Galleon = 17 sickle's, £4.93

Sickle = 29 Knut's, 29p

Knut = 1p

also for sake of convincing the summer holidays are in this story are:

UK: July – August

USA: June – July

Holly sat at a table in the Leaky Cauldron with a big smile on her face. Hermione could now speak Parseltongue and had shown Holly just how good it felt when used on her lower lips.

Holly had also developed a photographic memory and had started going through the last three years of their school books. Granted she had to work on understanding it all, but being able to recall it all helped a lot.

"Galleon for your thoughts?" Hermione whispered in her ear, making Holly jump.

"Isn't it normally a Penny? Or a Knut I suppose for magical currency?"

"True" Hermione replied while sitting down across from Holly "but your thoughts are worth a lot more to me Holly."

Holly blushed a little and mumbled out "Just remembering how good last night felt."

"Oh yeah, I know it was very good," Hermione replied with a faraway look on her face before shaking her head.

"So what's on for today?"

"We need to see the goblins, get you a key for our vault, get some money so that I can get some decent clothes and burn these cast offs …"

Hermione giggled causing Holly to raise an eyebrow "Sorry but you were channelling your Mum there for the moment, I think, or possibly Lavender and Pavarti."

"May I continue?" Hermione just waved her hand at Holly.

"As I was saying I need some new clothes, oh and we need to book a portkey to America."

"It might be a good idea to ask the Goblins how much money is in the vault too dear."

Nodding Holly drained her cup of tea while following Hermione back to their room to grab their visa's, Hermione's copy of their marriage certificate and Holly's birth certificate.

Walking up to a free teller Holly decided to get right to the point.

"Good morning we need a new key issued for my wife and an audit of vault number six hundred and eighty-seven please."

The goblin looked over his book at them.

"You will need proof of who both of you are, a copy of the marriage certificate, and your own key before we can make a new key which will cost one Galleon. As for the audit, that will take one hour to complete and cost five Galleons. If you wish to wait, you can use one of our meeting rooms for a five Galleon an hour fee"

Hermione gave the goblin a glare having worked out what all that would cost.

"Continue glaring young witch and the fees will go up"

"Thank you, sir" Hermione ground out "We'll take a meeting room"

The goblin just waved them off after telling them to proceed to room three. After sitting down in the room Holly looked at Hermione.

"Okay, how much is this costing us?"

"Assuming it does only take an hour for the Audit, fifty-four pounds and twenty-three pence."

Holly groaned and banged her head on the table "We so need to find a source of income soon"

"Yes you do Miss Potter," a goblin said as he entered the room "now I understand you wish a new key issued, and an audit conducted?"

"Yes sir, for my wife Hermione."

The goblin looked them over "Soulbond?"

Holly and Hermione just nodded

"Very well, I will need a copy of the marriage certificate, your birth certificate to confirm you are indeed Holly Alice Potter and your key."

Hermione handed over her copy of the Marriage certificate, while Holly handed over her vault key and birth certificate. After a few moments, the goblin nodded "Yes these seem to be in order. May I take your full name for our records?"

"Hermione Jean Potter. My maiden was Granger if you need that too."

"Very well, I will go and file this and order you a key." the goblin left as quickly as he came, leaving Holly and Hermione on there own. The same goblin returned roughly forty minutes later with a box and a stack of papers. He dropped the papers in front of the two witches while sliding the box to Hermione.

"The box contains your new key. As for the papers, the top sheet is the overall withdrawals, deposits and total of your vault. The rest is the details of withdrawals and deposits going back ten years, however to summarize the only deposits was the thirteen thousand Galleons from Mr S. Black, withdrawals you have our yearly five Galleon fee, your Hogwarts fee of five hundred Galleons taken on the first of September ninety-one, ninety-two and ninety-three, small amounts of money around the end of August the same years, as well as the fees for today. Now if you have any other business you will need to rejoin a queue, good day."

"Thank you sir." the two replied before exiting the room.

Hermione looked at the top sheet as they walked back to the main floor before stopping dead with wide eyes causing Holly to bump into her. Wordlessly, Hermione handed Holly the sheet looking at the bottom. Holly's brain almost shut down seeing the figures.

