The djinn of Hyrule

Link thought he was done.

Calamity Ganon had been vanquished, he had found and completed every single shrines of trials, the guardians were now moot and peace could slowly come back to the land of Hyrule now that the Blood Moon would rise no more. He had accomplished all of this and yet things were not done as there was a new shrine that had arisen very near Gerudo Town, one that seemed to worry Riju and the whole tribe as, like always, none could enter but him. It had popped from the ground out of nowhere yesterday night, which coincided with when he actually found and completed the challenge of the last shrine that tha slate could identify. He had gained a version of a tunic worn by a hero of legend as some recompense, but it seemed like it wasn't enough. The duties of the champion of Hyrule were endless, it seemed, as Link went on ride the master cycle zero, the engine he had gained through another set of challenges as he headed toward Gerudo Town.

Entering the premise, wearing the sole outfit that could make it so he would be given entry, Link approached Riju as she seemed to be rather worried about this. He entered the throne room, dressed like a Gerudo or some kind of belly dancer complete with a shawl, a facial veil, a top, a sirwal, a sash and matching shoes as he looked at the still young, yet growing Gerudo chieftain. "Link," she began, not even minding saying his name out loud in the company of her personal guard Buliara as the situation seemed too filled with ambiguity and mystery to go with the usual niceties. "This shrine that popped up...I sense an incredible aura from it. Everyone does. There is something powerful within and I'm not sure if it'll do any good...But if someone can go get some answers and perhaps even make it go away, then it's you. I entrust you with solving this mystery."

A few reports of townsfolk approaching and getting a slight jolt and a heavy sensation of being unwanted was added to her report as Link nodded and went toward it. It was indeed taller and larger in its entry than any shrine he had ever seen. There were also multiple runes on it, Sheikah one but also something else as Link used his slate to scan it, perhaps gaining more information. There was apparently old Gerudo runes on it, as well as Goron, Zora and other ancient languages on it, as if perhaps this was a collaboration of some sort. There even was a name for it.

The Savior's Shrine.

He approached it closer, right next to the entry and he wasn't repelled at all, but rather he felt an energy pulling him in, as if sending a signal that he was most welcome. He placed the slate on the stone scanner near the entrance, was granted entry and then went underground, ready to meet this challenge head-on. The last time he did such things he had an incredible amount of trials thrown at him and he ended up gaining a automatic-wheeled vehicle of some sort. Who knew what would happen if he won this time, he wondered, as he changed to more protective gear as perhaps he'd need to fight his way inside. Maybe it'll be a puzzle too, but being dressed to meet any opponent or at least to gain some protection would be wiser than being dressed as a belly dancer, no matter how fabulous or pretty it made him look.

However, as much as it had been hyped up, the shrine itself was standard, yet rather lenghty in a way. There were fights againsts guardians, puzzles involving weight, summoning spheres, one with the invocation of flames and the lighting of torches. A place where he needed to use water and the freezing technology of the slate, another where he had to create bombs to blow walls and blocks to create a path. He had seen it all through the 120 or so shrines he faced in his quest as while there was indeed a challenge there, it wasn't an incredibly big one so far and before he knew it he came to the end, where there was a little private area protected by a barrier waiting for him. However, this one was different in that it was larger and there was a little installation where one could get an upgrade to the slate that he carried, perhaps one of the Sheikah's greatest achievement as far as he was concerned about their technology. As he placed the tablet to go for the upgrade, something occurred as there was another of those old dried sages, yet this time they were plenty, six in total.

"You have succeeded in completing the savior's trial just as you did all the other ones."

"You are indeed the truest champion this land has ever known, capable of handling the slate we have created with great expertise."

"Yet there is a hidden function within, one that was locked because we could find no one worthy enough for it."

"A power to rival a great many things, perhaps even the Triforce itself."

"You shall use it wisely so that no more calamities or such catastrophe may befall Hyrule."

"You are worthy of this, yet beware its power. Use it only where you may receive aid afterward."

They each spoke in turn and then came the distillation of power and information, yet this time it was not a drop of water but actually a small continuous torrent of magic that went into the slate, making it shine for a few seconds until it settled down. Link took it back and already he could feel a rather incredible potential from within as it seemed to be installing features, yet it returned to its usual state quickly enough. He had no idea what happened, yet he wanted to be outside to perhaps test it out as he was pretty tired of shrines and their mysteries at this point. Going out, into the desert sun, he opened up the tablet and looked through the icons as he went on to find a new one with the symbol of an oil lamp on it. From what he knew, such items were used to merely help build fires or to light up the way. Certainly it couldn't be that it gave him a way to bypass torches in the dead of night? They wouldn't go with such artifice and warning for such a simple function? Understanding that they did warn him to do this in a place where he might be assisted afterward, he glanced at Gerudo Town which was about a 100 meters away, then steeled himself to find out just what this option would do. He tapped the lamp icon...

