Coco: Hey, guys, I know it's been a while since I wrote anything One Piece. Especially about my OC Wren. She has had a lot of rewrites over the span of time, and I've honestly lost count on how many times I've tried to write this character. It has been a long hard journey, but I have finally (FINALLY) wrote Wren in a way that I am extremely happy with. It is a BIG change compared to any of her previous incarnations. Her powers and background have changed quite a bit. She's a bit more "meaner" now, or rather I wanted to write her kind of darker and cynical from the start, but never really got there. But I think I've finally reached the kind of level I wanted, so yay! She's still going to have that charming, confidence persona and witty-intellect that we love, but it's going to be coupled more with a colder persona than previous versions. Like, she isn't going to be too friendly with the Straw Hats in this part than she was in the last few stories I tried. It's going to take time for her to warm up to them. Though she is polite, you can tell the obvious wall she puts up between them. Also, I've scraped all my other ocs, pretty much, and I am starting a new with them. There will be less of them than last time and they will be better...fleshed out? Like, I put way more time into these OCs than the last. So, hope you all notice that when they're introduced.

And sorry, I'm rambling. It's just so much has changed and to those of you who have read Wren's story but none of my other works, I haven't gotten to talk to you guys in a while, so yeah, missed you XD But I hope, you like this new version. It is very much based on a manga/anime known as the Ancient Magus Bride. Or rather, Wren's character and background have been as I thought the story and characters and creatures fit very well into this new route I was going for for Wren. So, if you've seen or read Ancient Magus Bride, you'll definitely see the references and similarities from that. And I'm pointing this out now, so you know I am not taking credit for anything I use from that show to add to One Piece. Now, do I put my own spin to things here and there, of course, I do, but still, just want to be clear lol.

Now, moving on, I hope you, the readers who have been here since the beginning of Wren's journey (or the middle or whatever lol) enjoy this new version of her as much as I do. And to you new readers, I'm happy to have you try out my work and I hope you like it. Now shall we get started? :D

In the Grand Line—traveling underneath the waters of the great ocean—was a yellow submarine. This submarine was the sailing vessel for the Heart Pirates. A new upcoming crew who was starting to make a name for themselves in the Grand Line. Their captain—Trafalgar Law—was also acting surgeon and has already earned himself the name the Surgeon of Death.

Said young man was currently in his private quarters on the submarine. He's been locked in nearly all morning, which wasn't unusual. However, his crewmates could tell something was up with their captain. Because normally if he was locked away in his quarters it was because he had pulled another all-nighter and was finally resting. But this morning was different because Law had joined his crew for breakfast unlike many other mornings.

Everything had begun normally. The crew was having a good breakfast with many of the men being rowdy and chirper as always. While Law hadn't joined in on the fun, he had let the men be as he ate his own breakfast. It wasn't until Bepo came to inform Law that he had a call that their captain's mood suddenly changed.

His relaxed expression turned hard, and Shachi and Penguin, who were some of the first to join Law's crew, could have sworn their captain eyes had widened even if only for a split second. After that, Law had taken the transponder snail from the navigation room to his own quarters with strict orders not to be disturbed. His crew wasn't sure what was going on, and it was probably for the best they didn't. For who was on the other end of the call was a young woman who had angered a very dangerous man. And the less they knew about her the safer they were.

"Your cover was blown?" Law questioned as he sat at the desk. "How, Wren? Was it one of your friends?"

He asked this with distain coloring his tone even if briefly. The woman on the other end—Wren—chuckled as if amused, but the chuckle was weak, which had Law narrowing his eyes.

"No," Wren replied. "It wasn't one of them."

Law wanted to ask how she could be certain. The both of them knew better than to trust so easily. They definitely learned the hard way through their time with Doflamingo. As if knowing what was on his mind, Wren continued to speak.

"Law, what blew my cover was the latest addition to Doflamingo's ever growing army." She told him. "I was figured out the second he laid eyes on me."

Law's brows furrowed. It was true that Doflamingo gathered more men and more power by the day. And it didn't set well with Law that a newer addition was able to blow Wren's cover as easily as she described.

"He's like me," Wren once again answered his unspoken question. "He saw right through me the moment our eyes met. Though I have a feeling Doflamingo already suspected, which is why he seemed so keen to introduce me to the man. They certainly got the drop on me, and I suppose I should just be happy to have gotten out of there alive."

