

Tracer groaned as a strange hand shook her.

"Tracer, wake up."

Tracer groaned again, but as she realized she was trying to be woken up, she bolted to an upright position.

"W-what's going on?" Tracer yelled.

Immediately, she saw two figures she recognized shushing her in the otherwise dark room. It was Genji Shimada and Jesse McCree. Genji was in his signature cyborg ninja armor, and McCree was dawning his famous cowboy garb, though for once in her life, Tracer saw him without a lit cigar in his mouth. Looking at herself, she saw she had her aviator jacket, spandex, and goggles on.

"Shh. Tracer, are you alright?" McCree asked.

"Uh…yeah, I think so. Where are we?"

"I wish I knew."

"What's the last thing you remember?" Asked Genji, slightly behind McCree.

"Uh…going to bed at the Watchpoint." Tracer said.

"Same here." Said McCree.

"How did we end up he-" Genji began talking when a large beep was heard in the room.

"Well, the three from Overwatch are finally awake." A voice on an intercom announced from the dark.

"Who are you?" McCree yelled. Oddly enough, it was then that Tracer realized that other than Genji's sword, they had no weapons, unless Genji had some shurikens that Tracer didn't know about.

"My identity is not important." The voice continued. "What is is a little exposition. In a moment, the door will open. If you want to get home, you will go out, and proceed to the shuttle outside it. There you will play in a blood sport known as the Apex games. If you win, you'll be home before you know it."

"And if we don't?" Asked Genji.

"I'll take care of that." The voice finished.

A female A.I voice came on the intercom. "Attention, the shuttle to King's Canyon is beginning final boarding. All competitors of the next Apex games, please board now." The voice said as the door opened to a yellow light.

"C'mon." Said McCree. Tracer got up and followed the other two out the door. To their left was a hallway with more doors, to their right was a large hangar with a giant ship and several robots tending to maintenance in it. They could see sunlight and a large ocean outside the hangar doors.

"Are we actually gonna get on that thing?" Asked McCree.

"What other choice do we have?" Said Tracer. The three walked toward the shuttle and casually got onto the ramp leading into it. Once they got inside, they swiftly got to a corner to avoid attention. The last thing they wanted was a crowd.

"What now?" Asked Tracer.

"Just act natural." Said Genji.

Tracer looked around at everybody else in the cabin. There were about 9 other people, plus two robots. They were all kind of doing their own thing. One in a mask and hat was sharpening a hatchet. A larger man with a gas mask was mixing chemicals together at a table to the side. An even larger man was sitting, talking to a smaller girl with magenta pig-buns, and medical equipment all over her body. She must've been a medic. In another corner, a blue robot with one giant eye for its head and a screen in its chest was talking to another girl in electric safety equipment. Somewhat in the dark, the glow of a computer screen with large amounts of text being edited was behind a masculine silhouette. Along the darkness were glowing orange eyes. Tracer decided not to stare at them too long. Two women were talking on the side; one was darker skinned with a shaved uptight afro for hair and what looked like body armor in a way. The other had lighter, almost pale skin, raven hair with a bun, and clothes that looked much more comfortable. If Tracer didn't know better, she would've thought that her eyes were glowing. Then the ramp to the shuttle started closing as the A.I voice said "Now departing." Then somebody Tracer hadn't noticed before popped his head up. A man with a beard, mustache, and goggles on his forehead was reading a magazine that seemed to have himself on it, then put it down in confusion.

"Wait, where's Octane?" He said.

Immediately, everybody heard a shout from outside.


Then, a man with robotic legs, welding goggles, a mask with shark teeth and a gray cap came flying through the gap left by the shuttle ramp, and landed upside down with his back against the table where the man with the gas mask was mixing chemicals as the ramp closed.

"Woah! What a rush!" He yelled, throwing peace signs with his hands.

"Oh. I spoke too soon." Said the man with the magazine, going back to reading it.

The man with the gas mask looked down at the guy, still lying where he was.

"I assume you would've appreciated Nitrobenzoic Acid spilling on your body?" He spoke through the mask, kind of like Roadhog.

"Well…if it could make smoke come off my skin, that'd be a sick effect."

Gas Mask kicked the daredevil away from him.

Tracer thought for a second. "I'm not sure what you would consider natural with these guys."