And everything changed.

Right there, the aura of power that had been poured within the slate came back, yet was multiplied as thick some went on to erupt from the screen, shaped into tendrils of wavy composition as they all attached themselves to his form. He felt a connection with the tablet, as if its thinking and logical processes were attached to his as he found out that it was scanning the area, looking through the database, through its analysis and experience as it then knew for a fact that it was close to Gerudo Town. As such, this meant that the Savior's Shrine had appeared where the one who completed all trials was consciously, or subconsciously more comfortable. As such, it proceeded on with more tendrils of smoke as they all went to connect together to form some seamless thick mixture of mist, vapor and smoke which sparkled with energy and wonder.

At first, Link felt startled, kinda shocked as he had never witnessed the slate acting this way. He knew it was a wondrous thing capable of stocking information and to reduce armor, weapons, components, ingredients and even magic to an easily-stored form, yet now it seemed to want to do it to him as well. He tried moving away, yet the smoke was connected to him and as he removed his hands from the object, he found out that it was floating in mid-air. However, as soon as the smoke stopped pouring, another stage in whatever this was had been completed and now a very pleasant kind of aura, a vibration not just in body but in soul and mind was reverberated toward his being. He felt...nice. Faint ideas of letting this happen, that everything would be alright and that he would make it so everyone would be safe and protected coursed through him as he started to believe it. There was a possibility, a vague one, that this might turn out for the best as his body began to grow slightly slack while his thoughts focused on the slate and the process it had begun.

The smoke began first by clearing his tunic and vestment, the champion's outfit given to him so long ago. It was no longer needed, but it would also not fit with the current atmosphere. As such, the tendrils dissolved the current clothes he was wearing, converting it to another ensemble that Link had and that, according to the files, he had worn a vast amount of time. There was, as such, a familiarity and a preference for it which was seen as beneficial. Some of the excess material of the tunic, which was dissolving around his abdomen, went to create a shawl on his head, to the middle of his cranium down to his neck as he felt his belly being caressed by the hot air and the rays of the sun. Then, his tight pants went on to get loose and purple as his belt turned into a sash and by now Link figured out that the outfit in question which the slate was referring to was the Gerudo vai ensemble, the one he used to sneak around. He had been complimented so often, it was so comfortable and so pretty that he did love it in secret, yet to think it was his favorite might be a stretch...and yet his heart skipped a beat as he felt as if he was in a state of hyper-introspection and honesty and he did love it very, very much.

His mind seemed very open right now, bombarded with information as he was made to be calm and peaceful. Some tiny magic swirled within his head, resulting in one of his eyes mimicking a spiral pattern, as if it was downloading concepts and abilities within himself. He was, for all matters and purpose, becoming one with the slate itself as he found new capacities and talents within himself. A rush of information was instilled within his brain, yet a wave of constant and building euphoria managed to make this not just a pleasant experience, but a pleasant one as the outfit he wore was continuously being remade and created. It was not an instantaneous process like in the past where his clothes would change right there without him having to do much beside press an option on the slate, but rather it was something to distract and entertain him. Soon, the veil came upon his mouth as it went on to hide an expression of pure ecstasy as his body was filled with energy that felt akin to that of a thousand guardians. He had never felt this way before as his eyes rolled backward while spirals filled them, the information and ideas still upcoming and being installed.

His shoes went on to get replaced while his top and the sleeves around his arms appeared, making it so the ensemble continued in its progress. The tendrils then connected to his flesh as it cured every little imperfections, removed scars and fresh wounds in order to make him look pristine and healthy. Jewelry followed next, their golden and radiant sheen glimmering under the sun as he felt hot but astonishingly good. The power, the might within him was almost too much for him to bear with, but the slate kept things stable as Link shone brightly and it was at that point that one of his leg turned into smoke itself. Kept in fascination, under some kind of hypnotic spell, no trace of fear or worry could be found within or without Link as there was a transformation one, not just of the body, but of the soul. He was transcending to a new form, to a new purpose filled with potential and he found out that he loved it. Pure thoughts of satisfaction and of potential, of possibilities were thrown his way as his subconscious and conscious absorbed it all, placing it within ideals that he went on to develop as well. With all of this might, he could very well be more than a champion, more than a simple hero but rather a legend...and he welcomed it.

Soon, the other leg joined in as the Gerudo outfit was completed, his body dissolving to smoke. Like the embrace of a lover, the tendrils closed around him as his skin and his vestments went on to gradually turn into a pleasant and almost-dancing mist, gathered by the slate and its tendrils as Link's eyes spiraled madly and lovingly. Yes, this was right as his legs went on to get sucked within the slate, then his waist and abdomen began to get thicker with smoke before dissolving in the same way. Link was going inside the slate, inside this magnificent object as he finally realized that he would soon be the slate and the slate would be him as well. All these tricks and more could be replicated by him...and even more than was possible. Power crackled through his dissolving form as he had to be contained, had to be built from the ground up and perhaps even wielded for better purpose. Yes, he needed to guide and to be guided, a catalyst, advisor and trusted ally, perhaps even someone with a strong will. What he needed was a master, in truth.

