eyes.

"What's up, Mana?" The boy asked.

"You've got a call, Naruto," The now named Mana said as she pointed towards the blinking light, getting the now-named Naruto to look at it before he nodded his head and clicked the button.

In that instant, a compartment in front of them opened to reveal a screen which turned on the reveal a man on the other side. The man has long, platinum-colored hair that went past his shoulder and covered the left side of his face. His visible eye is light brown and he wore a kind smile on his face. And from what could be seen, he wore a red suit with a classical-style dress shirt that was flared out a bit at the collar with a thin black ribbon tied around his neck.

This was Pegasus J. Crawford, also known as Maximillion Pegasus. Famous card designer, CEO of Industrial Illusions, and creator of the game Duel Monsters. (Yes, I am using his Japanese name as his real name and his English name as his nickname)

However, to Naruto, he went by a different title.

He gained a small smile and asked, "Hey Dad, how are you?"

That's right, Maximillion Pegasus was Naruto's father, at least not by blood. You see, Naruto was an orphan who Pegasus had found after finding him on the streets of Domino City during one of his visits. He didn't know why, but the Millenium Eye told him that there was something unique about Naruto and that it had to be nurtured. However, even after adopting Naruto, Pegasus refused to give up his goal of using the Millenium items to revive his lover, Cecilia.

But, after Yugi and the Pharoah defeated Pegasus and he had the Millenium Eye stolen by Yami Bakura, Pegasus finally realized that he had been living life the wrong way. He should have been enjoying the time with the family he still has instead of living in the past. Since that day, Pegasus has never been happier except for when he married his beloved Cecelia.

Pegasus smiled as he replied, "I'm doing just fine, Naruto-boy. Just calling to see how you and Mana were doing."

Naruto and Mana smiled as Mana replied, "We're doing great, Pegasus. I'm just enjoying the view right now while Naruto is relaxing."

Pegasus smiled and nodded his head as he said, "That's good, no need to worry or stress right before an important duel. Also, I wanted to know, are you going to use the spare deck you made or your original deck?"

Naruto shrugged his shoulders as he replied, "Not sure, it all just depends on how I feel and whether someone pisses me off or annoys me."

Pegasus nodded his head as he replied, "I do indeed remember that you have that one rule that decides whether you use your original deck or your humiliation deck. Though I also know that if you happen across one of those cards, you'll ignore that rule in favor of your original deck."

Naruto nodded his head as he second, "Indeed, since when it comes to the collection of those specific cards, I will take no chances and will be sure to completely overwhelm my opponent."

Pegasus began chuckling a bit as he nodded his head and said, "Of course, I nearly forgot your adamance in recollecting those cards," Pegasus the seemed to turn a bit as he looked at Mana and asked, "What about you Mana? How are you enjoying your second chance at life in the human world?"

Now, to most people, this might have been a strange question to ask, but when it came to Mana, for those who knew her history, this wasn't that weird of a question.

Mana smiled as she said, "I'm doing great! I've greatly enjoyed being able to live in the human world again! It's amazing how many things have changed since Ancient Egypt! Though Yugi was still very surprised when I had said I wanted to go with Naruto."

Pegasus nodded his head in understanding as he replied, "Well, that is to be expected, after all, you've been his companion for years, Dark Magician Girl."

That's right, Mana wasn't an ordinary human. In fact, she wasn't a human at all. She was actually the legendary Duel Monster known as the Dark Magician Girl. Now normally, a duel monster being made real was something that could only happen in Shadow Duels. However, it was when Yugi and his friends, Kaiba and his brother, and the Ishtar Siblings were invited for a weekend get-away that something amazing happened.


"Dark Magician, end the duel with Dark Burning Attack!" Yugi shouted as he attacks Joey directly with Dark Magician ending the duel with his win.

Yugi: 1700

Joey: 0

"Aw man," Joey whined, "I thought I had you dis time, Yug."

Yugi chuckled as he said, "You almost did, Joey. I just believed in the heart of the cards and they gave me the cards needed to ensure my victory."

Yugi gathered up his cards and proceeded to put them in his deck holder, not noticing one of his cards dropping. Though a younger Naruto did, as he had shown everyone to a different duel arena and had been preparing to take Yugi's spot and duel whoever took Joey's spot.

"Hey, Yugi" Naruto began, getting the King of Games' attention, Naruto reached for the card as he continued, completely missing the jewel on his necklace glowing, "You dropped thi-!"

However, Naruto was cut off when a bright light suddenly began shining from the card, catching everyone's attention, before they shielded their eyes as the light became brighter and brighter. After about a minute, the light began dying down and everyone looked to where the light originated only to gasp in shock, with Yugi being especially shocked.

Currently lying on the ground, was Naruto, but that wasn't what caused the shock. The reason for everyone's shocked expressions was the new person who was currently on top of Naruto. She had long blonde hair that was partially hidden by a long blue hat with pink lines that had an opening near the front. She also wore an outfit that consisted of mainly blue and pink with bits of yellow as well that showed off lots of her smooth, fair skin. She was wearing a tight, short, blue outfit that revealed her shoulders and some cleavage of her D-cup bust. It also was lined with pink cloth and revealed her long, smooth legs while she wore blue boots with pink lines and a red jewel. To finish off her outfit, she wore two blue bangles while she held a short, blue staff while it had gold ends with one being bigger than the other with a spiral design.

