Shirou was walking down in the hallway of Chaldea. As he was walking down the hallway, minding his own business, he saw a little creature at one of the countertops, staring at the window into the snow.

"Hm? What's that over there?" Shirou thought. He then went over to get a closer look at what the creature was. As he got closer, he got a better look at what it was. It was a white furred squirrel-like animal that resembled a mix between a dog, cat, and bunny. It was wearing a mantle that looked like the robes Merlin was wearing.

The animal turned around to see Shirou in front of it.

"Hello. Are you lost little fella?" Shirou asked as he raised his hand.

The animal quickly moved at fear of seeing Shirou's hand. Shirou noticed this and removed his hand back. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you," Shirou said with a smile.

The animal then looked at Shirou in confusion.

"My apologies. You were surprised because I suddenly became too close to your boundaries, right?"

The animal didn't say anything.

"Don't be scared. Come on, everything is all right," Shirou said as he raised his hand to the animal with a smile on his face.

For a few seconds, nothing happened between the two.

Then the animal slowly walked up to Shirou, heading up towards his shoulder. The animal then started to nudge on Shirou's face, making him chuckle.

" seem nice. Do you have a name by any chance?"

The animal answered, "Fou!"

"Fou huh? Is that your name?"

"Fou!" Fou exclaimed happily.

Shirou smiled. "Such a cute animal. I wonder who he belongs to...Merlin prehaps? After all, he does looks like this animal right here. Too familiar I might say..." he thought as he continued to play with the animal while touching its fur.

After playing with him for a while, Shirou realized that he needed to go to the cafeteria to do his usual duties over here.

And that involved feeding a bunch of hungry lions and one swordswoman that has the same appetite of the lions.

"Well, time to go," Shirou thought as gently grabbed Fou from his shoulder and placed him on the countertop. He then left for the cafeteria.

However, before he can do so, he felt something latching onto one of his legs. Shirou looked down to see Fou latching onto his leg.


Shirou looked at him and said, "You want to come with me?"


Shirou then kneeled and raise his hand to Fou. "Come on."

Fou then went onto Shirou's arm...and ran up to his shoulder. Shirou sighed as Fou occupied his shoulder. "Well...this is not what I had in mind. Guess I'll have to bear it then."

With Fou on top of Shirou's shoulder, Shirou then proceeded to head towards the cafeteria. While he was walking, he passed by multiple servants and they were giggled at the sight of Fou on top of Shirou's shoulder.

Shirou sighed again. "This is going to be a long day..."

Eventually, Shirou arrived at the cafeteria. As he appeared in there, everyone stopped what they were doing to see Shirou with Fou on his shoulder.

Especially the Arturias, Rins, Sakuras, Illyas, Miyu, Astraea, Irisviel, Kiritsugu, Taiga, and EMIYAs.

"S-S-Shirou, t-t-t-that creature on your shoulder...t-t-that's..." the Arturia's muttered while trying to keep a straight face.

"" Ishtar, her rider counterpart, and Ereshkigal muttered while trying not to giggle.

"Senpai..." Parvati, Kama, and BB and her sisters said.

"Onii-chan..." Illya, Kuro, Sitonai, and Miyu said.

"Sherou..." Astraea said.

"Oh my Shirou, what is that adorable thing on your shoulder?" Irisviel and Taiga asked in unison after seeing Fou on Shirou's shoulder.

Kiritsugu didn't say anything.

EMIYA and EMIYA Alter however had a smug grin of their faces for once after seeing Shirou with Fou on his head. "Hey kid, why is Fou with you?" EMIYA asked.

"Yeah. You look ridiculous," EMIYA Alter said with a smirk on his face.

Shirou sighed. "I don't know."

"Fou? Is that what that adorable creature's name is?" everyone else besides the Arturias, Ishtars, and Ereshkigal asked.

"Yeah..." Shirou said as he sat down on a table.

"How did fou-san get onto you onii-chan?" Illya asked.

"Well, I just happened to find him looking by the window in the hallway. At first, he seemed to fear me, but somehow within a short amount of time, he seems to be all over me," Shirou replied.

"I-I see..." Illya said.

