A/N: Hi! *Waves* Me again! And you thought you were passed this. Hmm, just to let you all know (because some of you have asked) I do indeed have a sequel planned for this story. It will basically pick up where chapter 15 left off. It will involve Gordo's proposal, Lizzie's answer, and possibly their separation with college. It might be more angsty than this, but I can't bare the characters in pain for too long, so it won't be too bad. Also, it will be include a lot more Miranda and Larry and their relationship. I'm not very good at writing Miranda, so I'm going to make that a personal goal to do that. Let me know what you think, and if you want me to carry this out. If I get enough yes', then I will, but just so you know, I will want to write the first few chapters before posting, so don't expect it until sometime next year.

Thank you all for your time (and for reviewing my little baby), and I hope to see you all very soon. Thanks for sticking by me and waiting so damn long for an update. Happy and Very Merry Christmas, and a wonderful New Year.

Peace to you all

Ciao for now Em