"SABRINA, WAIT." Jezebel yelled chasing after her sister, holding up the skirt of the dress. She had finally caught up to Sabrina after searching through the woods.

"Sabrina, are you okay?"

"This whole time, it was all a part of his plan. I'm not a Spellman."

"Sabrina," Jezebel said, gently placing her hands on her shoulders. "You will always be a Spellman. This doesn't change who you are."

"Doesn't it? I'm not even your sister. Speaking of which… How on earth are you his bride to be?" Jezebel hands fell to her sides and she looked down at the muddy ground. "My mother, she prayed for the sickness to take her instead of me. I wasn't aware that I was even sick until I found her diary. Aunt Hilda confirmed that I was the one who was dying and mother, she promised the Dark Lord me, if I would live."

"Wow. Most families deal with arguments over their kids getting tattoos and when their daughters move out. Our parents pretty much auctioned us off."

"Like cows to slaughter."

"Do you think Dad knew about me? Promised me?"

"I don't know Sabrina. What I do know, is that we're not going to let this happen. I'm not going to become Mrs. Dark Lord, and you're not ruling Hell. Let's go inside and explain everything to our Aunties and Ambrose and we'll figure this out. We have to." Jezebel reassured her sister, rubbing her arm as they walked up the house.

Entering into the kitchen where Hilda, Zelda and Ambrose were already discussing other matters relating to the Herald of Hell.

"Aunties… Ambrose…"

"Sabrina, Jezebel, there you are. What in Heaven happened? And Jezebel, what the devil are you wearing?"

"Ironically what the Devil wanted me to. Just listen," Jezebel already responded to the puzzled looks on her aunties faces.

"I went and spoke to the Dark Lord, and the reason for all of this, the prophecy, me being the herald of hell, it's all because… he's my father." Jezebel eyes loomed sadly on her sister, and then flicked to the rest of her family's flabbergasted faces.

"That's not true, surely it can't be true, Aunties."

"Of course not! He's the father of lies, this is but fabrication. Jezebel, what do you have to do with this? Why were you there?"

"Because," Jezebel said, taking a deep breath, "Auntie Hilda you told me of how my mother prayed the Dark Lord to save me from death? Well, apparently, she found the right bargaining tool, because she promised him me. Now, he wants me to marry him." Her voice trembled finishing the sentence. Zelda and Hilda's eyes bugged out and they exchanged glances.

"So, that's what Celeste promised to the Dark Lord."

"Promised? More like sold."

"No, darling, if your mother didn't think it would save you and keep you safe, she wouldn't have done it." Hilda pleaded. "Your mother thought the Dark Lord's attention was the most sacred thing any witch or warlock could be given."

"Whatever, can we get back to it?" Jezebel said, shaking it off. She was in no mood to hear of her auntie defending her deceased mother. "We can't let him drag Sabrina to hell to be the Queen and we can't let him unleash hell into the mortal world."

"Did my father offer up my mother as a piece of meat? Or was my mother apart of it?"

"Edward loved Diana, Sabrina, of that much I am certain." Zelda insisted to her niece. Jezebel's eyes followed to Hilda who seemed to be getting squirrely.

"However," Hilda muttered, meeting her sister's confused gaze. "It's… It might be possible, that it's somewhat… true." Hilda stammered. Jezebel looked back from her chair to see if Ambrose had the same baffled look as she did.

"Unholy shit." Ambrose said.

"What on earth are you babbling about? He was our brother?"

"Yes, and I was Diana's midwife if you remember. Me, not you. Sabrina," Hilda said, sitting next to Sabrina and leaning in. "She was so happy and so very proud, when she found out she was pregnant, because"

"Because what, Auntie? Please." Sabrina interrupted, clinging to every word Hilda was saying. "Well, they really struggled to have a baby. So they went to the Dark Lord and asked him to bless them with a child. And he did." Sabrina looked to Jezebel who slumped her head down onto the kitchen table for a moment. Apparently, everyone was making deals with the devil about their children.

"But, then later, Diana came to me and… and she said she was worried about the baby. About you." She said gesturing to Sabrina. "And, uhm, nervous because she thought the baby wasn't Edward's."

"Hilda," Zelda gasped, hurt and fear etched onto her face. "You knew and you didn't say?"

"No, I didn't know, know anything."

"But why? Why would the Dark Lord want to do such a thing?"

"Don't you see Aunties? I have read of such tales in apocryphal books on Satanic Lore. In siring a babe of a witch, mortal and infernal blood… He- "

"He perverts the holy trinity." Jezebel muttered at the same time as Ambrose, locking eyes with her cousin. "A sacrilegious conception to birth an only ill-begotten child of his own and instigate the Apocalypse." Ambrose finished gesturing towards Sabrina.

