Chapter 1: Become One

Central Park, 10:42 p.m.

Meteors showered from the sky. Peter laid there on a massive web he spun with the love of his life, Mary Jane Watson. It has been 3 months since they got married. During these past 3 months, nothing has gone wrong for Peter. There have been no villains trying to kill him or destroy New York, and very little crime. New Yorkers even seemed to be acting nicer than normal. Life was good! He was finally able to relax. With his new wife by his side, Peter finally felt at peace. They laid there for hours, just watching the meteor shower take place.

Over by Peters motor cycle, a meteor landed right beside it. Peter didn't notice it, nor did MJ. The meteor's impact with the earth created a good sized crater, in the center of the crater was the meteor. It began oozing out a thick, black liquid. The liquid then formed together, came to life, and began to crawl its way out of the crater.

Peter and MJ both climbed down from the web and began heading back to his motorcycle. The black liquid noticed the two, and began crawling fast towards them. They both mounted his bike, then Peter began revving the engine. The liquid then latched itself onto the back of Peters bike right before he took off. As Peter began to move, MJ held him tightly from behind, and the liquid held onto the back of the mud guard.

They rode through the city at around midnight, heading back to their apartment. It wasn't long until they got there. Peter parked his bike in the alley next to their building and locked it to the dumpster. The two then began walking around to the front, unknowingly being followed by a small black slime ball. The liquid latched onto Peters shoe as he held the front door of their building open for MJ. After she walked in, he followed. They entered the elevator, and rode it up to the 5th floor. Once they made it into their apartment, they each made their way to the bedroom.

Peter kicked off his shoes in front of the dresser next to his bed, MJ did the same. They each got undressed and out on their bed clothes. Peter just in his boxers, while MJ just wore her bra and panties.

"Hey tiger," said MJ in a sexual way.

"Sorry MJ, I'm not really up for it tonight. Definitely tomorrow though," Peter replied.

"Okay, but I'm not letting you skip tomorrow!" said MJ jokingly, but secretly disappointed.

They both climbed into bed. Peter quickly fell asleep, and it didn't take MJ long to do the same.

Crawling off of Peters shoe, the black liquid slithered its way up Peters side of the bed. It latched onto his hand and began crawling towards his head. The liquid crawled up the side of Peter's cheek and slipped into his ear. It crawled through his canal straight to his brain. Peter woke up startled by this. As he opened his eyes, they immediately turned solid black in color. He then fell unconscious.

"Where am I?" asked Peter.

"In your mind," responded a strange dark voice that echoed around him.

Peter looked around, seeing nothing but black all around him, except for the dark red floor. Across the floor was a dark figure. It appeared to be looking his way. He was unable to tell because the eyes (if it had them) were not visible.

"Who are you?" Peter asked the dark figure.

"What you will become a part of."

"Umm, I'm going to need a little more context here, become what?"

"We are a symbiote, and require a host to survive."

"Well, I don't believe I'm that host, so I suggest you get out!"

"Are you sure?"

Peter then looked down, noticing he was completely naked, with a raging erection. The symbiote had been playing with his brain, releasing hormones making him hornier than he had ever been before. He tried to resist his urges, but he couldn't help but reach down and stroke his cock as he fell to his knees.

"Doesn't that feel good?"

Peter just kept stroking himself as he couldn't focus on much else.

"Wouldn't it be nice if there was no war, or crime on this Earth? You see Peter, we are here to liberate this planet! See how you feel now? We want everyone to feel like that all the time, everyday! Nothing but pure lust and pleasure! Sex whenever desired, with whom ever you desire! If we all lived like this, there would be no time for violence of any kind! All we ask in return is help with bonding us to every human being on this planet! You will become a sex god bonded to us, Peter! You will have power beyond your wildest dreams, pleasure a thousand times greater than this, and be head of our new species! Let us bond with you! Mind, body, and soul! "

Peter was now trembling with the most intense pleasure he had ever felt. He felt like he was constantly orgasming, yet still hasn't cum yet, and the more he stroked, the greater he felt.

"Y-ye-es! B-b-ond with me s-s-symbiote! Oh G-god! Iv-v-v'e nev-ver felt thi-is-s g-good bef-fore!"

The pleasure was so intense, Peter didn't even try to resist. There was nothing else on his mind besides the pleasure he was experiencing. And if bonding to the symbiote meant more, he wanted it no matter the cost. The dark figure then walked over to him. Peter watched the figure as It grabbed his cock and began stroking it. The touch of the figure only intensified his feeling. The figure then began merging itself with him while continuing to stroke his 10 inch dick. Peter completely accepted the figure that began entering his body.

When the symbiote was done merging itself with his brain, Peter came. Symbiote began gushing out of his (physical) cock and spreading itself across his body. It bonded with all of his insides, turning them pitch black in color. His bloodstream was now flowing with symbiote. His muscles and body began to grow in size, as he became taller and more defined. The symbiote had completely covered his body. His fingers and toes became clawed at their tips. A large slit opened up on his face, revealing a mouth filled with countless rows of large jagged teeth. Two more slits opened up, and two white tear-drop shaped eyes took place. The new being began chuckling as he wickedly smiled.