683,868 Galleons

"Holly" Hermione said in a strained voice "that's roughly three and a half Million pounds"

The two dazed witches joined a queue on the main floor, still in a daze when the annoyed teller snapped and asked what they wanted.

"Sorry, could we go down to vault six hundred and eighty-seven please?" Holly asked

Half an hour later with pockets now full of gold and a few hundred pounds, the two still dazed witches where sat at a table in the ice cream shop.

"Are you two alright?" a kind elderly male voice asked.

Shaking their heads, Holly replied "Yes we're fine. Thank you for the concern Mr Fortescue, but we're just a bit shocked at how much money I had in my vault."

"Ah yes, a tidy sum I'd imagine given the Potter's are a very old family." Holly wordlessly handed him the top sheet of the audit, causing his eyes to widen.

"Yes well enjoy your day ladies."

Finishing her ice cream, Holly looked at the beauty parlour across from them and hummed to her self.

"I just need to make one more stop Hermione, then we can go out and get our shopping done."

Getting up, Holly didn't need to look behind her to know Hermione was following her.

Slipping into the parlour, Holly was pleased to see it was mostly empty at the moment. Walking up to the bored looking blond sitting at the desk, Holly cleared her throat.

"Good morning, and welcome to Sleek Easy, your must stop place for all your beauty needs. How can I help you?"

"Would it be possible to get my hair cut and coloured today?"

"Certainly, it's drop in's today and it's not that busy at the moment. Please take a seat while we prepare miss …"

"Potter" Holly held back a groan as the receptionist's eyes shot to her scar before taking a seat. They had barely sat down when an older dark haired women came over to them

"Miss Potter, my name is Gloria and I'll be your stylist today?"

"Mrs actually, but we're trying to keep that quiet at the moment."

"Ah I see, please come with me" following Gloria to one of the chairs, Holly sat down.

"So what can I do for you dear?"

"Could you trim and colour my hair red please?"

Smiling, Gloria pulled a book out from under the counter before flipping through it.

"just pick out a shade dear. Then I can get one of the trainees to mix it up while I cut your hair."

Looking through the book Holly soon found a shade close to her mum's and surprisingly Lilly Potter's.

An hour a later, a now red-haired Holly stepped out of the salon with a smiling Hermione on her arm, and a bottle of shampoo along with a catalogue in a bag to owl order more shampoo if she wanted to keep the colour in the other. Holly had been surprised with how easy it was. Gloria had just cut her hair, then washed it with the shampoo. Now only a few moments later, Holly had red hair. Even her eyebrows were red. Gloria had also quietly whispered that Holly's pubic hair would now match causing Holly to go as red as her new hair.

"Not that I mind but why the change?"

"I'm fed up with people telling me I look like my dad with mum's eyes. This way I look more like mum, or I suppose I should call her my step mum."

Hermione smiled while pulling a now confused looking Holly into a hug.

"I think they would both understand that in your head they're both your mum Holly."

Nodding, Holly guided Hermione back to the leaky cauldron and up to their room to drop off the shampoo and catalogue in Holly's trunk.

"So what had you so red at the end in the salon?"

Smiling, Holly stood up from her trunk, hiked up her school skirt, and pushed her knickers down

before turning back to face Hermione.

"Huh, so it does pubic hair too?"

"Yep," Holly replied while pulling her knickers back up and flattening her skirt.

"Huh, might have to try a few different colours myself then. I often wonder what I'd look like as a blonde. How long does it last?"

"If I don't keep using the shampoo it'll go back to black after a week"



Holly and Hermione were getting ready to get the supplies they would need for camp when there was a sudden knock on the door. Slightly confused, Holly and Hermione walked over and opened the door to find Tom the barman standing on the other side. He was holding a white envelope.

"Hello, ladies. Sorry to disturb you, but there is a young woman downstairs claiming to be your half-sister, apparently on your mother's side. I'm assuming she means your birth mother since as far as I'm aware Lily was never with anyone besides James. Anyway, she said ..."

but he was interrupted by a very startled Holly.