"So he tricks my father, used my mother and now he expects me to fall in line? And Jezebel to just give herself to him, because her mother made some deal? Well, I say, Not today, Satan?" Jezebel, burst out in a high pitched laugh. Both Aunts gave her a concerned look. Perhaps, Jezebel was still in shock, that would explain the outburst, but she felt numb at this point. Numb to it all at this point. At least while she was in the safety of her own home. Sabrina raised an eyebrow at her sister before Sabrina commanded the focus back to her.

"I don't care who the Dark Lord is to me. I'm a Spellman. I will always be a Spellman. And I'll fight him until my last dying breath. I just don't know how yet."

"I'm going to change." Jezebel said as she walked off past Lilith who had just entered the room. Milah followed at her heels. She ran into her room and slammed the door. Entirely frustrated with everything that was happening. Her world spinning. She threw the boots Dorian had given her off and pulled of the dress, and as she pulled it down her torso, she noticed a dark mark just where her sternum ended. It was merely a dark circle, the size of a quarter. Jezebel thought for a moment looking at the new mark on her body.

"When he kissed me. He freakin' marked me!" Jez laughed to Milah. Milah put her head down on her paws as her witch walked over to a picture of Celeste, smiling at her. She picked it up and stared at it. The woman who showered her with adoration and love sold her off like a broodmare. Her hands began to shake, as a tear fell onto the frame, then she threw it against the wall as hard as she could. She slumped over on her bed after changing into jeans and t-shirt.

Awhile later, there was a gentle knock on her door and Sabrina entered. Jezebel sat up and motioned her to join her on the bed. Sabrina noticed the shattered picture frame on the floor and took her sister's hand and patted it.

"We're not bending to his will, Jez. We have a plan. But I need your help." Jezebel looked doubtful at her sister, wondering how on earth they would manage to defeat the Dark Lord. Sabrina explained Lilith's plan.

"Sounds plausible."

"Thanks for the confidence. You need to change."


"Because, you're the distraction. Part of the rouse. Just go with it."

Sabrina and Jezebel stood in the cold field, waiting for the Dark Lord to arrive. Jezebel was once again in the dress that she so desperately hated, looking poised and polished, alongside her younger sister.

"Sabrina and Jezebel, you came." The silky voice greeted from behind. Jezebel turned around first, walking up the Dark Lord.

"My Lord," Jezebel purred, falling to her knees and kissing his hand and her eyes connecting with his. It seemed to please him, as he took her hand and lifted her up. His eyes traveled down her chest to see his mark, and he smiled to himself as he walked, Jezebel's hand delicately placed in his, back towards his daughter, who still had her back towards them.

"Turn and face me my daughter."

"As you wish, my lord and Father." He released Jezebel's hand as he walked closer. Her eyes spotted Lilith lurking amongst the trees.

"Today, we sound Gabriel's Horn to unlock the Gates of Hell. Do you still have your doubts?"

"No, my Lord. I put myself in your thrall. Willingly."

"We both do." Jezebel chimed.

"Then kneel, Daughter." Lucifer instructed, opening his arms to Sabrina. Sabrina fell to her knees slowly. "Dark Lord, Lucifer Morningstar, Father. I praise Thee." In a split second, Sabrina grabbed the horseshoe from behind and trapped his hoof underneath it.

"Sabrina." Lucifer growled.

"Just a little trick I learned from St. Dunstan. AMBROSE." Ambrose, yelling and whipping around the Dark Lord, long enough to keep his focus before freezing him.

"AUNTIES!" Zelda and Hilda popped out and came running behind at the Dark Lord, stabbing him in the back with the Megiddo daggers, and The Dark Lord reverted to his beastly state bot only for an all too brief moment before he pulled them out of his back, returning to his Angelic form and victoriously yelling.

"Well planned, but fruitless. Only the Spear of Longinus can kill me." He explained as he turned right around and froze Zelda and Hilda, hovering the blades mere inches from their throats.

"Wait!" Sabrina yelled, as Ambrose, Sabrina and Jezebel ran in front of their aunties to shield them, with Ambrose quickly being tossed to the side, leaving a frantic Sabrina and Jezebel.

"I shouldn't be surprised, you are after all, my daughter." Lucifer growled, keeping their Aunties frozen. "And I had wanted to keep things Civil, but if blood must be shed…"

"No, please, please don't." They begged.

