I don't own Kodomo No Omocha!


1000 years ago or more or something! Lived two gorgeous kingdoms. One ran by a beautiful 14-year-old name Sana Kurata. Her Kingdom was called Hikari! The other ran by 14-year-old name Akito Hayama. His kingdom called Kurayami! Back before the prince and princess were born the two kingdoms would always fight. One day the strongest being in the world placed a wisdom tree in the middle of the two kingdoms. The trees name was Willy Joe. Willy Joe brought peace among the mystical creatures, animals, and the two kingdoms.

One day at the palace of Hikari Sana was being forced to go to a tea party! Sana didn't feel up to it because she knew her mom would try to make her pick a groom. She changed into the dress her mom picked out. Her dress was beige with frilly ruffles running down the middle. Her dress split with a white ribbon tied in the middle leading to a big bow at the end.

" Jeeze!" Sana screamed. What they trying to do! Kill me! This dress is so poofy I'm going to fall flat on my face. Sana turned her head and saw a bag of Cheetos. Mmm! Cheetos! As i always say when you got those munchies you gotta get the snackie!

" Sana!" Rei shouted. You better not be eating those cheetos! There mine!!

Sana looked down and hid them. " I eat you delicate lil morsels later!" Sana whispered. I'm coming now!


One day at the palace of Kurayami Akito was being forced to give a speech in front of the million gloomy woomy people! He didn't want to and was force to wear a tux. That pissed him off .

" Stupid ass father!" Akito screamed at the top of his lungs! Pissin me off wearing this stupid ass tux. So freaken ugly! Blah!

" Akito! Come out now!" His father shouted.

" Bite me!" He replied.

" What da!" He said to himself.

" You heard me!" He shouted.

Akito's father came in and dragged him out of his room.


Sana came out and headed towards the garden. She slowly thought to herself thinking how she could avoid to this lame set up. " I will just run away once i get there." She said in her mind.

" Okay here you are my princess." He said happily.

" It's time." She said softly.


Akito was thinking of a way he could avoid giving his lame ass speech. He thought carefully to himself then realized what he could do. " I will just run away once i get out there." He said to his mind.

Akito was placed down at the podium.

" It's time." He said softly.


Both Sana and Akito hauled ass out of the places they were at. " To Willy Joe!" They both shouted.


Akito reached the tree first and just stood next the tree looking at the fairies that danced around the flowers. He watched them flicker and giggle to each other. He watched them fly around sprinkling fairy dust around.

" Finally some peace and quiet." He said.


Sana had arrived a minute after Akito and to her amazement she saw the fairies. She watched as they spun around giggling, sprinkling their fairy dust around, and dancing merrily. Sana was so amused that she didn't know she was heading towards Akito.

Sana's dress got caught on a branch and made her trip knocking over Akito. " Oh my gosh!!" Sana cried. I didn't mean to knock you over. My dress got caught on a branch!

Please dont be mad.


Akito looked at her and snarled. "You stupid biatch!" He screeched. He shoved her away and walked off.


A few days after the accident she had gotten a letter. She read the letter to herself.

Dear Princess Sana,

Your kingdom is going to hell!

You tripped me!

Now you rot in hell!

I call war!! YOU HEARD ME! WAR!!

Sana blinked. " What the hell!" She spat out at the letter. This messed up!! I said sorry. God now were in war!!


Hi Hi Yume here! I knew my other story was really sad ;~; so i felt like making a happy one! Well it will get funnier. I'm just setting everything up XD Willy Joe the wise tree says hi to you all! Please review. Willy Joe likes reviews!