The girl suddenly began to groan as she sat up and grabbed the side of her head while shaking her head and mumbled, "What happened?"

She then opened her eyes, revealing them to be a beautiful pair of emerald green eyes as she looked around in confusion. Looking around, her eyes landed on Yugi, who was still in a state of complete shock, before her eyes widened in shock as well.



~Flashback End~

After the shock at seeing Mana in a real body in the human world settled, Naruto, Yugi, and the others had begun questioning how this was possible with not even Mana herself knowing. It was only when they remembered Naruto coming into contact with her card that they realized the answer.

Naruto somehow has a connection to the power of the shadow games.

It was after this discovery, and the reveal that Naruto could see duel spirits as well, that Naruto had begun his two years of training with the Ishtar siblings to gain better control of his abilities. He learned how to properly control his powers so that he doesn't accidentally summon a dangerous or evil spirit to the real world. During this time, Naruto and Mana had gotten closer to each other while also discovering that she could change from her old human form to her duel monsters form if she wanted. Most of the time, she stays in her human form to spend time with Naruto. Though, they found that she can travel back to the Duel Spirit's Dimension when she uses her monster form.

"Anyways, reminiscing aside, that's not the only reason I was calling," Pegasus said, "I wanted to let you know that your friend called about the trial cards you gave her."

This caught Naruto's attention as he wanted to hear how his friend and the cards he created were doing.

"She wanted to let you know that the cards worked just fine and that she would hopefully be seeing you soon," Pegasus said with an amused and knowing smile.

At this, Naruto smiled, happy at the chance to see his friend again, while began Mana pouting as she began gaining a deep blush. Seeing the desired reaction from one of them, Pegasus chuckled.

"It'll be nice to see Akiza again," Naruto said, "And as for the cards, I'm glad they worked and I'll get started on new additions as soon as I can."

Pegasus nodded his head and said, "Well, just be sure that you don't let work get between living your life and your studies."

Naruto nodded his head and said, "Don't worry Dad, I'll be sure to keep with my studies and I'll only work on the new cards when I'm sure I have time. Though I won't send them in until I finish ten per group after which I'll take a break from creating cards to rest my mind and recover."

Pegasus nodded and said, "Alright, I can agree to that, and taking a short rest between creating cards is very important for card creators, like you and me, son. So as long as you keep up with the work, have fun, and live your life to the fullest, I don't mind however long you take making those cards and Mana, be sure to take care of Naruto. You know how he can be sometimes when it comes to creating cards."

Mana nodded as she said, "Don't worry, I'll be sure he takes care of himself. After all, that is my job as his girlfriend."

Naruto smiled as he said, "Alright Dad, anyway, we're nearing the Kaiba Dome now, so we'll talk to you and inform you when we pass."

Pegasus smirked a bit as he raised an eyebrow and asked, "You mean, if you pass, right~?"

Though he knew that his son had said it the way he had for a reason, he just wanted to see what his response would be.

Naruto smirked back at his father as he said, "No, I meant when we pass because there is no doubt in my mind that we wouldn't pass." Naruto eyes then glowed for a bit and if one had been looking at him at that moment, they would have sworn that a galaxy had taken the place of his eyes.

Pegasus grinned as he replied, "Of course, now, I don't want to keep you, so goodbye for now and I will talk to you once you pass."

With that, the screen turned off, signifying the end of the call, while the limo slowly stopped. Thanking the driver, Naruto stepped out first before offering his hand to Mana, who had smiled brightly before she took his hand.

"It'll be nice to see Akiza again after all this time," Naruto said, "Though, she'll probably want to make up for all the teasing she missed."

Mana blushed even harder as she gripped his arm and said, "Mou~, that's not funny!"

Naruto simply chuckled, as he knew his friend tended to tease Mana whenever the opportunity arose.

Walking towards the desk, Naruto gave the three people a calm smile and said, "We are here to participate in the entrance exams for Duel Academy."

One of the women looked up at him before blushing as she stuttered out, "N-N-Names?"

"Mana Ishtar and Naruto Tenjou," Mana replied, seeing as the Ishtar siblings were more than happy to adopt her to make her transition easier in the real world due to all of them looking like siblings when Mana is in her human form.

The other woman checked the paper and said, "Mhm, you two are on the list. Please head inside and you can wait and hang out until you hear your name being called while giving instructions as to which duel field your exam will be held on. And with the two of you, we will no longer be accepting applicants."

Thanking the man and two women, they were about to begin heading inside when they heard shouting.

"Hang on!"

Turning towards some bushes, everyone saw a hand pop out and grab the fence as the person pulled themselves up and said, "I-I hope I made it just in time! Jade Yuki checking in for her exam!"

Suddenly, the person managed to finally pull themselves up, revealing themselves to be a girl. She had short brown hair with orange highlights that just reached her upper back and brown eyes. She was also wearing a red t-shirt that hugged her C-cup with a black middle school jacket on top. Finally, she wore a short, black skirt and a pair of black bike shorts underneath with a pair of sneakers and a backpack on her back. Though, she was also covered in scratches and had leaves and twigs in her hair.

