-Full Summary-

When fallen woman Cathy Cane, goes missing, law enforcement does not bat an eye. The moment Ariana Corona, wife of Politician and Presidential candidate, Frederick Corona, goes missing, the FBI becomes heavily involved. Tasked with finding her best friend's mother- Cass, ex-nurse and new FBI agent, much to her father's chagrin, is forced to team up with an unlikely crew. Eugene- an ex-con turned agent, his best friend, Lance, along with resident genius, Varian and let her best friend, Rapunzel, who is determined to help her best friend in finding her missing mother, tag along. Now, more than ever, Cass must prove herself by string together the clues left by a mad man or woman and stay ahead of the game, but as the bodies of more women begin to show and the mastermind behind the kidnappings begins to play with Cass' emotions and sanity, will Cass prove herself a competent agent, or will she forever be known as the disappointing daughter of the Director. Keep reading to find out.

-Authors note-

This work is inspired by real life FBI agents and their stories, and the cases they fought. Cassandra's backstory is inspired by real life ex-Nurse turned FBI profiler- Candice DeLong, combined with elements of Criminal Minds, Mind Hunters, and the true stories of FBI profiler John Douglas. Cass's responses and actions are my own. The medical knowledge in later chapters is truthful and based off my experiences as an ER RN. This is a modern A/U. Varian is 21 going on 22. Cass is 29. Raps is 25. Eugene is 31. Lance is 31. Adira is 34.- Rating will be M for later adult content and gore/violence/descriptive torture.- Pairings: Cassarian/Co-ladies in waiting, New Dream, and Lance/Adira. Thank you for giving this a shot. Now... on to the story!

Chapter 1: On your mark, get set, fail.

Heavy breathing intermingled with heavy footfalls as she ran through the forest trail. The 1.5 mile run at Quantico, Virginia, was the bane of every agent's existence, every agent but hers. She forced herself to stay steady- to keep her breath controlled as she counted in her head. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3- in rhythm with her foot falls. Inhaling and exhaling every three seconds- she found this pattern best to avoid a stitch developing in her side. The run was peaceful. Her breath plumed in front of her, exposing the icy temperature of Autumn. Her FBI sweatshirt was drenched, but her activity kept her from feeling the bite of the chilly early morning. The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon as she made it to the end of the track, only to be pleasantly surprised by a blonde in a purple sweater and pink leggings. She held two thermoses- one a marble blue swirl with a silver owl painted on it, and one a pastel impression with pink, oranges and soft sea greens with a green cartoon chameleon.

With a smile, she coasted to a stop, bending over at the waist to catch her breath.

"Raps? What are you doing out here?" She panted as she gratefully reached out for the thermos. The tiny blonde grinned as she held out the marble blue thermos. Cass gratefully took it, uncapped it, and chugged down its warm contents. Black coffee never tasted so good. Leaving the thermos half full, she capped it and wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

"Your dad visiting the base again?" Cass asked as she handed back the thermos. Rapunzel took it and watched as Cass began her cooldown stretches and nodded.

"Dad wanted to talk to the director about a conference he has to go to. His life was threatened-yada-yada-yada. Same old story." Rapunzel sighed sadly. Being the daughter of a politician was not something Cass envied. Then again, she was the daughter of the Director of the FBI. Even with being top of her class at the academy and with her years of medical experience, she would always be known as Cass Kade, daughter of Director John Kade. Not Special Agent Cassandra Kade. She placed what she hoped was a comforting hand on her best friend's shoulder and shot her a smile.

"He'll be fine, Raps. He's always fine. You know my dad always sends him with the best." Cass replied with confidence.

Rapunzel nodded, but her green eyes refused to light up as the normally did. "I know," She looked away as she turned towards her teal bag, placing both thermoses inside it. "I just worry." She chewed her bottom lip and began to run her hands over the braid that lay on the left side of her chest.

Cass sighed and threw an arm around Rapunzel's shoulders, causing the girl to squeak and pull away, covering her nose with her hands. "Cass, you stink!"

