He was a hitman. He was given an order, he would execute that order and be paid. That was simply it. He lacked compassion, benevolence, fear and anything else that accompanied human nature, making him sharper and more efficient than any other 'agent' of his kind. His brain was wired like a computer, simply slot in the codes and the task would be completed. There was no such thing as this so called 'love' in his eyes, the concept had died years ago, along with his last living relatives who were slaughtered at the hands of his own brother. Then why was it then, that this particular lavender orbed female managed to stir feelings lost within Sasuke years ago, and why was her presence proving to be so damn problematic for him?
Obsidian eyes examined their surroundings. The air was pungent with the smell of alcohol, and the bar was poorly lit with only few lamps desperately flickering to remain alight. His target would be here soon. He waited patiently, confined within the darkest most isolated corner of the bar, careful to take in any wandering eyes. It was essential that he remained unnoticed, which he would do by blending in to the mundane objects surrounding him, he would just become another accessory, a mere decoration even, safe from watchful eyes. Tick. Tick. Tick. Sasuke listened intently for the whine of the deteriorating front door being opened, his ears pricked up instinctively at the sound of any male voices. Sasuke spotted his targets with ease, it was easy when the prey didn't know their predator was close by, ready to attack within a moments notice.
At last, the noble strode in, heads turned immediately due to the odd image of someone so evidently of a high status, making an appearance in a bar infested with addicts and failures. It was safe to say that the presence of Hiashi Hyuga had sparked everyone's interest, so it would be unusual if Sasuke didn't take heed too. Everything was ready and set to go, the plan was in motion and there was nothing unexpected just the way Sasuke liked it best. No unexpected occurrences meant that it would be a quick clean kill, and Sasuke would be able slip away unnoticed, just the way he arrived.

However, just behind Hiashi Hyuga was a noticeably smaller figure, a young boy perhaps? Sasuke squinted desperately to make out the dark figure. Fuck. This was the unexpected element of this kill he figured. He watch carefully as the smaller figure walked a couple paces behind Hiashi, their head lowered as if they were of lower status. Sasuke mentally cursed to himself again. What kind of fucking bar has no lights? He waited patiently to make out the face or any features he could of the second figure, a look of frustration quickly settling on his face.
Even if it was a mere second Sasuke knew what he saw. This smaller figurewas definitely not a boy. The light had only glowed strongly for very short amount of time, but the feminine features were distinct, the full lips, the cascade of inky hair and the bright bold grey orbs shielded by a thick long set of lashes that unmistakably were inherited from Hiashi. It was only the Hyuga family that held the family trait of having an almost unnatural eye colour, so Sasuke naturally figured that this could of been one of his two heirs. Their names were something along the lines of han- something, but that wasn't important. Sasuke mentally groaned. Killing this particular noble was already proving to be problematic, and he hadn't even moved so much of an inch yet. He couldn't just tell the girl to get lost because he wanted to murder her father. Fuck fuck fuck. Sasuke was ruthless and brutal yes, but he had one rule when it came to his career. He didn't kill innocents. So you can see why throwing in a young unknowing girl into the mix was something of a inconvenience.
Sasuke sifted through his limited options, leaving a witness wasn't a choice, and taking the girl with him wasn't either.
While Sasuke was hopelessly fumbling around with his rapid influx of thoughts, the perfect opportunity unraveled right before him. The noble was going to the toilet! Of course he wouldn't ask his daughter to accompany him there, Sasuke almost found himself smiling at how pathetically easy it was. It would be a simple cut to the throat in the men's toilets and Sasuke would be done for the day. It would be a lie to say Sasuke didn't feel a tinge of remorse for the girl who would probably be left wondering in a bar, while Sasuke ended her father's life in a rather embarrassing way at that. Nobody wanted to die while urinating, and nobody wanted their daughter to find them that way. However, this was not a time for empathy, it was just another job, if he didn't do it another person would anyway. At least he didn't kill the victims in an inhumane way. Most of the time they would be dead before they realised they had gotten attacked. It was better that way.
Just moments after Hiashi had gotten up Sasuke began his pursuit, carefully avoiding eye contact. He followed silently, as Hiashi had disappeared around the corner to reach the toilets. It was in the moment where Sasuke turned round the corner he realised Hiashi wasn't heading for the toilets, rather he was heading at the back entrance in order to have a cigarette Sasuke figured, as he managed to make out the lighter Hiashi pulled from his pocket. Sasuke smirked. This was the prime location for a kill. The back of this particular bar was isolated from pretty much everything, and round the back there were only trees and barely any light, perfect for not getting spotted. Sasuke was strategic, he took no chances. He had analysed the place in great detail when he had been handed the location and times the kill would take place by his employee, efficiently minimising the level of risk.