"Wait, you knew Lily wasn't my birth mother?" Holly was, of course, surprised that one of her half-siblings was here, she hadn't expected to meet any of them before camp, but Tom's comment about her birth mother shocked her to the core. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Tom chuckled before saying "My dear girl, the only reason nobody else knows is that the night after she gave you to James and Lily banned him to the couch, he came here to drink his woes away and rented the whole place out so he could wallow by himself. And that man couldn't keep a secret to save his life when he was drunk. As for why I didn't tell you before well ..." He suddenly looked very sombre

"Like I said, she had given you to James, and he never told the specifics of why. I didn't want to get your hopes up, only for them to be crushed if she rejected you, or had given you up because she was dying of something. But this young lady downstairs seems very excited to meet you, and if she's being genuine then perhaps you will finally have a decent home to stay in."

At her look, he said "Don't act so surprised, it may not be as obvious as others, but I have served many a runway in my time at this bar. After a while, you start to pick up on things. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone unless you let me, or I feel it is very much needed, but my bar will always be open to you. I was actually considering offering you board her for a discounted price before she asked me if you were here. But since this is slightly suspect, after all, all of Wizarding Britain, and a good portion of the magical world has known about your return since before you started Hogwarts, and she didn't show up for three years. If this doesn't work out, then that offer is still on the table. Speaking of, she gave me a letter for you, supposedly from your mother, that she said will explain things. I truly do hope this works out for you."

Before Holly could respond, he handed her the letter and left.

Holly was shocked, not only had Tom known about her not being Lily's child, but he had even picked up on the Dursley's mistreatment. She was even surprised by his offer. She knew he knew the Potters were a wealthy family, but he was still offering her a discount to stay here for the summer if she needed to. True he had never said how much, but it was still touching to her.

"Well, I suppose we should read the letter." Hermione's voice snapped Holly out of her daze. Nodding, she quickly opened the letter.


Hello Holly dear,

I just wanted to let you know that I have sent your sister Jasmine to help you prepare for camp. She is a witch like you and has a unique gift that I am sure you will figure out quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if she saw you or Hermione first because of it.

She is very, hands-on, but I explained your previous home life to her so I'm hoping she will take it into account, but be prepared for at least a hug. Of my children, I fell that you will like her the most. And don't worry, I doubt it will be hard for you to see her. The only time she blends in with the crowd is when she's on a quest, otherwise, she usually sticks out like a sore thumb, especially in the wizarding world.

Hope you have fun,

Love Aphrodite.

P.S. I'm also sure she could give you some very interesting ways to pleasure Hermione, she can be very creative sexually.


Holly was happy to hear that her mother had sent her someone she would likely get along with, though she blushed when she read the last part. After handing it to Hermione and letting her read it,

she said: "I guess it's time to meet my sister." Hermione nodded and together they left to go meet Holly's new sister.

"What do you think she will be like?"

Hermione looked over at Holly before shrugging her shoulders. "I'm not really sure, but I guess she'll stand out. I doubt she will be 'girly' or 'frilly' at least if your mother actually paid attention to that. I suppose we'll find out soon enough."

Holly just nodded and continued walking down the stairs. They had just started descending into the main bar when Holly thought she heard a gasp, followed by the thud of a chair hitting the floor. Suddenly just before they got halfway down the stairs, a girl slightly older than her jumped over the railing and landed in front of them. The first thing she thought when she saw her was that the Dursley's would probably call her a no good delinquent punk just from her clothes alone. Before she could get a good look at her, the girl suddenly asked

"you two wouldn't happen to be Holly and Hermione would you? If not then would you two happen to be dating, because if not we are so going to need to change that? You two have a bond so strong that it's almost blinding."

Both Holly and Hermione were stunned. Not only had this girl jumped halfway up the stairs from over the railing, she had then correctly identified them and then even seemed to be able to see their soul bond.

Hermione was the first to get out of her stupor and respond. "Yes, we are. I'm Hermione, this is my … friend Holly. I'm assuming you're Holly's sister that was sent by her mom?"

The girl got a funny look when she heard Hermione refer to Holly as her friend. But after a moment she subtly looked around the room and seemed to gain a look of understanding.

"Ah, right. Sorry, my name's Jasmine. And yes, I am indeed Holly's sister. Mother sent me a message asking if I would be willing to come over here and help my new sister get ready for camp before I headed there myself. I said yes, and she gave me a portkey here."