With this realization, his torso, arms and head were then turned in the same substance, magic spreading like lightning within his veins and then Link was fully absorbed. He was nowhere to be seen, yet as the process was completed, a thundering sound was spread as it announced a new being and perhaps even a new dawn for Hyrule...yet Link only had to be found now for this era to be born...

Riju looked at the object she had in hand.

A guard had given it to her and she was fearful about what it represented. A sound like thunder was heard nearby the suspicious shrine, yet somehow the aura was gone. Link had apparently completed his task, like she knew he would, yet now he had disappeared and all that was found of him was this ancient tablet-like item. Link always had it on him, relied on it quite often and for it to have been abandoned, dropped on the ground near a shrine did not bode well for the fate of the champion. Riju did not entirely know what to make of it, what was possible and what she ought to do about it. She was lost here, yet perhaps the very item she had in hand could come in handy. The guards had given it to her as they believed in her wisdom, in her capacities as a leader and yet she was as dumbfounded as anyone else. She did wish so that she could be as good as they thought her to be, perhaps better even than Urbosa back in the day, but that day might come down the line as she knew that now she wasn't ready. She fiddled about with the tablet and tried to open it, eventually finding a way as the only thing of note was a lamp icon. She tried to mess around, yet the only true option she had was to tap on that icon as she sighed and went on to press on it, hoping that it might lead to something of actual weight.

The moment she did so, a torrent of smoke erupted, yet it was not an ordinary one. It sparkled, shimmered, glimmered and was filled with a stupid amount of power. It twirled, almost as if it was dancing for her eyes only before a being began to shape itself. A humanoid form of pure smoke with vestments that were uncannily similar to those that Link wore until flesh was made manifest and the pale skin, the blonde hair, the frame, the sheer beauty of the masculine and feminine brought together in one package was summoned before her. This was Link, transformed, made into something more as he was magnificent, downright captivating as Riju looked in awe. He was crackling with might and potential, he had no legs but a tail made of smoke connected to his waist and hips and he had such a serene and happy expression, one hidden by his veil yet obvious in his eyes and demeanor.

"Greetings, my most noble mistress," he said, his voice somehow filling the room and yet only echoing in her mind all at once. "It is most incredible for you to be my owner, as I do have quite a large amount of fondness and respect for you. Now, if you'd please look into my eyes...We'll set our bond right here and now~"

Riju had dozens of questions, all pressing and large, yet the moment he bent forward and gazed into her own eyes she fell silent. The spirals within them were mesmerizing, mind-numbing as Riju began to feel her mouth grow slack while knowledge poured out of those spiraling orbs. He was now the collective energy of the Sheikah, the magic and technology they had found. The slate was indeed their greatest accomplishment and now he resided within, bound to it and in need to be used. He was Link, but also he was the slate. He was like a good, but also a tool. He was a servant, yet he was power as well. He needed a hand to guide him, use him and to make all dreams come true and this was to be her role as his mistress, his handler.

At first the thought of owning Link felt wrong, but the more she looked into those eyes, concepts and ideas were installed within her psyche. Her own eyes began to mimic those spirals as she felt potency, possibilities and answers come to her. Yes, with Link Riju could help rebuild Hyrule, become the greatest chieftain in all history. He was the antithesis of Calamity Ganon, a benevolent force for good who wanted prosperity and to rain benevolence on all and she could help him with that. She would direct him, command his might and treat him with respect just like he would for her. This was her role now and her privilege. Link had helped her so and he was happy, blissful, downright delighted as he lived in constant ecstasy under this form...and she would indulge him as much as he would indulge her. They were linked, connected and the slate was now rightfully hers. All that he could do, all the information that she would access and everything connected to their role and duties were passed by the spiraling eyes, with Riju now certain that this was not just fine, but excellent. Her own spiraling eyes were ablaze as she smiled, then the connection was severed as Link bowed before her in pure respect and with a servile attitude.

"Mistress, I am here to grant wishes like genies of old. I am now more than a champion, but rather not unlike a god...yet I am here to serve," Link said, believing everything he told with complete reverence and faith as he looked at her with anticipation. "Speak and I shall obey. Command me, oh great one."

Riju had changed now, yet she was still herself as well. Accepting that Link was not just happy but that she had a great opportunity set in front of her, she smiled and looked at his slave and tool with a content grin on her face. This would be the start of something great, possibilities now endless and with the greatest guardian Hyrule would ever know.

This was the start of the era of the Riju and the Gerudo djinn.