"Or, Sabrina, you can pick up Gabriel's Horn." Lucifer offered, gesturing behind him to where the horn had appeared on the stone slab. Sabrina looked back at her aunties, and then her sister before walking towards the Horn.

"Sabrina, NO!" Zelda pleaded. Sabrina looked tearfully back at them. "Aunties…"

"Do it, or I'll kill them now." He snapped. So Sabrina did, and blew the Horn. "There. The Damnation game begins in earnest. I shall expect you all at my daughter's coronation," Lucifer said to the still frozen Spellman's. "And our wedding." Adding as he stared Jezebel down. Jezebel felt her new mark searing in agony as if she were on fire, as she clutched down on her chest.

"Defy me again, and I won't hesitate." Lucifer bowed, before being engulfed in red smoke and disappearing as thunder struck.

Back at the Spellman home, Lilith had arrived to help Sabrina get ready for the coronation. Lucifer didn't dare forget Jezebel to her chagrin, as he sent a handmaiden straight from hell with a new dress and jewels for her.

"My name is Ilia, my lady," she introduced herself. The girl was pale, less demonic than she would expect, and not easily identifiable as a demon. She was slightly shorter than Jezebel, with dark, shining black hair and big, round, amber eyes and wore a plain black dress. Jezebel stared at the woman she gestured towards a gown hanging on the post of her bed. It was a floor length black sleeveless gown, with a V neckline and a synched waist that was wrapped around in diamonds and floral design danced midway down the waistline. Ilia moved behind Jezebel and attempted to remove her shirt. Jezebel spun around immediately.

"Woah, hey, I get it, this is what you do for… whatever down there, but I can change on my own." Jezebel said, as she reluctantly grabbed the dress and walked behind her changing screen and began undressing. She noticed the imprint he left had faded slightly toward the middle, looking as if it was going to change shape. Whatever the case with that, the burning had stopped and it was on full display with her dress on, sitting right before the V in the dress ended.

"You look lovely, milady." Ilia said as she began fiddling with her hair, styling it into loose, long, platinum waves. Jezebel puckered her lips as a deep red was applied, and a smoky eye dusted onto her lids. She slipped on a pair of black heels and then it was done. Jezebel looked in her mirror at her face, struggling to keep it together, her heart pounding in her head. She was terrified. Was this really it?

"Come, madam. It's time for us to leave for the Academy. The others will follow." Ilia gestured to the door. Jezebel took a shaky step towards it. One step at a time. One foot in front of the other.

"Can I see my aunties before we leave?"

"Of course my lady." Ilia replied quietly as they walked down the stairs to the foyer of the Spellman home. Zelda and Hilda waited there for their niece, eyes filled with worry.

"Oh come here, love." Hilda stretched her arms wide and pulled her into the tightest hug she could. "How is the coven?" Jez asked while squeezing tight to her auntie.

"We saved who we could. They're weak but they'll make it." Hilda said, releasing Jezebel to Zelda who took her by the hands and squeezed them tightly.

"Sabrina and Lilith have hatched a plan with the acheron. We won't let this happen, I promise." Zelda whispered tensely before pulling Jezebel into a hug.

Once Ilia and Jezebel arrived at the Academy, Ilia took her straight to Lucifer, who sat upon his throne, dressed elegantly in the golden jacket, his chiseled chest showing, his piercing eyes falling onto Jezebel. Next to him on both sides, was a smaller, less elaborate throne, which Jezebel had to assume is where she and Sabrina would sit. Ilia nudged Jezebel, as Jezebel watched her bow to the Dark Lord. Gritting her teeth, Jezebel did the same.

"My Lord."

"Ah, Jezebel. You look divine." He greeted. "Come." He waved her up and once again Jezebel's feet felt like bricks as she came closer to Lucifer, her body simply not wanting to do it. Once she arrived at the pedestal holding the thrones, he gestured for her to sit, and she obeyed. It was better not to anger him before whatever plan Sabrina had hatched had come to fruition. Ilia followed and stood at Jezebel's side like a shadow.

"Soon after your sister is crowned, we will be married, and a new era will be upon us all." He grinned, genuinely pleased with himself. Lilith then entered the room and found her place next to Lucifer, on his left side, between the other smaller throne.

"How long have we waited for this moment, Lilith? A coronation on Earth." Lucifer boasted, pausing as a thundering boom was heard. "But where are my guests?"

"I brought them from the Gates. Only the crème de le crème, mind you. They're awaiting my word."

"Perfection." Lucifer praised. He leaned over to Jezebel, "You're about to be a part of a momentous moment, I hope you realize the significance you'll play in all of this." Jezebel faked a smile and nodded her head.