However, she suddenly lost her grip and was about to fall before someone grabbed her hand and pulled her over the fence to safety.

"Are you alright?"

Looking up, Jade blushed when she saw Naruto was the one who had saved her from falling. Being unable to say anything, she simply nodded her head, getting Naruto to smile.

Patting her head, Naruto said, "That's good to hear, now come along, let's get inside so that we can get our duels underway."

"O-Okay," a flustered Jade stuttered out.

The two of them began to head inside with a smiling Mana following the two. As they made their way inside, however, both Naruto and Mana heard giggling, chuckling, and what sounded like amused growling.


Inside the Kaiba Dome, all the applicants were taking their entrance duels to get into Duel Academy. Some were being told to try again next year, others were being accepted, and some were hanging out waiting for their turn. However, there weren't only the prospective students, as there were even some academy students watching all the applicants, trying to see who had potential and who didn't.

Two such academy students were doing just that. One was a male student who was wearing a white version of the academy Obelisk uniform. Though, unlike the regular uniform, his had a more pronounced collar, tighter-bound sleeves, and pointed rims coming out the back. He also had dark-blue hair that was sectioned into three parts and he had grey-blue eyes.

The other student was a girl who also wore a white version of the Obelisk uniform. She wore a pair of blue boots and a short blue skirt that hugged her hips and toned ass nicely with a blue belt. She also wore a sleeveless white blazer with light-blue for the lining and buttons that hugged her DD-cup breasts. Finally, she had amber eyes and long blonde hair.

These two were Zane Truesdale and Alexis Rhodes, two Duel Academy students who had decided to watch the applicants for any with potential.

"So Zane," Alexis began as she leaned against the railing from the upper level, "See any duelists that seem interesting yet?"

Zane didn't reply as he merely hummed in thought while watching the duelists down below. Though Alexis noticed he seemed especially focused on one duelist. Said duelist was wearing a dark-blue middle school uniform with a pair of black sneakers. They had light-blue hair that was sectioned in three parts and was currently wearing a pair of round-lensed glasses that partially covered their grey eyes.

"Hey Zane, Isn't that-?" Alexis started before she was stopped when Zane cut her off.

"Yes," Zane said, "That's my little brother, Syrus."

A few minutes later, Syrus was sitting down after finishing his duel and sighed in relief at finishing. However, he jumped when he heard an excited cheer next to him and saw Jade looking at a duel in excitement.

"Jade, do try and calm down."

Syrus then turned to see two more people following behind the now named Jade before he turned his attention back to the duel happening down below.

This duel was between a male duel proctor who wore a pair of sunglasses and a male student who wore a whitish-grey uniform.

Proctor: 1800 Life Points

Student: 3200 Life Points

The proctor currently had two monsters on the field in defense mode while the student had a monster in attack mode and a face-down card.

"Alright, new guy, multiple choice! You multiple monsters staring you down. Do you A! Throw in the towel!? B! Beg for mercy!? Or C! Run home to mama!?"

"I'll go with D! None of the above!" The student replied before he revealed his face-down to be a trap.

"A trap!?" The proctor asked in shock.

"Exactly, you see, with Ring of Destruction, I can choose a monster in attack position."

As the student was explaining the card, a collar suddenly appeared on his monster's neck that had red bulbs all around it, "And then I can destroy that monster and we both take damage equal to that monster's attack points."

Suddenly, his monster blew up in a small explosion, dealing damage to both of them.

Proctor: 0 Life Points

Student: 1300 Life Points

Winner: Student

"Heh, clever move, applicant. Welcome to the academy."

Bowing in respect, the student then said, "Thank you, oh wise proctor."


While the current duels were finishing up, there were a bunch of officials overlooking the duelists. They all wore purple versions of the school uniform while one of them wore an Obelisk uniform that hard pink frills at the cuffs and collar of the coat. They had blonde hair and wore purple lipstick.

As this person was packing up, a guy walked over and said, "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt."

This got the blonde-haired person to stop packing as they looked at the official, "We've just received three more applicants who arrived and wish to take their exams, Mr. Crowler."

"I'm sorry, but did you just call me mister?" Crowler asked incredulously.

"I'm sorry, I'm new here, Mrs.-" The official tried apologizing.

"I have a Ph.D. in dueling. I've earned the title doctor, thank you," Dr. Crowler said, before closing his eyes and saying, "Now, tell the truants that they'll just have to try next year."

"Aw, c'mon professor Crowler," One of the officials began, "We still have time for three more duels."

"Yeah, give these duelists their shot."

"Besides, two arrived on time and one arrived just at the deadline."

Suddenly, Crowler shouted as he exclaimed, "No! I've no time for slackers-!"

However, before Crowler could continue speaking, his phone went off, "Hello, and who may I ask is-!"

"It's Sheppard."

"Ah, Chancellor Sheppard," Crowler nervously replied.

"Just calling to make sure everything was running smoothly," Sheppard said, "Wouldn't want a repeat of last year?" Crowler began sweating a bit as Sheppard continued, "Remember when you cut a third of our student applicants for some ridiculous reason. What was it? Calling you Mr. or Mrs.? Whatever, I'm just calling to make sure that everyone gets a fair shot."

