A/N: Sorry this is late, but I had issues with online school and had to edit this, too. Also, my WiFi was taken away yesterday after distance learning. :(

The gods strolled into the arena at Camp Half-Blood, expecting to see the demigods training.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen? A little pettifogging?

What they saw was much, much worse.

Hades almost fainted at the sight of his son, Nico, wearing a unicorn onesie and prancing around, chanting, "Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows!"

Hazel looked glum as she cussed at anyone who walked within a yard of her. "(Beep)," she growled at Nico who had pranced just a bit too close for her comfort.

Zeus lost his cool as he saw his children.

The usually uptight Jason giggled girlishly as Thalia, who was wearing a pink dress, dyed his hair sky-blue and applied makeup on him. The siblings had perfect mascara, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and a bunch of other things the sky god couldn't ever dream to name.

Aphrodite actually passed out.

She had noticed Piper with the Graces, fussing over her hair and reading gossip magazines while admiring her hot pink nails.

Drew was being nice for once, wearing a grey hoodie that clashed horribly with her jeggings and Vans, and no makeup at all.

Hermes looked horrified at his sons.

The Stolls were marching and scolding everyone on how they should be practicing, not a hint of mischief. Their stony faces and scowls shocked the messenger god, who lost his consciousness.

George chuckled while Martha rolled her eyes.

Hephaestus gaped at Leo, who was following Travis and Connor's example, muttering, "Stupid machines. Always in the way and never function properly."

That was when Hephaestus lost it and started sobbing uncontrollably.

Ares took one look at Clarisse, who curled her hair and was modeling for one of those magazines, and screamed.

Turning to look at Frank, he screamed again.

His usually awkward son was yelling "DIE!" as he chased down two pigeons.

Screaming a third time, he joined Aphrodite, Hermes, and Hephaestus on the ground.

Demeter cried when she saw Katie stomp on some flowers.

The demigod proceeded to kick aside some hay.

"No!" the goddess wailed. "Grain! Oatmeal! Cereal!"

She curled into a ball and began eating some Whole Grain Cheerios.

Apollo choked on air when he saw his usually peppy son, Will, wearing black eyeliner, black clothes, and had even dyed his hair black.

Nico dragged his boyfriend around, making him prance. "Come one!" the son of Hades grinned. Will groaned and trudged behind him.

Hecate did a spit-take and dropped her glass of nectar when she saw Lou Ellen and her siblings dressed up as the leader of a cult.

"And now," she chanted, standing in a circle of runes, objects, and stuffed animals that had beady eyes and were seriously creep-looking.

"We will honor Satan in all his evilness; we will worship him as our rightful leader! To the devil! He shall take what is rightfully his once again!"

The goddess of magic's eyes lit up. That was a great idea!

She flashed some dark-colored robes in the place of her toga and went to join her children.

Athena shrieked like an owl.

Annabeth was donning a crop-top, scrunchies, short shorts, and cheerleader pom-poms.

"Give me an O!"

"O!" the rest of the Athena cabin echoed.

"Give me a L!"


"Give me a Y!"


"Give me a M!"


"Give me a P!"


"Give me an U!"


"Give me a S!"


"What does that spell?!"


The Athena kids then did a couple flips, aerial cartwheels, human pyramids, and other stuff that was impressive, but their mother didn't see.

She was already out cold.

Poseidon gasped overdramatically when he saw Percy.

The hero of Olympus was now… emo? Punk? What was that word again?

Anyways, he was wearing a black hoodie, black ripped jeans, black Nike sneakers, and… well, black everything. His tousled hair was long and shaggy. His sea-green eyes were dull and dark, surrounded by a thick layer of black eyeliner. A silver earring pierced his right earlobe.

"Someone's going to die tonight," he snarled at the gods that hadn't passed out yet. "And it's one of you."

Zeus looked uncomfortable. "But Perseus, we are immortal," Zeus stated, confused.

"Are you, Zeus, are you?" the demigod raised an eyebrow ominously.

A maniacal grin stretched across thin lips as he ripped off his hoodie to reveal a blood-stained black T-shirt. The other demigods abruptly stopped what they were doing and had similar smiles on their faces. The Mist around them flickered, revealing their outfits as ripped and blood-stained. Their pupils shrank and their eyes became reptilian. Makeup palettes and pom-poms became knives and maces.

"As I said, someone's going to die tonight," Percy said with a sickly sweet smile that promised pain and death. "We'll all die." "In blood and anguish and fire!" Annabeth added.

The gods screamed, picked up their sobbing/unconscious fellow Olympians, then flashed out of their faster than Sonic the Hedgehog.

Three amused goddesses watched from the hearth.

Hera snorted. "Do they not know it's April Fools' Day?" she rolled her eyes.

"That boy has some good ideas," Artemis said grudgingly.

"That boy is the twice-savior of Olympus. He's a man," Hestia replied, eyes locked on Percy, who was rolling on the floor guffawing.

"True," the moon goddess shrugged half-heartedly.

The Amazons and Hunters watching from Iris Messages laughed hard, clutching their stomachs and wiping away tears.

Reyna watched, amused. "They're going to get smited one day," she muttered fondly.

"WHO DARES TO PULL A PRANK ON-" Zeus' voice boomed.

"And... there it is," Reyna sighed.

Artemis grinned. "Perseus, want me to change you males into jackalopes so you could hide easier?" she called.

Hestia high-fived her and Hera chuckled.




"AND ZEUS, YOU HAVE TO CATCH ME FIRST!" Percy yelled, running towards the lake.