Nice reviews Only! :)

Warning: Blood and swearing!


Putzie Jacobs was walking home from school, just then he was yanked by the hair and couple of greasers started beating Putzie up. "S-st-stop!" Putzie begged through his tears. He tried fighting back, but they were too strong for him.

"Awww, is the little wimpy greaser crying?" One of the greasers mocked, and then kicked him in the leg.

"Please stop!" Putzie screamed.

"Hold him down!" The same greaser yelled.

Then two other greasers held his wrists and ankles down, making Putzie squirmed all over trying to release himself.

"C'mon, just stop will ya!" Putzie begged.

His face was streaming with tears.

"I don't think so." The greaser said smirking and literally kicked Putzie in the where a guy don't wanna be kicked.

"GAHHHHHHHHH!" Putzie screamed. "YOU CREEP!"

Then other greaser who wasn't holding him down, ripped his shirt off and cut his upper body with his jackknife

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Putzie screamed uptop of his lungs. "I'mma kill ya creeps!" Putzie threatens them.

"Not unless we kill you first!" The greaser said grabbing the hold of his hair. "Cut him again!"

The same greaser, who cut him, had the jackknife close to under his chin.

"Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you creeps huh?" Putzie asked.

"Because we like torturing you." The first greaser replied.

Then the third greaser slowly jabbed the jackknife at his below chine.

"GAAAAAHHHHHH!" Putzie screamed.

"HEY!" They all looked over to see the oldest members of the T-Birds standing there with the angriest looks on their faces. "Step. Away. From. The. Boy." Danny Zuko growled.

Then all five of the greasers got off of Putzie, letting Putzie rolled off to his side clinging onto his scratches in pain.

"And what if we don't?" The first greaser asked.

"Or we'll make sure you suffer like hell." Kenickie threatens him.

"We're not scared of you freaks." The second greaser said as the laughed.

"You should be!" Sonny snapped.

"Lucas," The first greaser says.

"Yeah Derrek?" Lucas asked.

"Stab him." Derrek ordered.

Then Lucas stabbed Putzie's side.

"Ahhhhhh!" Putzie screamed in pain.

The T-Birds felt their heart break for their broken best friend.

"That's it! You are gonna have slow painful death!" Danny yelled.

Then the three eldest of the T-Birds chased the greasers while Doody ran to Putzie's side.

"Hey kid, I got you." Doody said.

Then Doody saw how bloody Putzie looked.

"My god." Doody whispers. "They are so dead."

"Doody, help me." Putzie cried as he held his wound.

"Shhh, it's gonna be ok." Doody comforted him.

Then the guys came back, running to Putzie's side. Danny examined Putzie's wounds and cuts.

"I swear to God those bastards better riot in hell." Danny says angrily.

"It's hard to breath." Putzie said.

"Zuko, we gotta take him to the hospital." Sonny said freaking out.

"Hang In there Putz, let's go fellas." Danny said as Kenickie scooped Putzie up in his arms as they hurried to Greased Lightning.

After awhile Putzie was lying in his hospital bed with stitches and bandage on his wounds. The T-Birds were waiting outside of his room while his parents were in there with him. Danny was pacing back and forth.

"I really should've killed them." Danny mutters.

Kenickie, Sonny and Doody looked up at Danny.

"I REALLY should've killed them!" Danny mutters a little louder, pounding his fist against his hand.

Just then Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs walked out of the room.

"He wants you boys to be in there." Mrs. Jacobs told the boys and they stood up.

"I'm sorry." Danny apologized.

"For what?" Mr. Jacobs asked.

"For not saving Putzie fast enough." Danny admits. "I should've protected him."

"Oh Danny, honey we're not mad at you or the boys." Mrs. Jacobs told him.

"Yeah, as long Putzie is safe and healthy, it's alright. We're actually very blessed that you boys are always there to look out for Putzie." Mr. Jacobs said.

The guys smiled and the couple walked away, and the guys went in Putzie's room.

"Hey fellas." Putzie smiled.

"Hey kid." Kenickie smiled back.

"How ya doing brother?" Danny asked him.

"I'm ok, but still in pain." Putzie admits.

"We should've protected you." Danny says. "I'm so sorry."

"Danny, it's not your fault." Putzie told him.

"But they stabbed you, cut you, beaten you." Danny said.

"But you guys got there just in time though." Putzie told him.

"He's right Zuko; we gotta remember not to beat ourselves up." Kenickie told him.

Danny looks down.

"Danny, I'm ok now." Putzie said. "Thanks to you fellas."

"But for now on, you're riding to school and home with me." Kenickie told him.

"Kay." Putzie replied.

"That's my boy." Kenickie smiled, ruffling his hair.

"I need some air." Danny said leaving room and walked down the hall to the window, letting out a big sigh while a tear ran down his face. He didn't want the guys seeing him cry. He wished that he would've saved Putzie in time; he lost his older brother Dylan due to rumbling. Putzie was like his baby brother. He thought what he would've done if he lost Putzie, he even promised himself and everyone that he would keep Putzie safe and protected. But he feels like he failed everyone, including Putzie. Even everyone tells him it's not his fault, but always blames himself. Just then he punches the glass on the wall that was next to him, leaving his hand bleed, he didn't care if he was bleeding. He was mad at those greasers almost killing his best friend…his brother.