While her sister introduced herself Holly decided to get a good look at her. She was taller than her and had short spiky hair that was a mix of black and green, with the colours seeming to move and swirl in her hair. Her eyes were apparently two separate colours, with one being the Kaleidoscope of ever-changing colours she had seen in her mother's eyes, and the other being a vibrant, and almost glowing violet. She had emerald stud earrings and a studded choker around her neck. Looking lower, she saw she was wearing a black leather jacket, that was open revealing a short grey tank top that appeared to have been shredded off near the bottom, showing off her lower stomach and part of her belly button. Her fingernails were the same black and green mix as her hair, with the same moving swirls. On both of her wrist were chained metal bracelets, and both had a second chain attached to them hanging down from them with what appeared to be a scythe pendant attached to the ends. Looking even lower, she noticed she was wearing faded and torn black jeans, and black combat boots.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Jasmine," Hermione said, returning Holly's attention to the conversation. "I can't wait to hear what we'll be doing at camp. What all do we need to get?" Hermione asked her.

"Well, we'll definitely need to get you two some new clothes, some new shoes, some swimwear, some basic toiletry supplies, and probably a weapon or two. I know we can use magic, but there are plenty of monsters that are resistant or straight out immune to all but the most destructive spells, so it's best to be prepared. Now are you two hungry, or are you ready to go shopping? Oh and don't worry about the cost, mom's footing the bill for us."

Holly a bit stunned by how much it sounded like they were going to be getting. She was thinking … well, she wasn't really sure what she was thinking, but there seemed to be a lot more clothing involved than she thought necessary. She wasn't sure how to feel about getting a weapon either. The only weapon she had ever really used before was the sword of Gryffindor, and she was rubbish at using it. She only survived through sheer dumb luck, though she would never admit that out loud. Realizing she still hadn't said anything, she replied

"We just ate a little bit ago, so we can go shopping now I guess. Anywhere, in particular, we should start?"

Jasmine seemed to think about that, before grinning. "Where's the magic bag maker?"

"… wicked," Holly exclaimed as she watched Jasmine put the content of three overfull large bookshelves into the small knapsack in her hand, not even seeming to strain with weight.

Jasmine chuckled while nodding "I know right, this will make carrying around your new stuff a lot easier. Now let me put that all back, and then we can start actually getting you ready for this summer" Jasmine then proceeded to weave a spell over the bag, causing all of the books to fly out of the bag and back to where they were on the shelves behind the counter. After that, the dark-haired witch took an envelope out of her jacket and gave it to the man behind the counter telling him it would cover the cost. After making sure everything was in order, the now wide-eyed shopkeeper sent them on their way with two new bottomless bags, one for both Holly and Hermione. Jasmine already had her own attached to her belt beneath her jacket. After leaving the store, Jasmine turned around and said

"Now that we don't have to worry about carrying everything around without help, let us get all of the magical things you'll need out of the way since we're already here. You wouldn't happen to know where a magical outdoor supply store is would you?"

Hermione nodded and replied, "Yeah, there's one just down the street, let us go."

Taking the lead, Hermione turned to Jasmine and asked her a question that she had been curious about for a while at this point

"So the letter Aphrodite sent said that you had a gift that would apparently make it easy for you to spot us. And since you saw us before we even got all the way down the stairs, I'm curious as to what it is."

Jasmine smiled before shaking her head

"Of course she would tell you about that, ruin all my fun. Well, it doesn't really have an official name, but you've noticed that my left eye is purple instead of the normal kaleidoscope right? Well, that's because it's infused with some of mom's aspect of love. It shows me the emotional bonds of love between people, romantic or otherwise. It even shows me soul bonds as well, whether they've already been recognized or not. It's easier to see them when they have been started at least, but I can still see them, and I like to help those involved discover the bond for themselves if I can. It's always so nice making people happy with love that won't quit. That was actually how I spotted you two. Since your portion of the soul bond has been fully realized, it is almost blindingly bright, I actually saw some of it before you even reached the stairs."

Having reached the store, Jasmine quickly walked up to the counter and asked the witch behind it where the hunting and camping supplies were. Thanking her, she quickly leads the two over to get their supplies.