Cass rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "What did you expect? For me to smell like roses and teddy bears?" She snarked as she ran a hand through her short, black hair. "I just ran 1.5 miles, and I haven't showered yet." She shook her head with a smile and kept walking. "I don't drown myself in perfume like your prima-donna boyfriend, Raps." She made a face as she turned and 'flexed'. "I'm much more manly." She rasped in a low tone- in an attempt to sound like a gruff male.

The attempt was rewarded with a tinkling laugh as Rapunzel covered her lips with her hand. Cass smirked before chuckling herself.

"Well, at least he cares about his hygiene?" Rapunzel replied in a half-hearted defense as she continued to giggle.

"He's got that going for him." Cass then turned to look at her, dark eyes piercing green. "Look, I know you're worried. But I promise everything's going to be okay. Just like it always is. If you want, after training I can go to your apartment and binge those… rom-coms you like and eat ice cream. That make you feel better?"

Rapunzel immediately began to nod, a sly smile on her face. "I think you're the one that likes rom-coms, Cass."

Cass shook her head, laughing. "Right. I forgot." She replied sarcastically. Though she would never admit it, both she and Rapunzel enjoyed a good romantic comedy if it was done well. Cass shook her head, then cocked it towards the locker rooms. "I'll meet you in the cafeteria in ten minutes for breakfast. Just going to take a quick shower, alright? Say hi to pretty boy for me."

"I will." Rapunzel replied, she held out the blue thermos, Cass took it gratefully and watched as her best friend skipped into the Hoover Building. Cass couldn't help but shake her head. Rapunzel was the only grown woman she knew that had the balls to skip into a building full of highly trained killers. With a slight chuckle, she turned, uncapped her thermos, and made her way into the locker rooms, downing the black coffee as the door shut behind her.

"Are you sure your team can handle something like this?" Frederick asked, wanting reassurance from his oldest friend.

John Kade, Director of the FBI, gave a confidant nod. "Frederick, I promise, nothing will happen to Ariana while she's promoting your proposed education reform. You have my word."

Frederick nodded, a small, relieved sigh passed his lips as he ran a large hand through his salt and pepper hair. He looked at himself in the reflection of the window. Dusk was still present, but the bright, fluorescent orange of the sun could be seen hitting sections of the forest surrounding Quantico.

"I trust you, old friend." Tired blue eyes turned to meet dark brown, just as tired as his. "But I know the Separatists are up to something. I can feel it." He placed a hand over the fabric of his dark blue dress shirt, over where his heart would be. "They won't rest until our Government system is burned to the ground. I know you train the best of the best, but I feel like something is going to happen." He looked down at the floor to hide the strong emotions playing out on his face. "I can't lose my wife, John. And I can't lose this presidential election."

"You won't, Frederick." John stepped away from his desk, the shorter man went to place a hesitant, but comforting pat on the taller man's shoulder. He quickly pulled away and coughed uncomfortably. "Now, should we go over the plan again? Just to make sure we have all our bases covered in case the Separatist's decide to show?"

Frederick gave a deep sigh, steeling himself as he returned to his normally stoic self. "Yes. Let's."

"Come on, Lance! Give it back!" Varian grunted as he chased the older FBI agent around the cafeteria. The dark-skinned man chuckled as he punted the cylindrical object in his arms to none other than Eugene. Number one field agent of the FBI.

"You gotta say it, Varian!" Eugene teased as he easily caught the silver cylinder. He brought it up to his ear and shook it, causing the blue-eyed man to hiss as he heard rattling.

"No! Please, Eugene, just give it back!" Varian begged as he tried to get his project back. "It's a prototype for a tiny flame thrower and you're messing up the internal mechanisms!"

"Then just tell us who you're dating!" Eugene teased as Lance managed to get the tall, lanky man into a headlock. Varian began to grunt in indignation as he attempted to loosen the stronger man's hold- to no avail.

"Why do you even care?" Varian huffed as he stopped struggling and glared weakly at Eugene.

"Because that's what big brothers are for. We need to make sure she's good enough for you, Var." Eugene replied kindly as he motioned for Lance to release Varian. Lance released him and slapped the lanky, blue-eyed man on the shoulder, causing him to wince.

"You know we care about you. We just don't want you to end up hurt like with the last one." Lance replied sincerely.