The shuttle lifted off. McCree, Genji, and Tracer stayed in their corner for a bit. But it wasn't long before they caused some attention. The blue robot shot his eye over to their corner. His screen showed a smiley face.

"Oh look, we have some new friends. Hi!" The robot said, waving over at them. Tracer awkwardly waved back as they all just tried to stay out of trouble. But the robot kept talking. "My name's Pathfinder, what's yours?" Then they all noticed that a few more eyes had looked over at them. It was best just to go along with it.

"Hiya." Tracer came a little outside the corner. "My name's Tracer." The man with the magazine looked up, seemingly a little interested.

Tracer looked over at Genji and McCree, urging them to introduce themselves.

"Uh, Howdy. Name's McCree." He tipped his hat.

"Greetings. You may call me Genji." He put his hands together and bowed his head down. The man at the computer looked over, somewhat interested, but just looked back.

"Well, it'll be a real pleasure to fight you." Said Pathfinder. Just then, everything went past Tracer's head, but Genji and McCree knew what was going on.

"Fight. Right. This a blood sport isn't it?" Said Tracer.

"You're just figuring that out now?" The woman with the afro said. "Sorry, the name's Bangalore. I'm a professional soldier."

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Said McCree.

"Do you think it's a little weird socializing with your competition before slaughtering each other?" Asked Genji.

"Oh, it doesn't work like that." Bangalore said. "Tell 'em Wattson." She looked over at the girl in electrical protection wear.

"So before you got here, they implanted a chip in your brain. The second after you're dead, the chip exports your consciousness to a carbon copy of your body so you can either get respawned by your teammates, or just play the next round."

Tracer was wide eyed with fear. "That really sounds like death."

"You get used to it." The man who had previously been using a magazine seemingly popped into existence next to Tracer.

"Oh!…Hello there." Tracer was a bit uneasy.

"Hi. They call me Mirage. One of the greatest warriors of the outlands. Might be the Champion today."

"Oh…that's nice."

"Well. You know Pathfinder, Wattson, Bangalore. The big guy's Gibraltar, shield's his specialty. The medic next to him is Lifeline. The beauty with the black hair is Wraith, somewhat of a ghost. The nerd at the computer is Crypto, don't get near him. The pair of glowing eyes over there is Revenant, definitely stay away from him. The unknown…thing in the mask is Bloodhound, don't let him find you. The guy in the gas mask is Caustic, hold your breath around him, for more than one reason." Caustic looked slightly back at Mirage. "Then the daredevil you saw flying in here is Octane. Says he's the fastest thing alive."

"I'll take him on that." Said Tracer.

"I bet you will." Mirage wrapped his arm around Tracer's neck and started scratching the top of her head, much to her discomfort. "Hey, what do you say after I win this thing, you can I go out for a drink?"

Tracer distanced herself a bit from Mirage. "Uh, look, I love a nip to the pub as much as anybody. But the way you're making this seem…I'm taken."

"Ah. I see. Well, if you ever feel like dumping him, the Mirage-Voyage is always open." Mirage gave her finger guns as he walked away. Tracer just sighed.

The Intercom went over the cabin. "Attention: We are approaching King's Canyon. Please assemble your squads." Everybody got into groups of three. Then all the lights in the cabin went dark. "Introducing your Champion." Then a golden spotlight shined over Octane, with white lights over Mirage and Revenant.

"Haha! By the time you see me coming, I'll be going, and you'll be gone!"

"Show off." Mirage whispered. The back ramp of the shuttle opened and revealed a large island. There it had desert, forest, military style bases, and what scared them most of all, two giant dinosaurs that stood at the river that ran through the canyon. A red light glowed on the side of the ramp. Once it turned green, Gibraltar, Wraith and Wattson jumped. Then Crypto, Caustic and Pathfinder.

"I think we need to jump." Said McCree.

"Where?" Genji asked.

Tracer spotted two runways with shuttles on the west edge of the island.

"Airbase, over there!" Tracer shouted.

"Good idea. Let's jump!" Yelled McCree. They all jumped and skydived toward the Airbase. McCree held onto his hat, and they were all cheering going down. Then they planted themselves at the edge of one of the runways, surrounded by supply bins. "Wow, that didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would." Said Tracer.

"When does it ever?" Asked McCree.

Then the A.I voice went over speakers across the canyon.

"Round 1: Beginning ring countdown."