This wasn't good at all. All the years it took Wren to climb the ranks to get close to Doflamingo again. The intel they had access to was now lost as well.

"You were injured in the escape," Law finally spoke while deciding it'd be a waste to think of all the things, they lost now. "Where is your location? I take it you left the New World."

"Yes, I'm in Paradise now, but there is no need for you to change course," Wren assured him. "While he is not as skilled as you are, brother, I have a doctor here to tend to my wounds."

Law openly frowned though didn't insist on her location as he knew she would keep it to herself.

"I will be fine," Wren said. "A few days rest, and I will be able begin work on restoring what I foolishly lost us."

"How do you plan to do that?" Law questioned. "You can't return to Doflamingo now that he has this new asset of his. I'm sure you even cleared out those friends of yours as well."

Like Law, Wren had gathered her own crew of sorts. Though they were far from being pirates and they knew far more than Law allowed his crewmen to know. The way he and Wren ran their two separate groups were completely different. Wren ran a network of people who worked to gather information and strengthen their cause, which is to take down Doflamingo and everything he has built. And those Wren has working for her are those with their own personal vendettas against the current king of Dressrosa—Shichibukai Donquixote Doflamingo.

However, that doesn't make Law trust them. People could be so easily swayed. Wren didn't seem to worry about the people she chose to trust, however. Well, he knew there were some things the woman kept to herself. Like, his involvement with it all and her true reasonings for wanting to bring down Doflamingo. That and many didn't know just who they were working for when they joined Wren. Those kinds of things, Wren trusted no one with. Law being the exception, of course.

"Most of the them left, yes," Wren said. "However, a few stubborn ones refuse to leave. They believe if they stay away from Doflamingo's new asset that they will be fine. They are not too high in rank, which means they will be fine. With them staying we still have a chance to get information on Doflamingo's business in Dressrosa, even if not the most important details."

Law supposed that was true and if Wren wasn't worried about her subordinates remaining in Dressrosa, he supposed it was fine.

"You still haven't told me what you will be doing." Law pointed out.

"Ah, and here I thought I could pull one over on you," Wren said with a teasing tone.

Law's frown deepened and was certain the transponder snail on her end was reflecting his expression.

"Wren," He said sternly.

Wren apologized to him as the snail in front of him grew a sober expression to show she was done teasing.

"I will be heading to Alabasta shortly." Wren answered. "I was working on uprooting Crocodile for Doflamingo. There are rumors what Crocodile is after is a great weapon from old times. Doflamingo is interested in the weapon—not to mention that soon Alabasta will become another Dressrosa if Crocodile's plan isn't stopped. Doflamingo wished to place one of his executives in the ideal place to foil Crocodile and come out the hero instead as Doflamingo did to Dressrosa."

That would mean Doflamingo would have another country under his thumb and possibly an old, powerful weapon to boot.

"His executive is in place is one of the top five officer's partner." Wren continued. "This officer used to answer to me, but as I am sure you can guess, that is no longer the case. However, that will not be a problem. I will intercept the executive. Stop Crocodile and perhaps collect this weapon for our cause."

Law supposed that sounded like a plan. It would certainly give them an advantage if they could get a hold of a weapon, Doflamingo had interest in. Even if the rumors about the weapon weren't true, it was in everyone's best interest if Doflamingo didn't end up controlling another Kingdom. He didn't care if Crocodile controlled the sandy land of Alabasta or anyone else for that matter as long as Doflamingo doesn't gain more power.

"How do you plan to do that?" Law questioned.

"I have a few ideas." Wren said cryptically. "I will get a message to you once it is all over, brother. Stay safe."

The connection then broke with the transponder snail's eyes closing. Law set the receiver back on snail's back.

"I should be saying that to you, fool." Law murmured.

"Not as good a doctor as him?" A man asked.

The man who spoke seemed to be in his mid to late forties and had red-wine colored hair with silver streaks scattered through his thick locks. There were also signs of wrinkles around his dark eyes and corners of his lips. He wore a white doctor's coat and simple slacks and dress shirt under the coat. He sat in a wheelchair beside his patient's bed.

