I think I have *finally* come to the end of Nappa's love. Phew! About time.

Nappa's Love

Chapter 30

My knee came up to the gut of a soldier. Once I got rid of their toothpicks, they were no match for the sayain prince.

I elbowed another who tried to attack from the back, and kicked a previous into its teammates.

"Commander, we need backup. I repeat we need backup."

One of the guards spoke into his scouter.

% "How many?" %

I made my way towards the little group, my ears filling with the sounds of the groans of the others.

"A lot."

% "Enemy?" %

They were cornered. Like trapped little mice. Too bad I'm the cat in this game. And this cat kills it's pray.

"A lot tougher then we have ever faced before."

% " Number?" %

He gulped as he saw my hand glow in the dark.

"One sir. Only one."

That was the last thing he said.

"Hmph. You are no fun. You die too easily."

I looked at the faces of the dead men. All of them in a shock.

"Soon, very soon, I will join you. But I'll come back."

"Halt, trespasser!!!"

I rolled my eyes. Not again!

"What now, idiots?"

Some of them shivered when they saw me.

"It's, it's, it's Vegeta!"

"Ding-ding-ding!!! Youuu got it!!! The one and only will send you to the next dimension. Keep still and I promise it won't hurt." I smirked. "Well, maybe a little."

The smell of fear and blood drifted in the air. I took a deep breath of the scent that next to my friends and goal has kept me alive.

The sweet aroma of blood. Don't you just love it? It's like a drug, filling you with energy, every bit of you pleading to get more.

Another troop arrived behind them.

I frowned. Now it was too dangerous. A few could slip behind my back and catch up to Nappa and Raddits.

My eyes lit up. A little run would be good.

I sprinted to the right, not to fast, to make sure they follow.

Footsteps echoed behind me. A swift turn to the left.

A barrel! Perfect!

I jumped in, waiting for them to pass.

"Boy, what's wrong with those cocky soldiers again?"

A woman's voice came from the top.

"I don't know, but I sure hope they die running."

"Yeah, me too. They treat us like dirt, just because we are servants."

"Have you heard of the Black Fire?"

"Black Fire? The mysterious guy? Uh-huh. I even saw him. He is soo handsome."

Black Fire? Cool.

I jumped up to the windowsill, comfortably sitting on it.

"Are you two ladies talking about poor little me?"

"Huh? OMG!!! It's Black Fire!"

"My, he IS handsome."


"I bet he came to lead our rebel against the soldiers!"

Revolution? Yes! That's a great getaway!

"Of course I have. Now, here is the plan."

Like father always said, you got to work with what you got.


"Black Fire? Nice name dad." Trunks complemented his father, even though he was who knows where.

"I wonder if Freeza will catch him." Pan voiced her thought.

"Nooo!!! Dad won't mess up like that!" Bra almost shouted.

Everyone else just rolled their eyes.


@_@ % ^_^ % A bit later % o_O % X_X %

To you, waltz-like music came from downstairs, as the lords and mistresses continued their chatting, laughing and, obviously, dancing.

I clutched the sword in my hand as I glanced at the servants, both men and women, ready and eager to fight.

Can't wait to see what cooks out of this mess.

My grip tightened on the rope, which was fastened to the chandelier in the middle of the room.


I jumped from the balcony, swinging to the floor, knocking down the pyramid of glasses, the cake aaand a couple of people.

At that very moment the servants poured in from every exit attacking every guard they could get their hands on.

I joined in on the fun too.

Payback time!!!

The blonde guy seemed to have chosen me as his target. Good.

Then it's a duel.

"You won't get away from me this time!"

He shouted through the chaos.

Our swords clashed together with each word.

Then we were face to face, both of us struggling to unhand the other.

"Don't worry, I don't plan too!"

We both jumped back, neither of us winning the assault.

He smirked.

"I never had a true challenge in my life before, boy. Yet you, fresh from your mother's womb, test me."

I went for his head, but he blocked.

"What are you talking about? I'm not an child!"

He smiled.

"Yes you are. Even though you are more serious then an adult, and kill without a thought, you are *still* a child down there."

"No I'm not!!!"

I attacked again and he countered, then he attacked and I countered and so it went back and forth until he unhanded me.

My sword landed far away from me, and I was cornered, like the soldiers before.

" You wish to be in your mother's arms again. Tell me, did you have a dream where you are drowning?"

I shook. How did he know about my vision?

A vision I still have now. It's always the same.

I see Freeza as a giant, chasing me, trying to crush me. I run and run, but then suddenly the earth cracks under me, and I fall into a warm lake. I struggle to get to the surface, but not for long. I don't know why, but I just give up fighting, and let myself drown. I feel myself hitting the bottom, surrounded by the gentle hands of the water.

And I feel good there, peaceful, ready to leave this stinkin' life behind once and for all.

I wish I could have stayed dead on Namek. I wish that they wouldn't have brought me back.

Maybe I should drown myself, like I do in the dream.

But how did he know?

"I'm sorry."

He whispered.

The sword came sailing toward my head, it's blade shining.

My eyes grasped it, as it sliced the air, like a silver feather of a dragon.

Nearer and nearer it came, and I was too dumbstruck too do anything about it.

############# ############## ########################## ############

I scrubbed the nasty spot even harder.

"Stupid sword, stupid Freeza, stupid Nappa, in this stupid world."

"I don't here you scrubbing, Ouji!!!"

The polish almost went through the ground.

I growled.

What basically happened last night was that the sword cut the drape, not my head. And, just my luck, Zarbon and Dodoria arrived just at that moment.

I was helpless as they dragged me away and into the throne room.

But Freeza's face was priceless. He looked like he was about to burst!

I snickered a little at the memory.

Of course, I didn't tell about Nappa or Maponty, even though icicle beat the living day out of me cause he was sure I would now about her whereabouts.

I glanced out the window and saw Mira smirking at me from the top of the wall where she sat.

If looks could kill...

Freeza decided to give me a break and instead of a whole month of fire- wheel, he gave me a whole month of..

It's to embarrassing to say it.

Aw, what the heck, let's get it over with.

Toilet scrubbing.


I'm going to smell like fecal for a whole stinky (literally) month!!!

Life is so cruel to me.

"Ouji, are you still there? Give me some sign. Or do I need to send somebody there?"

Freeza wasn't helping either.

I decided to entertain myself.


I saw Mira fall off the wall laughing.

I let you in on the joke, don't worry.

-Once when I walked in the forest, I saw a dwarf baking bacon, taking a rest. I asked him if I could have a bite, He looked at me and gave me_____with all his might.

_____ Stands for something I can't translate. It's not the finger, but it's similar, meaning get lost. Only it's a little rougher, since it's saiyan- originated.

The song belongs to me, cause I made it up when I was a kid, so all who dare to sing it without checking with me, will have to suffer the wrath of the sayain prince.
