Balto: A Tale of Two Brothers

Chapter 2: Wolf Camp

In Roku's dream, the two wolves set off to Wolf Camp. Roku and Amazon were excited to go.

"Oh boy Amazon, I can't wait for camp" "Me either brother" "you boys are gonna like it there" Flix said. they nodded. Soon they arrived and go to the camp counselor. "We are here to get in on the action" "GREAT! Let me show you to your small room" The counselor lead them to their room. "in you go. No going out until I tell you to" "ok" the boys said. "I can't wait for the events" "Me either" "I wonder which one will we do first?" "I don't know" Soon they were called out. "SURPRISE!" The camp shouted. "Oh my god. Thank you" They saw a cake there and soon they went to eat it and then when they got the spatula to cut the cake open, it blew up on them covering them with the cake and everyone laughed. "APRIL FOOLS YOU TWO" They felt embrassed that they fell for it. "Haha that was funny" Roku said. "Yes good one guys" Amazon replied.

After they went back to their cabin after eating it, they got to running in place. "Bubble Blowing contest?" "Ya" soon it was time to do it. "Ready bro?" "Ready"

They went to the middle of the field. 2 other wolves were there. Ekene and Oskar. The boys greeted them. "I never seen a purple and orange wolf before" "Why do you suppose that is Oskar?" "Probably because they fell in a paint bucket" they both laughed. "Har Har...We'll see who's laughing at the end of contest you two" "Ya" Soon the camp counselor was there. "BOYS! You 4 will be blowing for a spot on a new show called Bubble Power. The one who blows the biggest WITHOUT IT POPPING WINS. You get one try now to blow the biggest one. Amazon! Your first!" "Good Luck bro. Thanks Roku" Amazon walked up the podium. The counselor gave him the gum and he chewed it. "Ready?" Amazon nodded. "BLOW!" Amazon took a deep breath and started blowing. Roku looks on. The bubble popped when it got to 10 inches. "oh that's gotta cost him…" Roku said in his thought. Soon the rest went. The boys were marveling some big bubbles. Soon it was Roku's turn. He got up on the podium and he was ready. The counselor gave him the gum and he chewed it. Soon he was blowing. 9, 13, 20, 22, 28, 34. It got bigger and bigger and Amazon couldn't believe how big the bubbles were getting and he actually was sad. 43, 51, 54, 58, 63, 64. The boys were really backing up. "WOAH!" Amazon was amazed. 67, 76, 84, 92, 97. He almost reached 100. 98, 104. Amazon was backed up all the way to the cabin. 107, 109, 110, 117. Soon the bubble popped when he blew one more time. "ok we are set to start tomorrow. We wake up and look bright-eyed and bushy tailed for the contest tomorrow, sleep now and you'll see why. Bye you guys" Amazon and Roku looked at each other. "I'm scared Amazon" "Me too. This is gonna be something. Just keep that bubble intact long enough and one of us might be winners" "What if we don't?" "We tried ok?" "ok" they went to sleep. The next day, the horn sounded. It was 4 AM. "Ugh...shoot, got to be kidding me" Amazon said. "RISE AND SHINE BOYS!" the counselor screamed in the microphone. They all got out and greeted the counselor. "Today is the day, the Bubble Blowing Contest. You boys excited?" they all nodded. "Good like I said. Week by week, the size will decide your fate so make it big" the four nodded. Soon the TV Crew came and set up. Soon a host and a cameraman was there. "Ready Andre?" "You bet" "ok" The two of them approached the four wolves. "Hi all! Ready for tonight?" they all nodded. "I can't hear you" "YA!" "That's the spirit. We will going to 3 places. Salisbury, Charlotte and Akron. Keep your head up and you will be ok" they nodded. The counselor then told them to get in the van and soon they drove to Salisbury. They got to the stadium at 10:30 PM. Then they did whatever for 30 minutes. The fans piled in afterwards. Soon the cameras were rolling. "Hello Alaska! I'm your host Ibbie and today we have four wolves ready to prove that THEY got the power. Behind me is the stadium they will blowing those bubbles in. Salisbury