His patient was a young woman looked to be in her late teens to early twenties. Her hair was long with a deep red wine color just the same as his and reached almost down to her hips. She had an eyepatch over her left eye with her visible right eye being crimson in color. Her skin was pale in complexion—almost as if she has never stepped out into the sun before in her entire life.

"That's mean, Wren-chan," The doctor continued as he finished wrapping up the bandages on Wren's arm.

Wren gave the doctor's pouting face an unimpressed look, which had the man sighing.

"You're so mean—just like your mother." He said though his tone was light to show he was teasing.

Wren hummed in reply before she got to her feet since her treatment was over for the day. As the young woman went towards the door to the room, the man's face grew sober.

"Do you really plan to go to Alabasta soon?" He asked. "Your injuries are rather serious, you know."

"I will be fine soon enough." Wren replied. "Now, as for your question, yes, I will be leaving soon. By tomorrow morning, in fact. As long as the storm clears up that is."

She looked out the window as she said this where a raging storm could be seen happening outside. Thunder rolled through the air as well with lightening lighting up the sigh.

"And I suggest you don't waste your breath trying to convince me otherwise," Wren added.

She then left the room—not giving the man any time to reply. As she was heading down the stairs, a small form fluttered around her to fly in front of her face. The figure was a small figure that had a slightly humanoid shape. It had bird-like wings on its back and bird like legs and feet as well. Its eyes were completely black and its skin a pale whitish tint. It giggled as it circled around Wren's head. Wren kept walking though that didn't perturb the flying-creature as it flew alongside the woman.

"You know he only worries for you, sweet one." It said in a feminine tone. "He is your father after all."

Wren finally looked to the creature—the Aerial, which had it smiling widely at her.

"I am aware of my relation to him, Brise." Wren replied.

Brise giggled again as she sat herself down on Wren's shoulder as said woman made it into the kitchen. She believes a nice pot a tea and a good book was the perfect way to spend this dreary night, and it might be her last opportunity to relax. However, before she could bring out the teapot, a couple of Aerials flew through the small opening in the kitchen window. They shook out their feathers as they hurried over to Wren.

"Wren, Wren!" They called.

Wren frowned at the urgency in their tone. Brise stiffened a bit as well though remained on Wren's shoulder.

"What is it?" Wren asked them.

"There's a ship docking on the shore." One replied.

"It's flying a Jolly Roger!" The second one added. "It's pirates! Pirates have come to the island."

Wren didn't like the sound of that one bit. This island didn't get many visitors due to its reputation, but most who have ever come here have only caused trouble.

"Pirates?" Wren's father asked as he wheel into the room. "Did you recognize the Jolly Roger?"

The Aerials shook their heads. They then looked to Wren as the woman headed for the door. She grabbed one of the long coats from the coatrack. She drew it around herself tightly as her father watched her worriedly.

"Wren, where are you going?" Her father asked.

He already knew the answer, but he was hoping that he was wrong. Despite how unlikely it was.

"Isn't is obvious?" Wren replied. "I am going to deal with our guests."

"But your wounds," Her father protested.

Wren ignored his complaints as she looked to Brise. The little Aerial seemed to understand the silent order as she hopped off of Wren's shoulder.

"You're his familiar, Brise." Wren said. "Stay with him."

"Of course," Brise said. "I will protect Vlad."

She flew over to Vladimir as she said this, and the man frowned as he watched Wren leave the house. The two Aerial, who came with the warning, went out the window to follow her down to the shore. They flew alongside her as Wren seemed to fly down the path through the trees and down to the beach. Her two feet touched down onto the sandy shore as she looked up at the small pirate vessel. The wind whipped around and rain fell heavily as she sensed the people within the ship.

'Six people, one animal,' She realized. 'One human is very ill.'

She then spotted a light from above and saw some of the crew was out on the deck. The first one to notice her was a tall, green-haired male who quickly grabbed the hilt of one of the swords at his waist.

"Who goes there?" He called out gaining his companions' attention. "Are you looking for trouble?"

They all gathered around seeing Wren standing on the shore. The Aerial, who had come with her, hung back in the safety of the trees, unseen.

"I should be asking you that," Wren said. "You did come to my island after all."

The man frowned though he couldn't argue with her there. This was her home, and they did just show up in the dead of night in a ragging storm.