"Of course, Chancellor," Crowler replied, before hanging up and muttering, "Furry-chinned windbag!"

Crowler then said, "Pardon me, gentleman, I'll be right back."

"Uh, so which proctors will duel and which exam decks will they use?"

Crowler turned to the official and said, "Don't worry, just leave that to me." This got the officials to nervously look at each other while silently wishing the applicants good luck

~Back with the others~

"Wow, that guy tore it up," Said an excited Jade.

"Yeah, that's Bastion Misawa. I heard he got one of the highest scores on the written exam out of all us applicants this year," Syrus said, "Oh my name's Syrus, by the way."

"Wow, I just barely passed mine. Oh! My name's Jade, Jade Yuki, nice to meet you Syrus," Jade said and introduced herself.

"Yeah, me too," Syrus said, "I kinda have test anxiety, so I have no idea how I won my match."

"Well," Naruto started, drawing Syrus and Jade's attention to him, "I think you won because you are indeed an excellent duelist. As for the test anxiety, you just need to build up your self-confidence more and then before you know, you won't be so nervous anymore."

Syrus smiled a bit as he said, "Wow, thanks. I guess I never really thought about it like that."

Naruto smiled and said, "It's no problem, not many people realize they simply need more confidence in themselves until their told. My name's Naruto, and this is my girlfriend, Mana, we're applicants as well."

Syrus nodded his head before he suddenly went bug-eyed as he exclaimed, "WAIT, YOUR NARUTO, AND MANA!?"

Jumping in surprise at the sudden shout, Naruto said, "Yes~, why?"

"You're the one who got a perfect score on the written exam with Mana following just behind you!" Syrus exclaimed, "Both of you are the ones who gained higher scores than Bastion Misawa!"

Naruto and Mana blinked in surprise before asking really, "Really?"

Syrus suddenly began nodding his head so fast, they were afraid it was going to pop off. He was about to say more when they all noticed Bastion take a seat right in front of them all.

"Wow, that was a nice duel Bastion," Jade said as she leaned over from the row behind Bastion.

"Thank you, though, you seem to have me at a disadvantage as you know my name but I don't know yours," Bastion calmly replied.

"Oh, right, I'm Jade, and this is Syrus, Naruto, and Mana," Jade said as she introduced their little group, "You know, from watching your duel, I can tell you must be one of the best duelists here."

This caught Bastion by surprise as he asked, "Wait, if I'm not the best, then who is?"

"Well, that would have to be me but I also haven't seen what these two are made of, so we'll have to wait and see," Jade said.

Jade Yuki, Please report to Duel Field 4

"Alright! Time to get my game on!" Jade exclaimed as she made her way down.

"Wow, she's so confident in herself," Syrus said while staring at Jade, "You think she's really that good?"

"She'll have to be, look who she's dueling," Bastion said while pointing at the Duel Field where Crowler was standing.

(The duel is canon, the only difference being that Jaden is a girl and is called Jade)

At the same time, there was another announcement as Jade's duel.

Mana Ishtar, Please report to Duel Field 2

Mana jumped in excitement as she said, "Looks like it's my turn!" She then kissed Naruto and said, "Wish me luck!"

After wishing Mana good luck, they watched as she made her way down to the duel field where the proctor was waiting. Mana then shuffled her deck before inserting it into her duel disk as the proctor did the same.


Proctor: 4000 Life Points

Mana: 4000 Life Points

"If you don't mind, I'll go first!" Mana exclaimed as she drew a card.

"First, I'll set three cards face-down, then I'll summon out, my Chocolate Magician Girl!" Mana exclaimed as three cards appeared face-down on her side of the field before a monster appeared.

Suddenly, everyone watched as a chocolate bar with bat wings appeared on the field before it was covered in smoke. As the smoke cleared, a figure could be seen before the smoke completely and almost all the guys looked on with hearts in their eyes with the girls being jealous.

The monster had long, light-blue hair, smooth, fair skin, and red eyes. She wore a tight, leather top that had an opening in the center in the shape of a heart that showed her underboob while leaving her midriff visible as well. She also wore a dark-blue witches hat with pink lines all around it and a red heart with wings in the center. She also wore a short leather skirt with a pink belt, tights, garter belt, boots, and gloves while holding a short want in her hand.

Chocolate Magician Girl: (Atk: 1600/Def: 1000)

"I now activate Chocolate Magician Girl's effect!" Mana exclaimed as she took a card from her hand and placed it in her graveyard, "By discarding a spellcaster monster from my hand, I'm allowed to draw a card and then I end my turn."

"Alright, applicant, my turn," The proctor then drew his card and said, "I'll start it with the spell double summon. So now, I'm allowed to normal summon twice this turn and I think I'll start things off with Feral Imp!"

Suddenly, a green-furred creature with a horn and wings appeared on the field.

Feral Imp: (Atk: 1300/Def: 1400)

"But it won't be on the field for long, cause now I tribute my Feral Imp to summon my Summoned Skull!"

Suddenly, the Feral Imp disappeared as a sudden lightning bolt struck the spot where it had once been. Now in its place, was a tall demonic-looking creature with its purple muscles visible and a bony Exo-skeleton with two black leathery wings.

Summoned Skull: (Atk: 2500/Def: 1200)

"Now, I attack your Chocolate Magician Girl! Go, lightning strike!"

