It was a gorgeous sunny day in the city of Toronto, Ontario. The summer of 2007 was just around the corner, and the schools were just about to be dismissed for the summer, which means the kids all had a few months off from school and were free to do as they liked, as long as it fell within legal limits.

At a café at a busy shopping street in Toronto, a Caucasian human male was sitting at a table outside the café. This Caucasian male had slick black hair and wore a pair of yellow aviator shades along with a black two piece suit with a white dress shirt and a green tie and some chocolate brown loafers. He was tapping away on the buttons of his phone as he was waiting for someone to arrive for a meeting that they had scheduled at this café. As the Caucasian male looked up from his phone, he saw a slightly tanned human male with medium length raven hair and a perfectly shaven stubble on his face approach his table. This raven haired male was dressed in a tan two piece suit with a light blue dress shirt and black oxford shoes as he stopped in front of the Caucasian male's table.

"Hello, Raymond. I'm here just as you requested." The raven haired male told the Caucasian male, whose name was Raymond.

Raymond gave the raven haired male a nod. "Hello, Chris. Have a seat." He gestured to a seat in front of him. The raven haired male, whose name was Chris sat down in front of Raymond as a waitress walked over to them.

"Hello, gentlemen. May I take your order?" The waitress kindly asked Raymond and Chris.

Raymond nodded. "I'd like an espresso, please." He replied to the waitress.

"I'll have an iced coffee." Chris replied.

"Very well. Your drinks will be with you shortly." The waitress nodded after having written down the two men's orders and walked inside to get their drinks ready.

Raymond and Chris nodded before turning their attention back to each other. "I think you know why I called you here today, McLean." Raymond then told Chris.

Chris nodded. "I sure do, Raymond. You called me here today because you wanted to propose a new show for me to host, correct?" He asked Raymond.

"Correct. The studio's been developing this new concept for a reality tv show with a focus on drama. And between you and me, you've got the lawsuits to prove that you know drama." Raymond replied as he took off his aviator shades and placed them on the table.

Chris had a smug, yet interested look on his face. "A new reality show concept with a focus on drama? Color me interested. What's the concept about?" He asked Raymond.

"Here's the deal...We'll be inviting between 20 to 24 teenagers to this old summer camp on an island in Muskoka, Ontario. You're gonna be splitting them into two teams, and every 3 days, they have to compete in a challenge against the other team. The losing team has to vote someone off the island, after which they're out of the game. This will continue until the teams are merged, after which the challenges become individual. In the end, only one of these 20 to 24 teenagers will remain, and said teenager will be rewarded with cheesy tabloid fame and a small fortune, because let's face it, McLean: Once they see that summer camp, they'll be gone within a week." Raymond explained to Chris.

Chris smiled and nodded. "That sounds very good. Anything else I should know?" He asked Raymond.

"There's also gonna be an after show, but you don't have to worry about taking care of that. We've already assigned Blaineley O'Hallaran and Alexneushoorn to host it together. Alexneushoorn is a smart young man who's been in the tv show hosting business since he was a teen himself, and he's popular with the teen and under 40 demographic because they enjoy watching him comfort the voted out contestants on The Wow Factor." Raymond explained to Chris.

Chris laughed gleefully. "Alexneushoorn and Blaineley hosting the after show together? They're the perfect combination for an after show! Blaineley's gonna make those kids feel awful and then Alexneushoorn can let them cry on his shoulder!" He replied.

Raymond nodded. "That's exactly what we're aiming for. Anyway, from what I'm hearing from you...You're gonna do this?" He then asked Chris as he leaned forward on the table.

"Heck yeah! I've been dying to get some work again after my adventure on that stupid ice skating show!" Chris replied without even hesitating.

Raymond smiled. "I'm glad to hear that, Chris. You're also gonna be having a co-host in the form of the summer camp's chef. He can make those kids feel just as awful as you probably could, so you're gonna be getting along just fine. That is, if he's willing to do this as well." He replied before his phone rang and picked it up.

"Hello, Suzy? Have you heard from that Hatchet guy yet? What's that? He took the job? Wonderful! Okay, well, McLean took the job as well, so once we have all the contestants selected, filming is a go. I'll talk to you about that later." Raymond said before hanging up his phone.

"Well, looks like my camp chef is ready to go as well." Chris said with a smug grin.

"Indeed." Raymond replied. The waitress from before then came back with Raymond's espresso and Chris' iced coffee.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, gentlemen. Here's your espresso and your iced coffee. Enjoy." The waitress said with a smile as she put the espresso and iced coffee down on the table.

"Thank you, young miss." Raymond replied to the waitress before she walked away. "Cheers, Chris." Raymond told Chris before taking a sip of his espresso.

"You too, Raymond." Chris replied as he took a sip of his iced coffee before sighing in satistfaction. "I'm back in action..."

And there you have it! I've seen plenty of Submit Your Own Character remakes of the first season of Total Drama, and I decided to have my own go at it. And yes, a fictional version of myself is gonna be hosting the after show alongside Blaineley, which will make for some good entertainment. You can find the Application Template for this fic on my profile, provided to me by Just My Desserts, who's gonna be setting up a Total Drama Island remake of their own. Be sure to check out that one as well. :D – Alexneushoorn