The creature looked to his right, seeing a woman lying next to him. His now 15 inch cock became strongly erect, and he rubbed it as he sat up. The creature then pulled the woman towards him in the center of the bed. MJ woke up, startled by the sudden motion. When she looked up, total fear took over her. She couldn't scream, nor could she move, she could only stare at the hulking monster looking down at her. The creature laughed as he opened his mouth, revealing his foot long pink pointed tongue, dripping slime on her face. The creature then licked the slime off her face, leaving more behind.

"H-he-lll-" stuttered out MJ.

"What's that darling?" asked the creature on top of her.

"W-wh-o a-are y-y-"

"Who are we?"

The woman just nodded.

"We, are Venom! But, you probably know only half of us!"

The creature then retracted the slime that formed his face, revealing the face of Peter Parker, staring at her with solid black eyes.


"Yes, Mary Jane?"

"What happened to you?!"

"The greatest thing we could have ever asked for, MJ!"

"What are you talking about!?"

"The symbiote, Mary Jane! It's wonderful!"

"Peter, I can tell you that whatever this symbiote thing is, you need to take it off! This isn't you!"

"There is no taking it off, MJ! We have become one with it! Mind, body, and soul! With the symbiote, there is no war or crime! There is only lust and pleasure! Pleasure beyond your imagination! We are going to spread the symbiote with everyone possible, until everyone has given into our union!"

"No! Please! Don't do this Peter!"

"Don't worry! Once you've joined us, it will all make sense!"

The mask then reformed and only Venom remained, staring at Mary Jane as she feared what would come next. Venom then leaned into her face.

"Open wide!"

MJ just clenched her lips and shook her head no. Venom then squeezed her cheeks together with his clawed hand, forcing her mouth open as he stuck his massive tongue down her throat. Mary Jane was disgusted inside, she fearfully tried to fight Venom, but he was too strong for her.

"GIVE IN!" moaned Venom as he continued kissing the girl.

Venom continued to move his tongue around inside her, coating her throat and mouth with his saliva. Mary Jane's lips buzzed with pleasure from the saliva, and soon her entire mouth and throat did as well. Whatever effect the saliva gave off, it went right to MJ's brain where she was trying to resist Venom's kiss. The saliva began taking effect as she slowly began to give in to the pleasure Venom was giving her. She then completely began to kiss Venom back as she gave into the pleasure of the kiss. She wrapped her arms around him, embracing his large, muscular body. She sucked as much of the saliva as she could out of his mouth and began swallowing it. The feeling of the saliva coating her oral walls, her throat, and hitting her stomach was the greatest pleasure she had ever felt. Venom broke the kiss, just to see Mary Jane with a look of pure lust in her eyes.

"There's more where that came from darling!" Venom growled at his lover.

Mary Jane looked down, seeing Venom's 15 inch long, thick black cock poking between his legs. MJ turned around doggy-style on the bed as Venom stared at her panties running up her round, juicy ass. He quickly ripped them off of her. He now saw her pussy peeking through between her thighs. Venom then slipped his member inside of her, as she let off a loud moan of pure pleasure. He began sliding back and forth with ease as the symbiote that covered his cock was like a never ending lubricant. The more they fucked, the more pleasure both of them felt, especially MJ.


"We know! There's more than just this Mary Jane! Give into our union! Become one of us, and you will feel pleasure more than a thousand times as good as this! Whenever you want, however you want! Help us spread across this Earth and… YOU WILL BECOME A SEX GODESS!


They both began to come at the same time. Mary Jane began squirting everywhere, and Venom began ejaculating symbiote into her, where it began to quickly bond with her. It merged itself with her blood and organs as it went along towards her brain. It bonded to her brain, making her completely one with it. Her eyes turned solid black in color as the symbiote began pouring out of them.

"Yeesss!" Mary Jane moaned as Venom kept thrusting during her bonding.

The symbiote spread itself across her entire body, and began to reshape it in its image. It made her breasts 3 sizes larger than before, and pushed any bit of unnessesary body fat into her ass, making it thick and sexy. Venom was in pure lust watching the symbiote transform her body. As it finished transforming her body, the only thing left was her face. A slit appeared across her face, opening up to reveal a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Two more slits appeared, opening up into two white tear-drop shaped eyes. The new symbiote woman grinned wickedly as she chuckled, feeling the pleasure from what she had become.

"Keep going!" yelled the newly infected MJ.

Venom then thrust harder and faster, as they both came close to cumming again. Mary Jane now felt unbelievable pleasure. Everything made sense. Venom was right about it all she thought, especially the pleasure. Her body was now made for sex.

"YEEESSSS!" they both moaned as they climaxed simultaneously.

They then both stood up, each of them close to 10 feet tall, MJ a little shorter than Venom though.

"See what we mean MJ! You are part of us now! Soon, the entire world will feel the same way as us, starting with this city!" said Venom.

"Yeesss! It all makes sense now! Everyone should join and become one with the symbiote! And we are no longer Mary Jane! We, are SHE-VENOM!"

"Perfect!" responded Venom.

Venom then began to make out with his newly infected wife. That only led to more passionate sex throughout the entire night. Now that Peter was Venom, he was able to fuck whenever he desired, and could orgasm as many times as he wanted without having to wait.

Each of them continued to love each other with each orgasm intensifying every time they came. They each new that come tomorrow, it would be time to begin spreading the symbiote with the people of New York!