Suddenly, Summoned Skull began charging lightning before Mana exclaimed, "I activate Chocolate Magician Girl's effect!"

Chocolate Magician Girl then summoned a glowing chocolate bar that slowly began growing as Mana explained, "You see, when Chocolate Magician is targeted for an attack, I can special summon a Spellcaster monster from my graveyard! So I special summon, Apple Magician Girl!"

Suddenly, a girl appeared who looked similar to Chocolate Magician girl, but with obvious differences. For one, her outfit was red and was a dress that showed the top of her cleavage and had an opening that showed her stomach. She also had a pair of red, thigh-high, leather boots that were held in place with a garter belt and a pair of red leather sleeves that seemed bulky until her wrists. She also had a red witches hat that hid some of her dark-colored hair and pink angel-like wings coming from her back.

Apple Magician Girl: (Atk: 1200/Def: 800)

"Not only that but when I successfully special my monster, your attack changes its target to the one I special summoned while your monster's attack points are cut in half!" Mana exclaimed, shocking everyone as they saw Apple Magician Girl launch a beam from her hands at Summoned Skull, causing it's attack points to drop.

Summoned Skull: (Atk:2500/Def1200) → (Atk:1250/Def:1200)

"Clever move applicant, but you're still going to lose a monster and life points!" The proctor exclaimed, before seeing Mana smirk.

"Normally, that would be true, if I didn't activate Apple Magician Girl's effect!" Mana exclaimed, shocking everyone, sans Naruto, with the proctor being the most shocked.

Suddenly, Apple Magician Girl summoned a glowing apple that slowly began growing.

"When she's targeted for an attack, I can special summon a level 5 or lower spellcaster monster from my hand and change the attack target to that monster! So I special summon Lemon Magician Girl!" Mana exclaimed as she summoned another monster.

Suddenly, the apple that had previously been growing, burst into a cloud of pink smoke before a figure appeared out of the smoke. She had tan skin, long, blonde hair that was curled at the ends, and a yellow witches hat. She also wore a pair of large earrings that had a big yellow star in the center and a yellow outfit that had shoulder pads and a light-green arrow going down the middle with blue, angel-like wings coming out of her back. She also wore light-green ribbons around her waist with dark tights, white, thigh-high socks, yellow boots, and yellow gloves while holding a yellow staff with a red orb.

Lemon Magician Girl: (Atk: 800/Def: 600)

"And when she's summoned to the field, the target of your attack changes again while your monster's attack points are halved again!" As Mana exclaimed this, Lemon Magician Girl launched a beam at Summoned Skull that weakened it again.

Summoned Skull: (Atk: 1250/Def: 1200) → (Atk: 625/Def: 1200)

The proctor and everyone, sans Naruto, who simply smirked, was shocked at Mana's play and skill and how quickly she turned her opponent's move against him.

Everyone thought she was done now that the proctor's monster was weaker than her's, but Naruto knew better as he smirked and thought, 'Show off, and you were the one who wanted to hide our skills.'

"I'm still not done!" Mana exclaimed, shocking everyone once again, "Now, I use Lemon Magician Girl's ability! When she's targeted for an attack, I can special summon another spellcaster monster from my hand! So now, I summon the apprentice of the Master of the Dark Arts, Dark Magician Girl!"

Suddenly, in a flash of pink light, everyone watched as the legendary card appeared and twirled as it appeared on the field. Though, only Naruto was able to see when her Monster form separated from Mana's body before appearing on the field.

Dark Magician Girl: (Atk: 2000/Def: 1700)


As everyone was watching the duel, a lot of the guys throughout the Kaiba Dome were cheering with hearts in their eyes as they looked at Mana and her monsters with lust. Seeing the looks, Naruto began radiating a dark and menacing aura, while his eyes began glowing and seemingly turned white, that slowly got everyone nearby to stop in fear of catching the dual-haired teen's attention. Some would swear they actually saw kanji for the word, "menacing" (嚇) floating around him.

Naruto also noticed that Syrus was blushing while bashfully looking at Dark Magician Girl and figured he had an innocent card crush on Mana's monster form. However, instead of glaring at him, Naruto simply chuckled before patting Syrus's head, causing Syrus to blush deeper in embarrassment.

Sensing several pairs of eyes on him, Naruto looked and down and saw Mana and the Duel Spirits of her monster looking at him with smirks on their faces. Naruto met their smirks with his own as he wasn't embarrassed to be protective of his girlfriend or friends.

However, Naruto suddenly blinked when he began to hear aggressive growling and looked to see one of his decks were glowing a bit.

Nodding his head, Naruto thought as he looked back to the duel, 'Don't you worry, we'll show these weaklings why they shouldn't attempt to harm our precious friends and loved ones.'

As Naruto thought this, his eyes flashed for a second and seemed to turn into a pair of galaxies before turning back to normal. There was another growl, but this time it sounded calmer, like it wasn't as aggressive, but was still protective.

~With Zane and Alexis~

"Wow, to summon the Dark Magician Girl in two turns and swarm her field due to one attack from her opponent. That girl's got a future at Duel Academy," Alexis said, proud to see another female duelist who can most definitely hold her own.

