Greetings! How's quarantine life treating everyone? Hope you're all safe and happy.
This might contains spoilers for the latest episode 'Garland's Baptism by Fire' (S21E18), so if you have not seen that episode yet, I'm so sorryyyy lol watch it though it's really good. Anyway, in this short one shot, Olivia cannot get her mind off the charming lawyer that she met that night at the Garland household, that same lawyer whom ventured into her office when the case was over to talk to her.
Perhaps they will meet again under much better circumstances.
Better Circumstances
"I wish we hadn't met under these circumstances.
His gaze was intense, eyes shimmering with unspoken words as they locked onto hers. His larger hand closed around hers, his thumb so delicately ran across the soft skin of her hand, and his voice stirred her soul as it wafted down from his height to hers;
"Me too."
That conversation had happened roughly two weeks ago now and it was still something that plagued the mind of Olivia Benson daily. Edgar Pierce was tall and charming and very intelligent; ticking off probably most of the boxes on Olivia's checklist. She had engaged in conversation with him briefly during that night at the Garland household, before they were interrupted by the later events. When he had come up as the defense attorney during the case, she felt like her heart had cracked ever so slightly.
But then, they had a conversation in her office after the case had been closed. He had removed himself from council to the church, removed himself from trying such cases in general, and she saw something flicker in his warm eyes, something that made her heart leap.
"Fuck…" she grumbled to herself, her mind plagued with thoughts of the tall man at the moment; "Benson, get a damn grip; you hardly know the man."
But she longed to know him.
Handsome and tall and intelligent and oh so kind; his smile lit up the room, his eyes were so warm. His perfectly chiseled jawline, salt and pepper hair with the salt and pepper beard, his beautiful caramel skin, his muscular physique; she couldn't get any of this out of her head and she was losing her mind.
"Motherfucker." She groaned. She pulled her glasses off and rubbed her hands down her face, then slammed her laptop shut. She'd had enough of the work that she wasn't even focused on, and considering she didn't have to rush home to Noah as he was so happily staying at Lucy's house tonight, she figured that it couldn't hurt to stop by the bar for a quick drink before she went home.
She packed up her things and grabbed her keys, then shut off the lights to her office. She bid goodnight to her uniformed officers and such that were still floating around her squad room for the night, before heading off.
The bar was empty for the most part. A few patrons were here and there but it was pretty chill for a Thursday night, which was great. Olivia sat herself down on one of the barstools, the familiar bartender asked for her usual to which she nodded her head. Within moments, a glass of wine was in front of her, and she thanked him before casually sipping her wine slowly, while relaxing from the stress of the day.
She had no idea that she had been spotted the moment she walked into the bar and had no idea that the person that had been watching her was now slowly making his way over. The Captain had made quite the impression on him, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about her in the two weeks since their last conversation in her office.
Her words had still been echoing in his head; "I wish we hadn't met under these circumstances."
Well perhaps now, in this bar, would be a much better circumstance to meet under.
With determination and confidence in his step, he made his way over to her. Her back was to him, so she didn't notice him, which allowed for the perfect opportunity to catch her off guard. He took a breath, then uttered the words he first spoke to her that night two weeks ago;
"Olivia, you are just as stunning as Lamai said you were."
She had been casually sipping her wine when she heard those familiar words spoken in that rich, deep voice. Her breath hitched slightly, and she took a moment to gather her thoughts. This couldn't be real right now – could it?
She turned slowly and looked up; once again she was met with those warm eyes and that charming smile that had made her knees weak that night two weeks ago.
"Hello…" she muttered; only to then quickly compose herself as her smile grew wider; "Edgar, wow it's um…good to see you again."
"Lovely to see you as well, Captain," his gaze was intense, and Olivia felt her heart beating faster, especially when he nodded to the seat next to her; "May I join you?"
Olivia nodded, almost too eagerly; "Please."
Edgar chuckled before sliding onto the stool beside her. He turned a little to face her as she did the same, their knees bumping together as they faced one another. That same flicker that was seen in his eyes in his office a couple weeks ago was seen now, his smile was just as charming as ever, and Olivia felt like she did that night when she met him – warm.
And she could see it in him and feel it from his energy – he was feeling this pull between them, just as she was.
He stuck his hand out to her; she slipped her hand into his. The spark between them only flickered, stronger than it had done, and when he once again delicately rubbed his thumb over her soft hand in that gentle manner like he had done in her office, she felt her heart take flight.
"I'm glad that we've met again, and this time under much better circumstances." he tilted his head as he looked at her, and she let out a little laugh, nodding her head as her eyes sparkled.
And she rubbed her thumb over his hand, while softly replying to him in a voice no higher than a whisper;
"Me too."
I hope you all enjoyed this short one shot. Let it be known I have no idea what the guy's actual last name was - perhaps they said it and I missed it, or they just never said. Either way, I made one up so...yeah! Anyways leave some reviews, and please, continue to be safe and practice social distancing if you can. Sending love to all!