"Okay, so most of this won't likely be used when you are at camp, but despite what a few of our siblings will tell you, it is always good to be prepared. So let us get you some decent gear." She then proceeded to go through the whole section, tossing supplies at them both while explaining what they were. By the time she was done, they had high-quality hunting tents that apparently had a large cabin like the interior, active camouflage, made of sturdy material that was magically enhanced to be extremely durable. They also had outdoor cooking supplies to help them blend in with the non-magical people, steel hunting knives magically enchanted to never dull or rust for in case they lose or break their wands, and two water pouches each, both of them magically enhanced to be able to hold ten gallons each. When they brought their items to the counter, Holly and Hermione nearly fainted when they heard the price of the supplies. Before either of them could even consider putting some of the items back, Jasmine handed the witch another envelope like the one she gave to the man in the bag shop. After opening it, the witch looked like she herself might faint, before telling them everything was in order, and being a tad over-enthusiastic in thanking them for their patronage.

After getting everything put into their respective bags, Jasmine leads the still-gaping witches outside. Turning to them, she said

"Okay, now most of our shopping will be going on out in the boxing world, so is there a place we can stop and get a snack before heading out?"

Holly nodded "Yeah, there's an ice cream shop just up the road."

The American witch looked ecstatic and practically knocked poor Holly over in her excitement as she hugged her.

"Oh my gods, mom was right. You are going to be my favourite sister yet! You're not a health nut. I can actually get ice cream with you! Come on, let us go!" She then proceeded to drag the very confused young girl after her, before suddenly stopping and looking at her sheepishly and giggling nervously.

"Um, where's the ice cream shop?"

The three young girls were now seated in Fortescue's, all happily enjoying their ice cream. Jasmine was just finishing off her raspberry and chocolate cone when Hermione asked her about her eye.

"So you can see bonds between people? What do they look like? How does it work? How can you tell the difference between a family bond and a lovers bond? What's the difference between a recognized soul bond and anon? Whats ..."

Hermione was still rapidly asking questions when Jasmine interrupted her

"Whoa, slow your roll girl. One question at a time. Breathe please." Both Jasmine and Holly laughed at Hermione's sheepish expression.

Shaking her head, Jasmine started explaining. "Okay, let us start with the difference between soul bonds since that's the easiest. Have you heard the old adage about the red string of fate tying people together? That was actually made because a soul bond that hasn't been recognized looks like a small bright red string connecting the soul mates together. When a soul bond is partially recognized, usually either from a kiss or some other small act of love, it gets a bit larger and thicker and turns into a burning orange rope. There's actually a pair of girls right over there with said rope tying them together."

Jasmine said as she pointed to another table in the ice cream shop. Holly realized that one of the girls was Ron's sister, Ginny, sitting with a girl with dirty blond hair, and silvery grey eyes that had a dreamy appearance to them. Grinning, she made a note to ask her about the young girl later.

"Anyway," Jasmine continued "Once two soul mates have fully come together and their bond fully activated, it becomes an intense and vibrant purple … web I suppose is the best description looking at yours now. Really from what I've seen it's shape and size is different between each couple. I've seen think chains, sturdy cables, beams of light, floating flower petals, etc. From what mother has told me, it really depends on the personalities of the bonded. My mom's soulbond is actually a mix of cherry blossoms and smoke, it makes sense if you know them. If you want I'll tell you about them later. Anyways, when three come together, their fully activated bond will be a lighter but still vibrant purple with its look being dependent on them. On the rare occasion when all four soul mates find each other, their bond becomes something entirely unique. I've only seen it once myself, and it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Their bonds to each other were indescribable, I honestly couldn't do it any justice." Jasmine paused to eat some of her ice cream.

"Now, as for your other questions … well it's kind of hard to explain the difference between the different types of love. I can tell more from the way it feels than anything. For instance, a normal loving but platonic love between mother and child is a sort of feeling of comfort and safety, though not always because again it still depends on the individuals involved. Then on the other side of that, a loving and non-platonic bond between mother and child, well that actually where it gets tricky. If it is consensual and genuinely loving on both sides it's just like most loving relationships, with a touch of maternity to it. If it's not, then it can feel tainted and dark, and not very pleasant."

Seeing the faces of the two witches where making, Jasmine got a sheepish look on her face.