"Indeed, though I get the feeling this isn't everything she can do," Zane said.

~Back to the Duel~

"Now, the attack target changes again to Dark Magician Girl while your monster's attack halves again!" Mana exclaimed before Dark Magician Girl shot a beam of energy at Summoned Skull, weakening it even more.

Summoned Skull: (Atk: 625/Def: 1200) → (Atk: 313/Def: 1200)

Then the Summoned Skull launched its attack at Dark Magician Girl who fired her attack at the Summoned Skull. The two attacks collided before Dark Magician Girl's attack overpowered the Summoned Skull's, destroying the monster and dealing damage to the proctor.

Proctor Life Points: 4000 → 2313

"Damn!" Cursed the Proctor, "I set one card face down and end my turn."

Mana smiled as she drew her card and smirked when she saw what she drew before looking at the unnerved proctor and saying, "Well, it looks like this duel is over. I activate Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your face-down!"

Suddenly, a larger version of Mana's card appeared on the field before a twister was launched and destroyed the proctor's face-down while revealing it to be Mirror Force. The proctor and everyone was amazed at how quickly Mana took complete control of the field in just two turns.

"It's game over!" Mana exclaimed, "Go, my monsters! Attack! Magical Barrage!" *1

Suddenly, all of Mana's monsters launched their own magic blasts at the proctor, attacking the proctor directly.

Proctor: 2313 → 0

Mana: 4000

Winner: Mana! FTK & OTK

Everyone cheered at, not only seeing such an amazing duel but also seeing the legendary Dark Magician Girl in action. Though, there were a few people who had questions about some of the cards they saw.

"Congratulations, welcome to the academy," Proctor said.

Mana smiled as she replied, "Thank you though, no offense to you, but if this is the level of skill that the Academy has to offer, I don't think my boyfriend or myself are going to like it very much."

The proctor chuckled and said, "Relax, and I understand what you mean. Though luckily, there happen to be quite a lot of hidden gems in the academy that can and will prove to be quite the challenge. As for my skill, I will admit that I'm not the best but I'm only supposed to be a challenge for applicants who are supposedly rookies."

Mana giggled at that and said, "I suppose you've got me there since I'm not much of a rookie or a novice." Before she thought, 'Especially when you consider that I've watched Yugi throughout practically his whole career as a duelist.'

With that Mana began making her way back up to where Naruto was so that she would have a clear view of when he mopped the floor with whoever his opponent was.

Naruto Tenjou, Please report to Duel Field 4

Hearing this, Naruto began to calmly make his way down passing Mana on the way down who stopped him for a second to kiss him on the cheek while saying, "That was for being the protective boyfriend I know and love you for."

Naruto smiled back at her and nodded his head as he said, "You know I will always protect you and everyone I consider precious to me."

With that, the two separated with Naruto moving towards Duel Field 4 where he found Crowler as his opponent with his duel vest in place. Naruto frowned a bit when he remembered how Crowler seemed to be using his personal deck instead, but smirked at the challenge.

"So applicant," Began Crowler with his tone holding its usual arrogance despite his previous loss, "What's your name?"

"Naruto Tenjou," Naruto replied briefly and neutrally, a little more than just a bit angry with how Crowler acted.

"Well, Naruto Tenjou, hopefully, you prove to be a better duelist than others here," Crowler said with a bit of disdain.

Naruto's eyes went cold and narrowed a bit at that, as he knew that was a shot at Jade, and he wasn't very happy at Crowler's way of targeting her.

~Back with Mana and the others~

"Whoa, now Naruto has to face Crowler?" Syrus said.

"I hope your boyfriend is as good a duelist as you are, Mana," Bastion said, "Or this is going to be a very quick duel."

Mana giggled and said, "Oh Naruto isn't as good a duelist as me-."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S NOT AS GOOD AS YOU!?" Syrus shouted, fearful for his new friend.

Mana lightly glared at Syrus as she said, "If you would have let me finish, I was saying that Naruto isn't as good a duelist as me because he's actually better than me. Now just shut up and watch."

Syrus nervously chuckled as he shuffled away from the slightly angered girlfriend of his friend.

"If he is a better duelist than you, then now will be the time for him to show it and I can't wait to see what he's got," Jade said, as she had an excited smile on her face, along with a light blush.

Mana saw this and simply smirked before she looked back towards the duel field and thought, 'I just know you'll put on a good show Naruto. All that's left, is to see how you decide to provide the show, with rituals or the future.'

~With Zane and Alexis~

"Hmm," Zane hummed, drawing Alexis's attention, "This should be interesting."

"Hmm, why do you say that?" Alexis asked.

"Well, Alexis," Zane began, "Remember Crowler's Ancient Gear Golem?"

Alexis nodded her head as she replied, "Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, I know that that isn't the only rare card he has or the strongest. He has a few that are much stronger and rarer than Ancient Gear Golem," Zane said, shocking Alexis at Crowler having even more powerful and rarer cards.

"Whoa, you think we'll see them in this duel?" Alexis asked.

"It's possible, though," Zane began, "I'm not sure we'll get the chance if what I'm feeling is correct."

"Why do you say that?" Alexis asked.

Zane looked at Alexis and said, "Look closely at the applicant he's facing."

