A/N: This is set in 2002 in an AU where Michael never died and Jackie never married Brian. Many thanks to the wonderful Lady Dudley for your help and encouragement.

Disclaimer: I own nothing

The day had started just like any other. Jackie had been going over a case file with Robbie when Superintendent Patterson walked into Michael's office.

"Looks like Mike's getting a telling off," said Robbie.

"For what?" asked Jackie.

"Well, that last case was a disaster. Someone's going to get the blame for it," replied Robbie.

"That wasn't just Michael's fault though, we all made mistakes," said Jackie.

"Aye, but Mike's the boss. If he doesn't get blamed, it falls to Patterson. Do you really think she's going to take responsibility when Mike's there?" asked Robbie.

"It hardly- "Jackie was cut off by the loud voices coming from Michael's office.

Everyone's attention was fully away from work, they tried to listen to what was being said. After a few minutes, Patterson walked out of Michael's office.

"Don't you have better things to do?" asked Patterson sternly.

Jackie tried to get her mind back on work, but she kept thinking about Michael. She caught Robbie's attention and said quietly "I'm going to check on him".

Robbie gave a nod of understanding and Jackie left the bullpen.

Jackie knocked on the door of Michael's office. No answer. Jackie knocked again.


After another moment of silence Michael replied, "Alright, come in."

Jackie stepped into the office and grew concerned at the look on Michael's face. He looked defeated. There was no point in asking if he was okay, she could tell he wasn't.

Jackie went to sit down on the chair opposite him, "What happened?"

Michael sighed, "Do you want the good news or bad news first?"

"Michael, just tell me. Please?"

"Okay. I'm getting transferred. To Aberdeen".

Jackie was shocked, not believing what she was hearing. "What? Why… would they transfer you?"

"After everything that happened with that last case, they think I should stay away for a while."

"How long's a while?" she asked wearily.

"Six months. The DCI of the team I'm going to oversee is about to go on maternity leave. When she goes back, I get to come back here. So, you won't be rid of me for too long," replied Michael with a small smile.

Jackie didn't smile back. "There must be something that can be done. You've been here for fifteen years. You've been in charge of this team for eight of those. They can't just transfer you."

"Yes, they can."

Seeing the unhappiness on her face, Michael tried to reassure her. "Look, it's okay… really".

Jackie looked unconvinced.

"Anyway, I'll be back in six months. When I inevitably make everyone's lives miserable again, you'll all wish it was permanent."

Jackie smiled in reply, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

They both spent the next couple of moments in silence. Trying to take everything in. Though she knew that Michael had tried to cheer her up a little, she could see the sadness in his eyes. She wanted to help him, to make him feel better but, she wasn't sure how.

Jackie let out a breath. "How are you?"

"Honestly?" He shook his head. "No, I'm not okay. I know it's not forever, but I never really imagined being transferred out of here".

I never imagined you leaving here either, she thought to herself.

"I've always been in Glasgow. It's going to be strange living and working somewhere else."

Jackie had been so focused on the idea of Michael leaving the team that she hadn't considered that he'd also be leaving Glasgow. It was bad enough that she wouldn't be seeing him every day at work, knowing they'd be little chance of seeing him off duty made her feel worse. She tried to push the feelings aside. She had to be there for Michael.

"When do you leave?" she asked him.

"Friday. I start my new job on Monday."

That only gave him a week to sort things out. She took a moment to reply, wanting to appear calm. "They haven't given you much time to get everything in order have they?"

Michael shook his head in reply.

"Look, if there's anything I can do to help, let me know. You'll have a lot on your plate this week and if there's anything I can do to ease that I'll do it."

Michael looked grateful for that. "I might take you up on that, thank you," he said sincerely.

"Anytime, you know that," she gave him a reassuring smile. She hoped he could see that like always; she'd be there helping him through this. "What do you want me to tell the others?"

"Nothing if possible. I'll make an announcement later. Right now, try and carry on as normal, okay?" he said the last part softly.

Jackie gave a nod before getting up and going to the door. Just as she was about to turn the handle she looked back at Michael. "I'll see you," she said.

"Yeah," giving her a small smile.

Jackie shut the door to Michael's office. Taking a moment to process everything that had just happened. She couldn't believe what Michael had told her and all the feelings she had tried to push aside were now rising from the surface. She took a deep breath and made her way into the bullpen.

She went back to her desk where Robbie questioned her.

"What happened with Mike and Patterson?" he asked quietly.

Jackie didn't answer, trying to think of something to say that didn't go against Michael's wishes.

"It must have been bad whatever it was, you look like you've come off badly from it. Did he tell you off too?"

Jackie took a deep breath. "No, he didn't. Just leave it, okay?" she replied, trying to stay composed.

"Are you alright? You don't look too good", Robbie asked looking slightly concerned.

"I'm fine."

No, I'm not. My best friend is leaving, the one person that I can count on for anything will be gone. That's not okay, she added silently.

Robbie didn't look convinced.

"Look, Michael said he'll drop by later. So, how about we get on with this and Michael can tell you himself," she said firmly, her tone suggesting he'd better drop the subject fast.

Robbie sighed. "All right," he said before going back to the case file.

Jackie tried to focus on the file, but her thoughts of Michael made that easier said than done.