"Yeah … I probably could have used a better example of different bonds, but with our mom being the goddess of love and all, I'm just kind of … I don't know how to say this without making you more uncomfortable, but you might as well find out now. While it's not always the case, and it's definitely not expected of you if you don't want it, but it's not unusual for our mom to have relationships with our siblings. It's usually just mom helping those of us who are a bit more insecure to gain some confidence in themselves or to help them learn 'the ropes' as it were, but it still is what it is. You'd be hard pressed to find one of our older siblings who hasn't at least practised kissing with her. But again she would never force that on you, it just happens a lot because most of us are comfortable with it because we usually learn about our parentage sooner than most demigods and don't grow up with a lot of the prejudices about love found in normal mortal society's. … I hope I didn't just freak you out with that Yeah I could have explained that better."

A heavily blushing Hermione seemed to be torn between ducking her head in embarrassment, and laughing hysterically and Holly's wide-eyed look of shock.

Holly for her part wasn't sure how to process this new information. While she knew she should find it disturbing, in all honesty, she didn't actually care that much. If her siblings wanted to find comfort and love from their mom, then who was she to judge. Growing up a lesbian with the very intolerant Dursley's lead her to have open views on love. After all, if everyone involved was happy and it was all consensual, then what right did she have to judge them and get in the way of their happiness. No, what shocked her was how the thought actually turned her on a little. It wasn't even the thought of her mother that turned her on, though she admitted she was gorgeous, but the thought of having that kind of relationship with a mother like a figure that did it. The thought of a caring mother holding her in her lap, reading her a story while she drank from her be… Holly blushed furiously and shook her head.

Realizing she was quickly getting distracted by her newly awakened fantasies, Holly decides to change topics. "So what's next to our shopping list?" The grin she got in return unsettled her for some reason, Though she didn't have long to wonder why.

Jasmine gave them her best Cheshire grin. "Clothes!"

Forty minutes later and Holly was already exhausted. Jasmine had already got her more clothes than she had ever had in her life and made her try on at least ten times more. And apparently, they weren't even halfway done.

In all likely hood, she probably would have tried to end it a lot sooner if it wasn't for the fact that her sister was teaching her how to tease Hermione during it. Getting help with straps, wearing clothes a bit to big so they would fall off enough to show off her ass and breasts, wearing trousers and jeans a bit too small to show off the lines of her underwear, and other little things that ended up making Hermione almost jump her in the changing rooms kept her very much wanting for them to keep shopping.

Two hours later though and Holly was starting to get sick of all the clothes. While finally pushing her wife to the limit when they got swimsuits and getting jumped by her was great, she was starting to consider going nudist because of how much she was starting to hate clothes. Five stores, over two thousand pounds spent, and who knows how many clothes tried on, and she was getting sick of clothes. Luckily for her, Jasmine said this would be their last stop before heading back to the leaky cauldron.

Looking up at her sister, Holly asked: "So where are we going now and what are we getting." The wink she got in response did not reassure her.

"We're going to the veela's secret, it's a lovely little store with all your lingerie needs." She laughed at the blushes sprouting on the younger witches faces "They have a sister store called the sirens song, but I don't think you're ready for that yet." While Holly just looked slightly confused at that, Hermione seemed to realize what she was talking about and just blushed even more while she hid her face behind Holly. That just made Jasmine laugh even harder.

Another twenty minutes and a very embarrassed Holly was looking at what Jasmine had given her to try out. "You really want me to wear this?" Jasmine just smirked and patted her head.

"Yep, and trust me you'll thank me for it later. The second Hermione sees you in that, she is going to worship you like a goddess."

Holly kept blushing as she looked at the see-through cloth in her hands. She noticed there were thick swirls in certain places that weren't see through. Looking at it more closely, she realized that they were just enough to cover her bits, and nothing else. Gulping, she nodded to her sister and walked into the changing room.

After she heard Holly lock the door, Jasmine motioned for Hermione to come over to her. "Prepare to be amazed. You are about to see something that I can almost guaranty will make you soaked in seconds, I hope you know a good silencing charm." Her grin got even wider at the blush rapidly spreading across the young witches face.

Before Hermione could respond, Holly called out from the changing room. "Hermione, can you come in here real quick. I'm having a problem with a strap again" She said, sounding a bit nervous.

A still blushing Hermione headed into the room to help her wife with her clothes once again, but as had been the theme throughout the day it was an extreme test of her public decency that she had already failed once. She was sure she was about to fail again.