Hearing this, Alexis looked closer at Naruto and was confused at what Zane was seeing. While she focused on him in hopes of finding what Zane saw, she did have to admit that he was quite handsome with his dual-colored hair and cerulean blue eyes. It was then that Alexis saw why Zane said what he did.

Naruto's eyes were cold with a contained rage and his fists were clenched.

"He's angry?" Alexis wondered.

"Indeed," Zane confirmed, "It seems that Crowler said something to this Naruto and it made him angry."

"Well, hopefully, his dueling doesn't get worse when he gets angry, or else this will possibly be a very short duel," Alexis said as she turned back to the duel field.

~Back with Naruto~

Naruto watched as Crowler shuffled his deck before inserting it into his duel vest. He wanted to humiliate this Crowler for his shot at Jade, however, why not make this a bit of a game?

"Well, Crowler, before we begin I have a question to ask you," Naruto said while choosing his deck, drawing everyone's attention as they wondered what he was going to ask. Though some of the more arrogant applicants thought he was going to quit.

Everyone watched Naruto shuffle and place his deck in the deck slot before asking, "How quickly do you want to lose?"

There was silence in the arena for a second.


Until a very pissed Crowler shouted in anger.

"How dare you talk to me like that!? Do you know who I am!? I am Dr. Vellian Crowler! Head of the Obelisk Blue Dorm and Vice-Chancellor of Duel Academy! I will not have you talk to me like that!" Crowler exclaimed as he was feeling very angry and annoyed at Naruto's question.

"I will talk to you however I please, but the question still remains, how quickly would you like to lose?" Naruto asked once more, his voice still completely calm.

"You see, normally," Naruto began, "I like to give my opponents a chance when I duel them. Unfortunately for you, I'm not feeling that generous after you clearly targeted words towards my friend."

Naruto's duel disk then opened up into a crescent-shaped blade that contained the monster, spell, and trap zones of a regular duel disk.

Holding his duel disk arm out, Naruto exclaimed, "Duel Field, online!"

As Naruto said this, a burst of energy seemed to explode from Naruto's duel disk and expanded throughout the arena. Everyone shielded their eyes in fear but when they all realized nothing was happening, they uncovered their arms and looked around.

"Everyone!" Naruto exclaimed, getting everyone's attention, "What you all just witnessed is the latest in duel technology! It's called a duel field and what it does is bring a more realistic feel to duel monsters. If you would all look either at the person next to you or in a mirror you will see a pigment has gathered around one of your eyes and changed its color."

Everyone began doing this and looked to see that, they did indeed have pigment around one of their eyes while the pupil changed color. Even Crowler pulled out a hand mirror to confirm this and was surprised to see the change in color.

"Don't worry, this pigmentation is what will allow all of you to see the duel that is going to happen since, without it, myself and Mr. Transvestite over there would seemingly be doing nothing,"

Naruto said while throwing his own shot at Crowler. Getting said man to growl while many people began laughing, smirking, or chuckling.

"Now then Crowler, why don't we begin?" Naruto asked as he drew five cards and Crowler did the same.


Naruto: 4000 Life Points

Crowler: 4000 Life Points

"I'll go first, applicant!" Crowler exclaimed as he drew his card.

"From my hand, I'll activate the spell card, Ancient Gear Fusion!" Crowler exclaimed as a spell card appeared on his side of the field.

"You see, with this card, I can fusion summon an 'Ancient Gear' monster using materials from my hand or field. However, if I use 'Ancient Gear Golem' as one of them, then I can use materials directly from my deck!" Crowler exclaimed, shocking everyone at this. Some were shocked since they had never seen Crolwer fusion summon before, and others because they had never heard of using materials straight from the deck to fusion before.

"Now I use my 'Ancient Gear Golem' in my hand and two 'Ancient Gears' from my deck to fusion summon, 'Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem!'"

As Crowler exclaimed this, everyone watched as a vortex appeared from the card while Ancient Gear Golem and two Ancient Gears appeared in front of it before breaking down into parts and getting sucked into the vortex. Suddenly, there was a flash of light, before a creature appeared on the field. The creature looked to have the top part of Ancient Gear Golem but its claw arm seemed to gain an upgrade while it stood on four legs like a centaur.

Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem: (Atk: 4400/Def: 3400)

"Let's see what you can do now! I place two cards face down and end my turn!" Crowler exclaimed while two face-down cards appeared on his side of the field.

"Alright, my turn then," Naruto said calmly while drawing a card.

Looking at his hand and the card he drew, Naruto decides what to do.

"First, I activate the field spell, 'Breaking of the World' from my hand," Naruto said before everyone watched as the world changed into a wide, bare plain of rock while the sky darkened with clouds.

Suddenly, everyone watched as a white mask with blue eyes appeared from the clouds and hovered over the duel.

"Then, I activate the spell card, Double Summon, meaning I get to normal summon twice this turn. Next, I summon Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands," Naruto said as a Monster appeared on his field.

It was a grey creature with red eyes that seemed to be made of hundreds and hundreds of hands.

Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands: (Atk: 1400/Def: 1000)

"And when Manju is normal summoned, I'm allowed to summon to search my deck and add one ritual spell to my hand," Naruto informed as he pulled his deck out, chose and added the card he wanted to his hand, and then shuffled his deck before placing it back into its spot.

