A/N: I don't own Harry Potter

This is for the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

April Writing Club

Disney Challenge: 4. Life Is Full Of Small, Perfect Moments - Write about a perfect moment in time.

Bingo: [3.E - Quote: "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney]

Amber's Attic: 6 "Waste all your time with me. I know I'm a mess right now. Don't give up, believe."- "Remember to Feel Real" by Armor For Sleep

Elizabeth's Empire: 17. (restriction) Marauders era

Lyric Alley: 3 - And we're nothing short of invincible

Word Count: 1752

"I've got the keys," Sirius called to the house. "You sure you don't want to come, Reggie?"

"On the Muggle death trap of yours? No thank you," Regulus muttered, walking onto the porch. "Mum's going to kill you if you kill yourself."

"She can't kill me if I'm dead," Sirius laughed.

"She'll raise you from the dead to kill you," Regulus stated. Sirius only laughed as he drove away, the motorcycle filling the air with noise. Regulus shook his head. One of these days Sirius was going to go too far and get himself disowned. Right now, Regulus was still holding out hope that Sirius would see the light and start to toe the family line. He was about to head inside when he heard a 'thud' from nearby.

"Sirius?" he called out, figuring Sirius had fallen from the stupid bike. Not hearing a reply, Regulus ran from the porch towards the sound.

"Sirius?" he called again. This time, he was answered with a soft moan. He picked up speed until he saw a bunch of rubbish bins knocked over. With a sigh, he shook his head and ran over there.

"Sirius?" he called, grabbing the rubbish bin nearest to him.

Instead of seeing his brother, Regulus was looking at a woman laying on her back. Her face was smeared with dirt, her clothing was torn, and her eyes were closed. She let out a soft whimper. Regulus looked around. Where had she come from? Slowly, he moved the rest of the rubbish bins out of the way and climbed over to her.

"Hello? You alright?" he asked. She could easily be a Muggle. It was a mixed neighborhood nowadays. Slowly, she shifted, whimpering as she moved. Regulus could see her wrist was bent at a funny angle. Her eyes fluttered open and she squinted in the sunlight.

"I think your wrist is broken, don't try to move," Regulus said. The woman felt around herself, her fingers finally finding what she was looking for. Regulus realized it was a wand. He let out a sigh of relief. He could only image the grief he'd have gotten for helping a Muggle.

"Ow, okay, I'm okay," she muttered managing to sit up. She blinked staring at her wrist. Her hand was hanging limply. "Okay, that's not so good," she said, before her eyes rolled back and she passed out in the rubbish. R

egulus looked around. There wasn't anyone else around. His parents were out at some function. Sirius and Regulus had not been invited. Carefully, Regulus picked up the witch and carried her into Number 12 Grimmauld Place. She was a witch, she had a wand, he only hoped she was the right kind of witch. The last thing he wanted was to get disowned.

He laid her down gently on the couch. He still had another year at Hogwarts before he was allowed to use magic outside of school. He honestly had no idea how to fix her wrist without magic. For a moment, he debated risking it. She started stirring.

"It's alright," he said. "I brought you inside. Don't move too much, I can't fix your wrist," he said, trying to keep her calm. She actually looked a little younger than he'd first thought, maybe about Sirius' age?

"Is my wand broken?" she asked, her voice shaky. She held it out to him, she hadn't even let go of it when she'd passed out. Regulus took it and studied it.

"It looks fine," he answered, handing it back to her. "Wait, how'd you know I was a wizard?" he asked.

"I just did," she answered, waving her wand over her broken wrist. Regulus heard it snap back into place. She winced.

"That will hold for now," she muttered. "First thing's first, where am I?"

"Um, Number 12 Grimmauld place."

She seemed to smile slightly.

"Got that part right, then, good. Wait, who are you? Where's Harry?"

"I don't know anyone named Harry, I'm Regulus."

"Regulus Black?" she asked, her eyes widening. He nodded. "Well, that just figures. Wait, this might still work... what year is it?" she asked.

"Did you get a concussion when you hit your head? Everyone knows what year it is," he said. Hermione glared at him, ignored him, and managed to summon a copy of the Daily Prophet. She looked at the date line and smiled slightly.

"I can work with this, I might have overshot things a little, but I can make this work."

"Wait, what do you mean, you over shot things?" Regulus asked, staring at her. She had to be mad, didn't she? She wasn't making much sense.

"Have you joined Him yet?" she asked, looking at Regulus.

"Joined who?"