"And where is my Queen?" Jezebel's stomach churned and she fiddled with the jeweled bracelets on her slim wrists.

"Same. Awaiting my word."

"Well then, let us begin." Jezebel looked over at Lilith.

"Certainly. I've arranged a little treat for you. A Bal masque of the flamboyant flavor you so love." Lilith explained before clapping. Sabrina descended down the stairs, dressed in the golden goddess dress and a golden mask placed upon her beautiful face. She began to sing 'Masquerade' from Phantom of the Opera, as the rest of the coven, the Spellman's and Roz, Theo and Harvey came down, masked and hidden from Lucifer's sight. Jezebel didn't know how this was going to go down, but she prayed it worked. The Dancing and singing continued, obviously charming the Dark Lord, who relished in everything that was done in his honor, and as Sabrina ceased her singing and removed her mask.

Sabrina then took the Dark Lord's offered arm and walked with her father to the throne on his left, where she took her eat. Lilith brought over the golden crown and handed it to the Dark Lord. Sabrina was then crowned, and once again took Lucifer's arm and proceeded to the Dance Floor.

Jezebel, still seated, with Lilith next to her was starting to worry. "So, when is this plan going to… I don't know… be put into action?" Jezebel said, her eyes on Sabrina and Lucifer dancing to the Mephisto Waltz.

"Well, if you would pay attention at everyone else reciting the spell, maybe then you'd see it is in affect right now. Here, help." Lilith hissed under breath, handing her a paper with the incantation on it. Jezebel started in, watching as the Dark Lord twirled Sabrina, but he too noticed the chanting.

"Wait, what are they saying?" Lucifer questioned, backing up. Everyone unmasked and the glamour was put off but Lilith.

"I told you what would happen if you defied me again." Lucifer hissed to Sabrina, eyes shifting for a moment to Jezebel, who had moved over in between her aunties.

"Remember my name. Remember it was me, Sabrina Spellman, who beat you, Lucifer Morningstar." Sabrina proudly said, with extra emphasis on the Spellman part of her name. Ambrose, then quickly threw the Acheron out in front of the Dark Lord, and in a cloud of red smoke, he was gone. Trapped within the Acheron. Everyone stared. This seemed too easy though?

Sabrina walked over and picked the Acheron up, everyone watching with timid eyes.

"Well played Spellman." Nick grinned.

"Yes, Edward would've been proud." Zelda said, stepping forward. Sabrina briefly smiled at Jezebel for a moment, before noticing the crackling of the Acheron, Sabrina screamed as the Acheron burst out of her hands and shattered on the floor, releasing the Dark Lord.

"You try and try to defeat me. I AM THE GREAT SATAN, THAT NO PRISON MAY CONTAIN!" Lucifer screamed, lunging toward Sabrina before Lilith quickly caught him. "Hold that nasty thought!"

"I can't restrain him for long." Lilith strained through gritted teeth. "We need a better prison. A stronger one. "

"There's nothing stronger than an Acheron!" Nick argued.

"Incorrect, Mr. Scratch. The mightiest prison is the first one created by the False God. The human body, flesh and bone! The strongest and most sacred bindings in nature!"

"It has to be me!" Sabrina said.

"Sabrina, NO. I'll do it." Jezebel said, moving in front of her sister.

"I will not allow either of you two to do such a thing!" Zelda shouted.

"I'm the best binder and conjurer since Edward Spellman. If anyone can keep him trapped, it's me."

"Do it, Mr. Scratch." Lilith instructed.

"Nick. Nick!" Sabrina pleaded. Jez grabbed her sister's hand. She didn't know exactly how this was going to be going down, but it was not going to be easy.

"I love you, Spellman. You taught me how to love." Nick smiled briefly at Sabrina before reciting the spell. With Lilith's help, the Dark Lord was flung back and collided with Nick, Lucifer disappearing. Nick struggled on the ground.

"Nick?" Sabrina whimpered. "Nicholas?" Nick looked up, eyes filled with red rage and lunged at Sabrina, quickly stunned by Ambrose.

Later, at the Gates of Hell, Lilith had restored Sabrina's powers, Lilith was the ruler of Hell and about to take Nick back with her. Nick was just placed in Lilith's arms by Harvey. Jezebel held Sabrina as everyone watched Lilith carry him, holding the Dark Lord within him, back to Hell. When the gates closed, Sabrina rested her face on the gate, and slumped down to be consoled by her aunties and sister. Jezebel wouldn't be able to bare seeing Sabrina like this for long.