"Now, I also summon Djinn Disserere of Rituals," Naruto said as another monster appeared on his field.

This one was a little brown creature that wore what looked to be an old-style armor that covered most of its body from the shoulders up. It also wore a pair of brown pants and armored boots while carrying as hield with a skull in the center.

Djinn Disserere of Rituals: (Atk: 200/Def: 200)

Next, I activate the ritual spell, 'Cycle of the World,'" Naruto said, as everyone watched as a stylized, gold hexagon appeared in front of Naruto while an upside-down town appeared in the sky, "And I tribute Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands to summon, 'Ruin, Angel of Oblivion.'"

Everyone saw as Manju suddenly turned into gold energy before being absorbed into the hexagon. Suddenly, a beam of light shot into the sky before being absorbed into the mask, causing it to glow.

"Also, due to the effect of 'Breaking of the World,' whenever I summon 'Ruin, Queen of Oblivion,' or 'Demise, King of Oblivion,' I can choose to either destroy one card on the field or draw one card," Naruto said.

However, suddenly, Crowler started laughing before he said, "That is quite the powerful effect, except you're not summoning 'Ruin, Queen of Oblivion.' You're summoning 'Ruin, Angel of Oblivion,' so the effect doesn't work!"

Naruto nodded his head as he said, "You're right, normally it wouldn't work."

Looking Crowler in the eye, Naruto then said, "Except Ruin, Angel of Oblivion is treated as 'Ruin, Queen of Oblivion.'"

This shocked everyone before they saw the sky beginning to get brighter as the mask shined even more.

"Now, I use Breaking of the World's effect to destroy one of your face-down cards," Naruto said before everyone saw the mask shoot a beam down towards one of Crowler's cards. As the beam slammed into the card, the earth shattered causing Crowler to cover his eyes as he was blown back while his face-down was destroyed, revealing it to be Mirror Force.

As the dust settled, a figure jumped out of the dust and landed on Naruto's side of the field. The figure had long white hair and blue eyes. She also wore a red styled top that hugged her B-cup bust. She also wore a three-piece skirt while wearing a pair of tight black shorts underneath. To finish off, she wears a pair of sandals, black gloves, gold bangles, and wields a red staff.

Ruin, Angel of Oblivion: (Atk: 1700/Def: 1000)

"Next, I also activate the ritual spell, Black Illusion Ritual," Naruto said, shocking everyone who knew the spell, as two bonfires appeared with a pot in the middle.

"Now I tribute my Djinn," Naruto said while the Djinn monster was absorbed into the pot before a lid sealed the pot as it began shaking before it burst open as a creature now stood in place of the pot.

Relinquished: (Atk: 0/Def: 0)

"Now, I activate, Relinquished's effect which allows me to target one monster you control and equip it to Relinquished. I believe you know what happens next, right, Crowler?" Naruto asked as everyone watched Relinquished stretch its arms as it grabbed Crowler's monster.

Everyone watched as Relinquished covered Crowler's monster before it looked as though Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem was covered in a black goo while Relinquished's head was in the center of Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem's head.

Relinquished: (Atk: 0/Def: 0) → (Atk: 4400/Def: 3400)

Everyone was shocked at how quickly Naruto turned the duel around, but none were more shocked so than Crowler as he watched his best monster slowly make its way towards him to end the duel.

"Crowler," Naruto said, gaining everyone's attention.

What Naruto asked next, shook Crowler to his core.

"Have you said your prayers?"

Crowler stepped back in fear as Naruto raised his hand and said, "Now Relinquished! Attack with Corrupted Ultimate Gear Pound!"

Relinquished then raised the claw arm of Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem before it slammed it into Crowler, ending the duel.

Naruto: 4000 Life Points

Crowler: 0 Life Points

FTK, OTK Winner: Naruto!

With that, the world began to turn back to normal as everything began to fall apart in digitized bits. Though nobody paid this any mind as they were too shocked to see an applicant completely annihilate Crowler with one of his best monsters. IN A SINGLE TURN NO LESS!

Naruto calmly began making his way up to Mana, who was jumping excitedly at how Naruto handled Crowler before he suddenly heard growling.

Looking towards his other deck holder, Naruto thought, 'Don't worry you guys, you'll get your turn soon. After all,' Naruto's eyes suddenly turned into galaxies for a second before turning back to normal, 'We will show them all the power of the future!'

What's up people!?

So, what did you think?

This fic was inspired partially by HaretaSora's, "Naruto: Duelist of Numbers," and Malicious Hero's, "Naruto: Heartland's Cipher Phantom."

So, before anyone begins complaining about the deck I had Naruto use against Crowler. I would like to explain that that is his Side Deck. I will do my best to alternate between Naruto using his Ritual Deck and the Galaxy-Eyes deck, which is his main.

Now, the ritual deck is actually based on an author's actual deck that was focused around ritual summoning, but I changed it so that it also focuses on the Demise, King of Armageddon and Ruin, Queen of Oblivion cards.

Finally, I'll be updating more chapters soon but I hope everyone can be patient with me since I am limited to a tight schedule due to school now being online and the pandemic that is currently happening.

Anyways, that is all I have to say. So I will see you all next at the next update and don't forget to Follow, Favorite and Review.