"It's a beautiful woman!" The blonde next to the swordsman cooed causing the man to shoot him a glare.

Wren ignored them both as her eyes took in the other members on the deck. Both were young men. One with a distinctive long nose, who was cowering behind, the other boy with a scar under his eye and a straw hat upon his head. A straw hat that mirrored the Jolly Rodger on their sail. He must be the captain.

"What brings you here?" Wren asked. "Little pirates lost in the storm?"

Her words brought another frown from the swordsman. She controlled a smirk from pulling across her face. These were definitely rookies.

"W-e had to d-ock when the st-or-m hit," The long-nose said as he leaned around the straw-hated boy.

"Hey, lady, is there a doctor here?!" The straw hat boy asked. "Our friend is sick!"

Wren could already sense that. In fact, she'd say the unwell person in their ship was close to death. Wren knew the girl did need help, but they didn't need pirates on this island. It was these rookies' fault for sailing out to sea without a doctor. Wren then stiffened when she sensed a presence behind her.

"Yes, I am a doctor."

The pirates and Wren all turned towards the tree line. There was Vladimir with Brise sitting on his shoulder. She looked sheepishly at Wren when Wren narrowed her visible eye at the pair.

"Really, old man?!" The boy asked excitedly. "Can you look at our friend?"

"Yes, of course," Vladimir said with a kind smile. "Tell me, what are their symptoms."

"Nami has a really high fever and Vivi said she also seems to have an infection." The boy said.

Vladimir nodded then looked to Wren, who sighed, but she did nod her head to her father. In a blink of an eye she was on the ship, which had the green-haired man getting a defensive stance. She gave him an unimpressed look as she stepped down from the railing onto the deck.

"Wren will bring your friend is my house." Vladimir said. "She needs out of the cold, and Wren will be able to keep her dry. Please, allow her to help."

"Sure, thanks, old man, lady!" The boy said as he grinned widely.

Wren said nothing in return as she wished her father had just left the pirates alone. The other inhabitants of the island aren't going to like this.

Wren watched from the doorway as Vladimir looked over the sick girl named Nami. Her crewmates were in the room as well and watching as Vladimir carefully accessed the girl's illness. Brise and the Aerials were in hiding at the moment though Wren could sense them in the house. They were most likely watching their guests closely out of curiosity. Neighbors were drawn to humans after all. Despite all the trouble humans bring.

"Yes, she's certainly in bad shape." Vladimir said as he finished checking Nami's breathing. "She's having trouble breathing and her fever is dangerously high. If it isn't brought down, permanent brain damage could be left even if she does get well."

"WHAT?!" Many of the pirates screamed in shock at the news.

"Are you saying Nami is going to die?!" The straw hat boy, Luffy, shouted.

"Nami-swan, please don't die!" Sanji sobbed as he bit into a handkerchief.

Vladimir gently shushed the boys, and they shut up immediately when the doctor pointed to the fitfully sleeping Nami.

"It would appear the cause of the infection is a bug bite of sorts." Vladimir said bookcase. "From a bug I have never encountered in books or in my years as a physician, which means I am uncertain how to treat it. All I can do now is bring down her temperature until a more permanent solution can be found."

His words didn't comfort the rookie pirates who all looked at Nami in concern.

"Tell me, young ones, when did her symptoms start?" He asked.

The blue-haired girl, Vivi, looked to Vladimir from her spot at the end of Nami's bed.

"Not long after we left Little Garden." Vivi said.

"Little Garden, you say?" Vladimir hummed. "Well, that makes things a bit more complicated."

"What do you mean, old man?" Sanji asked as he stepped forward. "Is there something up?"

"Well, to be quite frank, yes." Vladimir said. "You see, Little Garden is an island that seems to be stuck in prehistoric times—never moving forward. The rest of the world has, however, which means the bug that exists on that island that bit your friend is most likely extinct everywhere else."

While Sanji and Vivi, who both paled greatly, seemed to understand what Vladimir was saying their crewmates seemed confused.

"What he's saying is that there most likely isn't an antidote for the infection your crewmate has." Wren spoke up for the first time since they arrived to the house. "If the bug is instinct everywhere else, it is highly unlikely any doctor would carry a medicine to counter act the infection."