Varian sighed. "Look, guys. I appreciate it. Really." He managed a lopsided grin as Eugene returned the cylinder to him. He carefully placed it in the crook of his elbow. "But if I end up with another Evie-" his bright blue eyes darkened a bit at the mention of his ex, "-then that's my own damn fault." He gave his friends a grateful look. "And I'm not that much younger than you guys!" he replied indignantly.

"You're young enough." Eugene replied with a sigh. He took a few steps forward, standing beside Varian. At 6'1", Eugene beat him by an inch. Lance with his 6'6" stature- could have been a basketball player. He was plenty good at it too, but Varian always wondered why he never went pro.

"But, are you dating anyone?" Lance asked, curiosity obvious on his features.

"No…" Varian sighed. "But I do like someone…"
"Who?" Eugene asked, eyes full of mischief. "If you need help, you know I've got the moves to get her eating out of the palm of your hand."

"Oh, really?"

All three men winced, standing straight as they turned to meet the humored eyes of-

"Rapunzel!" Eugene forced a laugh as he went to her. "Sunshine… what are you doing here?"

"I came with my dad." Rapunzel raised a brow, crossed her arms and cocked a hip, waiting. "So, how do you get a woman to 'eat out of the palm of your hand?'"

"I um…" Eugene coughed as he looked to Varian and Lance for help. Both men decided to cross their arms and smile as they waited for their clever friend to dig out of the hole he had dug himself into. The bastards.

"Well- you see…" The best FBI agent could spin the tallest of tales with ease- with charm and a quick wit to rival James Bond, but when it came to his petite girlfriend… he was a goner.

"I'm waiting." The five-foot green eyed blonde teased as she glanced over at her friends with a wink. Varian let out a chuckle and decided to save his friend from sinking any further.

"Eugene just wanted to help me out with a crush I have." He answered honestly.

"Yeah, that's right!" Eugene scrambled as he walked over to his girlfriend and ran a hand through his chestnut brown hair. "I just want him to have what we have, sunshine." He leaned down to peck her on the lips, causing Varian to glance away, a red tinge on his freckled cheeks, and Lance to blatantly gag.

"Oh, shut up. You're married." Varian replied as he jabbed Lance in the ribs with his elbow.

"I know, I just like teasing them." Lance chuckled.

"Don't make me tell Adira." Rapunzel threatened playfully as she hugged her boyfriend. She winced as she inhaled and pulled away slightly. Cass was right. He did tend to drown himself in cologne.

Lance chuckled and raised his hands up in defense. "Please don't. I'm already in enough trouble as it is."

"Fine." Rapunzel giggled. She glanced at the shyer member of the group and tilted her head. "So, you were saying you had a crush on someone? Who is it?" She bounced on the balls of her feet.

"Well…." Varian began to reply when Eugene made a scoffing sound.
"I knew I felt an icy chill." He deadpanned as Varian's cheeks became the color of flames. "Madame ice lady has just arrived."

"Eugene…" Rapunzel warned as she elbowed him in the ribs, causing him to wince.

"Hey, guys." Cass greeted coolly as she walked over to the group. She handed Rapunzel the blue thermos back and greeted everyone with a smile and a nod until her eyes landed on Eugene. Her smile became forced. "Oh, look. Someone let the peacock out of the zoo and let him drown in expensive aftershave." She placed a hand over her nose and stepped aside.

Eugene rolled his eyes. "At least I don't smell like Irish Spring and desperation."

"I'd rather smell like Irish Spring than overpriced skunk water." Cass deadpanned as she crossed her arms, brow raised.

"Oh, Cassie, Cassie, Cassie…." Eugene shook his head as he chuckled.

"It's Cass." She growled as she looked at Rapunzel. "C'mon, let's get something to eat."

"Oh, sorry, but my girlfriend and I were in a conversation when you came by so…" he flicked his wrists in a shooing motion, causing Cass to growl. "Go get your next victim before you suck out our souls."

"Real mature, Eugene." Cass rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Rap's and I already planned to get breakfast." Cass went to grab Rapunzel's arm when Eugene intervened, easily sliding between the two, then side-stepping when Cass pulled her hand back and crossed her arms.