There, standing in front of her, was Holly in a very exciting position. She had apparently had a problem tightening a strap because the left side of her very see-through ensemble was hanging very low off of her, but was still just high enough to cover her, not that it really did much. That combined with the look Holly was giving her, as well as all of the teasings throughout the day, and she already weakened will be shattered once again.

Suffice to say, they were very glad Jasmine put up a silencing charm for them this time.

Later back at the leaky cauldron, the trio was finishing off their day with a nice dinner. The young witches had enjoyed their day with Jasmine, and Holly was a bit sad to see her sister leave.

"Don't worry, we'll see each other soon enough. And once you start training, I'm sure you'll hate me like the rest of our siblings"

Jasmine laughed her head off at the look on her sisters face. "Well, I best get going. I still have to finish packing up myself, so I bid you, fair ladies, adieu. See you at camp." And with that, Jasmine grabbed a white feather from her pocket and disappeared.

After finishing up their food and heading back to their room, Holly turned to Hermione and grinned. "I like her!"

Hermione couldn't help but agree.

standing in front of the full body mirror on the back of the bathroom door Holly admired her now red pubic hair she had to admit it did contrast well with her pale skin.

Picking her wand up from the sink Holly pointed it her crotch "Culta Coma" carefully guiding her wand around her pubic hair Holly trimmed it away till she was left with a small neat patch of red hair.

Nodding to her self Holly walked out of the bathroom back into their room then smiled seeing Hermione laying on the bed, on her stomach reading a book completely naked.

Walking over to the bed Holly ran her hand along Hermione's back and over her left ass cheek causing Hermione to shudder.

Grinning Holly continued to run her hand over Hermione's ass cheeks while occasionally prodding at Hermione's ass hole.

"Holly please stop teasing me and spank me or finger my ass already" Hermione begged while putting her book down

leaning forward holly kissed Hermione's ear

"if you keep count as I spank you like a good girl I'll finger your ass till you cum your brains out"

pulling her hand back Holly smacked Hermione hard on her left ass check admiring the loud smacking sound it made and the way the flesh of Hermione's ass cheek rippled.

"one" Hermione let out with a moan

pulling back Holly delivered another blow this time to Hermione's right cheek


Holly delivered another blow this time across both cheeks

"three, please spank my ass red Holly"

Holly continued to spank Hermione alternating cheeks and across both of them

"Twenty-five," Hermione almost screamed out the bed now wet from her dripping pussy while her ass was a nice shade of red.

Moving her hand down Holly rubbed one finger all over Hermione's sopping pussy getting it good and wet

before moving her finger up between Hermione's red cheeks and rubbing around her tight little ass hole.

Leaning forward Holly blew on Hermione's ear. "would you like me to finger you red little ass, Hermione?"

Hermione whimpered and tried to push back on to holly finger causing Holly to move her finger away.

"no penetration till you beg for it, Hermione"

"please Mistress Holly, Please finger my naughty, red ass"

ginning and surprisingly pleased at Hermione calling her Mistress Holly, Holly started to circle and prod at Hermione's ass hole.

Before slowly and carefully working the tip of her finger into Hermione's ass hole causing Hermione to scream out an orgasm.

Holly was amazed at how tight and warm Hermione's ass as she could feel the muscles clamping down tightly on her finger.

Holly continued to work her finger in and out of Hermione's tight little ass while Hermione continued to whimper, moan, and pant in pleasure.

Pulling her finger almost all the way out Holly rammed her finger back in right up to her knuckle causing Hermione to scream out another orgasm.

Pulling her finger out Holly lightly swatted Hermione's ass getting a half moaned half gurgled "twenty-six Mistress" from the spent witch leaning down Holly kissed both of Hermione's bright red ass cheeks.

Before laying down next to her.

"Holly" Hermione half moaned "next time use two fingers I really want you to stretch my ass out"

smiling at how kinky her little bookworm was Holly kissed Hermione's ear

"yes dear and feel free to call me Mistress Holly whenever you want, I would never have pegged you for the submissive type but I did enjoy you calling my Mistress".

Hermione turned her red face to holly and smiled at her "yes Mistress I'll be happy to call you Mistress and let you take charge of me in bed"

"good girl" Holly rolled Hermione over and pulled her against her front admiring how the warmth from Hermione's red ass felt on her pussy.