"Oh no, this is terrible!" Usopp said. "What are we going to do?"

No one spoke for a long moment with only the sound of Nami's labored breathing filling the room. The silence was broken by Vladimir, however, as he let out a thoughtful hum.

"There is one doctor I know who might have an antidote." He said getting the pirates to look at him with wide eyes that gleamed with hope. "But she doesn't reside on this island."

"Is her island close by?" Sanji asked.

"It is a neighboring winter island." Vladimir replied. "Not too far from here. The Log Pose you posses should latch onto it by late tomorrow. It gives me time to do what I can for your friend and you time to restock for your journey."

Wren frowned once more. Pirates wandering the island for supplies? The neighbors definitely wouldn't be happy with that at all. In fact, she sees them becoming quite unsettled. While they like her father and herself well enough, they don't tolerate strangers. Especially not human ones.

"You may rest here for the night." Vladimir said. "There aren't any extra beds I can offer you, but I'm sure I can find enough extra blankets and pillows at least."

"Thank you so much, Vladimir-san." Vivi said as she bowed to the man. "You are very kind."

Vladimir waved off her thanks with a gentle smile before turning to his daughter who frowned.

"Wren, please be dear and help our guests settle for the night." Vladimir said. "But don't over exert yourself. I will stay here with Nami-san to control her fever. I expect you to take good care of our visitors."

He gave her a meaningful look as he said this, which meant he wanted Wren to distract their guests, so he can use Brise to help him tend to Nami. Wren sighed though nodded her head in understanding. She gestured for the pirates to follow as Vladimir asked to be left alone with his patient to be able to treat her properly.

Vivi had been reluctant to move, but she soon did while gently ushering Sanji and Luffy out with Usopp's help. Zoro, who had been silently watching from the corner, moved out as well though he cast a look over his shoulder at Vladimir as the doctor was gently placing his hand on Nami's head. Soon all pirates—besides the one in the sickbed—were out of the room, leaving Wren and her father.

"You know they aren't going to be happy about this," Wren warned him.

"Yes, I know, but I'm a doctor." Vladimir said. "I cannot just ignore a sick person in need."

Wren shook her head as she watched how Vladimir looked at Nami in concern as if the girl was family.

"If you wanted to treat humans, you shouldn't have come to this island." Wren told him.

"But if I didn't make this place my home…I'd never get to see you," Vladimir pointed out. "Besides, I like it here. It's peaceful."

Wren didn't comment as she turned away from the man to go show their guests where they could rest for the night. As she shut the door behind her, she moved down the steps where the pirates had already gone. When she reached the bottom, she saw Usopp and Luffy looking around at everything curiously. They were—or rather Luffy was—even nosy enough to go through cabinets and containers.

"The only space big enough to house all of you is the barn outside," Wren said with her voice bringing the two boys to a halt in their investigating. "It might not be ideal, but it'll be drier and warmer than sleeping in your ship at the moment."

"Yes, thank you," Vivi said smiling. "We appreciate all that you are doing for us."

Wren just silently rose a brow in reply as she looked at the girl in front of her. When Wren had first seen her on the ship, she could honestly say she was a bit surprised. To think the princess of Alabasta would be riding on a pirate ship. Of course, this is the same princess who infiltrated Crocodile's organization. She just wondered if these pirates knew who they were carrying.

"Wren-chan, is it possible for me to stay with Nami tonight?" Sanji asked approaching.

"You will have to ask my father once he's done with treatment." Wren said with a small shrug. "I am sure he won't mind one of you inside the room with her as long as you keep quiet. Now, let's get you settled in. There are blankets in the closet behind you. Once you grab what you need, you can follow me to the barn."

As the pirates did as instructed, Wren glanced out the window into the stormy night to see several glowing yellow eyes looking back. News definitely traveled fast. They've already come for a look, and she was certain at least one or two would come closer to investigate. If she doesn't watch the rookies closely tonight, one or possible more will go missing in the night. After all, the neighbors are whimsical creatures. There's no telling what they might do with new people on the island.

'I hope you realize what kind of trouble you've brought, father,' Wren thought. 'Though whatever happens to these rookies, is no concern of mine. I will be leaving tomorrow. Whether they survive their stay or not.'