"Like I said, we were talking." He placed a finger to his chin and hummed to himself before chuckling. "Oh, I know, why don't you go find yourself a venomous cobra man, that is… if we can find one who's attracted to you."

"Why, because I'm in a male dominated profession, speak my mind, have a strong personality, and an affinity for combat and violence, value my privacy and don't feel the need to overdress. That automatically makes me unattractive?" She snarked, eyes narrowed.

"Well… you said it, not me." Eugene smirked, causing her to inhale sharply.

"Fine, I'll find myself a 'venomous cobra man' when you stop being such a pest!"

"Ha, I'm never a pest. Oh, look. I think Carl's available, and single! Hey, Carl!" Eugene called out, much to Cass's chagrin, and Varian's distress. A rotund man with curly red hair, thick-dark brown round glasses perched on his nose, and red suspenders attached to green corduroy pants, turned in their direction with a confused expression. Cass immediately turned away to avoid having him walk in their direction as Eugene snickered. Rapunzel glanced at Varian, then her eyes soften as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You like Cass, don't you?" She whispered causing him to flush.

He nodded softly but sighed. "But I don't think I'm her type…"

"Eugene's just being mean. She's just very independent." Rapunzel clarified. "And I don't know… you seem to be the perfect complement to her, Mr. 'Venomous Cobra Man.'" She teased, causing Varian to chuckle. At least, until they heard the argument escalate and turned their attention back to the two bickering bickerson's.

"At least I didn't join the FBI to get back at my father who is head of the CIA." Cass snarled; eyes narrowed.

"At least I'm not the deluded daughter of the FBI director who will never be taken seriously because it's clear to everyone that he doesn't want her here." Eugene threw back, causing Rapunzel to gasp and slap him on the shoulder.

"Eugene!" She reprimanded.

"What?" He scoffed, just as he was about to continue with their verbal spar, his eyes widened as he saw something rare. Cass smiling. Not a happy smile, or a content smile, or even a proud smile. No, this was one he had never seen before and he knew he had gone too far.

"Cass… I didn't-"

"I'm going to the shooting range." She announced. "Nice jab." She complimented Eugene. Rapunzel winced at the fake smile as she watched her best friend walk away. She turned to Eugene; arms crossed.

"I told you that in confidence!" Rapunzel whispered angrily. "I told you that to show you I trust you, and let you in, not for you to use it against her!"

"Look, I'm sorry. She just… riles me up. It's a thing we do. I hate on her, she hates on me, we ride each other, and we're cool because we both care about you. It's a frenemies thing." Eugene defended as he crossed his own arms- but he knew he had crossed the line. He and his pride. "Look…" he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'll apologize to her later when I get the time. We've got to head to the training rooms anyway. Varian's getting tested in a few weeks and we have to make sure he passes his physical fitness test."

Rapunzel's glare softened as she sighed. "Fine." She turned to Lance. "Make sure he apologizes."

"I will. That was a low blow, even for the great Eugene."

Eugene rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Anyway, let's go Var." He turned to where Varian was standing but his brown eyes narrowed as he furrowed his brows. "Wasn't he just standing here a minute ago?"

"He went after Cass. I tried to stop him, but you know how he is when he gets something stuck in his head." Lance shrugged. "He'll probably meet us down at the training range when he's done."

"Right…" he turned to Rapunzel and took her hands in his. "Look, sunshine. I promise I'll apologize to Cass when I see her."

"Fine." She glanced at the main entrance beside the cafeteria and saw her father waiting for her, tapping his index finger on the face of his Rolex. "I have to go." She leaned up to press a kiss to her boyfriend's cheek. "I'll text you later, OK? Cass and I are having a girl's night tonight."

Eugene was about to open his mouth to give a witty retort about Cass being a girl but bit his tongue and nodded. "Have fun, sunshine."

"Thanks." She managed a real smile before turning on her heels and making her way towards her father. Frederick wrapped an arm around his daughter's shoulders, enveloping her into his side as they walked out of the Hoover building and into the fully illuminated sky.

A/N: Thank you everyone for getting this far. =) I'll do my best to upload a chapter every 4 days-a week. Stay tuned!