Chapter 6: With a shuddering gasp

It'll be fine, Mai.

"…Twenty-six. Twenty-seven. Twenty-eight. Twenty-nine. Thirty."

You trained for this. Got certified specifically for this.

Head tilt-chin lift.

And the ambulance is en route.

Rescue breathing: first rescue breath. Naru's chest rose. Second rescue breath.

"One. Two. Three. Four. Five. I threw a wish in the well. Don't ask me I'll never tell…" Mai hummed to keep the beat. "…Twenty-six. Twenty-seven. Twenty-eight. Twenty-nine. Thirty."

Head tilt-chin lift.

First rescue breath. Second rescue breath.

She maintained the pacing, cycle after cycle.

Back when she was training to get certified for occupational first aid, her trainers had enumerated only four valid reasons to stop CPR: when the ambulance arrives, when the person wakes up, when the first responder can no longer continue, or when the person shows signs of death.

Mai heavily banked on either of the first two options because the third one was absolutely not an option right now, and the last one just couldn't happen. She wouldn't let it happen no matter what.

Twenty-six. Twenty-seven. Twenty-eight. Twenty-nine. Thirty.

Head tilt-chin lift.

First rescue breath. Second rescue breath.

Naru had always had the perfect timing when fainting from using his PK on his own. Like during Chiaki-senpai's case. Or the Yoshimi case. This time, his body—his heart and lungs, to be specific—chose to stop working in a traditional house on the outskirts of Kyoto. Unequipped with an automated external defibrillator. In the middle of rush hour.

Though she wanted to cry her frustration out, she'd really rather use that energy to revive. This. Idiot. Twenty-nine. Thirty.

And once he was revived…

What then?

Head tilt-chin lift.

First rescue breath. Second rescue breath.

Naru let out a shuddering gasp.

Everyone released the collective breath they'd been holding. While Lin-san kept Naru reclined on his side and Mai monitored him, the rest of SPR burst into action: Ayako called the nearest hospital for updates on the ambulance; Bou-san and John concluded the investigation; Masako and Yasu updated the clients of Naru's status.

Mai observed him. His chest rose and fell in erratic rhythm, and his pulse tapped weakly against her finger. But a breath and a pulse—those were all she needed to be assured of his survival.

Adrenaline released its hold on her, and she allowed herself to slump sideward in exhaustion.

Lin-san started. "Taniyama-san!"

"I'm fine, Lin-san," she said, her attention never straying from Naru. He was just a few inches from her now. So close.

As she stared at his pallid face, the silent question returned: Once Naru revived, what would she do?

His eyes fluttered open. They gradually focused on hers.


Once he revived…

I'll spend the rest of my life by his side, even if that meant being nothing more than his assistant forever.

She held his gaze, unheeding of the crescendo of sirens announcing the ambulance's arrival.

Even if she couldn't take his breath away, she damn well could return it to him.

Author's Notes: A draft of this had actually been posted on my Tumblr (dreams-of-kalopsia) some months ago, and back then I really thought I'd never get the time to continue this. I still have classes and requirements, but I get a bit more leeway now. Anyway, thanks for reading! ^u^ Please stay safe and continue to practice proper social distancing even if/when the quarantine is lifted. Take care!

To CaitHawke4Ever, Ruby Cider, and loveanimeudou: Thanks for reviewing! Naru won't have to suffer for much longer :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Ghost Hunt or any of its characters.