"You're going to make me say it? Fine, Lord Voldemort," she said. Regulus stared at her.

"Wait, you think.. I'm going to be a Death Eater? That's insane!"

She stared at him.

"You don't want to be a Death Eater?" she asked.

"No, those guys are crazy. I mean, yes, Mum and Father believe in all that, and Barty does too, but..."

"Never mind, alright, you're not a Death Eater, don't plan on being a Death Eater. Who's Barty?"

"My best mate, Barty Crouch Jr. Why am I telling you all this, I don't even know your name."



"Does it matter?" she asked. One look at his face, and Hermione nearly rolled her eyes. "Granger," she answered. "And yes, I'm related to the famous potioneer," she added, her voice cracking at the word 'yes' and 'related'. Regulus smiled. He'd been right to bring her home with him. She was the right kind of witch, at least his parents would think so.

"Now, can you explain what you mean by you over shot things? Where did you even come from?"

"I apparated," she answered.


"Somewhere bad. I was trying to reach my friend Harry, but I messed up."

"Do you want me to help you find him?" Regulus asked. He still didn't understand what she was talking about, but he kind of liked the way she was making him feel. Like he was important, like she didn't care about his surname, or any of the things most witches cared about.

"No, he's not here. He won't be here for a long time," she said softly, toying with the gold chain around her neck. Regulus realized he's seen something like it before.

"Is that a time turner?" he asked. She pulled it out and held it in front her.

"Yes, it's broken now. It was a one way trip, I knew it would be when I did it, but now, I messed up a bit."

"How much of a bit?" Regulus asked.

"Um, about twenty years," she admitted. "I'm about thirty years from when I wanted to be."

"But you said you could make this work?"

"I think I can. I need to double check my notes, they're already wrong, since you're not... with Him. At least not yet."

"It's not going to happen. You're from the future, I join the Death Eaters?"

"Yes, and it gets you killed, why am I even telling you this? I shouldn't be telling you anything," she grumbled. Regulus smiled.

"I've always heard I'm easy to talk to?" Regulus suggested. "Or you can't lie to me."

"I already did," Hermione muttered. "I'm a Muggle-born, not related to anyone famous in this world. Wait... why the bloody hell did I say that?"

"Because you can't lie to me, you tried to, managed to get one lie out and now you can't. Here, let me see if I can lie to you. My name is Sirius," Regulus started to say, his words caught in his throat and all he could do was cough.

Hermione stared at him.

"This is not in plan!" she yelled. Regulus laughed.

"My parents are going to disown me," he whispered. "Wow, and I thought that was the worst thing in the world until just now."

"Really? Now what's the worst thing? Please don't say living without me. I have to stop Him before he kills everyone I care about."

"Wait, he kills me?"

"Yes, well, you die and he's responsible somehow," Hermione admitted. "This is, grrr!"

"No more yes or no questions, since we can't lie. What can I do to help you with your plan?"

"What year are you at Hogwarts?" Hermione asked, being careful to phrase it so Regulus had to say more than yes or no.

"Seventh. How did you know I was still in school?"

"You couldn't heal my wrist. I'm eighteen, so that would make me your age."

"Great, because that makes what I'm about to do that much easier," Regulus stated, kissing Hermione. She pulled back, looked at him, and smiled.

"Does that mean you're going to help me figure out what to do next? I think I need to find the Order of the Phoenix, I don't know if it exists... How am I supposed to do this when I can't explain it?"

"I could help you, I know some people. I know Barty's friends with some people who are you know. We could claim the information came from his friends?" Regulus suggested, catching the clock out of the corner of his eyes.

"We also need to find some place to hide you. My parents will be home soon and I know they won't approve of you. Wait, Sirius had some Muggle-born friends! You might be able to stay with them?" Regulus said frantically. Hermione put her hands on his and looked into his deep eyes.

"We'll figure it out, Regulus. Why don't we go for a walk so we won't be here when they return?"

"Right. Sirius should be back soon too, think he can help us?"


"And you won't fall in love with him like every other girl?"

"I promise," Hermione stated, giving Regulus a smile. "I can't lie to you, remember? Now, do you know somewhere we can go, somewhere private so I can go over my notes, see if I can figure out where to go from here?"

"There's a Muggle library near here. No one will look for me there. Come on, we can grab dinner too," Regulus suggested, taking Hermione's hand and leading her from the house. Regulus smiled. Despite what Hermione said, he was never going to join the Death Eaters. For her, he would leave his family and fight against Lord Voldemort. For her, he would do anything.