"Can I pet him?" Miyu asked.

"Sure." Shirou said.

Miyu then got out of her seat and went over Shirou's shoulder to get a better look at Fou. "H-He's so cute..." Miyu thought as she tried to pet him, but Fou moved back a bit by fear.

"It's okay Fou. She's not going to hurt you. Along with everyone else here."


Shirou smiled. "Trust me."

Fou then moved forward to allow Miyu to pet him. Miyu then proceeded to pet him.

"S-So fluffy!" she thought as she stroked his fur.

"Miyu! Let me have a turn next!" Illya said.

"Hey! I want to have a turn next!" Kuro said.

"Me too!" Sitonai said.

"Hey! I want to have a turn too!" Parvati, Kama, and BB and her sisters said.

"So do I!" Astraea exclaimed.

"Me too!" Irisviel said.

"Me three!" Taiga said.

Soon, most of the girls started to play with Fou. Meanwhile Shirou watched the scene with the Arturias, Kiritsugu, EMIYA, and EMIYA Alter.

Arturia looked at Shirou and said, "Guess you still attract animals huh?"

"Yeah. Is there a problem with that?"

"Nope. Rather, me and my alternate versions love it," Arturia said with a smile.

"I see..." Shirou said with a smile back. "One question though. Why does Fou look an awful like Merlin?"

"I have no clue."

It was then that Rituska and Mashu came into the room, panting as they look exhausted from running around.

"Hey...has...anyone...seen...Fou-san..." Mashu huffed as she was gasping for breath.

As Ritsuka was gasping for breath, he raised his head to see Fou on top of Shirou's shoulder, having his fur being petted by the Sakuras, Illyas, Miyu, Astraea, Jaguar man, and Irisviel.

"Hey Mashu...I think we found him..." Ritsuka said.

Mashu then looked up and saw Fou on top of Shirou's shoulder, having his fur being petted by the Sakuras, Illyas, Miyu, Astraea, Jaguar man, and Irisviel. Rituska and Mashu then went over to where Shirou was.

"Ah, Shirou-san, I see that you have found Fou-san then," Mashu said.

"Yeah. I found him staring at a window at one of Chaldea's countertops," Shirou replied.

"I see..."

"He seems to be attracted to you..." Ritsuka said.


Eventually, the Sakuras, Illyas, Miyu, Astraea, Jaguar man, and Irisviel got tired of playing with Fou and went back to their seats, finally giving Shirou some room.

"Mashu, by any chance, is Fou yours?"

"Well no. It's actually Merlin's familiar."

"I see." "So that's why it looks so familiar to Merlin...he was his huh..."

While Shirou was thinking, Fou suddenly moved himself up to Shirou's head. As Fou did that, everyone in the cafeteria nearly giggled at the act Fou just did, making Shirou confused.

"Um...why are all of you giggling?"

"Shirou...on your head..." Arturia said as she tried to supress a giggle.

"Hm? On my head?" Shirou said as he touched his head to see what was going on. As he did, he felt Fou's fur on top of him, making him realize that Fou just moved on his head. "Fou?"

"Fou!" Fou said.

At that point, everyone started laughing at the interaction between Shirou and Fou.

"It's not funny..." Shirou muttered.

"Sorry Shirou-san...but it just looks so cute and hilarious..." Mashu said while giggling.

"Mashu' a point there..." Ritsuka said while laughing.

Shirou sighed. "Anyways, I need to head to the kitchen now, so can you help me get Fou off of my head?"

"S-Sure," Mashu said while still giggling. She then soon stopped giggling and went up to Fou. "Come down Fou-san, Shirou-san needs to go to work."

However, to her surprise, Fou refused her.

"Fou!" Fou said angrily while staying on Shirou's head.


"Fou!" (I finally found my home in Avalon! I'm not leaving here!)

Shirou was confused from Fou's behavior. "What's going on master?"

Ritsuka was stunned to see Fou latch onto Shirou and refusing to go down. "It seems...that Fou doesn't want to get down from your head for some reason..."

" how do I get him down from there?"

"Honestly...I'm not sure," Ritsuka said. Meanwhile, Mashu was still in shock over the fact that Fou just rejected her.