Stadium. Tonight should be exciting" The referee was there. He signaled to the four to get ready. They chewed the gum. "all right bubblegum fans, you ready to see it happen? Then raise your voice as loud as you can!" the crowd screamed. "all right, 3...2...1...BLOW!" and the wolves started blowing. Oskar was leading at the end of the first blow. "AND THERE OFF!" Roku looked at Amazon and felt worried. "He needs to do better" he thought. Unfortunately, his bubble popped. "NOOOO!" he thought. The rest kept going. Soon everyone passed Roku and Roku was eliminated. "hehe one wolf down, three to go" Oskar thought. "NOOO BROTHER!" Amazon said. The whistle blew and the bubbles were popped. "Welp...time for the fans to go at him. TAKE IT AWAY GUYS!" The crowd sung Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye. Roku started to leave the stadium when Amazon came. "Brother?" "Listen...I will beat these two and get the trophy and go on the show for you" "It's best if you don't. Save yourself" "I'm NOT going down without a fight. They will get what's coming to them" "I hope you know what your gonna get into" "I'm well aware brother" "I'll be waiting for you at the camp. Good luck" "Thanks" Amazon headed back to the group. He was shedding tears heading on the plane to Charlotte. How will he pull the come backer he needs? Only time would tell for him. Meawhile Roku was flying back to the camp. He went back in the room and laid down and cried himself to sleep. "I lost the wondering if I will punished by his mom for losing...he was on TV! IN FRONT OF MILLIONS OF VIEWERS! You just can't have it pop in your face" he went to sleep. For 2 nights, he kept thinking of that night. Oskar flew back and then...Enke. Roku couldn't believe it. "My brother beat the odds?" he was shocked that Amazon did it. "YES!" the two others snarled. "So...that was your brother? You lucky son of a pup! But don't worry! He'll be put down in a heartbeat once he gets there. Mark my words" Oskar said to Roku. Oskar left. Roku was wondering if Amazon was ready for the next stage. The next day, Roku was full of hope. "If my brother wins the whole thing, I'll be shocked" he thought. Soon it was night and the show was on. After 10 minutes, the boys lined up. "Come on Amazon…" soon they took a deep breath and blew. "You can do it...come on" soon the whistle sounded. "YES!" The next night, Roku did the same thing. He cheered him on and soon saw his bubble popped. "no...please stay alive…" the whistle blew and the replay showed Amazon and Nick's bubble before they popped and it showed winner under Amazon's bubble. "YES! one more and he wins" The next night, Roku was sitting intently, ready for Amazon to meet the girl he was gonna face. It got exciting for Roku. "uh oh...Amazon better catch up" soon Stepan's bubble popped. "YES GO GO GO!" Roku was screaming for Amazon to win. Soon the whistle blew. "HE DID IT!" Roku was going crazy! "OH MY GOD I hope mom is proud" Amazon got the Male Bubble Power Trophy, gum and a chance to take the overall trophy. The next night, Roku was stomping on the bed. "I don't care anymore, if he loses, I don't give a hoot. He wins, I'm gonna die" Soon boy and girl stood face to face. Eyes locked on each other. Who would win? The ref separated them. Roku looks on. Soon the ref gave the signal. 3...2...1...BLOW! Roku was in a begging position. The contest went on for several minutes before Roku heard a pop. He looked and it was Amazon. The whistle blew and Roku was disappointed but he didn't seem to mind. The next night, he saw Amazon. He hugged him, tears coming out of his eyes. "NOW THAT'S MY BROTHER! Good job" "Thanks! I feel so happy right now you have NO idea what that was like winning a spot and then winning gum, a trophy then losing" "Well you did amazing bro" "Thanks" Soon the two boys came. "DRATS YOU GOT LUCKY AMAZON!" the next day, they were picked up to go home. Flix smiled at them. "How was it?" "Amazing" "Ya what was it like?" "Well me and Roku…" soon we head out of Roku's dream as they hear Balto call them for breakfast.