Sasuke wasn't a smoker, but he always carried a pack of cigarettes and a lighter to aid his cover, it gave him as much of a reason as anyone else to be lingering at the back of the bar. Hiashi had been outside for a minute before Sasuke decided it was time to pounce. He hadn't wanted Hiashi to get startled by him following him carelessly, but instead kept his cover for as long as was necessary. He opened the exit door.
Hiashi stood there, cigarette between his lips as he gave a quick glance over to Sasuke, before returning his gaze to the trees. He obviously didn't regard Sasuke as a threat. Eloquently Sasuke's rough fingers slid expertly over the smooth metal of his blade, which was located in the back of the thick dark coat he wore. His grip tightened on the weapon and in one smooth motion, the sharp object slid against the noble's throat, leaving blood rapidly spilling out of the place where skin had previously resided. There was a slight gasp followed by a gag from Hiashi, before his limp, lifeless body slumped harshly onto the ground. Sasuke wiped clean his blade which was stained with Hiashi's blood and replaced it at the back of his jacket, ready for its use again. Job done.
Had Sasuke not been paying attention in that particular moment, he wouldn't have heard the silent gasp belonging to someone who was hiding behind the brick wall of the bar. Panic flared within Sasuke and already his body was moving before his mind had a chance to comprehend what was happening. The witness had obviously heard the harsh crunching of the Autumn leaves, acknowledged that they were a target, and had attempted to flee. However, Sasuke was considerably faster than the individual and within a minute had them held with a blade to their throat. 'Move, and you'll die' Sasuke's words were cold and clear. The person had seemed to understand enough, as their body went stiff and didn't dare to even twitch.
It didn't take long to recognise who the person he currently had immobilised was. The inky waterfall of hair was impossible to not recognise, along with the bold Hyuga eyes that stared in shock. Sasuke was now left with an ultimatum. He could break his golden rule and simply kill the girl and go home, or he would spare her life. But at what cost? He couldn't just let her go, in that case he may as well go to the police and ask them to handcuff him there and then. Fuck it. I'm taking her with me till i figure out what to do with her. If it came to it, Sasuke would have to take the first option, something he didn't want to think about. 'W-why w-would y-you do th-this? Hinata whispered, her mind was in a spiral. What had just happened? Sasuke audibly sighed. Now was not the time or the place to talk about why he had murdered her father. 'Don't talk unless I explicitly tell you, walk slowly. Make a move and i'll kill you and everyone around' Sasuke ordered. His tone portrayed no emotion, it was on order and that was that. Hinata Hyuga knew she had no choice but to follow.
'Walk' Sasuke ordered, he had removed the blade from her neck, and now had the harsh cold metal of his gun pressed to her lower back, which he carefully concealed by being practically pressed up against her, creating the impression he was guiding her, rather than-well-kidnap her?. Hinata allowed herself one last glance at her father's lifeless body, before continuing in the direction she was being vaguely pushed in. Currently, Hinata had yet to process any emotion. Her mind had gone blank. Instead of focusing on what was happening, she only thought about the unpleasant feeling of the gun, and allowed the idea of that to guide her thoughts.
Slowly the two made their way through the main bar, none of the addicts or even workers acknowledged their presence, being too drunk to even acknowledge their own name. While Hinata's mind had fallen quiet, Sasuke's mind was quite the opposite. He was already beginning to feel a migraine press into his skull due to the whirlwind of thoughts, possibilities and scenarios unfolding themselves within his mind. Just get her to the car. Get back home. Then deal with it.
So that's what Sasuke did. They had managed to leave the bar successfully, and were almost to the car. Sasuke doubted anybody would notice the body tonight. He hadn't stupidly left it for all the drunks to gawk at, but instead, rather disrespectfully, chucked the body to one side, face on the floor in order to conceal the wound, with the autumn leaves scattered on top. Usually he would be a lot less sloppy, but with the troublesome turn of events, there was barely time for Sasuke to do anything. He had made sure though, that any trace of his own DNA didn't linger on Hiashi, and even if it did, he wasn't on any police databases meaning they still wouldn't be able to find him. The reason he never found himself on the radar of any authorities is because he was careful, so it was understandable how it astounded Sasuke that this tiny female was the only one who had somehow caught him off guard. He hadn't heard her open the door, he hadn't heard her footsteps nor her breathing. It was that tiny gasp that had leaked her location, if it wasn't for that Sasuke would have pretty much have been screwed to say the least. He had completed a countless number of kills and had never gotten even minutely close to being seen and yet this time- maybe he was becoming sloppy.
Just as they reached the car, Sasuke swiftly injected the extremely concentrated sleeping remedy into the unsuspecting girls neck, causing her to fall almost instantaneously into a deep slumber. He then carefully carried her unconscious form onto the passenger seat of the sleek polished Mercedes, surprising himself with how little she weighed. He mentally thanked god that she wore clothing that covered her well, even with the thick knit jumper that engulfed her, it was no secret that she had well- curves, and right now he had no time to think about that. He then sat himself in the driver's seat. Placed the keys in the ignition. And then drove.
He needed time to let himself think.