Shirou sighed. This was going to be a long day indeed...

Days has passed, and Fou still refused to leave Shirou's side, no matter what he did. Wherever Shirou went, Fou stayed with him by occupying his head.

Eating meals? Fou stayed with him.

Going on missions with Ritsuka and Mashu? Fou stayed with him.

Fixing broken appliances in Chaldea? Fou stayed with him.

Sleeping? Fou stayed and slept with him.

Heck, even Fou went into the showers with him.

While Fou staying with Shirou didn't hinder him and his work, it had a side effect he did not expect.

Which was the reactions of Fou sitting on top of Shirou's head from the other servants that knew or met him.

For Cu and his counterparts, they laughed at the sight of Fou sitting on top of Shirou's head.

For Medusa and her counterparts, they chucked at the sight of Fou sitting on top of Shirou's head. Especially Medusa and Ana.

For Medea, she just teased Shirou about Fou sitting on top of Shirou.

For Sasaki Kojiro, he just chuckled at Fou sitting on top of Shirou.

For Berserker Hercules, he just roared at him and fou.

For Gilgamesh and his counterparts, the Archer counterpart laughed at his face over how stupid he looked, the kid counterpart chuckled at the sight of Fou on top of Shirou's head, and the caster counterpart groaned not at Shirou, but at his counterparts because of the what danger they were just about to put themselves into.

For Nero and her counterparts, they were fawning over Shirou and Fou together, saying how cute they looked together.

For Jeanne D'Arc and her counterparts, Jeanne D'Arc and Jeanne D'Arc Alter Santa Lily thought it looked cute while Jeanne D'Arc Alter laughed at how ridiculous he looked.

For Arthur, he said it looked cute.

For Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, he said it looked cute.

For Scathach and her counterpart, they didn't pay attention to it.

For Jack, Paul, Nursery, and Abigail, they said it look cute on him.

For the Okitas, Okita complemented on how cute Fou looked on top of Shirou while Okita Alter just stared at Shirou and Fou.

For the Knights of the Round, they tried not to giggle at the sight of Fou on top of Shirou's head.

And for Musashi, she wanted to pet Fou.

Honestly, Shirou doesn't even know why Fou just stays with him.

Right now, Shirou was speaking with Da Vinci about why Fou doesn't want to leave Shirou's side.

"So, Da Vinci, any reason why Fou doesn't want to leave me?" Shirou said while Fou was still on Shirou's head, playing with his hair.

Da Vinci sighed. "Honestly, I'm not sure why. And that's the thing, you're the only one outside of Ritsuka and Mashu that Fou adores."


"Yup. Outside of those two, well now three because of you, Fou doesn't show that much affection."

"I that's why Mashu looked shocked on the day that Fou refused to come down from my head."


Shirou and Da Vinci were in silence while Fou continued to play with Shirou's hair. "What can I do Da Vinci?"

Da Vinci thought about Shirou's question and gave a hard thought. After thinking, Da Vinci finally thought of a solution. "Wait here!" she said as she suddenly left her workshop.

"What is she up to?" Shirou thought.

A few minutes, Da Vinci came back with Merlin in tow.

"Shirou! Da Vinci said you need some help here. Just what kind of help do you-"

In an instant, Fou jumped out from Shirou's head and yelled, "Die, Merlin! Foooouu!" while instantly kicking Merlin in the face. Merlin then fell backwards from kick Fou just gave him. Fou then proceeded to tackle him. Meanwhile, Shirou looked at the scene in confusion.

"Uh...Da Vinci, what just happened?"

"Well...that is what happens when Fou meets Merlin. Any time when these two meet, it always starts with Fou kicking Merlin to the ground," Da Vinci said.

"I see. And why?"

"Well...I think it's because of something bad Merlin did to Fou in the past. Although I don't know what it was though..."

"I-I see..." Shirou said. "Just what did Merlin do to Fou in the past to make him kick him in the face on first sight?"

Meanwhile, Merlin was having a fight with Fou. "Get off of me you feral beast! Why do you show me this hostile attention every time you see me?!"
